HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Lucknow Sentinel, 1951-03-08, Page 5TliURSDA1, MARCO 8th; 1951
t.. •
The sadnews was, received by
to rant !by Mr: and. 1Vfrs. Mat•-
thew Shackleton Pf Dungannon
and formerly 'of • .Crewe, of the
Sudden 'death. 'of their son Bruce
in Courtney, B.C.Bruce was .born
here ere 45 years ago, The syrnpathy
of the.community is extended to
them and also to his only brother,
Presented Life Membership
TO Mrs, S. J. Kilpatrick
The March rneeting of ,the W.
M; S. was held at the home of,
the president;," Mrs, Raymond
;nigan, on Thursday, `March lst.
There were 6 members , present;
, The March program 'was follow-.
ecl in the monthly. Mrs, :J. ' Cur-
''ran read'' the scripture. Mrs, Edna,
,McWhinney t. 2nd chapten
of the study book. The. heralds
reported -China, Mrs. J. Curran
Africa, Mrs. Clifford Crozier;
Japan, 1Vlrs. S. J..Kilpatrick: Mrs.
° R. Finnigan gave a reading•, Chp-
pings ifrom a.. Wheel'c'hair": ' 1A
special' featnre of the meeting was
(the presentation•;:by 'Mrs, R. Fiji.-
nigan of a life membership
tificate to Mrs.. S. J. Kilpatrick.
It was- a (birthday present to ..her..
ash'er 'birthday Was February
Mrs, Kilpatrick,,• much. taken . by.
surprise, ' thanked the ladies :for
their thoughtfulness' of her. Then.
all sang "Blest be the tie that.
binds'. It' was • .also decided'. to,.
hold; ,a,, social'.' evening sometime
In March near the, Easter week.
A ,'dainty lunch. was served by
the hostess, ';Mrs...Chester • Finni-
$an and .Mrs. `Raymond Finnigan.
Mrs. J, Rivett. and ` Norman.
spent Thursday evening with Mr.
and,Mrs. Raymond Finnigan arid:
Mr. arid; Mrs. •Chester Finnigan,
.and Mrs. Cecil '.Chamney
of Belgrave visited Sunday. re-
cently with Mrand Mrs. Ray-••
MOW, Finnigan and ".family,
Mrs. Cecil Blake, Linda, 9Jirnmy
and Bi11ie'and Mrs. Goldring wis-
feed with'; Mrs' S J.' 'Kilpatrick
on her birthday.
Mr Clifford Crozier • visited
with his .mother in 'London on
• Thursday.
',:Miss . Lorena Crozier of I Lan-.
donspent, the week=end with .Mr:
and Mrs. Clifford :• Crozier,` and
Miss 1Vlargaret Boak; R.N.,... :of
the' staff of :Wingham Hospital,
'Spent the week -end With Mr, and
Mrs. Jim Boak and Mr: and Mrs:
Aaron Beak
Miss Jessica Boak,, nurse M.
training at Stratford Hospital, 're-
ceived' her cap. on Saturday and
spent the week -end with Mr.. and
Miss . W4 D. Rutherford, had
charge of the subbject. on Histori-
cal Research,at the March meet-
ing of the Women's 'Institute held
in. the church. on Thursday af-
ternoon. In her interesting man-
ner,. Miss Rutherford told of the
early Settlement
of this- par�b•'-of
Ontario, ;and. led in a 'discussion
of pioneer drays in . this comrriun-=
ity,. It was agreed' that although•
much might be• said to commend
the old.- time w hospitality, we
p _Y,
would not be willing to 'exchange
ow' .,,modern •• corrvenierices and
way' of living for that. Cif- the,
pioneers,' Stories • of pioneer days:
were told •by 'the, ladies'•and the.
,roll call was.;re onded. to b th.e•.
�l y
showing' of An heirloom and" its
.•history, ..These included a hand
embroidered .baby, dress, a tela
cosy,; an old, ring, a. wooden egg
cup and spoons, .and a buffalo's
tooth with mention inade a of an
old ••cradle, •,crimping iron and a
picture frame: -Mrs. Charles Mc-
Donald presided :and, donatioiys.of
$5 were . Made •to .the March of
Dimes and to the Easter ' Seal
campaign.'.Fifteen• ladies were. in
attendance and, at: the conclusion
lunch Was served with Mrs., D.
C.:McDonald .and .Mrs. T, JJ Todd
gas 'hostesses. '
The death of• Rev'. James, Stobie,
occurred.'; .at Bethesda 'Hospital
Toronto, ` on Tuesday 'February
•27th He: *as in his 72nd year.
.Rev: 'Stobie ,had Leen :. in . the
ministry. for 38'years,• and`at'•one
time preached . at, Whitechurch.
He was;.,a brother. of David • Scob-
ie; ,former ` •resident of Luck -
naw. f
The funeral' service, was ` held.
' chapel bf St: George's Un-
ited Church, -Tordnto;• on.. Friday
with burial': in 'York, ;Cern:etery.
Rev. Stobie is. survived by his
widoW; formerly Ruoy L:`.Mitch
eJ1;., .three • daughters, Mrs:. T. D,1•
Anderson' (jean),. Yellowknife,;
N.W,T.;. Mrs.. S. L: Fraser. {Mil-
died);, Mrs.: H., Sm:ed-
Iey (Janet)°, Deep River,.Ontario •
and one on, Mitchell of Alberta.
Presbyterian, Evening Auxiliary
A pot luck ;supper was greatly
enjoyed•,b members of .the
.�' .Ev
ening uxili; , y which was held
in the . basem n't of the church.
Concluding the supper ;the Aux-
iliary held their February meet-
ing -with (Miss; Marion -MacDonald,
acting president, in the chair. Af
ter . the opening exercises Mrs.
Morgan Henderson; took the 1VIis-
sign :study, assiated.iby gig,, Jack
Fisher., Mrs. Jas, Little, Mrs .am:
1V1peDo iald, Mrs. Hugh Curring,
Misses Kay 111IacIntosh` and Helen
Qrarnmje., • A vocal. duet by Mrs:,
Ron Forster and Miss' Rozella
Mullin waso11'owed
. ,_ ; by current'
events 'rb /Mips. 'Ken .Ch `
. Yester;.
Bible study on•the•2nd command-.
ix ent
..Gladys• M
Miss' Dorothy Gammiehad the
scripture' reading' and the .medi-
"tation'was taken iby Mrs. ,Wasney,
The singing Ofpsalrx 86 and pray-
. rby. Miss 1VMudie Fisher closed
Mrs. Aaron, Boal . and.. Mr. and
Mrs.. J.im Boak.
The ,'flu bug seems to be get
tingaround in this ,:community,
We are glad. to report that Mr:
S, J. Kilpatrick,. who had had an
attack ,of lu lbago is able to be I'
around again. I
'Calf Scours Swine Enteritis
and DDy'sentery..,INnth„Safe,W.,
Wive; Inexpensive •
t let ,calf •scours ; get a already infected it` acts as a.
foothold. It's a.` dan exous,'' cure. It's safe. it's proven.
...deadly ''killer that spreads used successfully on, thou-
fast' when it's allowed to run . sands' of • animals. - Easy to
'loose, in the 'calf pen,."' The use, too it comes in either
same applies to.SwineEnter- ppowder dr. tablet. form
',itis'' and Dysentery.' in the Tablets can be broken in half`
hog pens, Novt. you can ' to, adjyl it the dose .. ; powder
prevent the crippling losses ' can be Mixed' with' the feed
caused, by these diseases ... 'or used as•a drench..
brush* Sulfathalidine. It's Takes Only small amounts
a safe, but powerful ' sulfa per. calf.' .0. per pig.. Gives
drug tha kill.b
Its the•e arms that lbw -cost dependable •protec-
• cause the diseases that kill tion. All you do is follow the
Your' .pigs 'and calves, complete but ,simpl`e direc
P lions on. the •label.
'Works T,wo ?Wciys Protects.i
the Health Cures ,the Sick+
Y I 5itlfathaldirie is st►ppled liycth
When you give Sulfathalidiue : VETeRINAR•Y DIVISION, . .
before the animal is infected, •`
HARP acts as, a' ' �r'eventative. AND DOMINE.
When yo • ve it tei•an animal cicada Ltd:, Toronto 13, Ohl
�� an a � )
the Meeting,
'Arrange For Induction
At a recent gieetiigof''(Huron-
Maitland Presbytery, arrange-'
.meats were made for tyle induc-
tion •on Friday, March 16th of
Rev, William Mitchell of Dun-
das as itiinister . of Kincardine
Presbyterian Church. Rev. ,
Simpson, Teeswa'ter, . will preach
and Rev. J. :R. MacDonald, Rip-
ley, Will narrate ' steps taken: to
secure as minister. Rev. R, D Cur-
rie, ' Whitechurch; and, Rev.• C.. •A.
Vint; Lucknow, will .address the
congregation and newly -inducted
minister; . respectively.
Presbytery';sent best' wishes t.
Dr. C. H, MaeDonald, who
Wingham Hospital, Rev.' Mac-:
'Donald's,,resignation was 'accept-
ccepted as interim -moderator of . the
vacant Cranbrook and . 'Ethel
(?AGE k'IV,E.
• The 4th annual Huron County
seed fair will be held at Clinton
On' Friday and.: Saturday of this
week,. with more than $500 in
prize money being Offered..
A feature of the 'show will. be
the Huron County junior seed
judging competition on Saturday
morning. There will be 2 groups.
The ,Junior. (boys section includes!
boys under 20 and the senior, sec.
tion is for young. men 2o' �to. 3Q
years of age. y
•New Motor Sales. Opened •
Crawford 'Motors ,:of . Wingha n.
was officially • `opened, on • Satur- 7'
day. The proprietor, Len Crave
ford, is a:'brother of ° Ernie and
Cliff- Crawford of 1 ucknow.
Crawford . Motors. is dealer, ; for
charge, ,•. • • ,
• l%dge•and DeSoto cars.' Mr.: and
Mrs. Crawford and family anoved
to' Wingham from . Gbderich last
.September. •
•. When .conscience • knocks at, the
door; "_our`. first impulse is to bolt.
P6ratroopers of t
Infantry Corps
Yes! There is a place in the Cana;.
divan Army Active Force for young
mem able and willing .to train as
paratroopersin the Royal Cana-
dian Infantry Corps. Alert, 'quick-: _'
thinking, physically fit . men : are .`
needed now to become members
of -highly trained teams.•.
To be a paratrooper, you must
have high physical stamina,an eye
for adventure, and tile ability .to:
think and act quickly. If you have
these qualities; hen this is your
opportunity., to join this proud•.
company of men — the soldiers
of the sky,.;
Act today ,now .wIien Canada
needs you:RReport immediately for:
active duty and start your ;training'.
. as.,a. paratrooper.
1. Be a Cagddian citiien or
2. Be between 17 and 30 years
3: Be single.
4'. Meet Army test requirements.
5: Volunteer for service dnywhere.
Wallis House'. Rideau d, Charlotte Sti.,
, • OTTAWA, 'Ont.`•
NO.'S Personnel Depot, Artillery, Pork,
Bogor St., KINGSTON, Ont
No. 6 Personnel Depot, Choilev Park;
' 0ouglos Drive, TORONTO, Ont].
, No, 7' a ionn'el Depoi,
rWoleley Barracks,
Elizabeth St., LONDON, Ont.
Ne/p make Canada strong
F p i Army" Wednesday' evening! Dom�mott Network
Eo'r �s arttim$ entgrta�gmenf';xffi tel► to !'The Voice of.the Am
• )„ 4,
7 1 r', tF;