HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Lucknow Sentinel, 1951-03-08, Page 9. . . . JOINTLY PROTEST " 1 C.N.R.PRO,11)(). • , Lucknow and adjoining r4rai. • unicipalities; 'in common witli ohter served lay! e Palmerston Kincardine branch line: ,of the Canadian Nat-. ional Railways, are officially tak ; ing Joint action' tO 'protest .the c.N,R, proposal to cancel pass- enger and expresSservice by rail and substittite•buS and transport • gerviee'... • ••• : Listowel Declines Support. Listowei• TOwn'• Cbunea. has • one on record as.not opposing. the C.N.k. PropOgal to subatite bus and transport SerViee4. Mayor; 0. .M• Nickel cast the' only • dis, • •se•nting' vote. Mayor Nickel :had• ' previously 'signed a resolution Of protest from the , along. the Pahner4Sion-Kineardine line, ,and•w-aa named 'a., member of the Committee to deal with drafting the • resolution . of pro,. test, and With .such.. other matters that might ariSe in, this connec-• L. The following resolution , has been aPprOVed and is 'being sign- ed by Mayors an, Ree'Ves df ,the municipalities conCerneii:' • MrL. Weftei • Superintendent, ;Stratford ' Canadian 'National Railways, ' • Stratford, Ontarib. • • • DearSir :We, the Mayors and Reeves of • Municipalities served by our Can- adian . National ..Railways' fnoin -.13alrnerstOri to. Kincardine, know - full well the needs of the clt-• Izens; .we serve; do .herelbY ivigor; ouslY . protest your '-prottoSal to: discontinue passenger, express and. mail service by rail to this area, and in its Plate to provide ibUS and truCk. service from Pal- merton- to -Kincardine; • a Service. which.we conaider..inadecniate.. Financial "'contributions were :maderby .our • ties towards the construction' of • the original railway lines this :HONORED ON THEIR FORTIETII-'.ANNIVERSARY ,M.r. and Mrs, Bert Thompson .of East VVawanoSh who, were mar.: Pied February 22nd, 1911, cele- brated ,th*. 40th, wedding aril -U..; versary on Thursday. eyening, Mrs. ThoMpsOn,.the• former Ida May 'Martin and. pert Thernpso.n were',married at the fermer's '110Me 'on. the 12th ConCesaion of East Wawanosh..by Rev.. Fergus-' on, gelgraVe, forty years ago and. later moved: to ,the 9.th Conces- sion' where they have resided,: eVer SUlee, • • •. • • • On urs ay aat about thirty, • . - fiye ::of the -9th line ,euthr.e club inec .at their hoe spent the .' .evening. 'playing Tends; • '' • • , • ' • After hineh Mr. Albert..Bieiari called the meeting to 'order ',and' 'read, an appropriate 'address to .Mr, and:Mrs. T,hompsOri 'ancl John McBurney "presented them with a lovely wool blanket and a handorne..lacetablecloth aS gift from the .Club. •- • :„Mrz • and MrS. Thompson, though taken completely, by:sur- prise; made replies and thanked the 'club .for • their: beautiful. giftS. and kind wiabes.: . • ., . • , TENDERS are being called Spr a new high ,,school in' 0.oderich. Shore"and IVfoffat of Toronto. are the architects. • • • • • .roads entirely ,unsuited- for)sucb traffie. ,• • Knowing egriditions• in' this part .of the, Province .aS, you do,' .we are sure. Yoit., Will:agree .fhat vve .need 'continUed passenger service by rail throughout `•the area. • In the event 'of. War, railway lines'. Would play an important Part. in Ont.. Civil defence' efforts,2, and. should be maintained in fir.st class condition at all tines • We trust' t'hat You will' giVe' .this. matter; your SerioirS'eorisicl- eration,_ and', we will • appreciate it if ,you can, •adopt our 'sugges- ti'ons made above. • ,LUCKNOW sENTINEi.„ LUCKNOW, ° CON7411I0‘ EX -POSTMASTER DIED SW1DAY. Mr„; HarVey. J. Lindsay, second. last merniber of a pioneer Luck,. now' family pdstrnaster here 'or' OVer thirty-three years; died at his horne in Ciint6n 'on Sun day. He was '80' years of age and had been in failing, health :fel', sorne• time, ' • ..4iri..dsay was' one. Of a .familY.Of'seven Children. Of the late Mr. and ':Mrs. Jaynes LiridaPY, and, came to Lucknow • with parents in 1881 .as. a lad' of ten years, Mr. 41,ridsay was born 'at: POrtsaouth,where,his, father was •employed' fora.: time as a pep, iteritiary.guard,:•:VP04 comrng to •LtIcknow• he engaged in the but- cher business .until death'at the turn of ;the, Century, Ifarve'y's linoth'er, formerly:Mary Jane.r.).tat- • terSon, died in .19.18, at the age of 90. • • - • , • PriOr to Harvey" Lindsay's: ap- p,ointment ,ps' postmaster he was engaged 'here the.., 'insurance 'business.•Ile SucceedectMiks'aMerY• .Campbell (Mrs. ':Harry,Pierce). in 1914tO become Lticknw'a 2rd .postmaster. MiSS Campbell ,had. succeeded ..her l•father,. the ' late Carnpbell„ , • wild ;was LucknoW's firat•• postmaster.',, Af-.. ter.' tfiirty-three . Years' Of long hours . and :faithful:* serVicei, Mr Lindsay rekigned the postmaster - hip' in the fall of 1947 successor, K e n n,e't h Canierori; too over the. duties 'inthespring. of 1948• • ' ••• • About a '.Year and a half. aid,. Mr and. Mrs LiridsaY. .moved • 10 Clinton to make 'their 'honie. • .. , • The funeral service Wes' held ithe MacLennan -MacKenzie Ftinerai Rome on.:TUesday, after - non :' Conducted :by 'Dr. J.. Mumfcnd, ,Who paid tribute to one who . had served so long in so esseritial'a service the .:post: maStersh:fp.", 'Interment • •Was in Greenhill: ' .cemetery, bearer's being W: W....Hill, Donald MeCharleS,:.1enneth CaMerdri,. P. .-‘44••••WE:'.14*44"4•4•!iP'''' YOUR TELEPHONE is one item that takes a smaller part of your, budget than it used to. Its cost hasn't gone up as much as most other things.' And the way it works for you the errands it runs .the slippping if does .'.. the time, steps and worry' it .savear It's always on the job, ready for any emergency. • In another may, too, the telephone bigger value- today .than ever before. Now you can reach twice as .many • people as you. could ten , years ago. • •• • FriendlY,helPini telePhOne,§erPioe one oi toddy's big barg,ains. • • . • ,, IF YOU RAVEN, 'T ,YET GOT SERVICE • - You Can be sure your neighbourhood will be served, and: your place on The list protected. :Taking .care of People without'service as quickly as possible , 14 one of our biggest and most. important tasks... THE BELL TELEPHONE COMPANY OF CANADA . „.• 44 a • 44 ' • I . •• , " • . • • 1 • ' • , M.' Johnston, Einio •Pritchard'ancl • Frank, Miller. • • Mr. Lindsay. is. survived' by • his widow and one brother,' Thomas; • of ,LaValle. He was 'predeceased •by•three brother a and two sisters, • Robert, Charles, Hugh, Sarah and 'Agnes. • • .••• • ' • '- . ' • " :'•• • . . --Many -disappointed-peoPle ..are those who got ' what was coming to. then': •• • area. ,We feel that in. accepting . • . "these C,ontributions,,, our -:rairway•, has incurred ObligatiOn. ' • • In 'win't'er, heavy srid.VvIalls .are prevalent ii this area,. There have beeri lengthy period's when tr.avel. • by rail has' been the' only rneans of conimunicatien for this; dis- trict..During ;the rnonths,.. travel by bus .woUld be extreme •: dangerOus-:and.• -often iinPosa- .. ible. Mail. and: express service' would likewise be' disrupted for' long periods... .• • •: ;•;• • •• 'With...Our urban .diatrieta ctir-. i'rentlY•• being- eitPanded 'and Our • rural' areas consisting of the:: • flri- • agriculturatlands in .the ..Pro, vinee, is .the feelirig• of all Con- • cerned that the' ',wifhdraWai." of 'any train: service would :retard theprogresS of ;the .1'khole area.. Our this district ,eould a.ssirnilate more indUstriea., .We • would benefit _froth any ..deCen,„ • tralizdtion program., ,Our nation cannot -afford to'overlook • the Possibilities Of! expanding • • area, .which dailY• making;great contributions otir. • 'national • economy. . • We:Would recomment ;a speed, up of: the, riaSenkei erVice on' this. line, pOSsibly thrOUgh the'use .of diesel equipment, hent to the rod -bed to Make, for-. Otoother travel'and iinprovect" . coaches from Palmerston .t.O the; • of .the line. "We. would re- con.unend liasSeriger service .Totonto on 'Sunday,- evening in- stead of Monday 'morning, which allow week,end' visitorto • take advantage �t .oti:r tourist re - retat p.othin,• the Kirii,ilfardineandstiinotmhp,err months and dtiring other holiday periods: To .repla.ce pregent. rail pass- enger service, with iltises,'s Y6u Suggested ITidding0, through-, out our district, W0111d mea4 travelling hyvhul over secondary • '' * .:• ••••,' ,• $5,000,000 'Is IIEDEDi.lOW TO MEET, TOMORROW'S ,NEEDS •••:•"• . • • . ' • • • •• " • ' As *he !)?Ods roiet hotiewe.4 •• • down. And then , . your Red • Cross was "on t job"!' As thousands 'of • flood -stricken Canadians thankfully received emergency food and , shelter,. their gratitude went out to jititt, —'ho through your Red Cross Contributions, helped. make possible this merciful rehef • Never beforb"hag' the PeaCe- time demand: on. Red Cross 5 , Y ! ',•;4 , SeiviCes----and,4Unds been -.So- ' • , • • • • • • , . , • . • • • .7 r 1 4. • .. • , • ' • . ; • 116 great as in' recent times. And. I never tnore, than today-4iail yotir Red Cross so needed your help to prepare for, the tasks' of tomorrow, Give'generously!' ( , e wr" u1.0'3 CANAD1 FAN RED' CROSS, L'OCALI CAMPAIGIN 'HEADQVAliTERS; 1.11,,CNOW 32 OR,161 4.4 r k oieee:ries atotc • . ' .• • r • 44 • • a• ' • ' ' • • , ;' ti• ' •