HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Lucknow Sentinel, 1951-03-15, Page 41 t:• t PAGE :FOUR. • THE �UCKIVQIA %EN'TINEI4 • J,UCKNOW .• ONTARIO "WANT AD" RATES ---1st insertion 2 cents a word; subsequent.. insertions 1 cent a word. Minimum charge 25 cents., Replies care. of The Sentinel 10 cents :extra. Legaladvertising 10 cents. per count line: first. insertion, 5 cents per line subsequent, insertions. TRUCK FOR .4SALE-1946 Ford 3abon sta1Fe Joe Foran, R, R. 2, Lucknow, 'phone 11 on 45., _ • FOR SALE—roll-Way ibed'prac- tically new, geed snattress.Aply at Market .Store.- • • FOR SLE ---.quant' * of: ensilage and hay, sufficient to,feed' about .30 cattle, until grass time. Apply, at Sentinel Office HOUSE: FOR SALE -=seven -room" house, • full basement, furnace, 3- wire serviee Apply, at Sentirnl;;, Office; FOR SALE --•200 ' bus..oats suit- able for seed; would like to •pur- • chase a' -quantity. of timothy and yello, v blossom sweet clover seed.. Richard Baker, Lucknow. Y - FOR SCALP. --gasoline engine an' Dump. ' .jack.'?•used only a ..to months, • ..� ' for quick sdi Apply, to " ell Hackett, ot? Phone 194-w L}icknow. FOR SALE number of young' Shorthorn' bulls, •Ransom breed- ing,' .good color;, also quantity of; baled rnixed hay.. Richard . Kil- patrick, `.Con. 8, .Ashfield, phone Dungannon 77-r-2. ' :I PERSONAL "SKINNY" GIRLS. • GET Lovely *p. -Try ' famous ous healt new Curves. Gain 5 to .10 lbs: and weight builder, Ostrex Tonic Tablets Introductory, "get ac- quainted" .size only 60c. All . drug - gisfis. '. TMPIL,I NEWT'S FOR SALE-7:one. .Massey Harms; ,;1'3rrun .fertilizer drill, `:real. •good, s nape,, W-4 , Mc- Cormick :D fig.. traetor olateaMcOoxck'Deerds, tract. r disc; 12 plate;Bissell disc; - 1938. Ford:c0ach.'in 'good shape. New Tractors, all models xnow av'ail'able: complete with .hydraulic seats. GEORC'kE' WRAITH, Lucknow.. Li , < ,. ,CK WANTED' CASH .. A 1.0.00 .for Dead • or Disaablesi; ., es .:$10 00 for Cows; fogs• $2.50, pix: Cwt. '.+-- ,at your rm, Prompt service..Phone col ' , Wingham 561-J', IAM _STO14E SONS, LTD. • Ingersoll, Ontario. FOR SALE- •Beaven.:and Roxton seed',.oats. RoXton espescially., ad &apted' to light and gravelly soils; also :a permanent pastiix`e mixture of :orchard grass; brorne : grass and •"' meadow .-fescue E. G.' .Zinn and Son, Phone 14 r ,.15;. Dungannon, • AUCTION `SALE; ' of farm stock, uriplements and some' household effedts, Highway.. 86, half '. mile east of Lucknow, . .on 'Thursday,' March '22nd'. See bills. for, list & ,terms J 3'.: Smith, Prop ; ' . We11 •Henderson, Auc; BEEF RING OPENING' St Helens• Beef Ring will open on Thursday, April .29th There ...:are a few openings for anyone swishing eta :Join:: Apply. to Lorne Woods, St. Helens, 'phone 56-r721, Lucknow. .Y. NOTICE :TO CREDITORS In The; Estate.. of David Milne, deceased. All; persons having' , c 1 a i:m against the estate of David Milne, lateof the ' 'Village of Lucknow, in ; the County of Bruce, deceas- ed: who died on or about the :27th day of January, 1951, are herby notified' to send, ip;P,jto.'the' under -7, signed- -Administrator • on or bei, fore the 31st. day .of March, 1951r, artieu1ars-of-their--claims ' Immediately, after, the 31st, ddy of March, 1951, the assets of the 'estatetwill be'distributed amongst theparies entitled thereto, hav- ing ' regard only . • to , claims • of -` -Which>" the •Administrator • shall then have notice.: ' • ' -Dated at ' Lucknow, Ontario, •.this '9th day of March,1951. Fred E •1VIil ne, 141,/i David 'St., Kitchener, ,Ontario, ` Administrat- or. . • R. W Andrew,, his' Solicitor herein. PRIVATE ' SALE "Qfthe household effects, of . the late, 'Mrs. D. Huston . at her apart- ment in •Henderson Block, Luck- now, on Saturday,.. March .24th,.) opens 'at"' 10: a.m. The, following articles for' sale apartment sized, refrigerator, chesterfield b e d drop leaf • table and chairs,. chest of,drawers: wash stand, electric', grill,-.. floor" lamp,: ,Congoleum rug, dashes, kitchen articles. • •Wesley Huston; Robt Fisher,_ executors: TOO LITTLE, TOO LATE.• Not enough •chicks for the .g od 'mar- kets. "Don'ty ut' ourself .iii: 'that P posiion It's plenty late. Get Bray_ pricelist, catalogue: ".Wide choice. breeds, ,crossbreeds; pul- lets, 'mixed I3 yo1d, started... Order -here • through us-- • . ' D. R. FINLAYS•ON, Lucknow. SEE; THE- MONT11--March: Plen- ty. late' for; those • spring . chicks. Get '..Big -4 Chicks growing ,to. Catch. the good • markets.., Wide' choice' breeds, cross .:breeds; •prompt Shipment Soine . started; Canada .Approved, plus theirown intensive. :breeding program on_ their own farms. 'Save time,`tcon- tadt us• • ED. V. ]TAKER, Lucknow... TENDERS 1 TOWNSHIP -OF KNLOSS :SEALED, _TENDERS .'Mar .k•e d: "'Tender'", will be 'received, by the -undersigned-ups-M-a-reh 19;.:,19514 at 2:00 'pan; fpr the 'crushing rand-. t'ruekin g „of' ::the.. necessary.. gravel required by the\Municipality, for the year '1951 .•:..r approximately. 5,000 .to' 6,000, yards in three `setts. Tenders to' be 'iajccornpanied.;by: marked cheque for 10 percent of lender.. The' lowest -Or any tender not necessarily* accepted J. R. • Lane, Clerk, R. 2i• 'Holyrood, Ontario,. C.OMI NG .•EV'ENTS• I PLAY & DA'NCE' AT ZION' ' "Coveralls", in Zion :.Orange Hall on Friday, March 16th at: '8.15, 'presented by Fine Ritter Bethel -Young ' People; Dance af- ter., Admission 50c and 25c,'- . ;BAKING SALE & •TEAS The W. A. ,of ' the Lucknow United -Church will hold a bak- ing sale and tea in 'the • Church basement on Saturday, March 17 at 3.00.. ' PLAID AT HQLYROOD The play, "Coveralls", will, be presented. -by Pine River. and a Bethel -.Young .1"eogle .: n ,,Ii Hol rood Hall, Tuesday, March 20th .at . 8.30• sharp. • Dance to follow - to Clive . Munro's , orchestra Ad mission. to play and dance 50c children' •25c.,.Spgnsored by Holy-', r•ood W. I. . PLAY AT DUNGANNON The musical .play, "The . Mani ster's Aunt", Mini- . presented by the Senior Choir of • the Lucknow: United Church in the . Parish Hall,' Dungannon, on' Thursday, March 15th at 8:30, under aus-:' pices • of .the W.M S.: of -Dungan-. noxi : United Church. Adults 40c, children 25c: ,, APPLICATIONS. .-TOWNSHIP OE'-KINLOSS ,APPL.ICATIONS Marked "Appli- cation", will be received by the undersigned up' to March' 219th, 1951, at 2.00, p.m:, for the fdli:ovtr ing: (1) Waite ,fly 1951; (2) Operator of spray Machine`I for 1951; • (3) .Man to supply' tractor, to. move Spray machine and to: assist' operator: '' ,Elipplicatons in each case to state •.wages :asked per hour: J:. R:. .Lane,..,Clerk; R. 2; Holyrood, •Ontario. inspector . for Kenneth J. Ma Kent e Optometrist LISTOWEL, ..ONT:.. Will be 'in Ripley, Wednesday,'. December 20th and every See - end . Wednesday following, at Eugene• Wrona's .• Jewellery Store from 3,00 p,m.,to 10' 'p m.: Eyesexamined . Glasses fitted` •For appointment 'phone Roy. MacKenzie,: ,96 - r-24 Ripley. et ea** . anis er, C. Wingham `-and. Lucknow IN Li1CKNOW. Each Monday .and, Wednesday , Located on the ground floor • in the front of ; John Kilpatriek's Building 'Phone Wingham :Office 48 • Residence 997' G. ALAN'WLL1AMS •, Optometrist • Offic'e on Patrick, St;, .just Off ' the Main St. in. WINGHAM ref' esssional Eye Examination, ' . Optical Services ° Evenings by appointment. Phone,: Office" 770; • �Tht:5 A O FUNR L. H�A. 'Pho e . 76 Day or Night Ambulance' Service, USE OF FUNERAL HOME At 'No Extr a Cost.., • . . .Moderate Prices MacLENNAN and. tacKENZIE FUNERAL SERVICE (Funeral Hgine Available)• AMBULANCE ,' SERVICE (Day 'or Night. Service) FURNI!URE 'Phone I81,.; Lucknow; ;Ont (Day: ;dr, Night) �.�!news ' A enc:. oward:Agn+ew Jos:Agnew MEMBER , OF, Ontario Insurance'. Agents' Association GENE) 44. INSURANCE Established Over 30 Years. Ago: Telephones: Business 39 Residence 138 INSURANCE Co -Operative. Life Insurance Co -Operative Automobile: Insurance, �Vlercaxltile�: `m-ire---� Insurance Economical' and. Reliable See. A' CAMERON LUCKNOW t . 'Phone 70-r-10.°.Dungannon r, THEE TAX RATE in ,Hanover will be_uip_folur mills this year to 'a rate of 64 Mills. PRETTY 6000 FLOCK . DOC ? SOME CHICKS, .THEIR '100.6 NOT CHIRPING WITH H DOC YOU KNOW I NEVER STI NT ON V ITA FOOD. BUT, JACK,. A CHICK MUST ABLE TO GET IT BEFORE IT cop ANY 600p. LOOKS AS IP TH'F.RE SOME CROWDIN6 HERE • 1 THURSDAY, 1 ARCH 15th, 1951';',. T °B• CIELkNp VETERINA.RLA„ N ' '• Harvelocl S;t.,, .south 'o' ;Supertest. Garage • - •'L.UCKMOW " Telephone 175 ' BUS'_; ESS and, RVICE TAX.,S SCE MONTHLY AUDITS.. For The ; Small. Merchant, Professional man and . the 'Farmer. - S. ` FarmerS J: PIMA P.O. Box: 74 Lucknow, ' Ont.' ' Affice in Kilpatrick.• Block 'Phone 23-w T. ARMSTRONG :OPT,OMETRIST • . , ..GODERLCH .. FOR, . APPOINTMENT' ' .'.'Phone 1100 F'or, .• Appointment or Information See Wm. •A. Schmid, 'Phone. 167-w: Lucknow Insure In' :Sure Insurance WIND Western ` Far*mers° Weather: FIRE Howick Farmers' -Mutual•.. Car, Accident,: Sickness Consult, ..- O FARR SFfi•,, 'Phone 169-d, ' LUeknow. ', : /law 4trE TO Protect Your Jack; . insure ,With Jack Today. . McDONAGII 'Phone 61-,5, Dungannon- NDREW— Barristei and Solicitor "' cifiice in the •Joynt Block Office 135 Residence 31-.1 I F, CHICKS HAV.E TO FIGHT s, FOR EATING SPACE,':JACK, HUNGRY. AND YPUR FLOCK WILL SHOW, SLOW AND UNEVEN GROWTH. 'FEEDING PACE:JACK,.f1600: INCH ,Peg (HICK FOR WI 6 WEEKS-,