HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Lucknow Sentinel, 1951-03-22, Page 2'• 7 'PAON *NVOQ • . • 4 ' • , • THE LileittIONY SENT,I1044 IMMO*, ONTARIO 1 THURSDAY, MARCH 22nd,' 1951 K,INGBRIDdE Messrs. Victor ancl'Mike tin of Hamilton were week.:end visitors with. Mr, and Mrs. Nace • Martin,.' • Mrs: Joe Lane of Seaforth vis - lied her father, Mr. Andrew Mar- tin. • , Mr. and Mrs--; M. Law and fam- ily visited on ,Sunclay with; Mr: • and Mrs.. W. Lannan. •. Rev. Q. 0"Keefe sang 'the re- quiem Mass- for the late Mrs. J. Hussey, whose funeral w.as held on. Monday morning, Our s'.3Trri PatllY to •the 'bereaved relatives. • Seririce• andSatisfaction •New .Antornatie• Oil 'Furnaces `Installed—Now ;In Stock. FURNACE REPAIRS .BathrOom Fixtures ....& Re,pairs • SEE THE RANGES EAVETItOUGHING'• • • AIR CONDITIONING • Art Gilmore' .R.R. 3, LUCKNOVV • 'Phone, 61fr-13; Dungannon in Piumbii and eating .• fi .4 •`• • ',0"••••• 1 • .' A. •, • . 26 PIECE SERVICE FOR :6 .6 knives 6 forks • 6 tea spoons,. 6 dessert spoOns 1 butter, knife., • Sugar spoon • In tarnish resistant chest. • • • .only. $49.75: . • ' . . r • 7 4 r A breath-taking'new pat- • • fern,DAFFOOIL COnocla'S • finest silverplate famed for qualit9; beauty, 'crafts- , , tranship, You'll surely thrill •.to his neviesi.member Of . "TO-filmoUs • 1 ee It At:. A. • s SCheild Jeweller, Lucknow ,40 • by ROSEMARY THYME • „. .....„.„. .• Do you make, any particular "dish better than' anY of. your friends and.. relations? At Our house my .rnether ' always made the biscuits,. light as a. feather an, towering tall; and the satis- fying -.potato soup, my' sister Made •the Muffins, substantial with bran..'arid dates, and a perfectly delicious 'vegetable soup. I camel in .on•tlie'.C4es and..Salads.)One 'of my friendsfries potatoes that are really, ,osomethine,' and• We, always plan on having; them One that ,way several times 'when she visits us, and,: of course, the job is hers. iMy husband asked her once what she did to them to Make: them' S� extra special: She •replied'that the wasso fond of them herself then she 'hesi-, tatiid, as if unable tO.express her'. self, .arid finished, just put • my: heart; in them", „New When fried potatoes are spveciallY god, someone suggest that 'Marn • garet's heart arinst be in them''. Since salads are mYspecialty, talk' of theni for a' bit. 'First, • there's apple, my particular spec- • ialty. I have known cocks who thought itjas bother •to 'make it, and coMplained that the apples. darkened unless they ,are inuned- iately. coated ".'iwith. :lemon :Or 'orange juice. I „think that would • be a nuisance tod..I get pie out a oW1; .and if I'm going to whip cream, I •do that firstin the boWl, thenwhip the salad, .dreSsing it.:•Then I -dice 'the apples right into the:dressing, about ',lb, inch Cubes.. Use ,the ,reddest-Cheeked. apples you on Jind,. and leaye • the skins. On. :Then / add a ,great variey of ingredients, in differ- ent combinations, celery and grated ra*.carrota; lettiicei raw. 'carrots and., orange and big fat raisins,. or dates, instead of ‘rlis ins, c opped nuts,: cabbage and nuts;•etttice; apple,. orange, ,grappfruit and pineapple is a,hisli-` combination, and so ; Very '.appe- tizing right now.. Canned • pear halves Can be arranged in a dec- orative effect on top .of your ap•-• ,ple salad bowr, with a fluff of eXtra dreSsing and. a few, raisins. They have :a petal effect, and can be arranged in a,variety of ways. Aples like: a fluffy.: dress- ing, .a swish of .whipped cream to 'your boiled' dressing, or the dressing. made with• lemon. juice; • • , . OBITUARY , WILLIAM N. JOHNSTON The death of William Xassau JOhnstOn; member of, an early Ashfield Township, family, Oc- curred : in Toronto on Friday, March 2nd.. He was 83 years of age and dea.th was due to a heart condition and hardening• of •the arteries. • Mr, Johnston waS a son of- the late William Johnston and Mary •MOClure. He was 't?Orn, at. Dbr- chester on July 6th, 1867, and Caine t� Ashfield TownslriR as an infant in .1868, with his Parents • wio settled , Lot 40, ,:Lake Range;: The farm is still owned by., Paye Johnston, son of -the late "rhoinas •Johnston..-- The deceased 'was. thelast' . • • PURPLE GROV. A, large' number of , relatives and friends attended the funeral, odtylgraat, .William RQliOck,ia$t Fri- • The Farm Forum was bed. at the hdine. of Mr. Donald Robert- son ,last 1,ViondaY night - a large attendahcei The Ira sOciai' •at Purple Grove school' was postponed ow'', ing to so much 'flu in the neigh- borhood: • •• Mr. Davies of iClinton 'ing with his unele, Mr. William GIRL GUIDES . , The Ast 'LliCknow Guides. held 'their weeklyff, meeting. on Friday, March .16th in the Legion Rooms. We .had roll call shoWin 16 present: which was followed by horseshOe formation. Busin• ess was discussed and ,yareus Guid4 Work activities were carried on.. Games were played •and, the Meeting Was•adjourned by ing Taps. There will , be nc- Guides. next week,March 2Ist. on Sunday. Walsh. • " . .. .1 • - Mr. and. Mrs. Percy Anthony t` . . . . Mrs. Tom'QUigley,.of •LucknoW of Detroit visited with.Mr. Geo, visited her sister,Mrs..RaIph Hill -Emerson, , Jr. . ,-• • Viving.. member: a of nine children, 1470 daughterS and. four sons. • • • On June 15th, 1892;, Mr. John-: ston married Isabella Marshall, who precleaeaseci'hiin. Their eId7. est son' Walter, was. World *ail I, • . • .: • Mr. Johnston was a blackaMith, -and. carried 9n his trade. in Tor- onto for many years. He, was kind and Riving, husband • and father - and always' happy in' his home life.; FraternallY he was .a Mernbero of the: Canadian Order • .of. Foresters, and L.O.L. No. 387 of which he was a past .mater• .: The funeral Service was held in', the Trull Funeral' Horne, Tor- •ont0, on lVfairch 5th, cOndueted by Rev.. W. McROberts. Interment was St.':JOhn's Norway:cern-. etery, • with. ,Joseph Fred HerriPhill, A.. Mathews,, E. ,Carrieron„ W.-"; Wagstaff r and, Boucher ,aCting ;as:pallbearers. JohnstonMr is survived by. one. soh, Nassau John- ston ;Toronto and by three •daughters, ' Pearl and Evelyn .of TorOlito and Edith :.Ostrander of Georgetown.", 7, • ." • Does your label' read "517? . • ,• tract which says I must talk only about recipes and cleaning silver, etc; Right now I'm mulling over an idea on child psychology, in- spired by ;the editorial comment in a recent issue of,.thd paper about switching the 'child's "'at- tention, "To''spank ,or not 'to spank"? IVIight. be. I'd *raise some • discussion—I m for it; are you •, 'condensed milk . and eggs or the the lime disappear. I thought it's worth a•try for those of you who can tap a tree. To . clean ,chscolored brass use .a paste of salt and. vi.negar. There is :nothing- in my .Con-' Contractors are, not only material-wise.They're paint -wise!, That's why they recommend B -I1 "ENGLISH" , for home exteriors. B - H " ENGLISH " Paint, hea.utifies, ,protecfs and •lasts! 'It's the sinart.chnice-r, • ,•• Apply by brush ,of spray. DIERSCON ITED /PHONE 150 "agin" it?, , one to which you add evaporated, ROSEMARY THYME 14UVIiNOW, ONTARIO , • MB milk when you are Making it., 4 • • :•-L-A--pieturesque:relish lo.r aL WA meat platter is made with Chin, ese Calibage.. and spiced. crabap- ples. Autnarin• might be the time -:,°.'f.-!-:''',, •-•„...,.:*•<:: .. .. to, tell yOu.'Of this. Though I have • " seen,Chinese-cabbage in' the fruit . stores ;recently,and if you 'don't •can ..'sPieed crabs, •, yon . earl,' 14e a tiny tomato, or a couple pieces of one with a dab of salad dress- ing. RerridVe a ,nurnber ,of the outer leaves ' from • 'the Cabbage :,(use ,themi otherwise) but, leave that solid. piece • at the root. end, an4 you'll find the stalk will stay • • ,iii;P::{0iii::: together •bettei. Cut slices right ,, ,•*,:i:ii:%ii:i::ii.,,,.. .throUgh, about. an inch thick, Try •.; to keepthe slice tc•gether;as yfriti. arrange them 'Si. the' centre, .or at the .ends of'your Platter; .i.e.. move enough from the. centre of , the . slices'''' to place a crabapple • T'. , . • . (or.tornato) in' each, Arrange the. cold • meat slices around the edge; rorin--the-centre-if-you- have the, Cabbage' at"the • •. * " • " • .• SOMe011e aiked recently about 'rkemoVing paint: 'have used, with good stiet-es,: laundry 'starch ,-and bre. Make!starch ' • you: would for •Starching, clothes, and • add about a third of a can of lye •to quart .of Starch. Apply with art old paint brush, and the, paint may be' rubbed off 'with old cloths, Or crumpled newspaper. I. have also been told that three'pounds of -Wishing soda dissolved' in one gallon Of water workvery well. I haven't tried •this yeti though intend to; ' • Another tip, 'which 11 haven't triedbut passing it on any- way. it' the old problera of lime in the kett101. I read the other day that' if you .1boil sap in it. • . . • 4, Ar ••• IT'S MADE WITH •,. CHEER MA tpkicelis turEstiiklootas St.*. Delectable Theltiho goodness:, „, rarebit made with ,creamyt • smooth dairy Cheese. Cheese puts extra " teat ittall.your meals. ,*tatte:e it'.k good so man' ways. As a inain dish ,a.",dirfereat.".;', dessert, or a snappy snack any:time, your fanliWp',Snre to ,enjOy, cheese. At yont• groeers' fihs,z1 a setediont4t,.': satisfies every taste and every,, peed.' , • ' , • Eel' us send .ildu OUt. • cAeese •iteipe$,. • ENJOY NATURE'S fINE MODS . ' • DAIRY FOODs S RVICE BUREAti . 4094:futon st. Toronto • 4.