HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Lucknow Sentinel, 1951-04-05, Page 2!rvrs•si?ww w,m wit wiimii;AM, ISM -MIL THE LUCKNOW SENTINEL, Luc*. QW , tiTTAR'i01 • PSEijARY THYME; If you haven't had a visitation from `. the current 'flu epidemic your are lucky indeed. • If ou sire you robabl ..had a •shot' or two onic llin.: Row do•Your- children, like ' these Shots? If they make a big 'fuss and. scream • and kick at the doctor, you can blame elf ' el ' child's fear your larg y A ld h s f . of, the 'doctor is, in a great m'any,, cases,, the parents' fault, _ and . it is always a boomerang. Some day the child. ; will have desparate nee& of medical° attention, and' you may have 'a battle, royal, to let the-dodttor get near hien. You have probably been witnessto an episode such as this in a doc- tor''s .waiting such child restless, wanting to go home, mother admonishing him , to be good or the doctor would jab him 'in the ,arm with, a big spin. t -was amazed at such folly, and more `sd'.when it developed, that was what she had him ' there..' for inoculations:'. She had given., him, the idea that medical' at- tention . was punisiunent of the worst .kind, .and built up, a great • Under .Auspices o. f the KALRSHEA W. T. InThe; Toon 171411, LUC:KN'0W 'CASH PRIERS Of 3°00 a d `:2 0 air the rettiest . "print Cahhcoo bresses. LUNCH: COUNTER Homemade Pie, Sandwiches, Coffee. Willonghby's' ' Orchestra Admission 50c. deal of future. trouble for ' her- self. ' • " ,Be= careful, never : to dread a visit to the. doctor , or dentist for yourself t, n' his hearing... And BEFORE. you think 'he: is 'old. enough to take in what you are 1 • It } Strip on right was cleaned out by'wireworms and,replanted. BENESANtreated seed producedexcellent, stand (Left): • increased yield 34 bushels an acre increased crop f p value *.60% • "1 tested, BENESAN," says N,prman Longburat, Utterson, Ont:, "by 'planting treated seed in a 1 -acre strip down the centre of an 8 -acre field of oats. The standin the test acre was �.' perfect with no damage, � ge, while the;balance'' of the . field 4as badly' infested. BENESAN increased yield by 34 • bushels an acre, which gave me a,60%kic/ease.in crop value." `BENESAN •- SEED•TREATMENT for Cereal •.Grains—Corn--Beans BENESAN Is, 'applied ' by ordinary seed treating: methods. An. • ..eradication" -treatment of, 2 -oz -per acre to -seed grain reduces wireworm damage byag;much as 90%, and wirew,orms • . are unlikely' to cause significant damage for several years.' will treat seedier entire crop.. Last .year; Wilfred Shots, t7tters'on, 'Ont., tested BENESAN by treating seed oats for a 10.acre field'. Mr. Shea says: izAn increased yield of 26 bushels per. acre,resulted''from treating; my, seedoats' with BENESAN for wire Worm control. ;w *%: CANADIAN, ZNDESTRIEs ' LIMITED, . Agr dzltttr¢t;,,Che,nicale' Divisr+n, .Toronto; Chatham, Halifax, Montreal, Winnipeg D. R.. INLAYSON 91.wt EpckNO.W • Acc-st-ti A 4..; SfityiNG CANADIANS THROUGH CNEMIS"" A 4. E/VtS4N w D9IN BELLS ANDERS ON--BABAYAN The 'United Church;, Dungan- non„ ungan non, was the scene of a'VVedding' on Saturday ;afternoon, with daf- fodils, , ferns, and, .tall' lig ited :tapers making a pretty ':setting for. the marriage of Louie; dau- ghter .of Rev, . and Mts. 'I -Jaren, Babayan, Farnboro, Kent,, Eng, land,, to Mr. Thomas ICarmarr An-. derson;,. only son of Mrs. D. ,g., Anderson, i?ungannoz14 and ' the late. Mr. Anderson Rev. J., Bright' officiated. The bride wore a 'floor Length gown of , cream moire styled wily, ' ''fingertip , sleeves, sweetheartneckline, , - andskirt ;with flares and''aide •drapes end ;I ' in a, slight" train Here full- length: veil fell :fron'i-:;a •coronet: headdress ' of white hyacinths. She :carried acrescent. bouquet of. lilies, white hyacinths, and fern. The !bridesmaid . was Mrs. George Whitlam, Toronto; sister of the bridegroom;' and Mr Whitlarn Was best man. • hies. Whittam: wore a 'floor :length gown, of powder blue: -taffeta with fuchsia colored trmuning, '.and . matching, head-" dress. She carried a , bouquet of sweet peas: and . fern. Mrs, Leroy Stingel,. the organist, played the ,bridal , chorus. ,from Lohengrin and .accompanied the soloist, Miss Marietta 'Stingel,... who san "The Th, 'before they cere.. mony, and ,"Ali Sweet 'Mystery of Life" during the. Signing of the register. :Mendelssohn's • wedding: march was' played as a recession- al: The, 'guests, numbering about .25,.were ,enterta neo '-to a.lull course`. turkey, dinner ,. at the -Bri tish Exchange Hotel, Goderic)n, where . (they.. were 'received' by th e ibridegroom's ` 'Mother, and ' the, bridal :!couple. • Guests were '/Pres- ent .from,'Toronto, Preston, Ku sardine,.,, Lueknow' ;.and 'Carlow. ¥Vlr. 'find Mrs. Anderson, left later. on a • trip to Detroit, and upon their return will make their home on the bridegrooni's' farm' north of Dungannon: '' trying to. put .across,. give..' your doctor' a good build-up. He' Will 'readily ..get' the idea that the docs, tor"is '.his (best friend. When :'oti youngster ..Was . not yet • 'four, he had an accident that necessitated heaving.. several stitches ' taken in his ',face. The neat day .someone asked. • him, . "Did Dr. Johnston hurt 'you? ". John looked) at her 'in surprise, "No, it was the : fence did it'. We were; quite pleased that he had gigot . the .drift of (what we .had• tried to tealch`hirri, and had' the "cause" tagged properly asi, the s•"hurt". If; you know • he • is going- to -have. stitches._ ion s...sh_ot_ 1 d'on't tellhim its won't hurt, when you knew you; always brace. your- , Self 'so 'that you : won'•t jump -When:, 'the needle 'jabs" you., You .' (nay fool hint that. tinie, but you won't ever :again The Wisestplan is tot. warn him, •'"man to man" that it l • will ,hurt a bit, but Will be over I:,. in a- jiffy.,' It' is surprising. 'what.. a ybunigster will (bravely bear if he learns .early enough . that it is. expected of hem. Our: small` fry has just returned from' the . hospital where he • • ap- parently enjoyed ' hYrriself •quite ./ . he shots e re= '..cei ed• well in spite , of 't heat . 3._or 4 hour intervals He was telling" me 'something :, about a young .woman in the ward next'• ' to . the children's,' ".What did' she have?" I asked, (meaning pneunrionra or an: op-; eration,. or .:.a :baby?) :.A Jnost ecstatic smile spread over his face as he answered, . "Funny papers! Arid• she; brought them in td Me". Gettiing' tired 'of 'potatoes done all the old: ways? Ever do' this? Melt ' a couple ,tableepoons.of Ibacon.•fat,'and a bit of, Margarine orbutter; in' a large, pan. I use •9 by '14 inch. 'Slice a few layers of potatoes' fairly' thin,,not paper, thin; into this, salting 'each lay- er lightly. Give the pan a good shake, so 'that the• excess fat will I shake .up :,into ..them, and put. a few' dabs of_ margarene, • on' top., Don't have the layers. of potatoes tbo thi,ckno More than:'three or' . • four. Bake in moderate 'oven an hour. They should ,be crispy Out- side like a French fry; and Mealy inside.. , . ' ' ,• • • 'FEDERA IO1Q ,'NEWS r , (by Gordon... AC Greig). At the lviarcliNalrectors Meeting of, the Huron County ''Federation of Agriculture held in Clinton on .March; .20th, a 'resolution , vas passed and.'. forw.arded,;to°the On- tario Dept. of highwaysasking' that. gas tax .refunds: be paid with. in , sixty • `days of receipt of ap- plication. It, was also suggested that the Dep).. send the , fanner •a receip t. stating that the applica- tion-- has been received at • the Dept. of Highways office:'In some i ,cases .. a farmer has d to watt six months before r ehaceiving. pay ment for his ~ `rebate on -tractor gas used` .; in , doing farm, .work When we 'owe :''the Government money it , is,' paYed• paromptly. (or else).. When it. 'owes '.us money,, any time will . do to, make; . pay me'nt... ' ,, 0 The. present 'chaotic :butter sit tuition gives Us fair warning that we cannot 'rely on , our ' Federal Department of Agriculture to do' the 'job of 'storiri sufficient food 'in time of ,.plenty, to . carry ,our .consumers''' over this' period of short supply In ar'i' agricultural country ,like we have, there should ",never' be a shortage of basic foods such• as meat, butter,' cheese, eggs; . etc.,.• yet 'jwe have found -'cheese hard to' buy, at any price,. abutter is be, ing 'doled .out ona week to week basis' and 'next fall', eggs will be a , luxury on . 'almost, anyone's table. • When we find problems like1 these confronting. us, .We -have to looik:. carefull3ri to, see: if we`. can find, the : cause. So far.' h can' sug- st .A ' few reasons for these sortages.`. First :we : have ' the Government policy of.:: directing; the flow - 'of • 'Milk into. certain :channels: by 'making' the price more ' attractive in' than particular . market:,Secondly we, have. the cut back 'in. price ''on these .,pto ducts when all• other prices were moving �rpward.; Thirdly wise have thee, )good; financial. returns for,, meats:that- make it a abetter:;busi- pess proposition' to. let : calves milk- the cows rather than anilk them 'and 'sell the" milk to make cheese or butter:. The solution to. "this ,de1emna of short," ;supply .',and excessive •iprices will!. not be an easy one. The;;price of butter and. eggs will -.have to be set as a much higher. level .,than ;last year 'to .encour-. age ' farriers ' to "produce more ' of these essentials than. they have done- during '.the past year.; We ii}�i�ir�n��r�ii�i��iir;�iwrsn�.�+�o�N•u�i�n!i�.�it� Tff ftSDAY, 'APRIL,., 5t4 1951 R . Y OBI'I'UIt.Y ,. ' • . r SIRS. ALICE; IIVTCHINS. Mrs, ' Harry Hutchins died oo •. Thursday in Alexandra Hospital,, Goderich,, in her 75th ,year,' Fc r-. merly- Alice Rabb, she was born in West W'awanosh township, the daughter of the late Mr, and. -Mrs, Charles Robb'. . ,. . After her Marriage she lived at. St. 'Augustine, .and later on, Mait- land road,. 'Colborne , Township, and the past 15 years !in Goder, ich.: Her 1.iushand predeceased her in June 1944 She was a member, of .the Pen- tecostal Church. r Chh. Surviving are two sops; Geo Goderich, • and 'Charles, 'of ;Hopes- - ville;:, four daugl%ters, Mrs. Josepli ' . Moore and M's. Richard'Cousins,' •Goderich;. Mrs. 'William Richard son, Willowdale,,.. and Mrs: - Ernest Armstrong',. Toronto; a 'brother, W. J. ,Robb, Dungannon; two sis- ters, Miss.' 'Mary J. .Robb, Dun'= gannpn and 'Mrs, ' Eliza Milner, London. . The funeral service on Satur- day6 at Cranston and Walter fun- eral un•eral home was conducted' by the ltev. Howard Minaker of Bethel Tabernacle. Burial was 'in Malt, land:. Cemetery. ' can produce morethan enough butter, .cheese' and .eggs . to sat- isfy : Our ' national ; consumer 'de- :mend, but . it . will not be done at a price suchas we received in .1950, , namely. 28c 'per ;pend for cheese, 53e per pound .for but: • ter and . around 32c. for eggs; We will have .torely•more up= on • • our marketing boards to tell, 'us.' What ;is-required•'to" fill .the consumer ` demand. and ` :what „price we can expect, to •: receive, for: our. produce: Service. and' Satisfaction in.• Plumbing and: Heatin New. Automatic Oil ,Furnaces Installed --Now' In Stock FURNACE REPAIRS Bathroom Fixtures & Repairs SEE ,THE OIL RANGES EAVETROUGHING. AIR CONDITIONING rt` lrore R. R 3;,,.LUCKNUW 'Phone 61-r-13, 'Dungannon Local Association Gir-1:Guides----- � Conducted by Miss Iris. V. kmundsen, . Home Economist ist of Frigidaire . Products.; TOWN ,, HALL•, LUCKNOW rs.,r ,. Draw for '. : •' Grocery Baskets and 4 Baskets Baby Supplies Door POze` Electrical A ;pl ce P � RANGES , AND REFRIGERATORS, By' Courtesy: misslofl ., .,,,int Gorimaim on ikAtwi2Y ain ►U' R►i ,..f wrY iii igiobau 144.it666*r14!*'' • 1