HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Lucknow Sentinel, 1951-03-01, Page 4• • .. :r •,., ' , • PAGE rqi1,4 7•HE '"UCK11°W S-rk*TINV4, LUCKNOW, 'ONTARIO • °"WANT AP" RATES—lst inseftion '2 cents a word, subsequent insertions 1 cent -a .114rorcl. Minimum charge 26 cents. Replies care of, The Sentinel• .10 'cents extra. Legal advertiSing 10 cents per cOurit line first insertion, 5 cents • per line subsequent inSertions. FEED CORN. FOR SALIE*--; !cob • LIVESTOCK' WANTED Corn in truckload lotsJ R CASH:—up to $10.80 .fin ,Deed or • Henry, Blyth, phone ,105: . •„ toisabled Horses; $10.00, for Cows; , , , FARM. FOR SALE—grass farm, Hogs $2.50. per Cwt., •at your' lop acres; spring creek. Apply to farm. Prompt service. Phone,' col - George Fisher, 'R. 1,-.1.4,icknArtr;.'s lect, Wirigham 561-J. • ' HOUSE FOR :sALE....4even.i.00m vviLLIAm STONE • SONS,' LTD. Ingersoll, onthrio. house, . full' basentent, . furnace; • ' • 0•.`wire serviee. Apply at Sentinel, AS THE Department /•says Office:: •• -breeding that ctkOnts'.'.'Kitchener Big -4 Chicks are Canada ApproV.. • BFIRP FOR. SALE—choice baby ed, plus a breeding, program on , beef y the quarter, cut up • or this Hatchery's .own' farmsYou tn chunkw Raynard Ackert, BAY"' want good chicks. Ask for price - rood, phone 24-30 Ripley. • list—order without delay—from agent here ' . • ED„ V. RAKER; I.oucknow.•• CAR FOR SALE 1939 FOrd t coach, with • new overhaul job, reavnable price. Roy Ravens,' DO YOU; KNOW? That the Pbul- Lucknow. , try Industry 'Council is asking 15 ' percent increased production FOR SALE—Briggs :and Strattan- train Canadian POultrYkeepers washing machine, gas engine, this year'? With assured markets4 _ . Imirikeipoloii:glimmommomiwoommAlmoamoilliwtim, II COMING, EVENTS • DANCELT ZION• ' Dancing in. Zion-, Orange Ha11, on Friday, March 2nd, under aus,. pipes of Zion L.O.L. Bruce's or- chestra. peneral admission. 50c.: „Lunch cdVnter in hall: EAKINO. SALE4i TEA The W. A. :Of the Lucknow 'United. ,Church will bold a bak- , •ing sale and tea in the. Church basement on Saturday, larch 17 at 3.00.. .. • •' - • - • ' .. , RECEPTION • At Whitechurch Halk on Thtirs- day, March. 1st, , in honor of Zr.. and Mrs. • Harold '..Finlay .(nee Doreen li-win).. 1-Ienderken's or- 'chestra. •Ladies .' please 'bring • lunch. , • . • ' ' . / LOCAL TALENT PLAY. • "Auralia Briil:ge• from HemloCk. Ridge", a' 'modern 3 -act Comedy will. be presented by local talent in the Town. Hall, Lucknow, two nights, , Thursday .. and Friday,' March 8, p- a 8.15. Atispices Luck - now W. I., by permisison of Sam uel French .Admission .5Qc and 25c. Reserved . seats .at McKim's Drug Store, •, . . perfect ,condition4 y to Get your Bray Ohicks nowCir " Rider, Lucknew.. add moreto your flocks. Cata-, • ., one. large Woods :D. R. FINLAYSON Lucknow. •combination freezer and frig in , . IN ;MEMORIAM . • AITCHISON.-4in loving memory of Mrs. Archie ,Aitchison, •who Passed away March 4th, 1947. •, In' our s home she is fondly Membered Sweet •rneinorieS ; cling , to .. her . name; • . stock • at Forste3-'s4elding Shop, pfione 206-r-11, ,LUcknow. , • • FOR 'SALE — McCerynick- Deering -tractor. New Model Z tractors .now in stock, complete with hydraulic seat Geo. Wraith, Lucknow. . " _ • (FOR' SLE—cement house, and 11/4 .acres of gand; also two�ther • lots, north ofApply' tp . • • Mrs. .HerbPR. 5, Luck- • FARM LAND WANTED—to'buy or rent 66-16 , fie+ 'acres ' of, good • farmland, with or 'without build- • ings...Apply stating particulars to :Box‘.38 Lutknow Sentinel AUCTION:SALE of livestock, etc. • at farm of Cecil Johnston, Con. - 8, ;Ashfield TOWnahip, TueSday,' March 6th at 130. See bills. No reserve.. Cecil Johnston, Prop, Emile MacLennan,. Auc... AUCTION SALE of livestock & implements at Lot 4, •Ccin. 10, Kinloss TWp. (1. mile west of LUcknow, Road). or Monday, for list, and tOrns. . Carl Boyle,• Prop.; 'Donald. B -Blue, Auc. AUCTION SALE of ' farm stock and implements at N.H. Lot 16, Con'. 14, Ashfield Township ,(one mile- east of 'Amiberley) on Fri- day, 'With .9th at 1.00 pan. No reserve as farM4ba.s been. sold. See bilis, for list and terms. Earl Gibson, Prop.; Eriiile MacLennan, Auc,• Those who loved 1he,r in life sincerely, • 'Still love her in dea.th just the , same. .—Ever remembered, by husband •and fainily, •. CARD. OF- 1.11,A,1,41(S I wish to take this opportunity a to 7,thank my. Many, friends and • neigbibors who helped in any way during my stay in the hospital; also all who sent cards and gifts; These were much appreciated James Aitchison. •-• • Clayton Hodgins wishes ' to, most sincerely. thank all those who' so thoughtfully and, gener- ously remembered him in' vari- ow ways following his accident. All these kinds acts were indeed appreciated. • • ' • • . • • , . • a N. WHITECHURCH' • Mr. J. • F. McLean has sold his :stdie to Mr Lochrin 'of ''Palnien. atom We are sorry. to lose Mr • and Mrs..McLean from the village but on account Of ill health they are not, able' to Carry Ori7-They are moving. tto WroXeter. Mrs. 'Jas. 'Wilson Sr, has beeri • m Wingharn Hospital for the past week Mrs. Aldin, Purdon is also inthe hospitaland underwent an operation last week. ' • ;• . Mr, :Art Moore is in .the hos- pital „-suffering from a form of blood poiSoning . • . Mr, -Joe Tiffin, Sr..,°..isunder, ,the• debtor's care: at his, home: • Mr. Walter. James has the mail carrying • and 'Will be commencing on April lst He succeeds . Mr; Ezra Scholtz who has been mail' carrier for the past four years.. •- Quite a ?limber in the village are :suffiting from the 'flu. .•Mr. Bagg, froth. near • Toronto, spent i few- days last week viritli her daughter, Mrs Groskertli and Mr•ProskOrth. Mr. Spencer,. who. • has 'been • $pipt$1y ill at his horrie. here; was taken by ambulance to Wing - ham Hospital ori Monday • G. ALAN WILLIAMS Optometrist •'Office on Patrick St., just . off the Main St. it • WINGHAM •Prpfasafcinal Eye Examination Optical Services: • • lEvenings by aPpointment... Phone- OffiCe 770- Res 5 • JOH.NST()NE'S Ra'y or Night_ • • Ambulance Service • USE OF FUNERAL HOME • At No Extra Dist • „ . ,‘ .1VIoderate Prices, FUNERAL HQME 'Phone 't� MacLENHAN and', MacKENZIE FUNERAL. SERVICE• (Funeral Borne Available) AMBULANCE SERVICE' ` (Day or Night Service) FURNITURE '• !Phone. 181; Lucknow, Ont. (Day or Night) gnews, gency •'Howard: Agnew —jos. Agnew • MEMBER OF Ontario' Insurance• ' Agents' Association GENERAL INSURANCE Established Over 30 Years Ago Telephones: Business 39 Residence 138 t• ; 1 • • • . •he family of.. the late •Mrs. David Huston wish to thank their 'many friends and relatives, also , the Woanents . Institute, Ladies Auxiliary' of Lucknow Legion and Boytling Club for the beauti ful floral tributes, cards and kind, expressions ' of sympathy. Thanks also' to Rev. C. A.Wizn, Norman Taylor, Drs. .Tohnston and, Cor- rin and the nursing- Staff of Wingharn ;Hospital.4 •• • When. Mothers Face. Indolent • o as in sere ns tria a Worna.n, an u'nfit. riagther? What is • the just real, standard for .Meaa- uring a mother's fitness? Be sure. to read "When Mothers Face' • judgment", a 'clraintatic article i• 1 .) about child custody cases,, in this) , -Sunday's .(March •4) isSue of The- . American, Weekly, famous real- . life, magazine, exclusively with •, The Detroit Sunday. nines. • . • , ' • '' 4M•11,11••••••••1, SUPPLEMENT ' : HOME-GROWN GRAINS ' • try, National, 14.OgbildeF. percent Concentrate, or • • .National SO -w and. • Concentrate. , . • • Both Cont'aiii. $plettnent. • ID, R. rINLAYSON, ..t• • 'Phone 91-w; • Lucknow I 4, • • Zi�N ' . • • .Mr. and' Mrs. Mel. Dickson and family Visited 'Sunday; withM sand Mrs.., Cecil gardtker. and 'Mrs. McAuley of Ripley -visited Sunday with Mr: and Mrs Frank Ritchie., - Mrs.' Mary; McAuley is visiting. With Mr. and Mrs. 'Isaac Crani ston. •„ Mr. and Mr; Russel Irvin and Miss Dorothy RaYirard visited on 'Sunday with Mr. and Mrs.:, Nel- son Rayner& I add ,Mrs. Ken, LaicIfor and family of London visited Sunday, With Mr, and Mrs. Ge Hun-; ,Mr. and iV1rs4 Harvey Ritchie and Donna ,visited Friday even - it* With Mr. -and Mrs., Jack Mc - :bean &t Itocheater. • Mr. and Mrs. J,,ini McKay visit- ed recently with Mr. and, Mrs, Wes. Ritchie, •• . ',Church will be. at '41; 'o'clock . 'for the'Motith of marph. • • • FOURTH* CONCESSION . •• , .m6, Russell • 1ViacDougal1 re- turned. to Toronto Wednes- day to finish` her visit with her father and mother before leav- rng ll'er\hcarie in Bt. •.• Mr.: R Martin attended the .God Roads 'Convention m Ter - onto last Neat.' , •, . • ' Mrs. E., Purves. of Strathroy visited her daughter, Mrs. C. Roulston, while •'attending • tie • funerals of her relatives, Mrs. Huston and Mrs. W. Spindler. •hoirie of Mr. Lloyd, MacDougall laSt*MondAy night. ”• ' ' • • • Mr. andMrs. Dick Mallack son of Kitchener Were week -end • guests at the Iitmie of Dickie. 1VIr. George Gilchrist is 'slowly' iinproving and was' able to visit a short time on Sunday with rel- atives from Glamis, . , t411.4.01144?emtmumkelosiiit .,,,tpigrote,,nowneemoinisqemor . • . • , LINCOLN . • FARM WELDERS and . WELDING SUliPLIES, always in stock. -• & SONS • Huron R44„ -'Phohe 1132 GODERIal ONTARIO • INSURANCE Co-,OperatiVe Life.InsUrance Co-Operati•Ve. 'Autontobile- .• . • '•' •Insurance •' • , Vereantife & Farm Fire. Insurattce • Economical and Reliable, •See • . .iji ..T.:A. CAMERON LUCKNOW. 'Pliorie 70-r-10 Dungannon •1: • MH1st, DR: T. B. CLELAND VETERINARIAN •:Havelock .§ou.th Supertest Garage U C IC14.0* Telephone 175:. • Of BUSINESS and • Tx' eAX.NnilE*RAVUD01...C:rstssion. For The • 'Thine 23-w •• p.x7ipinptyattPrmirck.fmmieck. • P.O. Box .74 Lucknow, Ont: . man and the.'Farrner...' -T. ARMSTRONG' OPTOMETRIST GODERICH • 'FOR APPOINTMENT •• ' Phone 1100 •Appointment •or Information : "..• See. 'Wm. A: 'Schmid; 'Phone 167-W- LucknoW • .. • • • • • • bistire. In . Sure Insurance WIND -I Western Farmers' Weather FIRE • Howick FarMers' Mutual Car, Accident, Sickness Consult . . . • . JOHN FkRRI5.171.. •'''Phone 169-3, Llano* 1•11501(ANCE- • cAsuALTY, • AUTOMORIL..!• • AND LIFE " To Proteet YourJac, Tristire With- :Jack Today. J. A. McDONAGH ILL 3, LuCknOw, Ont. •••'Phone' 61-5, Dungannon 11, • • . • • • V Kenneth.J.MacKen;ie • R.O. Optometrist - • LISTOVVEL, ONT; • December 20th and every,sec- ond Wednesday following, at 'Eugene Wrona's Jewellery Store•from 3000 -10,p.m. Eyes examined - Glasses fitted 'for --appointment 'phone RoY. •• MacKenzie, 96-r-24 Ripley. ' 1 NOW is Tim nick . • To Ordet A •• , Threshing Machine. 11.3, sizes --22k32, 22x38, 28x48, Roller Bearing complete• , EARL a H9DGINS R. R. 1, -Dolyrood, Ont.i 'phone 364,13 Teeswater :ANDREW • Barrister end Solicitor' LUCKNOW, ONTARIO Office in the Joynt Block . , Telephone: Office135 ,Residence 31-J, P. Stuart • • • AstacKeinie 'Barrister -,and- Solicitor WALKERTON, ONTARIO -IN LUCKNOW Each Wednesday• ' • • OFFICE IN • HENDERSON BLOC ' . • • . Hetheringt,9n, • Barrister, Etc, . •Wingham and Lucknow . - IN LITCKNOW Each `Monday • and, Weatiesclay::! 'located on he ground, floor • in the front o John, lilpatrick's Booing ''Phone 'Wingham ' • Office 48 Resident/ 97 4(44