HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Lucknow Sentinel, 1951-04-05, Page 3a • e Lt el t - h. 1 -• • ' '.411URSDAY;;A.P..ATU • • THE LitTqKNONV SENTINEL, '..L'U.O.KNOW, ONTARIO •", q. 4K, -e-k MOE: LocalGeneral'. • jack Switzer of Con. 8, ,Hurn Tow nsh ip, .has retprnecl .from. a . trip to yaneouver, Douglas Schinict spent the East- • • er holidays with. Mr. and Mrs. Carl Schmid of Sarnia. • 0 • • Mrs. 'Neil Carniobell retnrned to Lucknow ,after 'spending the ." winter in. Clinton' With her siater; • Mrs,. Robert 'Webster, „ . • • Mrs. A. C. Agnew and, M. A. • E. McKim.are in. Ottawa this week attending the annual, meet- ing 'of the Ontario Council, Girl Guides ASsociatkn, . ROI:Anion of town. is a patient •in ,WiLngham. Hospital pd's.quite poorly. She .had been loOking ?latter her mother, Mrs,, • Neil IVIachnies, who suffered ta hip- fracture sortie time ago, and, Who .,has been removed • to ,,Kin- cardine Hospital. Mr. Robinson's • imother, Mrs. J.: McLeod of Kin- cardine is visiti,rig at the 'Rob- ° ion: home and looking after their young son, Wayne. • • qmoder0.1.114T110!....01111141.1.041 . . LUCKNOW: • !UNITED. CHURCH Minister: Rev. W. J. Mumford, B.D., SUNDAY,APRIL 8th, 1951 11.00. am.: Marks • Of the Liv- iflg Church.. 12.15 p.iii.:. Sunday 8ohool, ,... .. 700 Pain.: What Is Your ' Goal .•In Life?' • . • r 1 The Church ' needs . you . and /you need the Church. Come •I and worship With ,tis. , • Anglican. !lurch •NOTICES Rev. A. S. Mitchell, Rector April8th,. 2nd .Sunday .after- • . Easter • . •• •Si. Peter's Church, Lucknow Morning Prayer. •• Wednesday, April 11, 2.30 p.m,. Ladies' Guild at hoine of . ' Mrs..' Marshall. • , St. Paul's...church, Dungannon Sunday,Apri1•8th, 2.30 p.m. • Holy Concimunion. St, Paul's Church, ,Ripley Sunday, Mal 8th, 7.80 pan: Eveningl. Prayer,' ' SERVICE OF...1NDUC,TION. •St. 'Peter's Church, Lucknow • Friday, April 13th at 730 -.p.m.. Conducted by The Ven. J. N. H. .1VIII1S,:Archdeacen of Perth, assisted by 'the Rural Dean of ' Bruce, and the Preacher will •be -Rev. E..0: lenncaster,Riiral - 'Dean of Huron. ••' • Followed by a Reception in Lucknow Community Hall. • . ° Mr. and Mrs. N. SCalvert. and • Joyce ef Paris and Mr; and Mrs. ..Bert Garniss and • Douglas of Winghain spent the Easter holi- days with Mr. and, Mrs. W. J. Douglas. • Larry Salkeld, Morley plain and Willard Thompson spent lie 'Week -end in Tororito. Larry .and ;Morley were ,fortunate to have ticketsfor the bruising Bruins - Leaf game on Saturday night. Bill Pappas., wishes to''reinind the ladieS, that the Wednesday afternoon matinee which • he is running, at The Playhouse, is par- ticularly. for their . convenience and enjoyment. 4s this is coin- . inimity ;sale afternoon' Bill 'feels that, the adiet •May appreciate being able to attend a - show while the men folk are at the sale:" • • Mrs.. C, M. Johnston 'and Doug- las of •Sarnia. spent Easter, week' with her parents, Mr.; and Mrs. Richard Webster,- an,d returned home, with Mr.. Johnston,' .Whia spent the week -end „here.,. Miss Fara Webster .of Kitchener also, Spent th 'week,end at the Apar, Erdal hottie.1,Mrs. •Webater,• Who has not been • enjoying' good health; is"sOmewhattinwroved at PreSent ; • . • • • • • • ZION . „ We are sor y to hear Mrs.• Frank Ritchie 'has been confined -to her rooin., Miss Audrey Ross and;,carolY11 ,Gibson 'spent a. few days 'with Mr. and: Mrs. Frank Ritchie. , Mrs, Ken Laidlaw and child- ren of London spent a ..feW. days With. her parents, Mr. ;and: Mrs. • George Hunter. • Mr. and Mrs.' Bill Hunter and family and Mr. and, Mrs. George Hunter spent Sunday in London With Mr. and,IVIrs..Ken Laidig*. Mrs. Hunter ternained- for a few days. ' Mr. and Mrs. 'Jack. McDonagh Visited a day in London last week. Weare glad Miss Ada :Webster is better and able to teach again. . a Miss Phylis Gibson is assisting Of Crewe; .• • . ST.1-1,14NS • The community was again Sad- dened' by. the . death Of . another i life long resdent. . .the person . Of 'Mr. Donald McDonald, which occurred- Thursday, morning after a 'week's illness. ,The funeral on Saturday afternoon..was largely attended by relatives and friends. •Don't forget the open meeting of the Women's Institute 'in the -Community Hall tonight (Thurs- day) at 6, when Mr: Bob. Car-. bert of,CKNX... Will be the gnest •Speaker. The ladies are asked to, meet at 8.00 o'clock for the el- ection of officers. Roll call, 'pay- ing of fees; Ladies are. asked to, bring ituich. • , ' • . Mrs. Jack Berndt .of Detroit 8e .her,son, Staff Sgt: Frank Berndt recently returned ..from active service in Korea; were week -end visitors with Mr and Mrs. Gor- don Macpherson. 40:41411111•04M1. 10N/611011.4441111161141.1,411111.0.001110"."1"4"M"....".."M"..".."4""1"."."4".".":. • • ' • • 1ALVVAY GLAD ..Y9u. :1 1.- ,t.. - IT 1VIADE.— 7 , • ,( •.' • • • Y • 4;• • , • , :.t ,•: • litioni-401: • • • •• • q• • • Gt4erioh,•..•0n.taiLo' • • _ .• . .• OB IT1LIARY LEWIS, 0,1 WEATHERHEAD Lewis George Weatherhead, a lifelong ,iesiclerkt, of West WaWa.,. nosh township, passed away in Wingham. Hospital on Good rii• , day, March 23rd. His death was due to a heart condition. He was • hospitalized only briefly before ,his 'death, but for two years had not -enjoyed good health :Since • suffering a stroke. He was in his ,2nd year. .• , "Louie", as he was popularly. known, was a ..sOin• Of •Gorge :Weatherhead and Mary Brown. He was born on Fdbruary 5th, •1810; in ' the $t, Melen.s: cOrinnini- 'Ay in.'West Wawanosh, where he: spent his lifetime. • In 1906 he married. Charlotte Tooke; Ijith,o, survives, with a family of three children. .,,,• -, • • • Possessed 'Of ...a sense: of ,humor and a ouiek ivit Louie's Presence • enlivened any gathering. He was a faithful friend and neighbor; and devoted to his fainily. For a number .of years he acted as choir leader. at St. Helens Chureh. He was a fernier ,sChool board trustee and 3i/es an ardent Liberal in 1 Politics, Serving many times* as •• • • ' • Aftgrno filen ly. ent rt tnment • ion Percy and Doris -Barr on the •Miss' Kay Gilason,wilo.has been • • • • , ' * • . 14,4 program. ''Luzich„ committee: Jean 41 'for, the past ewf, weeks; re;-• Guest Erhna Percy Winnifred aimed to herteachingduties 04 , Maartari. A ,contest on the East- Monday.' er story was cOnducted by "Wayne • ,Little4Annetta Forster Of R4117. JohnstOne. and the meeting cloa- ley 'spent the holiday with' her ed with the benediction. • 'grandmother, Mrs. J, W.,. Colwell- • Mr. and Mrs. Russell Ball of •Mr. George Ilaldenby has been London were Week -end visitors sick for the past Week •with the with Mr. and Mrs. Alex Percy. , 'flu. ''• • • poll 'clerk at the polling. booth in • • ' JUNI': ARRIVED his subclivsiion. He was a mem- ber of • the 'Canadian' Order of Forsters. . The fiinearl sertice Was held in St. "Helens United. Chi.nrch ori• Monday, March 26th, .:Conducted by Rev. S. E. ilayWard.2 During' the service Mr. and Mrs: Ted• Rice sang .a faOrvite.,psalm, 'God Moijes In.A Mysterious Way".. Internient,Wis in Greenhill can- etery. thepallbearers being Frank Todd, Ernest Gaunt, Gordian Pherson, • Eldon Miller Archie Aitchison and Joseph MacMillan. 'Mr. Weatherhead is survived by his Widow; one 'son, Dick on the..thome two. 'daughters, Nerina. of the Georgetown public 'School staff and Mrs. Eric :Wal- den, (Grace) of: Ripley; a foster child, • Donald; one graftdehild,' Bryan Walden; and one brother, Frank. Weatherhead " of St 1-ler.- ena.• • . • •' • ' • ,• . • He was predeceased by dau- ghter, Lulu Weatherhead; iby 'one. sister, ,Emily, andby' four,•bro•- thers, names, Wiliiam, John and Malcolm Weatherhead,• • .' Buy wingham Plant DeWitt ,Miller„, Robert. Case, more and James Hamilton,. of Wingham have purchased - the factory of the late Charles Cooke. ' an . • . I , I . . I -.7•7•7 V• • • . . . ' ,CrimeD414.6.1.4406•90Nwolimullismi•irimmisliol • , NDERSO BER LIMITED LUCKNOW, ONTARIO ?Phone 150 I The.ialant; damaged byfire tWo years ago; has been ,erigaged in the Manufacture •oftoilet seats. • CL The ,riew' proprietors.,plan to. step up "production and increase the..., staff of ten. • \ • • " • • • • •K I 1140 G,,}1 Mrs. B. Cerson of London and. Bars. J; MceLan Of Kincardine ,visited •ori • .Monday- with •friendi. • Mrs, Ciiff .Borthwick and Miss. Irlma Hodgins; R N, returned, to St. Catherines on Monday after spending Easter:with their' par- ent i here. , ,• • Miss Helen ,Nicolson, Smith Line, spent, a few clays with Mises•DomiX, Karen and Evelyn Nicholson.; • - • • , Mr. and MrS.. ,Perry Hodgins entertained. in e inb e t s of the • Purple Grove ' Farm • Forum at. their home on 1Vloriday evening. • Mrand Mrs. H. A. Graham, who suffered an attack of the 'flu recently, • are not, enjoying the best of health, We hope they will soon improVe, • • Mr. arid.:IVIts, Otis Shelton of • Lucknow viited ii Wednesday. 17vith friends here. . ,The PYPA met at the home of Nancy Needharn' with 'Doris Barr presiding. The, opening hymn was praise HIM '-followed by*the Lord's prayer. The deVot- ional Part was based on the seven words of the Cross WhiChwere. taken by Wayne Johnstone, MO ley Bushell; Jack IVIgcDoriald, Fred Quest; liErima Percy And jean Guest, This was followed by hymn 215 and. 'Ee Live's". The minutes were read, and adOpted f011oivVed 'by the roll call. An in- vitation *as accepted from the Belmore Y. I", who invited the 1Y. P. to a meeting On' April 30th. Jean Ch,..tset Will be the net hos- ' tess on April lath with .Erlina Percy; Winnifred yrdFain, .• ERE 1/Eiii et 41/ AS WITH TH. •• k • , • 7 't ', 4 , . • • • • • • • • 0.' • • , • 1. 7 • v • • : • • f `•,! . ,•••, • • s • • 17 A power 114ash and a poifee • RINSE -7 both done by the • , efficient Beatty Agitator action-- goOfclothesclearte, than eve r before, TON • FLOVvwatOrremOvaliendi • • suds' arid sediment Out the , top of the tub so they cant ; •. come down -through, the ...clothes keeps clothes. cleaner, brighter. '„ • 'Beatty Human Hand • Washing 41/4ciion 'Ions proven by test to be the _best. • , SEE IT ON DEMONSTRATION AT • 1 utraKNow oNT;titito — • • • • THE GREATEST WASHER OF ALL TIME •• • • • I ! , • v ' ..• 4 ,t s9 V 1