HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Lucknow Sentinel, 1951-04-05, Page 1, ..„, ,, , , , , , „„,,,„, ,. — •••-•—• ' ''' . • ,, ; ' , . - . , ' • ''
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$25e Advance *--•t" 50c 'Extra'. to U.S.A.;
• LTIQKrioyvv,. ONTARIO, " ,APRIL 5th, 1951 •
• BUILD! NG • BOOM 9.0.SERVED 79th Bigtnip.Ay
Mrs. -Wm. 1V1cNall of lovv
ay on Mon-
day, Mar\ch. 26th, at the homeof
hr niece Mrs. Charles Morri-
s n of Dungannon, where. gra.
McNall is spending the Winter.
Mr. and Mrs. Wm. Irvin and.
Mr. and Mrs .Robert Irvin were
supper guests', '.on• this occasion
and. brought a lovelybirthday
cake to help'mark the event.
Mrs. McNeil's friends here ex-
tend' congratulations and best
wishes. • . •• , • • .
Adams Construction Company's
power hoe ineVecl into town on
Tuesday to excavate • a number'
of basernents as the start of , a
residential building boom that
will equal that of last year, ' which
saw four „ne* homes built or
• • • construction Started.'
• The mechanieal hoe's first job
toWn., this weelt was to. .ex4.
. cavate at Gam,. McTavish's new
' Service .station; for .his gas-
‘. . ohne storage tanks, which were•.
1 remoVed from his tenter
dence on Havelock St. , •
••• On completion of this job the
digging machine will /excavate
for new homes for Mr. and Mrs.
. , Kenneth . Cameron on a site just
north :of the Catholic Church;'
,for Mr. and Mrs: K. C. Murdie on
the lot •just. north of the •United
.Church Parsonage; for Mr. and
Mrs. Wellington.. 'Henderson. ';op
the lot to the north of
• Hedley's residence. '
' A basement will. also .be ex-
cavated for Albert GamMie who'
plans to move a house from. the
•'Second.. Concession to. his 'lot be.;
• '.tween. A. :J: Wilsores• and J. H.
Hall's 'residence, and . across the
•read from where new.. hornet for
. : Stan Mustard. and Mr. and Mrs.
Ewart Taylor are nearing :cOnf,,•1
. • ,
'. •
Mr..and-Nfors. Harry Hackett of
• '
Ashfield entertained friends and
' neighbors at euchre parties on.
Friday'.and Monday night:. On
both ;occasions the guests took
advantage of the 'opportunity to
honor Mr.. and Mrs Haekett on
their 25th wedding ainnyersarY
31st. They presented • them' with
gifts of money, and as *ell Mr?'
and Mrs. Hackett received :ether-
. • remembranCeS •
. • Mr. • and Mrs.. 'Hackett were
married at the Ashfield Circuit
• •
Parsonage by. Rev: C. 'H. Dick-
• • irison, now Book ,Steward of the
IJnited Church Publishing House.
• .
.• The Municipal .garbage collec-
tion service will be resumed this
'week' and will follow the . plan
of other years •with the north
side collection being' held on
Thursday and' the'south side on
. Friday.. • - •
••• .
Charles Wesley Smith, a
ive of Blackhorse,, who died in
Saskatoon, was. laidto reit' in
Kincardine Cemetery on Friday.
Old Light • Ledge., of Whiciv he
was a member, had charge of the
fimeral :•with last rites Of. the
Order perfernied by Neil. Mac-
Lennan • and T. J. Salkeld.
Mr. Smith's widow from Sask-
atooh and his stster, Mrs. Robert
Flock of Winnipeg attended the
funeral. •
• • ' •
• .
:• , • + •
.. • •". •
• ,. .
with the ladie: of this district is
scheduled for 'next Thuisday
ternocin, April 12th, at 2.0 :in
the Town Hall. • ' .
It is the Frigidaire cooking
Scheel; • sponsored' by • the ladies
of the Local Association of the
Lucknow Girl Guides.
• •
The school- . will be- conducted.
by Mitt Iris V. Amundsen, icome
economist of Frigidaire 'Products;
and -Will Undoubtedly be ,a rnost
interesting • arid infer/native af-
ternoon. Frigidaire equipment
used at this school:.will :be by
Courtesy of Greer Radio &
; • ; •
There will be prize draws for
grocery baskets and baby simply
baskets, and an electrical
ance door prize.
• An event th t will. be •pepillar
:••• ‘.
THAT Donald Blue, KP„'. treat --
ed the Lucknow Pee Wees to
a fish' and chip supper at God- .
•eriCh last Thursday night, aft,
'ter the , lads, had won the "B":
series trophY: • , . '
, . , •
THAT biek Terner, Bob Arm-
' strong and Russell Stanley left
on Monday for Fort Erie. They
will make their headquarters
there while engaged. in' erect-
ing pre -fabricated summer cot-
tages for the' ,COlonial. HomeS.
Company. „
THAT rural:correSPOndence;
sealed, and. :for ptiblicatieri,•
now requires a' •2 -.cent, postage.
!MAT...Marie. C1.4 pakeY,'WhO• has
'been. almost totally. paralyZed
since Stricken .With rr.iore
than: a• year and a •half age, :is
• at:present at the home a. her
• parents, Mr,: and Mrs. Sam and flOwers. ,were .ree-eiyed and.
• CUpskey..ei Belfast. ' ' *a birthday cake enjoyed.
• - . • Mrs.. Fletcher ..was born on the,
THAT William Bower of town • 'banks of .Lake Hurori• near. Kin-•
• observed. his 64th birthday ' 611. 'tail,' daughter of the late Mr. and.
; Tuesday, April 3rd. This is 'One Mrs. JOnn• MacKay, the earliest
'birthday date, that the Publish- Pioneers of the.diStrict. After her
er , has •no trouble. fernerriber-.1narriage to Andrew Fletcher she;
ing• .• • .' • • resided at Sault Ste. Marie. till
•his, death when she returned to!
THAT. the Local Association of live 4*411°;-1714.• „bi.7cother, Duncan1
, . . .
• the .Girl Guides is 'a committee ay in • o eric •••,,
of Women. Who sponsor.the 'Fletcher.. enjoys. reinark-'.1
••niovement „in the Village of ..ably • good •-hleatli though she isf
Lucknow. , They. are responsible. unable to move very freely.t She
• ter the Brownies, Guides:. and, enjoys meeting her. old friends.
• Rangers and see that they are Her Kintail relatives and friendt
supplied with ,the.: necessary. joined With, on Saturday to
hooks and .supplies. •••. wish her: . happiness and, ,good
• .
• li lth' '
When .it crashed headlong into
feriee•-on 'Tom .Todd's farm et
St. Helens, a. big buck deerceni-
mitted what, amounted to suicide
last' Th ir Sday afternoon. • • • .
The deer was in the field and
the episede. was -witnessed, by
Bruce MacMillan: and Grant
who were driving •along . the
road. Rather than leaping.' the
fence the deer plunged into it,
recoiled. and Crashed. 'it .a second
time before it .'.went" down •Lor
good. and lay. threshing. with a
broken neck. . • '
When its kicking suf
ficiently to handle it, the, •boys
loaded the animal in the. light
truck • and ..brought , it to town. It
died soon ',after.; The'-garne war-
den ,Was contacted •and gaVe per-
mission to, slaughter the animal
if the,.veniton-waS of any value.
• .
On Saturday, -One of LUcknow'si
eldesp • residents, .Mrs. Margaret [•
Fletcher, .• celebrates hen.. 95th
birthday at the' home• of Mrs.
Ilarry-1VIcQuillin. Her 'niece, Miss
Dorialda MacGregor. of ,Duluth
was., present for the gala 'occas-
ion,. Friends called;during 'the.
day; .and • good Wishes, greetings
<0 •
:Anrieuncement was' made • last
week of a $1,000 scholarship • •
awarded by the Research Coun-
cil of Ontario to Miss Helen •Sal-
keld, daughter of Mr; and ars.
T. J. '801teld.' This, 0', .a renewal
of the scholarship Awarded'. Helen :
'last • yea„. and provides for. her,
Second Year tuition in post grad-..”..,,• •
uate research work at "Rothain, ,
sted.•ThcPeriinental" .StatiOn, riear ••
London. She has been invited to
attend 'Cam'bridge University !for
a.month for further study. • • .
Miss Salkeld, who studied api
Celture .and: .entoznology at the
Ontario' Agricultural • College, •
graduated with her master's de-
gree :in the Science of Agricul-
ture, and • was awarded . a two-
year scholarship by the Research
Council having an Annual valtieof $i000..
• Miss Salkeld .is enjoying it in
England, :but. finds the weather
very. disagreeable, so much • so, ,
that she. etit short an Easter va-
cation in London, of *con-
tinuous rain. •that' Marred the • ,
holiday. , ••' 7. • : :••
•TliAT the latest addition to. the.
lost and found collection at the W PRESENTS
crochet work, complete with
• Sentinel pffice, is a piece of
h 6' musical show, , ,"Going
Mk, -MRS. Sh411711
Friends and neighbors gather-
' • ed. at the home of Mr. and Mrs.
. • J. 41;:•••Smith on 'Tuesday evening
. •
to bid, them farewell'. prior to.
their, departure. shortly to: their
• ' • new home in Teeswater. Mr. and
•: • . • have sold 'their farm
••• to Eddie Gaunt, • and held an
• •.auction sale a• couple of Weeki.
ago. , • •
A. pleasant evening Of • cards
was enjoyed and at the lunch
• . •hour Mr. ,and .Mrs. Smith were
• •presented with a purse of money,
•after the 'following address had
.been read: ," •
• Dear Mr. and Mrs. Smith, •
• The pleasantness' of this 'social
• .• gathering tonight is tinged with
•• sadness, •for the time has come
for •us .to bid adieu,.
• • You have been good friends
•" and neighbors for many Years
, and it is with regret that we see '
you leave the farm and our coiri
• •
yoU• will take with you,
our very best/ wished. ,for
•'I nest 'and contentment fl . your
• mew hoine, and may gobd. health
•. be yours to enjoy a More leisure.
Vd - .you. . have so, well , earned.
• • •
'As ,an expression of • bur tin-
e: , ,cpre good wishes we ask you to
• acce,it this purse of,.money with
16' - Which'You can obtain sorriething
Y • ., that' may often remind you ' of
yotir friends here: '
• .
Town Hall, Lucknow, en.Wednel-
day. and Thursday of next .week,
April 1.1.th .`afid.1.1.2th: The show
is under auspices of the Luck -
now Women's 'WoMen's Institute ,arid will
presented by ;a• legal :east ,of
about 70' persons, under the, dir-
ection•of a. prefessianal producer,
Miss Elizabeth Battyn. •• •
• 1:The, story unfolds from a diary
kept by the genial stationmaster,
"Uncle Billy Watson" and weaves
into it groups of children and.
young people in catchy, Colorful
Musical numbers, dances, etc.'
That such a production can be:
stagedin so short a time; is a
minder to, many, but it it being
done repeatedly, under the dlr.-,
ectiorr,of such produters'as Miss
Battyn,. • •
This show ' was pretenied to
I'capacity audiences" when it
played4n.-Gederich 'late in Feb-
ruary, and , according to the
Signal -Star ."pleaed these large"
audiences". '
The cast of characters and sup-.
porting groups, not fully •C'em-1
plete as this Was written, in-•
cludet Alex lyleNay, E. V. Baker,
John D. Ross, Ila\rvey Treleaven,
Mrs. L. C. .Thompson. Gien al
den, Elmer, Urnbach; "The Kit-
chen 13ancr, compri'Sed chiefly or
Institute members; "The Coven,-
tionaires" and The Sultana-
SWeetiet" •6' r e comprised o f
groups of you' W., men, The
Models" Will include• about 20
young ladies. The "Going Places
Girls" and "Red Cap Girls" will
he High School students ancl pub-
Sehool children Will be 'feat-
ured in the BirtildaY• 'Part X' an
Cinderella sceries.
ball of yarn and crochet hook. ..
7--- . .
• • '
The closingmeeting .of the
. .
- ' ..• •.• .. • Lucknow Women's Institute year
BUCKTON, FAMILY RETURNS was marked by a pot luck sup-
• . , April 2ridi •when some.:
• Mr.. and Mrs' Herb Buckton 33 ladies sat down to a •bounti:.
and two Children have sold their •ftil meal in charge, of 'the Exe7
&Dine in the Birch Cliff 'district cutive....• • .. ,•
in: Toronto :and have returned. to The retiring prepident; Mrs. A
their farm on the •Fourth Corrr41., Wilson, . was in the chair and
cession of Kinloss, Where they I the report of the secretarY-treas-
will Make theiiherbe.:Tenaper..ar- urer Krs. C. Cook, Showed that
i1,3r. they are at the. of Mr. $1292 had been ithraugh • „.
and Mrs.. 'Duncan • MaeConnell,' the year and netted.the, Institute., - • ' • • •
Secencl:.Coneession.' over $300 for their efforti, „POSTAL • RATES •••
• The Children, Marion, whe:will ty-fie• dollarswas voted 'toward
lirAg $9 SATURDAY.
1VIri. John. Little of town Ob- • „
served her .89thbirthday on. Sat-. -••
. f..•
urday, an . occasion that -found, • ' : .
Mrs.: Little ill.' with 'Pneumonia : • • . ' ,• • • :,,,,.,:q,..•
at the home of Mr. and Mrs.:Bert • .•:• 4,e' .•
Ward.'Slie,is'making a favbrable •• •
recl\forItse.r•Y.Little '• had been enjoying .. : '.. . . * '1
comparativelygood health..until- ' '''• •
. • • •••.
taken ill. She' is remarkably aet.. • •
iv e for .her age and lives. alone'. '
riormally, but.with her :,gofied„,, ,. ...
neighbors, •Mr. . and, Mrs; Ward .,, .
keeping a watchful eYe/•eri her. • •
. ' •
' 4
" •
• 7 •-••
Donations to the Lucknow and.
District Branch of the Red Cross, • .
as of Monday Of this week total-
led $883. Returns during the past
week amounted to $227, and have
slowed down somewhat , .•
parisori With' the first two weeks
of • the campaign. , •• • . .
The 'present figure falls •far
short of More. than $1600 which.. „ '''•
was , raised • a yearago, and_an •
appeal is made to those who have
neglected ' this. matter, tomake:
their donation at an early date..
A list of contributors "intend:- , •
ed for last •week", appears •else-,
where •in this issue, and. next
week the list will be brought up
to date. . ' •
• . • • ..
be 10 in June and Billy,' 8,- are the local Red Cress.apPeal; • . .• • •
P t
now, . ,
ilton's room. ..
t ending Public School iii. L. tick. 2.
and are in'Xist•Helen Ham, charter Member •!;:( the on v
f • ' ,S let ;' InerCAses inparcel post,
saonlitfhemoenzillY,r rates
s took,. a '* ' ' .
'e -,- - istratied and •third Class mail' ••
. • . I '
hike' , upwards on
. ' While ',in Toronto; Herb. .was berthip Certificate and .badge. Monday, orat'ing a „teed deal of
ernployed at General Steel Wares She' voiced her appreciation to
' .
where •a• Presentation was, made the gathering and of the' I nt, erd st confusion at the local •Post
,.,4_, . , . „
Of -
him before leaving.' Their Birch heShas had and will c.ntinu,,,zrate remains
_e. to ,""' '. The 4 -cent letter
"• ' . . •
Cliff neighbors also. gave them have in Institte...work.
a • Send-off ,before . leaving last •On • April , lith . a 12th the unchanged. .` .. ' ''... ' • . • .
Friday • to refurn to Kinloss.
osi..:.•-' -• Institut!e-issponsoring ...a
variety Unsealed .greeting cards of all
. . . • • • •.show ..'Going •plaPes •,The .castLdescriptione*nowarequire,A-eent . .-,-.. • ,....
.. ..
NOTICE ' will include Institute members
postage, and if .mailed with only
and will prove both humorous a 1 -cent stamp the PostOffice • •. , .,
. . ,
, ..,.
• • • .•',
• :.• " •
(+ • - 4.• •
. 1, •
. •
. •
,„ • ,
. •••
• ' ' •
• ..
Dear 'Patrons: • .
FOrthe past two years 1 have
tried My ,best to keep the price
of admission at The Playhouse
down -l -but. here is •the • story- in
• Local taxes have doubled from:
lett); year, --why, I don't know;'
filhi rentals increased 25 percent.;
equipment has Skyrocketed; ex.:
living—Well. °Yeti, are well ae-
,fqouiaLridteldo., tiwitthh•e,parte.senSto.„,prices.:. Mrs.
It M Fisher; historical re,- 'parcel Post rates have jumped
riew. p1.408 now arel 'search, .migg; M.. MacLeod; home ;from cents, •t� 16 „cents la' lb.;The '
econornic,s.„ and health Mrs. W.. and 6c .for eac additional rate.
, ADULTS 50c, tax included. ., 'eernmuniity activities 8z. The •minimum is 5c, up to four,
STUDENTS 30c, tax included. public, relations, Miss E. 'Werth; ounces and lc per + ounce addi:-
. CHILDREN 20c, ',tax inelAttds
ed. auditors, C. Cook and ivrt
tional.,up to 12 oz.;+! after which
I: , „'t • B. PAPP4S. A.. Wilson: pianist, Miss.E. the potind rate applies. . ,
• • + •
; • 4
and 'entertaining:
*Mrs; Roach ;was called to • the
chair; to take noininations from
the floor for the slate of Officers
for the new terrn. This Stands as
follows: pres.,-afrs, R. Johnston;
1st vice, Miss Margaret Rae; 2nd
,vice, Mrs. ,Gorden Fisher; see.-
treas.; Mrs. Ale- Havens; district
director, Mrs. Roach; standing
committees:. agriculture &/ 'Can-
adian industries, Mrs. P. Stew-
art; citizenship and ethicatiOri,
offieials have' ne alteinatiye but
to add "pottage due", 'belleetable••,
at the, "ether end". • ' • ,
Circulars, not •inividuallt •ad-
dreSsed, now cot •11/2cents each,
increase of a..Y2 cent. . •
Papers .and such third class
matter now require 2e far the,
first two ounces and lc for' each ,
additional ounce.
Registration fees are 20e•tio to '
,$25, 3.0c up to $50, 35c up to $75, ...,
arid 40c up to $100.
. . .
4, 1* . • • . • •
, r • , .
. • , • ,
. • . '
. . .
.. '
. .
. !Jo; •
• .
. '