HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Lucknow Sentinel, 1951-03-01, Page 5TaulisDA744 ivtocu 1st,, 1951. BOUNDARY WEST. Mr. Robert Macintosh s'pe.. f a. day in Detroit, The .,paramount Institute, held their • monthly meeirg at Abe: mY borne of - Mrs. Lloyd • W.xlds.: >r wasd � ec'ded to ahold la card.'party . . sone time in<Mar`ch. Miss "Mun- roe, p tk1ic health nurse for South Bruce,•gave an interesting talk on. the work 'of the Bruce Healtk. Unit, The. program .conssted • o'£ a reading. by Mrs. Jatrnes Ketch-• abaw and Mrs, ' E. MacLennan, Contests were conducted by°'Mrs. 11, Ensign.fand 1V rs.'Wm. Staley. Lulch wserved as ed , bY the hostess'. The ` March .meeting 'will be at the home 'of Ma's;' O•;.'wchards. :Mrs. H..Mole ' .of,, Dungannon, is assisting; Mrs..rH,' Brooks; • Mrs.:. Bob I3amilton 'has 'been with her . Lnother,a Mrs, •Jam.es MacDonald,' who was.' ill, with' ti e 'flu. ,t BOUNDARY EAST • . , THE T,UCKNO,W SENTINEL, '. IUCKNOW, ONTI4 PAGE FIVE: . The Coinmunity Association •in ;. Whitechurchheld their 'monthly meeting ; Friday night. with a euchre, crokinole •and dance., Mrs. Jacic. Birchen" and Mr, Charlie Martin held' high scores in euchre while', Mrs. Bob Moffat �alnd Ezra Welwood won;•cansolatign prizes. Miss Joanne ,Casemore won the, crokinole prize. Music. for .the dance was .supplied by Mr.' John and •Miss Jean Gaun,t and Mr. Mrs. Ross 'and fain' y.., , 1Vlr;: and .Mrs.: Cliff Hackett and. family spent Thursday evening • and'M'r. arid Tony Tonr .Salkeld,. Monday . evening . with Mr.. •°arid Mrs.: Pharis M:athers. •In last : week's; issue :we over- looked a couple' of numbers, on the Valentine program:,he Miss es' Myrtle and Cecelia Crowstori gave readings ,and. the Juniors a Choral` reading number. • Mr: and: ,Mrs:'Ronald' Forster' .and family: and' Mr. and Mrs. Geo. Fisher • called on the Gailbr'aith's near' Wingham `on. Sunday. Mr. sand Mrs: Pharis . '.Mathers And . Carolyn visited :.with Mr.:& Mrs. 'A. Hackett .in: Wingham'''on. Sunday afternoon ' Mr. and -Mrs. Harry` Lavis and.. !unity haver been laid up with the 'flu.: . FLEW T.Q ,AUSTRALIA TO VIS,T BROTHER AND SISTER : Miss Ona Titliute .of. the Wing - ham General. Hospital_ aff. is en- joying Australia's. summer wea- ther :and a pleasant re -union with' h her :brother and sister. She made the trip to 'the antipodes by air, her ;passage . having.. been 'booked by. Mr, i '. F, Burgman of the Winghaanr travel ,agency,. Miss Titlkute, ;left' Toronto.. by T.C.A. on Sunday, December 24th. and was ..in. Sydney, Australia the following. Thursday, after' a 24 delay - :at • .Hon olulu. The flight'Was byof, Vaneouvex, San :Francisco; Honolulu, .Canton` I§1ah,d, thence; to Figi and.;, Syd- tney; ° • 'Sent Fowl TO, West.' Indies Mr. Burgman :has also, success- fully. arranged for the transpor- tation of `a dressed Bawl to .the British West Indies,' •A 12 -pound, dressed. fowl was sent .'by. Mr. 'A'le'x "Reid to ' his daughter, Mrs; (Rev.) • 'J.: C. Thompson, .of San 'Fernando; Bri- tish West • Indies. ••Th,e • Thursday before New. . Year. the fowl was. expressed t.• Toronto, thence by T.C,A., to ,, Montreal and. 'from. there to ,Port .''of Spain where" Rev. Thornpson met the. plane. at - 7.2g, a xn o 1 Saturday morning. and received • the fowl , in, perfect condition..All 'previous efforts of •Mr. Reid 'to `send' fowl had failed because of 'delays: and, the` heat. The. Thompson family invited. softie other Ontario7;folk ,.:in, 'for, New'• Year's dinner to •enjoy:•the treat, from home. Your credit is always good when •you try to borrow rouble:. GIRL. GUDES The 1st Lucknow ` Girl Guides' held '.their weekly :;meeting: ori Friday,. February .• •23rd. in. ;the4 Legion 'ROOMS. We had ;roll call 'with 20 •present, which 'was' fol- lowed iby horseshoe, formation: Business ' was ' discussed. Games were played for 'Patrol points re-. suiting as follows:. Bantam; 32 points;: Canary; 30- points; . Oriole, 25~ paints::Guid:e songs: were. sung, ..The • meeting was :adjoirned 'by! singing. craps. OBITUARY MRS. DAVID IUSTON • The death of Mrs, David Hus- ton, . practically a lifelong'• resi dent of 'this..district; occurred on, Tilesday of last week in: Wingham, Hospital where :she. 'had been 'a patient;for several weeks and had,', been critically ,i11 for' some time.' 'She would have been '84 ' on May- 24th., Mrs. Huston was formerly,Mary Elizabeth Cook, a daughter of the late: Francis and Martha;Cook, and: :was the 'last surviving` mem- ber. of, the fatriily. She was born In ` Zorra, ' but came to Huron Township; as: a .child with, her parents On-` August •31st, 18,8!T she Mar- ried Mr. Huston, who predeceas- ed her on July ..7th, 1940, at the age . of 84. • Mrs. Huston: was :• a faithful member .of. the Lt'tcknow Pres- byterian Church. Throughout her lifetime she was industriou :and energetic `and in' spite ,of" her" 'ad- vanced age' took an actiVe' inter- est in women's 'activities,. so long .as. 'her ,health permitted:, • A f aMiliaa figure at the., 'Luck- now •Bowling .green, as; was her, late' husband,:, Mrs•.. Huston. was an, , honorary Memiler. of : ;the Bowling -Club, a member of'.the Ladies Auxiliary• to: the Canadian. Legion and of the ' Women's In- stitute; and was always : a willing and: Jolly;' helper. The funeral 'service was•. held 'at; the MacLennan and Mackenzie. Funeral :Rome; on . Frday; Feb- ruary' °23rd `condueted 1 Rev. C.. A. Winn. sof'.' the. Lucknow: Pres-'' by''teriari 'Church Interment was 'in Greenhill Cemetery, .t'he pail bearers beiiig:..Gerald' Rathwell, Hugh, Cunning'; W: A Porteous, N.' H. Hedley, Harvey Treleaven and Clark Finlayson: • 'Mrs. Huston is'survived by'.two daughters and three ` Sons; Mrs,, Leyina. Brabson`of Windsor; Mrs. Robert •Fisher:;.(Alice).. of Hamil- ton;. Will ',Huston,;' Pomona'Park; Florida; George, Huston, 1Vlalton and Wesley Huston, -'Kitchener Two sons ;predeceased_ Mrs: Huston.: Andy *Huston died sud- denly in . 1945 and Stewart H.us- ton passed • awiay .in 1920 :at the - age...of 11° years KAIRSHEA INSTITUTE PLANS FOR `FAT :H01VIE»' The 1VLarch meeting of the Kair- shea 'Institute was. held in 'the To*nship Hall at Holyrood 'with; Mrs. Gilbert Hamilton and Mrs. 'Cliff"Roulston :aeting''as hostesses.. ,Arfter' the •owning exercises Me business and correspo'nderice vias dealt With. It was—decided—to hold the annual. Calico Bath Aon:, April6th and. the Institute "At• Home" ' oil March' 16th. The" roll call Was answered 'by. ; naaning ' radio news • commentator. Mrs.- 'Steer. rs.°Steer: sang a couple of ,solos afd the' ;tgpic was taken by, Mrs: Bill Evans entitled "A Story, Of St. Valentine". • 'After community. " ssin.ging Mrs. 'Wm. Scott gave the motto,, . "Life .a a garden, what are you. Planting'?" Readings 'were , given by Mrs. Walter MacKenzie ,and Mrs. Dan, MacKinnon and Mrs. Bill; Scott avqred with piano instrumentals, Mrs. A. Hugl'ies, conducted a con-., test and Mrs., Hodgkinson gave the 'Iosing remarks and the meet- . ing closed with God .Save 'The King. ,•• When you stop to think, V don't :forget to ,start again, 0 t YO.0 PUT:. INTO A GOVERNMENT BUT small' amounts .with corn.•,otin'd interest mean'. independence forthe`years when you want to take it easy. GovernMent Annuities are b'acke4 by the Resources of Canada:: No'Medieal Examination. Required. • :Thousands of Canadians, 'not, covered by pension, plans, have° taken advantage, of a low-cost Government Annuity to guarantee their future security.. Others, Covered by . pension .plans use a .Government; Annuity to supplement their retirement income.' Annuities Branch DEPARTMENT OF LABOUR MILTON. F; GREGG A.'MacNAMARA. Deputy Minister Mall th,s Coupon 'today POSTAGE FREE •• Annuities Branch.,16W 1 • Department of labou4f6wa. Annie send me COMPLETE INFORMATION about Canadian Government Annuities.! NAME • ADDRESS ',f12:111141' .CLEARLY) , 1 1 1 (1) . When ' milk. ;is given, do, not use galvanized iron or rusty. containers. Dirty water,: dirty or slimy drinking, fouµ- • tains, spread disease.; It is . y im ver octant• toyour scrub . ur p �M:.1 1 1 1 V IC•oping :Concentrate fresh -mixed`. 1. • • Followup the vital chick. starting season. by ''feeding your next , winter's.layers now,on' a growing,. mash made with National Devel- 1. drinking vessels thoroughly' e. for tasty goodness.; and keep them always weir - 1: • . filled. `, - • (2) For health and fastgrowth, ' ' '• 1'a good..growing ,ration • must• 1' - be balanced';with vitamins for 1. heal#h, : animal . •proteins for ;;1 ; i.grawtla and ;:teraal g.r.ains for. energy. • - '. The ` i erwing season ° ma'kes. or breaks yotlr'flock. So buildstrongi:. vigorous egg machines' novo, the e ikNATION°AL'` .WAY, and' get'` e .:= ,-birds ltai •4u1ay'. preinlum' eggs'. I.,•,' d,l h ;hFIIadW`t°` si is- .`- - iv "See' Your NATIONAL Dealer today 1 Fertilize ,Y, oar p y ded`FERT� Crops with NATIONAL well -cured, pi:operl - Itrn ZER / 1/I. rte,' ,,. WILLIAM r STONE' SONS LIMITED II GERSOLM� ONTA.RIO : '', NSO.2 t •