HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Lucknow Sentinel, 1951-03-22, Page 4PAGE, FOUR m. • CKNOVO SENTINE1, 1JUCKN,OW, ONTARIO. 'WANT AP" RATES -1st insertion 2 cents wdrd, subsequent insertiont 1 „cent a word. Minimum charge(.25 cents. Replies, care of .The Sentinel 10 cents extra. Legal advertising 10 cents per count line first insertion, 5 cents per line surequent insertions. OA SALE •— Blue convertible HEATED' APARTMENT — baby,k stroller, Apply at Sentinel able now. Apply Gammie Apart- to rent a home in LucknoW• AP - CAR FOR SALE-4936,Plymouth sedan. Apply fat p e, • CATS FOR SALE — Ajax oats, suitable f4. seed. Elwood Bar - 1391117, 'phone, 21-44, Lucknow, R. BEEF 'FOR. SALE—choice baby , beef bY the quarter, cut up Or HOUSE 'FOR SALE-seven4boxiv honse, full baseitie,nt, :furnace; 3,, wire .serviee. ApplY at Sentinel Office. , Best prices" paid' for ; dne inch 'Oak; Elm; Maple; Bireb,",. Cherry, Walnut. PrOmptpayments. See or Write James ColeFurniture FOR ;SALE-41eaver and ,Roxton seed. dats..--,ROxton especially. a& .also a. permanent pasture. mixture 'of orchard grass, braille grass and Son., phane .14-r,15 Dungaimon. AUCTION of °twin: stdck, lements and soMe household. east of Lucknow, ThiirsdaY, March' 22nd. See. bills for list & terms: J. Smith, Prop.; Well. ,„ on 'Thursday, IViarCh 29th. There lain...Apply to Lorne, Woodsi'St..Helens; 'phone 564-21, NOTICE TO CREDITORS *, In The Esti*. of ' David Milne, against the'estate OfDavid Milne, late. of the 'Village .of-LucknoW, ed, who died on or, abotit the 27th • day of 'January; 19'51; are herebY . notified to send in .to 'the -under7 signed AdMinistrator on ..Or be - full particulars of theiThanns., ' rinni_ediately. after the 31st day °estate will be -distributed athengst the ptirtie:s entrtledlhereto; hay- ing regard only. „to', clainis, of Which the Administrator ' shall Dated: at Lucknow, this '9th day of March, $05k 'Kitchener, Ontario, Adniitigtr0- Agdraw; Solicitor • FOR, SALE—started Capons, 3% to 4 'weeks old. ,Available through hatching season. Goldie IVIartin, •trtick and houSehald..,:effects at. Lot 9,,Con. 3; Aslifieki on Thurs..' Mccolernan, 'Prop.; '• -PERSONAL LY CURVES! Gain .5 to 10. - new pep. Try famous health and .etuainted'. Size only 60c. All bred 13y, Practicat.poultrykeepers their .aWn.• Canada ApproVed. Wide choice:, breeds,. "crossbreds. .Prompt shipment. Some started: .Lose n6 time, get prices from Ili.' APPLICATIONS -WANTED Applications . tor the Office of Clerk -Treasurer for the TOWn- ship of Ashfield will be 'receive& hy the undersigned Clerk until. the 31st of, March 1951. Salary $800.00. The applicant to„supply an office. No applicatibn necess,- arily accepted. '• C. McDonagh; Clerk, In the Town Hall'0, Lucknow, Mond4Y, March 26th; kinder Fire Company auspices. Carruther's orchestra. Admisison .50C. PLAY AT ST. HELENS , The Jnusical Play 'The', Mini- iter's Aunt" will be presented&by the Senior Choir of Lucknow Un- ited Church in St. Helen's Com- munity Ilan, on Thursday, March 29th at 8.30* under dispices of St. Helen's W A. Admission:. ad- ults 40c, children 25c. . " •Towiiship of West Wavvanosh •,• GraVel Tenders the undersigned ••until` 0.00, March .31st; 1951, for • Cruahing, and:hauling 6000 cubic yards of 'gravel- 3/4',Inch SiZe at a flat rate, delivm.ed anywhere in the Town - .ship to tile .satisfaction of the 'Read Superintendent. ' Contract to be 'finished b5! -October 15th.' ' A marked cheque for 3200 must accompany aaeh. tender: Lowest or any tender, net zieceSsarily' ac - dent, Dungannon, ,Ontario.', HELP .WANTED. FEMALE. , • Ward Aides for , the. Ontario.' ,Hospital at London Young, Women in good. health, with 2 years . High 'SchOor or equivalent, 'and' with,*fan interest in helping the mentally sick, are, L-Ati, Optometrist OffIce On Patrick St.„ just VVINGHAM Professional Eye Examination • or Night Service FOTERAp Maci.EN ti AN and MacKENZIE FUNERAL SERVICE (Funeral Home, Available AMBULANCE SERVICE (Day or Night Service) FURNITVRE fraining to accepted applicants tion Privi ges and pension bene- fits; Accomodatipri in hospital residence - at moderate cast can ; desired. For application • form -write to Miss _Florence .Thomas, R.N., Direclor of Nursing, 'Ont Massey -Harris 13 -run 'fertilizer Corrniek - Deering tractor; 28-: or disc. 12 plate 'Bissell .disc.;.1938 Ford coach in good shape.• New tractors, •all models now available' cemplete• With hydraulic. Seats.' GEORGE WRAITH,' Lucknow. CASH—up MOO'. for Dead er .farrn.-PromPt aervice: Plume col - WILLIAM STONE :SONS; .LTD PRIVATE SALE'T—• Of the ,household effects bt. the late Mrs. -D: liuSton at .her apart, inent in Henderson Brock; Luck - now, on Saturday, March 24th,. opens , at 10 a.m. The, following .articles for sale:: apartment .sized drop leaf table and chairs, chest Of &ewers wash Stand, 'electric fIrtdlhamp,ageticleum rug,. herein. . executors* ® a@ca Kenneth). MaKepiie Optometrist LISTOWEL; ONT. Will be in Ripley, Wednesday, .December :20th and every sdc- ond Wednesday following, at -Fin- appointment 'p:hone Rdy- MacKenzie, 964-24. Ripley.. (Day. Or Night) Agnews: gency . , Boward Agnew. Jos. Agnew :MEMBER, OF Ontario Insurance Agents' Association etherington, K arriSter, Etc., IN ILIICRNOW 'Each Manday . and, Wednesday Office 48. ' Residence 97 Loeate.d.. on the grotnid floor John' Kilpatrick's Building 'Phone* Wingham hi tile front of .. GENERAL INS1URANCE Established Over 30 YearrAgo Business 39 Residence 138 Co -Operative •Life Insurance , .Co -Operative Automobile . Economical' and Reliable , , A: CAMERON . • !Phone 70-r-10 Dungannon you. don't realize .haw foolish you, are' to itay tip. all night until Telephone 175 BUSINESS and . TAX SERVICE: MONT1/431 AUDITS. For The . 'Small Merchant, PrOfessional (Vice in Kll•Piktriok' k hOne 23-w • .ARMSTRO NG GODERICH A.pPointnaent ,or Information See Wm.:A. Schmid, ''Phone 107-w. Lucknow InSure a' Duce Ansuranee WIND , Western Farmers' Weather . FIRE -}lowick Farmers' Mutual , Acaident, Sickness FARIUSit AUTOMOBILE Td Protect Your Jack, Insure With Jack TodaY.. • 'Phone, 61-5, Dungannon R:W. ANDREW Barrister and Softener LUCR.NOW, ONTARIO Office in the Joynt•Block Office 135 Residence 314 DOC. WHY Aflf.' MY CHICKS ;THOUGHT jODAYs5 CHICKS cVERE Bul LT' FOR FAST GRoWTH THEM BACK ' 10fEE.DTHEM- ET THeM MAYBE TNEY'RE NOT (JETTING .EhOU6H OUT oF THEIR F540, JIM • Y01.) KNOW ,HOW POoR 6A6 .MAKES YoUk GAR 'ttliaTTER DoNIT 6E1 YOU , WELL, IT 'TAKES'14i61-1 OCTANE 10 ,OET TOP PERFORMANGE IN YOUR, CAR-. IT TikkE A 1416H QUALITY • I N 'YOUR CH IG K5 WHAT- b0 FEE4 DOC. JUST TO $1 FEED THAIS WATCH YOUR' R01 •