HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Lucknow Sentinel, 1951-03-08, Page 10s• i4 4 *AGE TEN y�. • Week' en Suggestions P: & G. Naptha Soap Special! 2 bars 19c. ' "The Buy of the. Week" Ogilvie Whole Wheat .Flour 3 lb: bag 2$c '1Baker's 'Chocolate Chips Pckg. 'Lynn Valley ' Tothatoes 15 oz tin. . ...... ....:..'2 for, 35e .r. POST'S SUGAR CRISP 2 -Boxes '37c The 'new cereal sensation . of -the-Year. No sugar needed -on this delicious honey -flavour' coated puffed wheat. RED :CROSS , SENTINEL, ..:LUCKI4 OW, 1 SEE BY THE. SENTINEL. (Continued from page 1). THAT : Murdoch Morrison and Dick Baker, who, like .one of our druggists, have unfortun- ately :been going down life's pathway hitting the trail of the lonesome pine, have disposed oil farms in Kinloss Township, Stewart McGlllivary is the (proud possessor of .. Murdoch Morrison's ,farm, . while. Dick sold the Cassidy ;place to Gor- don. James.' Gordy, who' would ': be well advised to go into; real 'estate, business, .resold the farm. to. Jack, and Clifford..Robb,• (Contributed)„ "' -=o— THAT Archie. Smith has,'installed • a new • check-out counter -and sales 'register, with a view to developing more offaa self -ser •vice• system in: his grocery store. -Cont' red from. e 1 or, as close to that date as the various' '. canvassteamsc n an con- veniently on= ._. ve iently .make their. rounds • The campaign' is. under: the dir- ection: of. W, B. Anderson, presi-'. dent of : the RedCross and A.: McKim, chairman of .the Finance Committee. . . • Canvassers and their territory are as follows. Business section, south side,. ' A. E: McKim, Ernie Crawford; business section, north' side, . K C.: Murdie; Wm. Pappas Quality kill, west of river, V. A. - Mowbray, Norman, Taylor; south side, east of river, Lloyd Ash n, Bob ' Thompson; north side, v,Aest of, 'river Gordon Fisher, W. ':G. Webster; north side, east of river, and south .of Rose St., Robert Rae' and' J. L. MacMillan; ' north. side, east. of .river and north .'of', Rose 9,t., . Donald MacLean and Jim Henderson. • ARIL THAT Albert' Campbell Of 'the., Lochalsh-Aniberley district has •' sold his: farm to. 'Kenneth Mac, Donald. • TfITAT a roaring chimney •fire with 'a', strong wind ,blooding was cause for a, fire alarm last 1 Wednesday.. night about •ten o'clock. ` The 'call was to., the home' • of •Mr.. and Mrs. 'Burt. .Roach: Sparks from the pipes' and chimney were flying across Elmer. Johnston's garage until afire 'bomb quickly squelche•d • . the. blaze.: • ' =o–=. THAT the .United Church choir • has been receiving ' enquiries about their musical play; "The Minister's . 'Aunt"; which is . 'booked:. for Dungannon. ,next 'Thursday night. k LAY=A, Short of Cash? ..Don't . put off getting' your_ • Easter Rf othes. Shop 'now while stocks are complete and get what you: want on •WEBSTER?S EASTER LAY -AWAY PLAN ° , MARCH • 8th, 1951., Ladies' "Dresses, Sults, Cotits and Shortie Coats. - ..Sizes, 12, to 20� 18%a to 241!2. -MEN'S ,SUITS,' TOPCOATS, SHOWER. -PROOF COATS, JACKETS avow! TROUSERS',• ; .OR THE'. YOUNG, LAD --i'. nice selection of 'Suits to . e,hi ose from. LADIES .AND MEN'S' , LUCKNOW, ONT:R ("HONE 85 THAT for, the' first time since he took ill three months ago, ;Mir Joseph.: Agnew was able to be down to the Municipal Office for a •brief. spell on MVMonda'y. APPL'I'CATION has been for a charter to organize operative a eeswra t T `te • SPRING. 1S IN THE AIR IS .ONLY TWO WEEKS;. AW LADIES': 2=PIECE SUITS --all wool gabardine, 'pie` and pic, rayon gabardine, glen check,' flannel: SPRING'COATS--=LONGS OR' SHORTIES --all newest styles and -'shades, all wool: materials'such as whipcord, twill and polo �W SPRING,. DRESSES --'nylons, silks,-,erepes failies'inar ,NEW 'flattering styles;` sizes. 1.1=20,•. 161/'-24? Accessories To . Complete Your Easter Wardrobe: Gloves, Handbags, Nylons by .Kayser and Corticellz • TOT -TO -TEEN °and L Phone ' 89-w uc Ontario„ 'engerprobi em, :anl trust that Made with further consideration a co- �.; , you r,..wlth .a Iill retain our passenger .service. , L w ' •view to buying . a:, feed 11 I y y' that ' village:: A Yours 'ver trul ml m i J. C. McNab, . Reeve.: *Rural Stores Collett COUNCIL MEETING' A house-to-house house canvass is not (Cbantirined from page 1) g attempted In the rural area, butarrangements have be,en ," made to havedonations received at rural stores in . the . Branch. Area. Contributions may. ; also be left at Mcitirn's Drug Store, the Bank, of MViontreal or. ,The Sentinel Of= service Were, available:' The introduction of .. special 1 • week end:- rates and excursions,; awhieh• Were 'very, popular, . cer- tainly did and . wwouid still again gain a great deal of patronage. ' Wie'' do feel that a : determined effort along. the lie Of improved fice. • service'': would' Solve ' your pass-. A Yy .74 1,0 PRICES THAT:I NVTTE COMPARISON IAL Clark's. Porkand Beans, 20 Green Giant . . Corn.. Niblets, 14 oz. Homemade Brand, Sweet Pickles., 16 oz. Coral Brand., Sweet Mixed Pickles, pint Choice Quality • e Tip Top Peas,' 'go o National , Sweet Mixed Pickles, 48 oz. Leland Rasp1 erty' Jam, 24 oz. 4 _-2for 31c for 37c _•'26c` 26c 2 for 29c; y._ 62c �1 'Phone ~20 ma, NEW ~ erVOA_. COATED.. CEILEAL ej i Bile ri f°RSNACKS ' irk '0:4 2 ' PKGS. FOR 31c Clark's Tomato Juice 20tiz. 35c Stokley's Tomato Juice,'48 oz., 29c FreSh.Fruit& Yegetdbles HEA1 LETTUCE t ,.. 4 ...:......:....x...8 44 2 'for 25C . ,TEXAS GRAPEFRUIT;nk ...�.W y :. 8" for 4 c pit �. CELERY STALKS ..:.. Yk ....�... 2 for'29c 'grit 'APPLES; fancy 6 qt.. basket ..:... „.. 63c . ' 2 bunch 29c BANANAS, ' CARROTS ..... ........ ..� , es NANAS pound .. ...°: .:. ...: .' . �9C TOMATOES, pound..........:.........r..l......,, 32c GREEN' CABRACE frei,� crisp ..w...; b. . .Guest; Help! .There's .a .burglar in my room! , Desk. clerk; Get him out .at once or I'll have to 'char ge. you our • dotiible 'rate: It uses.' only, half as much HOT wateras. other Auto- matic washers J yet it Bets ;...the:, clothes. cleaner._ It ---is . movoble•.oa•casters-;roll it anywherein the house to tate its. No ins allation • does not have to'be bolted-. down..Siimpler; stronger only one control -colts far , less than .others. ' 1 . �s E.E, S RATI01 AT LUCgNOW ONTAI%IO : „ 'PIIbN1�,19 . THE GREATEST WASHER OF ALL TIME ���:y �4�tiilcY si rte. till+