HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Lucknow Sentinel, 1951-03-08, Page 6• • y • AGE' SIX Tri LUCKNOW -SENT NfiL,:, UT= ONT O: • fEDERA ICON 'NEWS , ?Gordon M. Greig, See.-iFieldman. The Canadian Federation • of Agriculture made its .annual pre- sentation to the', Federal Cabinet .recently,, Respectingthe margar- ine ,question, the Federation Vin- 'dorsed the request. of .the Dairy Farmers of Canada for ani e` ccise tax on foreign:. oils,a imported for. use in making 'margarine, which" they said. , was in line with • G;ov- "' trnment policy in furnishing pro • teetion for other industries,. not any, . more important than .4he. dairy industry. • The. brief asked ' for ,a,62c floor 'price for 'butter'. and a .42c floor price on eggs.: (This :will' be to the •dealers; and 'not to the farm- er) . It also asked that . the 'sup- port. price. of 'Wiltshire sides be raised from. $ 2:50, to pro' ide.the producer with. a more. favorable" price* if and when hog prices do. Beeline An;• investigation into . the in crease •in price of fertilizers was ,; : requested:. A heavy increase in price has been made • since con- trols were removed. • The brief was very critical of :the action: ''taken by the Board 'of Transport :'Coimnissioners•. in. disposing of -the ;appeal against the .raising ' of ;freight • rates On/ .livestock without requesting the 'ra'ilw'ay . companies: 10 answer tlie. arguments of the . producers.:: We: have proof that +the farm:: ers of Huron Cou ty. are support - ng their own + - rganization better than, ev r befor . Last year` at least eight `r , the townships. ink :Huron Coun 1 eed to collect the :two-fifths FEBRUAR7 UNUSUALLY . ()AIM AND MILD, A' Tale ,.month of „February was unusually agreeable, with a high- er' thaA average. temperature and • :with little 'wind, so as.' . to go. down .as one, . of the 'calmest months on record. There was only one gale of 'blizzard proportion during the , mpnth , The low for the 28 ' days wase 7 below. on -1February l Ot'h. The high. was. 47 degrees• on Monday,. February 26th. Snowfall was very light at 111%' inche& and; there waa average,' sunshine to add, to the' pleasantness in, general of surplus and famine through- out . hrough-out: the ;world •we have removed one of the 'main : causes of war. levy ,for Fed-,':: eration of : Agriculture : purposes..' •We .nowhave tWo more town' ships' added' to ' that list and an- other townshii-giving a: grant ,itiasr seen fit to increase grant by:, orae- third its last year's amount. We appreciate the reception ' 'given: our representatives by the vari- township councils, :'arid • we trust that with, our improved fin- uncial position; • .we; can "increase • our efforts to •improve' the farm- ers .position, both financially and socially In' the Farm: Foru;i'n discussion on •"Should Agricultural ' Produc- tion Be +Controlled?'many for- , u ,s suggested that any ;surplus .food We have • should. be "sent to 'areas `where a, shortage exists and the Goveriunen't should subsidize.' • the, producer This opinion set the. 'stage for ' next week's, topic o i a World Food Bank. We: all seem : to -agree; :that A World,: food 1 iirgariization is .nee- . .essary, but our goVernments can , not agree.; 'on how .this 'should come about. ' Canada: has . made - .everyeffort to have such, an or' ,g'anization come, into existance: ',Almost every" country has .sot ie ...surplus products that they could. .'put' into an iriternatikinal clearing ' • house where it could be exchang- ''ed fot goods that was in short supply: The big. stutnibling :block' ° is -,lite -difference , in -valise' .of world currency., If We could. get • our world diplomats down • to the level of our old-fashioned • horse treaders, 'they ',Would bef abler. to `solve the currency' problerh.....t. b • k Due' to the 'lack of 'success ob- twined by • world • goverilltnents.. , ' dealing "With the question of aur- " , pluses, the 'farm organizations set up an : intee:natioiial 'organization 'of their '. own. This is' called. I F:P.A. Twenty-six countries, are;:.. ;' .' • ' represented in the 4. International : Federation of l'Agriculturai P'ro ' j» --'- ducers. This •organization has rei- corn'rnended an; Internation Com- modity, Clearing House to handle surplus food products. To,date the , • governments of member nations have not accepted this idea. • ." If 'we. can scarce. the trOblerri b • • A, HFIELD The• March meeting M the •Wo' men's Institute was 'held in Hem- lock City' schobl on Saturday af- ternoon. Rev. J. R. MacDonald was .afble to 'take • care, of the -service • in the PresbYterian Church, 'on , Sunday, Mr. ,MacConnell • was in: charge during. Mr, MaoDonaid's: illness The . Young a l'eope's Society will • hold their meeting on Wedgy nesday evening of this week at the home of Mr, and Mrs. E., Howse. • ; • Miss. Frances' Hamilton and Mr. and• •Mrs. Mac: Bell' of London vis- ited •at theirrespectivehomes re- cently. a, • , ' T " • • Mr. and Mrs J. J. Martin have en quilte sick .with colds Mrs. D. A. • MacLean bad the • (misfortune •fall .hurtiiig her ltnee'q.uite',badly and is, a patient. in: Kincardine • Hospital. Mrs. R. Martin of Ripley visit- ed for a• week among friends and. relatives, here. ,•• Mr. and Mrs: Lorne MacDonald .their` hew ho are settled in .._..... .me. We . welconie theta, to:our corn munity, • • A Message to. Wives.. . In this Sunday's �(March .lith) issue of The American Weekly,:; .famous; magazine' that comes: ex- clusively With Tie Detroit Sun-• •day 'Tunes,' .read Fannie Hurst's. warning to women 'who use wife- hood • and motherhood as, anex cuse for, 'physioad and mental laZi- >URSDAY,, BOUND 1.94 AS T EtQliaAT;=-to Mr. and ' Mrs: Hunt- ley Dawson, in Wingham General Hospital on. Thursday, March 1st 1951, a daughter. Congratulations Mxs.. • James •Forster returned home from the hospital Xast week and is being attended to bMis Y. s Gretta Hudson. •. GC:ordon, Kathleen and Mary Margaret; Fisher :spent, al ;at Mr.,'Frani Miller's,• and helped Alan celebrate his; birth- Mr. Fharis Mathers. and dati ; ghlter. • • +Carolyml Mrs: R. ,E, For.' • • ster and family have all been • under the doctor's care for •the past. week.,', , •ness. Get' her 'down -40 -earth ad- vice on how •to keep a husband. "Doodlesack" is *Get 'Sunday's Detroit Times. • name .for 'bagpipes. a colloquial' Richard L. Hearn: B;A.Sc.; . P. Eng„ General Manager 8 Chief Engineer,'; Ontario, Hydro .1 CWrk . Keith, •. B.A.Sc.,: P..: Eng., General Mon - 'ager., Windsor Utilities,' Commit- tion R.'il. Martindale, P. Eng., Manger and ,Setrefary SSdburyt,• `Hydro - 'Electric Comniis- • sionr Sir Adam Beck, K.B - Father of Hydro. Chairman, 1900'925.... Dr. 'OHO 'Holden, '• B.A.Sc., C.E:;' D. Eng, 'Assistant Gen.- Mgr. -Engi- neering, Ontario Hydro • E..: V. Buchanan, A.14T.C, :P. Eng., General Mon- ,, ager; London Pub- lic .Utilities,.Com- ; mhsion Ross L. dobbin; B.A:Sc., P. Eng., General .Man-.. colt.',Peter-.,' borough Utilities'. Commission. t G . or g..W .. Rayners'' Pres:, Rayner, Construc- t ion' 4i'mi'r d,. " Lecsides Ont. t • honour - ��irited,citizens,,er�g;ineers ,and builde To public.sp � rs, Ontario Hydro:,,is• /.now; nciming its ,urge projects after:. men who' have ,in great measure been.' responsibleH• for the. important position occupied by your 'Hydro in 'the industrial, commercial, rural .and' ,home life of the Province. A. . W. Manby, ' BSc., „ P. Eng., • Asiistdnt, Gen.': Mgr.: Adminis- ,traHydrotion,,`Ontario , . #'i'ctur. area men Whose service. in;'the #geld'• of hydro -power was so ed�.at t e 42n, recog- niz 'Joint nn'ual Meeting ':of the sac ation of Municipal • _ d •A Electrical .Utilities and the Ontario :Municipal Electric; Association, heldin Toronto,p.February 26th, 27th :and 28th.. Listed .below arse the 'projects which will perpetuate their. names.. Sir:Adarn-leckrNiogares Oeniratkp Station No. 1 •.. Formerly QueersstomChippawa Geiser- dting Station. Capacity°56(,000 H.P. In operation sine* 1921. Sk Adam Back --Niagara Generating Station No. 2 -Naw, •9ueeniton tunnel project,, under. , construction. • Capacity 600,000 H.P. ' Richard L. Hearn Generatihp Stations Formerly Toronto Generating Station. Capacity 536,(00 H.P. ladle) operation: fall 1951; complete in ,early • 1953. ' 1. Clark'Keith Generating Station • Formerly Windsor Generating Stat- ion.. l'at'e' operation late '1951', Full • operation 1952 R. 11. Martindale FroisicriticirCban ee and Transformer Staflen Formerly • Sudbiisy Frequency, Changer and "Tronsfor net Station. , George W. Rayner' Generating Sfallen• Formerly Tunnel Generating Station, .Capacity 56,090 H.P. Started .in 1947 In operation 1950. '-Otfo,Helden Oeneroting Stations% Formerly . to Cove Generating Station, r 'Ottawa River.Capacity 256,000:H.P Initial operation, early ,1952: E. V. Bnchenan FrequenejiChenger •• • and Transformer Station ' hoij3 erly Westminster Frequency Chan: gar and Transformer Station. Ross L Dobbin TransforMer•• Station Formerly' Peterborough •Transforiher Station. • • • THE iirmt .:E'LECTRIC POWER GOM IS ►IOi 'A. W. Manby Transformer Station , Formerly Kipling Transformer Station, Toronto. In' operation' 19491 NTARIO • kY K' if••'l�e 4,211 ir'metti'-„'-'arsr•ees�.,�..,r,•,.,,:;.:.:�, •,i •