HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Lucknow Sentinel, 1951-03-15, Page 6• ' . , • t • PAGE TWO r WagrilOngig,271141W111.9"." 44.1E:14111.14.'"r; ! THE 140P1410W SENTINE1-1.,UCKNOW, ONTARIO * 10th1951 by' • ROSEMARY THYME •• Does one particular meal Stand, • out in your memory as being ab- solutely perfect, everything cook- ed just right and seasoned to perfection? Maybe it was a Christmas • dinnet, Mine wasn't. In fact wheal was thinking of an Easter menu I thought of it. ,• Baked 'ham, that is the standard Easter Meat isn't it? Fluffy mash- ed ,potatoes, candied yams, let-, • tuee Salad, a relish plate, which I do not reniernber clearly, and for dessert, a lemon cream pie with meringue crust. The ,ham • was studded. with whole -cloves ••• before baking, -the 'potatoes were •• *hippedto:the fluffy 'whiteness : . • :,Of freahly:.fallen, snow. The let - 'Wee was shredded in fine rib- bons . the kitchen shears, • finely: .chopped onion in sour •'Cream, ''dressing. -Just why - this :dinner appealed to me so muctr,.. can't say, 'but for years have • remembereditlin caPitars, Perfect inner'.PUnfortunately ':,11ave Wane' of this particular 'cook's recipes,: biitithere are these - ,1 might give you...for some sour • crearn, 'dressing, candied some, 'anti lemon .chiffon pie. • There, is the . plain sour cream •,dressing which ,is very tasty on Iettuce-1/2 cure sour cream, one tablespoonof vinegar, .3 ;tbsp. , of water. and Siff to taste.. If' you like it more sour .use more vine- gar. • Another.- dressing, thatis als� ...good with ',cabbage and apple salad. Beat slightly one egg yolk, then add 1/2 tsp. salt, 1/2 tsp. dry mustard! 1 tbspVinegar' tbsP. lemon JuiCe4. 1 lbsp, salad (tliftY be -orfutted), 1/2 cupsour cream. Beat with spa:in until well ' • . Candied ,yam,s . Peel yams and boil until almost tender, Then, place in ibaking. dish, ga.,Y.P' ready '1/4 margarine, melted, W cup honey • or brown.. sugar, .pin,ch.sali, extra good rryou have • added 1/41 Cur, orange juice. 'Pair • over the :yams, 'basting occasion allY,:.with the liquid, if it seem not 'to adhere to the yarns stif- ficiqntly. Bake15 or 20.. minutes. •For- the, Meringue. crust . Beat 2 egg 'whites stiff with few grairis salt:When frothy add • tsp.. crearn ,of tartat, Gradually beat in 1/4 Cup gtariulated 'sugar. • Beat, well. Pile or. pie ,Plate and spread with- spatula dipped. in cold water, Bake In Slow oven. If you. use 1 very big, or deep •• • plate you may have to, double the amount. Fat the filling—Lemon C1'i!f-. fon Pie. One and one third cups (1 •.Can) sweetened condenaed. milk, % CUD lemon juice, 2 eggs separated. Blend milk, lernOn. and egg yolks. Stir. until mixture thickens. Told. In stiffly beaten • egg whites:. Be sure, the mixture' is ,fairly well set, not at all "runny,", before putting into the. • shell. ,Chill 5 hours before rv- rng Gariiiah with whipped cream if desired. • '; •.•Then We, have another with. a lemon 'jelly •nowcler' and a can 13 'oz., evaporated jelly powder, milk, 13/4, .cupe boiling Aylater%one4hird. cup honey, one - eighth tsp." galt,'rind .of' one lem- on, .3 that). lernon 'juice. Thor- oughlychill .milk..DisSolve:gela- tine in boiling Water.,'Add hone, salt, lemon jince„ rind. When this has congealed slightly beat milk' •until stiff and whip gelatine .mix - BORN • ' . HEM AEY -^7. in Kincardine, Hospi, tar on March 4th, 1951, to M. and Mrs. Jack Hedley, R. 4, Kin- cardine, a daughter, Marjorie Elizabeth. , . • PARK —• At .,Alexanclra Hospital, Goderich, cn March 5th, 1951, to Kr, and Mrs. Richard Park,..Duri- gann,on son, Uwe. into i.° • For an. ,Easter calla lily sand- Wich, remove '.crusts from thin sq,PareS. ibread,S.Pread with softened cream cheese and fold to oppoaitecorners, cornucopia fashion, around a stalk.' Of aspar- agus,dipped. 'lightly in salad. • dressing. Lap the edge as bit so that they will Sticic Or instead of the 'asparagus you might made 'the., "lily" opening the 'receptacle for a long sliver of pickle. , Ar-; range ,the lilies around.,the,oUt- iide of a large glass plate, arid rn 'the centre put colorful relishes, radish. rosebuds, carrot, 'curia, 'caulifloWet pickle, etc. • !• ,•• • decorative idea for table de-- coration. :Hunt up all ,the odds, • and ends of old candles. .. Melt them; carefully, no wax. gOing Up in flames please, Keep the colors separate •-as. you' melt. Pour into scalloped -edged tart tins. As ther' begin to stiffen, instert the candle wick' In the :centre', .at cord will do; and 'let harden. 'When cold • and hard they will be easily re- nnoVed- from pans, and you haw Candles which look like flowers and will float on mater : For table centre use ' large flat: contain- er,.' •and arrange floWers and :candles in. it• The shiny green leaves of inkrtle which may be 'oOming to life in Your own yard, '•fecii daffodils, .or eatlY crocus will be lovely. . • •••• , \\„, • \\'•\ 41441411%16 ‘•441%.40 You stop this Wringer in.emer.. gencues just by 'pulling" back bn the' clothes.. There never was anything so quick nor so safe. - And that's not all. When you want to swing the wringer, just push it. No unlatching- or latching—that's automatic. - here are many other intereo. ing Features to seel There's the new thermo tub with stain. less steel interior. Never chips, / scratcher' nor 'stains. here's the famous human hand" washing action 'which' does a tubFul of clothes 'in: 6 minutes. .• • . Comel:You'll love, to ,• WASHER'see this ,iew washer. BEATTY WASHERS PRICED BEST POSSIBLE 'TRADE-IN ALLONVAikE IN ,TOWN 11ROM $ REGULAR LEGAL. TERMS ON REMAINDER • rI . • • ••' . • , Win medic El S41111 I., • • • LI.J9c.N:owo ONTARIO. 'PHONE '16' 4711 •'••••"V`•: • • frlr;\ 100(.4140 VittIl 140114 tibtak Aliswitis • k AIR. MAIL .LETTER, FROM ED RMOSA. Maclay Memorial Hospital, •• Tailpeb, Formosa, Mar! 3:1, 195•1* Dear amPb ell • I .have just receiVed, from my sister-in-law Toronto a 'bundle ,of Sentinels; all the way from IucknOw, and dated all the way from August 25, 1949 to JanuarY IL 1951, What a bunclle. Quite few issuesare aniasing,' but those that have arrived are enough to gve a. interesting : aeroplane: window view Of ..activity in and around, town between thosedates, 'hake ,artanged them in their itirne order. and A:tinged my big book -binder's needle thrti ;them, In. book :form .theyservo ',better. to foetis the len; range view. • We do not ' directly subscribe to The Sentinel.because of the Supply of news. • We often get behind with t'horne- side" news; but surface mail, even direct, would only narrow the communication gap by:a le Months... Iii.' these times—eve these tin* of speedthe movement of surface xnail to this part of the world is slow incleed..:„ 'Sentinel' as, Seen;from Formosa. • Glancing through the file, it ord- curred. to .me that. I 'should write •a brief nate to old frienda in. the •'Sentinel •communit And for ,sulbject m:aterial- there, •Seemed .none :better: than comments on. Your 'Worthy paper as seen from. 'here. What are one's impressions'? The.. first is -that The Sentinel :reading community:': seems ' pre, dorninantly7SCottish, Perhaps it is my 'living •in. a ,foreign com- munity that makes 'racial ,traits. stand 'out.; But, by .the way,, real •Sectsmen 'Might ,not .agree with me, One thing to . make a real ,Scotsman stamp a .f9,0t is the."cirs, tornary :"Arneticari" .Use :Of !Vie word "ScOteli", ..."Scotelnrian" instead • of Scottish, . 'er 'Seat. 'It seundsto him more like Amer; loan' .whiakey'' •advertisingthan". proper ;English: However,' that. .can all be corrected in ,L.H.S..,..aa can the Oustornary. "kilts" for "'the kilt". Yes, the Conirriumly pte- dominantly '; Scottish. '' Sd,tlish • name s , 'and' :games,..ara'Scottiah thrift, camfnuriity. spirit andal, trtiiSm•stand out quiteClearly, ii spite of :some Camouflage: • • I note a columnin the, March 30 issue •2last year, Where W. S. Sutherland iwriltes of .how, the • • • s. of the Argyll. and Suther: 1.,,, •s .played .."The ‘Camplbella' corning". • at tlie iiRelief 'of Luckno*. I' wonder Whether- that article -Was. written by my�1d friend ."Bili" .Sutherland knew at •MeGill. If so, ,he know his.stubjeat and how to check up on the history Of Luekriow and. its relationship with the :doings of :Sootanien in other parts �fthe World. His. article .;reminds me of contacts with Argyll and Suther- land . men in Scotland and more recently with.,- seeing.; in,..,.11orit,• kong last summer, the Argyll' and _Sutherland,_:reent embark' fat United Nations service in Korea. They have been in' the •thick of the 'fighting this :past' week. • Mention ' of Korea, rernindS ine •thatjust this•afternodn, my wife, and .1, attending a x.w..c.A,. eririg •(where I had to giVe.A talk • ori,!the United Nations). saw, after the lecture; a film shOwing, the irst,Canadians' in .action- in • this 11.4ttlefield . of . mud blood, hat was our first in the Far East of ,C•afiada-in the news. Up ti1iow, 'Canada/ ,s� ' far as' our' part'; of the world was con cerned, might have been:s place , "somewhere oti..:Mars". But „in the .2'nodern World,. Mars -actiori, tragic as , is the fact, Maybe bringing, ;Canada arid .:the • East' closer gethet. We 'Wondered • if there were any LUcknow' Scots in that group. tpietured...ruirtirig* liquid,' fire into' .Korea thatch -roofed cottages,' where he, enemy were though t to be hiding,' .' • ; A second •iinPreasion , on read, ing The Sentinel .file is amazel Ment. the numerous and varied activities • in, which members of the communitp••take. munity wetfare, education, liter:- ary, and recreational activities, public services,. justice. But cen- tral thiioUghit alris the makked- InflUence of Christian civilizatron,, an influence to Which so much of the modern World is said to be almost 'totally blind.' Nurrier, ous items repotting, church act-., ivities appear on every page.,This Varity :of activities,: of the pe9.; ple,by the people, for the peo- ple, stands out in marked ..con- trast' to 'conditions in a Village' of corresponding size in this part Of the world. A corinnunity.here, 50 to 100 times as Populous as Luck- ,ribW,/ might\ , not :.have such a weekly -newspaper as The Sen- tinel. . • IS47R06tRS BROS. Canada's Fnest- giIverphie See Wt. At: • A. eti:ler•S.L.C11111c1411D'S know • FQURTH.C9NCESSION • ,. • and • Mrs. Russel Mac. Dougall and ,'daughter Barbara left Friday morning on their re- turn trip to Wella, B C They will stopiin .Coturina to ,Visit. Russel's, mother who is at . the home of ph17al . itd.ianEug,Sdhgatarenrri54.* mrMratss, ham 'since coming from the hos- • on 's having. electricity, installed 111 his horhe, Nearly every home on the east'' end of the Fourth' Concessionlias • had that awful visitor "The 'flu", : A large 'number' • are still quite •• Mr. and Mrs. Dick. Martin and • AUStin are victims of the 'flu, • Friends. of Mrs. Angus • Mac GillivraY. are 'very sorry to' hear of her "death: She was a resident Of the .Fourth Concession.'for. many years ;before her marriage: .„ Mr. John D. Thompson Nips purchased. a • new car.. . . • • • • 1 , • . „ W. 1. RESPECTS MEMORY. OF CHARTER METABER, • • . • , The March Meeting of •Luck - :now Branch. of the''Womerits - stitute Was . held.' in the :Council .chamber with'Mrs: A. Wilson'abd. 4 Mr6.: Cook: in their respective position. Mrs, Douglas gave a port .of the last banquet which netted the Institutea profit of $140. It was decided to.. take the sewing 'course which began. on . • Monday, March . 12th.Thisre- quires, at least an attendance of .shert:cookingschool course which willthe for one night only, wais,detided On for sometime:.in the' Middle, of :June: Teri dollars way voted -towards ••the March of Dimes fund.. The roll, call 'Wa's .answered by an Irish joke.. . A minute's Silence was. obter- Ved,' in memory of. the • late Mrs: *Dave Huston,' 'who had, been a: Charter ;member • and a,•faithful.' attendant through the years: The: motto /"A rrierrY, heart dbeth good 'like Medicine"; was Written by -Mr. G. Andrew and Mrs. RoaCh :contributed S. read- ing "The ' Parson's Tonguer....z.The:;.• hostesses in Charge serycd, lunch; " The April ineeting willtake the form of a pot :luck supper at .6.15 pin . .• • • • .• • ,TO INSTAL HYDRO AT, CEDAR VALLEY, • 'Members of the Ashfield town-. shin School Area Boardin4„de their annual insbection of rural.' sehoolls in the .TownShio, to check' up on. repairs ;and, redecoration. that May. be necessary at • Easter time �r during the summer holi;• • Included in 'this program will 'be; the installation of ' hYdrd S.S. No. 17, Cedar Valley, dUring the summer...Ail .Schools ,in eration fn the ."Tdwnship„ will then be equipped with liVdro• Dungannon and Kintail sehoels are dated for repairs. •itiii"Kaater acatton- Mrs. Erma Lantz ' of Ripley' has been engaged to teach at S S No, 15, 41er-111(10k City, Succeeding Mrs. Dave AnderSon.. ' Walter Alton and Walter_Tig ert, have 'been appointed dele-, gates .to the 0.E.A. Convention in Toronto at Easter. '1,, • However, vi,r4 , ;think• We are coming , along' 'here, s1owly but surely. Christian institutions 11 C being established, the frarichite is beingintrodUeed,, thanks to our Up4and-aoming Governor, Wu, and democratic freedom is "Slowly broadening down from precedent to prededent" and froni problem to problem. 'With good wishea to frieri0. backhope: Your airidereiY, ., Hugh MacMillan.