HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Lucknow Sentinel, 1951-04-05, Page 9• TH f;DAY, APRIL 5th,, ':.1951 THF. ZUC KNQW SENTINEL, .,LUCKNOW,,,, ONTARIO .6 PAGE N"us N`o .matter where—home, hotel or office dean,, bright wails always,, • .. please.. ` Paint -wise people ' ,use 13-H=H "FRESCONETTaE'.', ' .a one -coat, velvet -finish, washable oil paint: Ealy . to apply' by brush, 'ro'ller or • spray. . ESE • �•�.,. Dries' . uick q l Y „ 1 Johne W. Ienderson Lumber ; Limited Phone 150, Lucknow Ont. 53 NUMBERS C ALLED • FOR JACKPOT ; TONIGHT • • • The Legion'sweekly bingo will ,be.aeld tonight (Thursday) •with . 53 numbers calleet for the:. $500, • jackpotprize: It : is planned, we` "understand, to �•keep,'the jackpot. I at $500 and increase,the .numiber j of ' calls' by one .each week, , and; . a it'has 'not been won shortly, Willi. be' let go. -anyway. OBITUARY SAIVIUEL J. KILPATRICK i. The° death occurred at .kiis:_;bone in A hfield on Monday, •,March ,nth, 'of Samuel Janes Kilpatrick, Ian exemplary citizen, arid one of the. Township's. most highly re- spected and esteemed residents. Mr. Kilpatrick was 74 years .of age anti had been poorly for the ;past' few weeks,; with pneumonia and as heart condition finally overtaxing his failing strength.. Mr. Kilpatri,c.;k• was. born' in Ashfield on the' ,home' farm' now occupied by 'his son Richard. 'He was:: one of eight children of the late . Joseph Kilpatrick and -Eliza, Jane' Treleaven. ,Satjiuel remained °on the farm 'and- spent :his -entire, life , in 'his native Township.' , Forty = four, years ago ast December Yema reIried Elizabeth •Anderson, and' °thKi1patriek home .was alwaysa place of '' kindly hospitality. Mr. I Kilpatrick was a home :'loving man and..a kind' and .loving hus- band" and father. He 'was. a, .de - Voted and faithful church man. For many years he Was a member of. Blake. United Church, and 'since.. retiring eleven ':ears ag , to � the.,Ri'vket;t farm on the 6;th. Con= cession, Mr.' and Mrs. Kilpatrick were members of Crewe. United Churoh. . :A private funeral service • was held at his . late ' ;residence ' on.I. Wednesday, .March '28th, followed b a y public service in Dungan- non. United ungan=non..United Church, which' was largely attended: - The wealth : of fldral.. tributes a n,d. • t h e, .constant. stream • of friends who • visited-. the Kilpat: rick' home -Were expr. e'ssive of the high: regard in' : which Mr., Kil- ' patrick was held The`service was conducted by Rev.;J Bright,,and interment was in • Dungannon ',Cemetery. The 'pallbearers ,were Har.veybTrelea- ven, Milton Kilpatrick, Harvey and Toni Anderson,; and Charlie and • Dave .Anderson. Neighbors ate' asflower ers ' acted wer�bea r Surviving are Mrs.. Kilpatrick; a daughter Mrs. Cecil. Blake (.Olive) 'of Dungannon; two sons, -Palmer of Toronto and Richard I BQ[.NOARY WEST . The March meeting• of the Par- amount -W, 1. was held at the home of -Mrs; O. Richards, Due°'to the• 'flu epidemic " .there was a small crowd. Mrs R. Hamilton will..' be hostess for • the April. meeting.' All members are asked to. !be. present,. -.as this is the an-. nual ' meeting, ° A progressive; euchre party was held at the home of Mrs. J. El- phick • with ten tables present.A revolving "sandwich tray v�'hich. was, donated by. Mr. and. Mrs. Shelton,, • was won; by'Alvin. Ham- ilton. Twelve 'games, of ' cards Were played First prize waS"won •by Donald, Hamilton. Mrs, Emile MacLennan . .and Mrs.` Grant Mie Diarnid • were `stied -for ,the ladies prise with Mrs.". McDiarmid win- ning the draw.' Consolation prizes. were Won b Mrs •L �Martin y . and Wm.. Hamilton.. Mrs. Grant Me- Diarinid presided at. ' the piano for community singing. Eldon' Henderson and • Mrs..J; Gersch fav- ored'with a duet. A 'dainty lunch Was served by .the hostess•. and ladies of the. Institute. Mrs. J. Oesch of Zurich° (nee Jessie, MacDonald, is visiting.•her sister, Mrs.. Eldon. Henderson. • 'Mr. and Mrs.: Lloyd ,Henderson and children .:of 'Hubert,' Quebee, Mr. and Mrs, Ronald Henderson' of• Hamilton, Miss E, Henderson, R.N., of Stratford visited Mr. & .' J. Henderson. o Mrs s n Bessi avi ' Visited Mr.` e ,Reae t d with and Mrs. .Sam• Gedeles at Amber- , mkber- ; Mr.. and Mrs'. E;' Reavie and family of Pine' River visited with Mr. and Mrs.. G. McDiarmid Mr. Bob. Campbell .underwent'. an appendix operation in' 'Wing-. nam. Hospital. Allyn ..and ' Donald • McChariles visited with their uncle and' aunt, Mr:.' and ,Mrs, Hartley •MacTavish of London. Mrs,K: MacKenzie returned to. her .school; in Plymouth, Michigan,, after spending the .Easter holi- days '"at ' her Thome Mrs.' D.. A. MacDonald' was i St, Joseph's Hospital, ''London and is now coiivalescing� ,..at her dau ghter's,: Mrs. 'Ralph "•.Colwell, of: London, Mr. and`, Mrs. Robert Reid and family. and 'Mr.' and Mrs. Kings bury spent a day in' London `• Mrs G. Stanley and Mrs. Tom Irwin are not : hi the . best of health. Mr. Frank,,MacLennan : is able: to, be out .again.. after the•'flu.• 1 1111k 04 1, .0 • i. 1 E • THIS TIRE •ipirfsags'`• j YOU .TPHRU ' WNEN THE, GOING IS TOUGH!. • Mede.Only By,. B.. F. GOodicb Drive safely' ,rsurely on Mud- . Snow tires over, mud or snow 1 covered roads. .`..ithe spec-' ;designed ,treadpermits • diving without chains .. sure ,pulling, power::' ..Mason's , Garage 'Phone .148, Lu"cknow':. • 1'• ;'• "B.F Goodrich l: 'J.-t,a4.•BEST IN.THE.,J.ON4 PUN of Ashfield; two sisters, .Mrs. H. , E Hanson (Anna Mae) of Tawas,' Michigan;„ Mrs. J D. McCormick (Agnes) ; of Long ..Beach,. Califor- nia, and abrother,' Will. of .Mack- hn, • Sask. Mr. Kilpatrick was predeceas- ed by four' brothers, Rev. 'Rich .ard T. Kilpatrick, Rev. I: W. Kih' 'Patrick, John and. Worthy.., -DONALD C.`MacDONALD • :Donald Cameron MacDonald, a • lifelong resident of "St. Helens, passeter. and. Colin of St. Helen Mr. MacDonald was predeceas- ed by a son, Duncan, in 1940,. and: by five. brothers ` and' ;a , sis- Thursday;'. He;;, had :• suffered •'a very'heavy stroke a week before and no hope (was .heldfor his ' i recovery. . For many years he was• engag ed:: , threshing business, and' i n'the� was, well ' and widely-'kn'own-;;in I thin district, and held, in the high . est esteem • Mr. MaeDoriald's 'death occur=, red, only a "stone's' throw" from the' MacDonald homestead a. cross the road;, where he was born ori March 15th, 1874,' having prassed his 77th -birthday by ably two. weeks. Mr. MacDonald was one of ten children born to ffugh MacDori= aid` and .Elizabeth Gillies.'. Four. of ithe •family still .survive' ° Mrs. 1VIacDorialdy ,who was: ill with pleurisy at the time 'of her husband's" death, Was formerly.. • Elizabeth . Cameron. They were married in Brandon; Manitoba, in 1914;:: The funera(1f`'service was held. .at his late.residence on Saturday, conducted by. Bev, S E: Hay ward of St`. Helens United church: Interment-. was. in Greenhill Cem- etery with six nephews acting as' pallbearers, .Charles . and Gordon MacDonald, Will • and Donald', Rntoul, ,Tack Gillies ' and Jack MacDnoald. ' Sui{viving besides his • Widow are two sons, H'Ugh havid df St. 'I I. 'Helens; Angus: Of' near i .White -1 church; . one daughter, Mrs. Alan McCOliarleS (Mae) Of- I rkona and two grandchildren, Also surviv- ing; are one, sister, Mrs, Margaret MacPherson of t 1lainilton and th.ree brothers,. Angus of 1$intd , kiss, Alta.; John A, of Wingham .moi E > 1 q l e6••• r, ► r, 1• 1> ► • >•w !••.f...44?; 1 1.. Q " 4 The 'Luckno Municipal Garbage Collection Service will be resumed t. is Week and. will follow the schedule-former- ly cheduleformer;ly ' observed, as follows: NORTH SIDE.:. -THURSDAY, OF EACH WEEK.. SOUTH SIDE. --FRIDAY OF EACH EACH. WEEK: :age starts '•This. • week; ° Garbage, consists . of ' Wrapped Refuse and .Washed Tin. Cans ' and 'Bottles set out in containers. . LUCKNOW MUNICIPAL' COUNCIL: 1 1 1 1 Mr. and Mrs. M. ,Hanna,, Mr. and Mrs. Jaynes" Spilsbury, Miss. Frances Hamilton, of London vis- ited with Mr. and .Mrs. R. Ham- ilton. . Dickie Richards visited . ' his grandparents; Mr. and" ' Mrs. T MacDonald: Ashfield' Presbyterian W.M.S. T h e Easter Thankoffering `meeting . of the Ashfield Presby- terian church was held at -the home• of Mrs. Henry • MacKerizie on Wednesday, March 28th with Mrs. .Reuben. Wilson.,: presiding &' 20: present : Mrs Colin 'McGregor opened the meeting . with • prayer. Fhe:.scripture-'reading of the Res=. urreetion story was ,read. by Mrs. Ewart Jamieson.. ' Those'. taking part •in'``the •,prayer .;•circle were • .Mrs. Hugh MacKenzie and Mrs. Will. Johnston, Mrs.. Jack . Mac- Kenzie gave the ' review • of the Glad Tidings:. Bev. R. A. Mac - Connell' . gave a splendid address on the' Resurrection and the .•nee- essity .'for: prayer. Mrs. Will Ross' gave . a. reading. .on` Easter. Rev. MacCoiinell closed the meeting with prayer, ; Iow, Long Will. You Live? »; Recent' experiments indicate a' • mother's age, may affect. the .life span', of 'children she may have. Also, your, manner of : living .af- fects longevity! See a list of 'fav- ' orable and ' unfavorable factors, told in an article' in this Sunday's (April' 8) issue of the American .' Weekly, . exclusively with The ' `: Detroit Sunday . Times. on. Guaranteed Trust Certificates ISSUED for any amount . for a tenni'. of -five years:.. guaranteed both : as to principal and interest •... Interest cheques mailed to ' reachholders: on due ''date, or, at holder's: • option, • may be allowed to accumulate ' at. compound 'interest.' An ideal investmentfori Executors • Individuals • Administrators;. Committees' • Corporations • Trustees. Cemetery Boards :• Hospital Boards CORPORATION -• . 372. Bali Street ,Toronto 1 • F• ee.,'•:`:" What a' scrumptious cake .. 1 igli; . moist and delicious. You can tell,: it's . made -with butter, for ;only.. butter has ' that, creamery -fresh - flavour. flavour: It's rich ,in natural vitamins; high in food energy. So' if you :would be famous for fluffy cakes and ',feathery,: pastry, use golden butter in al.l,yotir baking. ENIOY DAIRY FOODS; NATURE'S EINE SERVICE BUREAU/ 409 HURON STREETEOM TORONTO, ONTARIO .r T,.. 1 J,• by^Yc • '1. • 1 y• 'h , • ✓1 ir l,. 0A • 1 fri k