HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Lucknow Sentinel, 1951-03-15, Page 3TAURSDAiz, MA'RC'H 15th, 19.51 ,.,,,.,,..►k Nom► LINCOLN FARM.. WELDERS and WELDING' 'St1PPLIES • always; in stock, . W} 0, SIMMQNS & SONS BurenRd., "'Phone 1132; GODERICH, ONTARIO • THE:T-UC 0 ' w Sgrrrip T.;. :►11.1• '' PLAN SOCIAL TO MARK • SI+rVENTi ANIITIVERSAIiY I UBITIRY Mr. and ,Mra'• :James Hodge' ennr. •teritained their friends at thei r home :on Wednesday'. evening. • Friends from here attended the funeral of thet,late William Stat. tern` which: ,was held on Saturday afternoon from the MacLennan -'-.MacKenzie funeral home. We ex_ (tend. deepest -4 sympathy . to ' his, brother,, Mr. 'Denzil. Staibters and to his sister,,1Vlrs.' Walter Hodgins and -other' relatiy'es. • •; Miss Kay Gibson.- spent the week -end : With' • Mr.' and Mrs, Frank Currie, Con. •10. ' y• Mrs. J. Elliott' and ..joan, Mr. , Ferguson, Sandra and • Mr Win.. Lloyd. and M.r.• :Ivan Lloyd of London spent • the week -end with. Mr..an i Mrs. Karl Boyle. • ...Mrs.. Wm, Eadie, ' Mrs : Currie: Colwell' and son Bruce visited an' afternoon with,. Mrs.,ohn Col well. •. •, Miss Winnie Percy, R.N., 'of Woodstock, visited cit` her home here. The, A:Y.P;A. .ine.on • Monday :. t V evening aft :the home,; of''•Misses • Edna: and `.May'' Boyle: ` Mr. ;Mid..' ford Will, presided. -The 'Meeting. opened with the :hymn "Youth of the World Arise" and.. all ".r.epeait- ed the Lord's prayer. Mrs. W: ,Wall. read the scripture.. Mr. .and' M.S. Ed Schaeffer ..invited the ',Young ''Peo 1e oto their home' on Thursay evening(, •: tonight),. for. a St. Paltrick's,.. box- ,..social and . social, evening: •Conveners: Mrs. M; Wall, Mrs ;,'W. Wall and 'Rev. R. Blight' A prize is ,to be given,. for the •best decorated box. The hymn' "`Go Labor On" acid the ibenediction': closed this 'part . •of the' meerting,:•.Edna. Boyle :presided at the piano.for: comxnrnity sing- ing, Mrs. Schaeffer conducted.' -a :contest . and : also read a ,poem. Iona Terry .played two 'riirmibers. on the. .piano accordion: Mr. Mid-' ford; Wall --and -Donna Nicholson: - each gav:e readings. T a's fol- lowed by a fruit and flow r• con: - test. :Lunch was served and .p social -chat enjoyed: Miss Marilyn • Boyle has been., confined to her : bed iwiithr..prieu- rnonia. We phope she, will soon be well again-. 1 1:" 1. 1 1 1 1 1. 1 e At. .:P:A.met at the home Of Mr. and ':Mrs Frank Maulden on un ay night. '1`he, scripture -was read by Erlma Jean 'Percy and Prayer was Coffered' by Mrs. Guest, Jean Gueat read a story on . a famous hymn writer.' Jack Barrled' in prayer. Nancy Need, •'.ham. read a poern followed. 'by pprayer by ' Doris Barr. '` Erlrna Percy ' sang a• solo • and stories were�rread by Mrs. Maulden and Miss' Nellie Malcolm The., next meeting:.will be` at Nancy -' Need- • ham's : on March :30th !with the. boys of the Y.P ''in charge of. the program. The roll, •call is id.' be `•an'swered. with ,an, Easter verse. ',The Sr. W.A. met .on Thursday afternoon at' the horne of ;Mrs. Wit, Wall: ,Mrs. Tom. _ Hodgins • •. presided. The hymn `,Zion's kings shall reign ' victorious" and pray- ens• opened the 'Meet'ing. Mrs. Roy, s Graham read the scripture. les- s sots, 'A verse containing oona-' ■ •inandments Was the answer • to ■ :.: . the:.rofl..:eally^4Mi tut+es -and corres- ■ pondence were 'read: and dealt •with. ' Three replies to • get -Welt cards Wereread by Mrs. H. Ar • Graham, 'social service: secretary. ` '"wan the girls quilt. A the, strip ■ Little Donald -Wall' drew film •,stri s shown by'Rev. R. Blight, An address was alien read to Mrs.' i(arl Boyle by Miss May. Boyle, expressing the, regret of the W.A. • ladies in bidding farewell to Mts, Boyle; who will be leaving 'soon. r • °Mrs.: George Ha1deniby made the It t Presentation, of -a'' lovely plaque.: ■ Mary thanked . the ladies most ■ s>ncereiy "-The' lagan,. .closed ,the 1■ inetiting and refresments were :4 • geared; • Mrs. john Colwell will ■ be the April hostess.' ▪ • q .Qn Thtirsda y evening the' mein - , hers of the, ,Girls' Auxiliary with their husbands and families made `' a surprise visit to the 'home 'of and Mrs. Karl Boyle, wheiro a pleasant evening was spent At. The March meeting of the CYTQ, ' ONTARIO , PAGE SEVEN JA111N: ALEkANDFR JAMIESON Ladies Auxiliary •'was. kield ;n the ; Mr, John Ale*aride'r Jamieson; Legion Rooms with 14 members a lifelong resident of this • dis- present. The meeting was opened strict, 'pawed away in Vv ngharn• by the lst, vice president,' Mrs. Hospital on Tuesday, February Joan England. It was decided to ,' Vith He „ was 81, years • of age send an Easter` box to the Aux- and had been ill " far ten ' days' iliarY.'s adopted soldier in West with pneumonia., {� minter Hospital. 1Vfr, " Jamieson. Was • a 'son of A social evening will -be held' John Jamieson ...;and Margaret on April 10th in• honor of the 7th Scott Farrish, pioneers of Ash- anniversary of the Auxiliary. field in, which Township John This birthday party. will take the was born 'on July' ,lst, 1869, and form. of a:. .card. party and. lunch, where he farmed for, .the. greater 'Correspond'ence was received • part of his life. , " . from Miss Dorothy Hoyle, zone, : • On February 13th, 1896, • Mr, representative, advising mem- Jamieson married Ida C. Finlay, berg that the Zo e.Rally'will be and..just a short time before Mr. held on.May •31t. in. Harriston: Jaanieson;'s lastillness, this es-, ,, The . charter was ,, draped in:• iteemable couple. ha,d th.e 'ha ._ ppy: Memory of the.' late Mrs.�.:David 'experience of celebrating their Huston, who was a loyal member .55th-'weddin.g anniversarY,, of the Auxiliary; •1VIr,. Jarniesori sere ci.: • on. Ash, The :baking?sale sale •and..,a f ternoon . tea planned for March 24th . has eld Cowitie;<l for•a nt>jmber. •ai been postponed until March31sthyeasresryAedftfeor r mmviengthaon Lteukyneaorw Social 'committeefor April,s , as livestock . . shipper for • the. �Mra;-`M. all''.Mrs. F. Henderson, . United Farmers Company and. Mrs: H, • Hedley, Mrs T: Mac- Donald, Mrs. M.. • McQuilln; Mrs; , Stimson. ' The' meeting was closed with ."The King" 'and lunch ::was :served. "• 'Does your label read ' "51''? ter a short µprogram of readings; violin and piano• numbers; Mrs. Bert • Nicholson read an address to Mrs. Boyle, Marilyn :and Carol expressing regret in losing .:them . from the W.A. and wishing them the best in their new,: home' and' presented: them ,with` gifts„ Mary �thanked.'ithem. very kindly . :for remembering .her and the 'girls in this Way: A' dainty lunch' 'was served; and a:. pleasant .evening 'as:•drawn to; a close Mr. Gordon. ,Statters.. of :Galt` was• home over<the .week -end and attended 'the:: funeral of his uncle {the late, William ,Statters. 1VIr: and: Mrs, :Lorne : Bell, Mr: Wand .Mrs. Earl :Tyack• and' daughter Florence of Stratford visited on Sunday wiith Mi' ''Ii. Bell and other relatives -"here. . 1VIr: and ;Mrs:. Chris.. Shelton of ,Lueknow visited .at :the 'home of Mr ::arid.. Mrs, . James Hodge on 'Wednesday evening and enjoyed a 'iturkey :supper: Mr. and .Mrs. James: Hodge en- tertained the friends and neigh bors to a .' cat party- an. Wed:nes-. day, .ev�eni:ng and -Tall - enjoyed •a; good teens 'upon the formation of the Luck - now, District Co -Operative:• he served as Manager' until his re- tirement due . to failing health in Mr Jaraiespn was enthusiastic and untiring in', the performance of his duties ..and' never spared. himself iri being of service to his' 'feliavmen. He ' was a • lifelong Presbyterian • and :.faithful and d.evated to his church ..The , funeral was held .at John=• Stone's 'Funeral , Home on Thurs- day,: March' lst, conducted by ,Rey. Chas Winn, , Interment was• in.. Greenhill Cemetery. The pall- bearers were T, A. Cameron, Vir- den ,1Vlow'bray, Granit McDiarmid, David Johnston, Adam' Johnston and' Philip Stewart., ' Mrs ..Jamieson Was,,-: `brought' from • Wingham : Hospital on 'a' stretcher to a.ttendthe. service. The:floral tributes -were many and beautiful, • bespeaking .the respect ,and esteem ih ,which Mr Jamie- son';was held. Am:ong..the flower. bearers 'were two.: of hiS, great' grandchildren, Stewart Splan of Goderich° and Dianne Jamiesori . of Lucknow. Mrs. Philip 'Stewart was, ''soloi's't at . the service, with accompaniment' by „Elmer :Urn- back. Other flower bearers: were, Bob''Boak Jim Beak Alex Mae- N'a y' and 'E,arl Harris.. • Besides his ..loving . wife,. Mr. ;Jamieson-. is survived bone.Son. Gcrdon •of : Goderich ' and .+two 177 Calf Scours,, Swine Enteritis -pnd Dysentery.,with Safe,; Effective, Inexpensive: Don't let calf scours ,get a foothold.,. It's a dangerous, deadly: killer that spreads ..fast when it's allowed to run: loose in thecalf; pen. The , same' applies to ,Swine Enter- itis and ' Dysentery in the hog pens. Now . you can : prevent ' the crippling: losses caused by these diseases . . by using .,Sulfathandiner 'It's a safe, but powerful', , sulfa drug' that kills the germs that cause the diseases that kill your pigs and :calves Works TWO Ways . . Protects. the Healthy , . ; Cures the Sick:: When you give Sulfathalidine before the animal .is infected, it acts as a preventative: When you give it :to an animal • BUY SULFATHALi;D1NE PROM already infected .,it' acts asa cure: It's safe .. it's •proven . , used successfully on thou- sands 'of, animats, ' Easy, to use, too ' t comes in i her' powder " ortablet form: Tablets can be broken in half to .adjust the dose ...powder can, be ;mixed; with the feed or used as a drench. ' Takes only ' sn- all:.ainounts . . per ' calf . Y per : pig.• p _ .• Gives, low-cost dependable protec- tion. All you do. is follow the. complete but suriple• ,..direc- tions onthe label; .Sulfathaltdine is supplied by the. VETERINARY .DIVISION + SHARP " AND•%DO ME (Canada) Ltd., "Toronto" 13, Ont; YOUR' •STORE Zion " W. • M. S.: .. • Zion' W.M.S. held its. • March Meeting at the home of Mrs `Jim, taunter with 1.9 adults : and • :six children Present: The president, daughters, 'Mrs : :C . E. 'Wilson: (Blanche) of : Saskatoon and Mrs. Howard Harris' (Marion) of Holy rood Surviving ' also' ;:are four, grandchildren ti- and four 'great grandchildren, :`Lorraine Harris predeceased her grandfather over 'two ,years •ago.` Mr arid' Mrs. Jamieson Were grievously.' ?bereaved: earlier in their .Life; by :Jthe.death ,:af four children. A son; John Finlay, died at • the • age of three weeks,, an other son, Alex Grant, died at 'six months of age;. 'a daughter, Ida Alexandria' died. when. 11 Years old -and another infant daughter; 'was stillborn.''' 1• 'Mrs. Gordon .Ritchie, opened;• the •, .rteetinng with hymn 206,: and.the‘ Lord's prayer •. in; ;unison. • The Minutes 'of the iprevrous : rieeting and roil; call were read !by.Mrs•.. Mrs.. Ritchie; secretary pro `, tem ,- in -the : ;absence' of, Mrs. Baynard:., ' Aifter 'this, : W • O. Hunter took charge ; of'•�the WorshR i 'ser. ; n g . vice ' with. Mrs. AllanRitchie .reading the scripture lesson.. Mrs Gordon. Ritchie -took over: again for. a short .;business' sesison and; readings were. given by Mrs.. Mer Donagh,. Mrs. • :Jim Hunterand the ,temperance secretary,. ' Mrs Fred Anderson.: Mrs:: Gordon: ..: Kirkland read the chapter,from the study book: Another" hymn was, sung.. and ,Rev. Woolley .close ed the ' meeting .with; prayer.: A dainty • lunch: Was serve by the s ed. Mresle ; •:hosts s, :assist by s y• ;. 'Ritchie and Mrs: Lloyd Hunter• N ti • • eee a▪ . $5,000,000 is needed to su pport Red CrosS , services, for DisaSter, 'Veterans', Tree Blood; Transfusion,' OutpOst,' riospitals . far.7?ff forests and' rernote country district* the rieateStdoctor or cloiest, your Red Croas stretches,a .fieallng hand acrOsa these lonely r,egiOns. In 82 Out t ,i,r9sp4alg and, Nursing Sta- 'tioriS, Skilled Red 6-04 nurseS saving care.' Give getierougly . Cross .str*g ;to play its,vital role- * with the, armed forces and :in,. the : Work of civil' defence. . 4 e wool* • LoCAL CAMPAIGN ARTER NE 1:liC NO