HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Lucknow Sentinel, 1951-03-15, Page 5THURSDAY, ,.MAH 15th, 1951 Tula LUCKNOW SENTINEL, LUCKNQW; y: • .ceuri� •,.. entre w I NGfrtAM Two . •Shows i Each Night �'FIRSTSHOW .'AT 7,15` Thursday, Friday, Saturday MARCH.. 15, 16, 17 • JAMES, ' STEWART ' i DEBRA PAGET in The Broken, Arrow MATINEE ` SATURDAY Moeda ►t Tue sY, Wednesday, MARCH 19, 20, a21 JAMES CAGNEY, • , VIRGINIA . MAYO; in Point -Ston The west �•� i : Y Thursday,:' Friday, Saturday • .March. 22, 23, :24s "BR•EAH.THROrGH" SEED • CLEANING ••-- Kmlough Seed Cleaning Plant open ffor cleaning T(4esday and Friday •of each week. Other day4 by ap- pointment only, • George'Haldenby, KinlQ'ugh, .'Phone Ripley 18-16.. • AUCTION: SALE: • OF REAL ESTATE AND CHATTELS '. • By direction of the ''Public Trustee, the follo ing 'Real .Estate. andChattels will be. offered ,for sale by public auction on the premises of Alvin.McNain, R. R.; No. 3, . Goderieh, Ontario, on the 22nd day 'of March, 1951• at 3.30 p.m... - REAL ESTATE,' `(Subject' to a Reserve Bid) Farm, known . as the south .half of lot `15,' concession ,14, ;Township i , of •Ashfeld, : •County of Huron, situated on • R.' R, No: ••a;, Goder ich, On'tario, consisting of 100 acres more or less. CHATTELS One organ; one sewing machine (new"Williams)•, one• three burn- er coal -oil stove, one couch, eight chairs; one :rocker," one: Butter, one bob -sleigh. TERMS: CASH.; • For further particulars apply to: .Mr. Donald Blue,. avLP;, . Auctioneer, Ripley,. Ontario.. Mr. A. Racine Ecq., K.C., • Public •Trustee, "Osgoode Hall, Toronto 2, Ontario, y0 ,nipoeswiesoin1 00069.1.N/ I1�Qime.R o.apo o1lip.D.oliRiranN/ Q.ini.A.alon)r/Ngotp i SAMPLES Of CRA'W.FQ RD'$' e d Sure .an t Hated ery Buy ,locally. where year-round service is ..available and your Welfare is a greater consideration. Avoidexpress charges, excessive handling, < danger of rail -car draughts: TAKE 'ADVANTAGE OF ` DISCOUNTS., Order CRAWFORD CHICKS Now-} :We Hatch PURE.SUSSEX; ,BARRED ROCKS, RHODE ISLAND REDS, B. ROCK. -x W. LEGHORN, NEW ..HAMP. -.x B. ROCK, i. 1 Battery Brooding: first ' 3 Weeks—Floor brooding thereafter •! R' I•, R. x. 'B ROCK. • MMENCING THIS --'YEAR: •TELEP'HONF. 165; LUCKNOW ►r�,�s�.,r ding the winter months with rel- BORN atives,e-aisd: called -on old -friends ONTARIO' PAGE FIVE BRUCE CO, SEED FAIRS Farriers should pian to' attend one of the five ISeed, Fairs and Crop.Conventions; Lion's Head, March•19th; Tara, March 20th; M 1�lmay, .March 21st; Kill ar= dine, March 22nd; Championship Fair at Paisley, March 24th. Spe- cial speakers. will be in attend- ance :at .all ' Seed Fairs to discuss your problems with you. The theme this year is "Build Soils; for Profit". • • ::_ -CARD"OF THANKS, Mrs: Andrew Ritchie would like to. .thank all who sent her cards and fruit, etc., while -she was in the hospital. Il thought- • fulness is much . appreciated Mr. • Denzil Staters and .Gor* don (wish to convey .their •sincere thanks` to their friends and neigh- born for the many kind acts and thoughts : during their recent . be- reayennent. Mrs James Forster wishes to sincerely thank all those' who'• so kindly remembered. her ' with cards, fruit and flowers While ,in the hospital; Such thoughtfulhess is indeed appreciated. • Mrs Lindsay (wishes to acknow 'ledge with deep gratitude the kix dness of .rnany: 'friends, Who Sent letters and cards 'of' syrn pathy.1They were much apprecia ted..• Mrs H. JLinsay,. Clinton. • Mrs:` John Jamieson • arid fam- ily • sincerely thank their many friends for all itheir kindness: and syn ipathy during their recent be- reavement of : a' .loving husband and father, .. as well as While he arid, Mrs.. Jamieson 'were both in .hospital. The cards,. flowers 'and love were messengers that flow-.• ed to.; them arid helped' ito bear them through the . shadows .They are all . deeply grateful . to the -many people' both old and young who showed ''such ,ender care to. 'Mr. 'Jamieson during his :• months. 'of :illness that preceeded his last' sickness..;it . showed. he ,was loved by all 4:.. • Mrs Jamieson: and Family. S'T.:HEL.ENS • Keep Thursday evening,' March'. '29th, free e • for• . the ` musical play, "The Minister's Aunt", to be pre- sented in. the , cornnlunity : hall ' by • the : Senior choir `of the ,Lucknow • United Church,. under auspices _of the Women's ' Association: Mrs. R.. ,J. •Woods of. 'Guelph called on friends in . the village on a Sunday: ' ).t iMrs ' CduLter of .';Whitechurch arid Mrs Chester Coulter, Bryan and' Judy of ';Arrowvwood, Alberta were: recent visitors' with Mr;: & Mrs. I; D. McDonald. Mrs. Ches 'ter Coulter :.and '.children,who with: Mr. Coulter are leaving for their 'home this'week'• after seen-; tuart ` iacKenzie.: Barrister and Solicitor WALKERTON,; ONTARIO I'N LUCKNOW. Each Wediiesday OFFICE IN HENDERSON '.BLOC FOR A SAFE START ANP SOUND GROWTH .,C. •exp. cONTA1NS ALI.THE: • . NEWEST GROWTH FIGTORS" AOF.FARMS MILLING CO ., ATW000 ON, -�:�i,.--..wig ..-ice-M..�,.M Y. •. ,FINLAYSON tuckNow J'r R. WALDEN- AMEEI LEY • F. "WILSON ' 1"4 I E CT, . r.___aii•.d:_. [sem Russ Clipperton ( nee Lorna Reid) are happy to . 'announce: 'the. at - .rival of 'their. 'son, RAaymond•Glen, at Victoria •Hospital, .London, on March 7ith, '• ;1951. • 'A little bro- ther for • Lynda Sharon: Mrs. Gordon' McPherson spent, (Saturday in .London—with Miss-: Margaret MoPherson. t , Mr. G. A. Webb of .Lucknow has been under the doctor's care at the home .of his daughter, NIT. a'nd'. Mrs.. E. • W.. Rice ' eeds, . • • Fertilizer Phone . 71 Groceries Phone 27. 'BY BUYING CO^OP•,GRASS • S.&ED You get just everythingthere is as to clean, inspected and top -fertility seed,, + THE EARLY BIRD GETS THE WORM" Is a sale motto to be guided by. this , Spring as GRASS SED IS' ,ON THE `RESTRICTED. LIdST. C Op' PROVEN:GRASS SEED, Xri Stock, Nov' in Moderate' gharititiesJ-' shogld i be at the top of your, "Want List" on your 'next visit ,to town:. • Do You ''still hug the stove on cl ilily mornings? •-(Our Coal Will Solve Your Problem!' .. 4d ORDER YOUR. FERTILIZER NOW The demand is great . "the supply questionable.'. UckflOW D strict erc tive: ,J Presents . Thursday,. Friday, , Saturday; March. 15, They 'dared a savage wilderness. Could'the face the raging emotions; in their own' hearts? The -story of the' early bsh • settlers in Australia,, and actually filmed there- 1 . 1;be R'O'Ri:ordans. th..JOiN O'MALLEY THEI.MAi SCOTT Plus :Cartoon and News T va: SHOWS ..NIGHTLY,& `SATURDAY MATINEE;• at" A,30 .1110148y, Tuesday, Wednesday, ],March 19," 20, 21: Before he could yell "Uncle they were calling him "Dad and . she ' was. `callin:g 'him "Darling". They sneaked in when his hearit wasn't looking. • • WILLIAM HOLDEN, COLEEN' GRAY:.il !ather Is 9 Plus 'Candid Mike" and "Wild arid Woozy West" cartoon achelor .� . 'S LATER THAN YOU THINK!. 1 Are You `Ready For See The New STERN, PACKERS . AND MULCHERS For. Sale, Good •Matcher) tin of Black Ge d ri 5 'and' 6 years , old, .well broken one Better . ' PURINA STEER FATTENER and PURINA CHI`CK''STARTER Phone :.59. Lucknow,. Ontario I • NOW IN -STOCK BUY NOW ANDAVOD ;WAI 'i'ING �LA�`EI'� •. • Also In: Stock; I: Used John Deere AL; Gas • Mt tor. 1. Used Jahn Deere D on Steel' • JOHN DEERE. SALES', a d SERVICE Huron Rd. Goderich 'I hone .:1132 S g i ub' A ent. PORTER'S' •WELDING SHO tphnne 296-r-4, t Lu'eknow. sr