HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Lucknow Sentinel, 1951-04-05, Page 7THURSDAY, APRIL 5th,, 1951. yceum Theatre • W INGHAM TvoShows Each Night! FIRST SHOW AT 145 TONIGHT. —THURSDAY a n #A. ` Lonely Place, FRIDAY,' SATURDAY APRIL 6, ' 1 ROBERT TAYLOR, LOUIS; 9A1HERN DEVIL: S DOORWAY MATINEE SATURDAY Monday, Tuesday,. Wednesday APRIL; 9, 10, '-11 JAMES '• STEWART BARBARA HALF' ifi JACKPOT•, Thursday, :Friday►, Saturday April 12, ;.13 14 "TO PLEASE A 'LADY" 40,111.0115010.101011., � ^ ' �'IlE �LUCKNQy(1 $�ENTII�TEL,,, :I.UCKNOW' ONTARIO. OBITUARY 'MRS, NATHANIEL BOLT` The funeral of • the late ,Mrs. Nathaniel Bolt -was' held at the R. A. Currie funeral home, Wing- ham, on Tuesday afternoon of last week, with Rev,. Alex Nimrno of- ficiating, • Interment wasin the Wingham• cemetery and the pall- bearers were six,grandsons,,Clif- ford, Russell ,arid Kenneth Pur- don, Alvin., Moore, • , William, Bolt and* Melville Morrison. . Mrs. Bolt'. had suffered for some time from a heart ailmnent, but her . condition: had , not been serious.' She' was taken,' to the Wnghar..'General. Hospital • on Saturday .,evening and • passed away•the' following morning She• was i•n her 79th. year., ' • Born,;.in New York • State; 'she came` t9 Canada at the age; of 16, She was 'a daughter 'of' the late Mr. :and. Mrs. John Bolt, and was first married to William Akey and they resided in Chesney until death:,, In, 1693 she married, Nathaniel Bolt, andthey farmed, in •,,East: Wawa'nosh township uri- til 'six years ago, .when they ,re.: timed to live witli''their daughter; Mrs. Harold Cook, at Blyth. Mr.. Bolt passed away four years 'ago. • Surviving are six', dau'g,�ters; Mrs. Olive Bruce, Wallac.eburg; Mrs: Gordon r (Lily) Moore, Act- on; Mrs.• John' .(Annie) P.urd'on, Whitechur.ch; Mrs: Jean-Fox,,Lon:. don Mrs: Alf;, (Mary) . Mitchell, .Acton; Mrs. Harold Cook, Blyth. A son, William, died in 1929. There are fourteeen grandchild ren; .a: • sister, • Mrs. .Fred. Sage, / • Rochester, N.Y., and a 'brother, Frank, • in Toronto: ' NONE OF 'OUR, BUSINESS ! If You' Do' Mot Purchase afords HOWEVER 'e would appreciate the business of supplying any chicks with RENO -SAL TABLETS LIFETERIACHICK. STARTER, Pellets or Crumbles ' CONTAINING A.P.F. 0 e , have a complete 'line of . Feeders, • Waterers; Brooders; Etc.: TA:RTED ,CHICKS AT ALL'. TIMES ;(Floor' Brooded After:Three :Weeks) CFOhIjS eed Store and Hatcher; PHONE .165, LUCKNOW , . 1 1 • eeds, Fertilize, Phone ' 71 Groceries Phone 27 UTILIZE PICK UP YOUR` OWN ORDERS If picked up by, trailer when in town' non Wednesdays or __Saturdays–you will help us speed up deliveries,- as seed time tis 'just, around the corner. • GRASS SEED By buying Co -00'G ass Seed you get jest everything there, is as to clean, insliected and top fertility. seed.' HAVE 'CHICKS? .'COOP CHICK STARTER KRUMBLES CCI-OP'CHICK STARTER, • PELLETS 47 €O -OP GROW MASH 'PELLETS Will make early rriarket birds. SPECIAL — ONE WASHING MACHINE, _ With y htl ;Us+ed�au Driven; A Guarantee' WiI ycknow 'District (o.Operative BOUND, EAS` ;Mrs, Toni Inglis a,nderwent an operation in Wingham Hospital a week %ago Monday,.. Sheis pro- gressing, nicely. Mr. & Mrs, Jack Inglis ,and ;family,' Mr. and Mrs. Alex Inglis and Mrs. Jack Flana- •glan spent last , week with Mr:.. Tom Inglis, . Mr. Alex Inglis, left Saturday for . Quebec and. the Eastern ' provinces to carry on his work,:there.• Mrs. Alex Inglis isandnM h• e Roddy: Inglis and. family rmov d to Stratford' on ,Morid�ay. „' . . Miss Grace `Moir, spent Easter Week at ,her home in Toronto: Mr.; & Mrs. R. E. Forster spent. _the week -end at ollin• g woods. Miss Vivian Fisher of . Aylrner is, having three weeks' :holidays at: her home here. • .Miss •Gretta Hudson 'spent last week at.. her homer • . Miss Mabel Purdon ' helped . out at Mr, James Forster's last week. Mrs...Alex Hackett and Wayne and Mrs. A. LaMoine and on . of Camp I Borden , visited • with Mrs. Pharis Mathers on Tuseday p.m. Mr. and . Mrs. George Fisher spent Friday :":evening ^with -.Mr:: Foster ;Moffat.;; . • Mr. And Mrs. Melvin �'1;-lackett and Murray of TillaQnburg ' and. Mr. and Mrs.. Alex Ha�kett of, Wingham visited'' at the home of Mr. ?haris Mathers on. Sunday. Mr. George :Fisher' is holding an 'auction sale of farm stock and implements and household effects: on .April. 10th., • The Whitechtirah W.. I, held their March, r ieeting',on •.the 29th: Themeeting cointnenced withthe cpening .' ode 'folloyved by :the Lord's prayer; After. the minutes were read, itwas 'decided to send: a. load to the Girl Guides Cooking School :in Lucknow -: on April 12: It was planned to have a British Knit demonstration at ' the June meeting •and invite another Tn- shute Canvessers were,appoint ed 'for 'the Salvation Army. The Institute. is donating. ,$5_' to .the fund Ten members answered:the' roll call.• Shirley Chapmangave a 'reading entitled : "Still •Going, Strong, Don't Quit". A nominat- ing • coni7nittee - was appointed to present the. slate; of officers for thefolio wing year, ,Mrs''.C. Mar tin; Miss: M. Taylor and 'M'rs.. J . McInnes. •A eading•"Should peo- ple ;piek theirTeeth" was given by Mrs; W; Jarnes; reading by Mrs. E 'Schnitz on. the Ten Coon,•. '. anandm ents on visiting the :sick;: Higher education . by ,Nellie,. Mc- Clung .was read by Mrs. James': McInnes. Thank you, cards were read . from.. Mrs. McInnes, ,.1 ?1rs Chapman and Mrs. McLean. Mrs. Nf Loan.hacl been4rPSPnted wit .: an Institute pin • The April .meet ing is to be held in the hall. The meeting closed with the Nation : .al -anthem: On .Friday' evening Community Night took place in the. Hall at' Whitechurch with, a good .,attend ance. ' 1VIr - • Nat Thompson was chairman -for ;the 'follovi�ing. ,rro gram: accordion solos by Walter James; ,vocal solos' by Leroy Rin-. tout And Karen Groskorth; vocal` number by..'`S.S. No. 10.' pupils; readings : 4,by Mrs.. J. Burchill, Currie'.Burchill, Mrs, •D,: Beecroft and Charlie Moore, 'a piano solo. Eby Jean.. G.auilt; piano duet, by Mary and ,Gordon ROSS and a mouth organ ,selection by Charlie .Martin.. A , dance followed- with music by Mr. Frank 'Ross and. son, 1VIr,Wm: Henry and. Mr's E. Casemore• and Mr. Charlie Marr„ tin and Mrs. E' ' Scholtz. -This. meeting: concluded the activities: of the CoMinunity Association.fox this year after a, .very successful winter. • GE SEVEN '" ; • Presents . Thursday, 'Friday, Saturday, April, 5, 6, 7 The story of the .fighting oay, alry of the,. Seventies :unfolded. in glorious technicolor---and starring the most popular star of the screen, • JOHN WAYNE, . in `f`She.V, ;ore A Yellow Ribbon' Costarring Johnny .Agar 'anti. Joanne. Dim, and ,many others ,of, great fame.•` PLUS . CARTOON AND NEWS, TWQ ;SHOWS NIGHTLY '& .SATURDAY "MATINEE at •2:30 Monday, Tuesday, Wednesday, • Aprii 9, 10, 11 'Again we are proud to brim to you events of World War 1I, that stood out..See the Bastonge miracle. This ,picture. is beyond word description, . ` R with, Van' Jolinaon, GeorgeMurphy,-aud intr+oduc ng• • ' Corrine : Calvert. • • ' ' MATINEES` WEDNESDAY'. & SATURDAY .''AT :2.30 KINGSERIDq ,, • Miss Agnes King & iss 'Mary Teresa` 1VIantin; visited . Mr. and Mrs, ' Blaise Martin over the week -end . Mr Joe Murphy is spending, a while with his' parents Mrs . and Mrs. Gilbert. Frayne were in Detroit : for a couple` of days. , Mr. ' and Mrs. Nick Perry and. Teresa spent Sunday .with. Mr,: 8i Mrs Earl.' Drennan.' . Miss Rose Marie Lannan spent' 'the .week -end vith' her parents: e Have The Dealership For A FU See. Them., On Display Now• LL':LINE F ,REPAIRS CARRIED:.' Western Packers • and' Mulchers ALLIS CHALMERS '8 TRACTOR' I:t Pays To .Feed" PURINA STEER FATprENER and` •PURINA CHICK STARTER. :'Phone , 59, . Luckiiow, . Ontario' FARMERS! ( COLLECT • YOUR SHIP 'OR DELIVER TO. 'Phone'' 181 Kincardine, 'Ontario ring Implemen BUY NOW AND •AVOID. WAITING;LATER. Also In Stock:, 1 ,Used. John•. Deere AR. Gas Motor 1 Used: John •Deere Model •H with quick -tach • cultivator: 'Looks and 'mins like new. 1 Used John Deere, Model Mwith plow. New: tractor:.guarantee. , i'5:iflimofls t , JOHN DEERE SAES and SERVICE R Huron '. Rd Goderich'I'hone 1132 4I• . Sub Agent: PORTER'S WELDING SHOP 'Phone 20,0 r-4 1 ;L'ucknow. • • • ' ,.. 4 0, • .4