The Lucknow Sentinel, 1951-03-01, Page 3'dee my the ilia >ny : cry 'at eo.. risr :. of.• +red eaf ins a. tnk >, to: P. ert ars,-. gig= Irs. a ba. ias by, int ane �d Led an: ten• as= ity 'ge to ct- ng af- tie as vn ; ur ¢r. T1;IURSAAY, IvaRcli '1411 .1951 11-1E; . LUCKNOW SENTINEL, LUCKNOW• ONTARIO . . .13 E. THtEl ocal a •�uc�n�w EVERYDAY' . CAR,DSfor boxed e. assortment of get -well, 'birthday,' sympathy, ., Gongratulatigila `a n d annive1}sar Y• �eaird , /da1l Donald' Thonipson, phone: ' 33 or. $.5,. - • Mr. and Mrs. 11, H;,. Thompson are•visjtin'g.. in Elanira. .. Mrs., ,Donald, MacDonald is Home from Victoria Hospital, London, where she underwent, a major operation. - Qflarold Gr,eer, Ernie 'Maughan, Jim Wankel,: Bob Dodds. and Bill' MpLelland spent the `week -end in Toronto: Mrs, D. C. `1VIeMorran,, Windsor; Ontario, takes this opportunity to. thunk the many friends who re- ,' membered her on her 85th, birth day,. Mrs. Jim :Henderson • has '}been assisting on the nursing staff of Winghain, General. Hospital the past week owing to '.'the: great number of patients there . at -the • • . present time. LUCKNONV . UNITED CHURCH Ministers Rev W J: Mumford, M.A., B D , •S.T.D. ii SUNDAY,- MARCH 4th, 1951 !FOURTH SUNDAY IN LENT 11:. a.m : The Quest 'for, Happi nesse i 12.15 p.m.: Sunday. School. i '1 p.m The Challenge to i Youth. Thurs., March:• 1st., 7.30 p.m, 1 .Lenten. Service: Rev.; 0..B. Woolley in charge.•, A 'thirty percent .• Christian' cannot be . a •one hundred, ,per.- cent Canadian: AnjIkanhurch.; NOTICES Rev. A: 'S.:IVitchell,.;.Rector March 4th; 4th Sunday in Lent St.- Peter's Church, Lucknow 11 a,rn.: Holy ` Communion Wednesday, March .7th : • . Guild Sewing meeting, home of • Mrs: Malcolm Stewiart,: Lenten Service, home of ' Mrs. • T; W. Smith.• • St.: Paul`s, Chureh, D•ungannon' •• Sunday; 'March:: 4th, 2.30 p.m:: Evening. Prayer.; • St. Paul's Church;, Ripley Sunday; ;March. 4th, 7.30 p.m.: .:.-.---Evening Prayer Tuesday, . March. lith, 8.00 p.m ;Ladies' :Guild :at home 'of • Mrs. ,John • Scott, Mr. and Mrs...Erc' Edmanson of Toronto spent the week -end with her parents, Mr.. and. Mrs. J. M. Greer, .. , . ° Mrs. Ken . Ray ,and little.' son- Joe. of Chatham., spent a °week with her parents, Mr. and Mrs. Frank ' Moran, • Mr, and •'Mrs; .Gorge Middle- ton and twO aug ers,,• Lucy and Dorothy Jean of Walsingham,. were recent visitors. •with his, farther, Mr. Russell Middleton., • Rev. Robt. Macconnell occupied the pulpits Of of Ashfield '.and, Ripley Pzresbyterian, churches on Sunday last, in .the absence of. the regu. 'lar ;pastor,, Rev. J. R. McDonald, who was i11. The Misses J,: A. ;Mather and Margaret Murray who make'their home -.With • the Misses. Hender sons, are on the' road to recovery, Miss, Mather from, a severe illness' from: pneumonia.' and. -Miss Mur- ray from an attack of 'flu. Russell Middleton and. his son `George visited . least. week at For- est with the . former's ..brother, William, He was • a former `resi- den ' of Lucknow and commenced. 'a'railroad career. here, from which occupation he is now re- tired. OBITUARY • DONALD: GRAHAM. , The death of Donald Graham, member of a pioneer .. Kinloss To'Wnship. family, occurred in, Kincardine , Hospital shortly fore' 7 a.m. Xast Friday Morning He had been :: :in rapidly • failing health since Christtnasand from; the time of his admission to the hospital ' a few -weeks : ago, little hope was entertained for his re- covery..He•.was 86 years of ,age. "Dan" as . he was better known' in the co'm nunity, was a son of. ,the late Donald Graham and. An-: -nie Smith and was born in Kin•= loss • Township :ons August 24th,: 1864, Ile was one.,of, a . family. of nine, three of whom . survive: Fon; many yeaw Dan has been, a familiar figure in Lucknow, and his.: passing• removes :another of the Village's.; oldest. residents.,. The .funeral '•service.' was held at the Graham. ,home. in .Lucknow on Monday, conclucted by.. Rev:. C :A.Winn of 'Luckow: Presby •terian Church.-=Intermen South : Kinloss ;Cemetery. The palibee.rers were Wrn.. MacIrityr'e, Frank Graham, ' Philip Stewart, Alex MacNay; Kelso 1VIacNay. and Douglas -Graham. • Mr. Graham is survived by two, sisters, - Mrs. Margaret :Habkirk of . Liicknow and . Miss Mina Gra-. ham :of Chillicothie,' Ohio; and by one brother, James of Lucknow,. Predeceasing him.. Were Duncan,: Kate, • M ary, Christie and. Angus. GIVE T`•HOSE, YOU LOVE one 401' R . P1[OTOGRAP. ,ren • s 92 St; David, St.: Goderich,• Ontario it Bio I HURON COUPLE FIFTY YEARS: WED On Tuesday of last. week Mr. and Mrs. David Brook of Ripley chseryed . ;their" • golden .:Wedding~ anniversary. They were married in Ripley on February 20, .1901. Mrs. Brook: was the • former. Arabella Needham,- a .daughter of; .the .late Mr. 'and Mrs. 'George Needham, 'Con. 9, Huron Town- ; ship. ,Mr. - ,and Mrs. •Brook took up farming on.':.Uon.. .11, Huron, on the farm now, occupied . by their son ' .lames " In. '1926 they 'moved to the •f arm : - on Con. 5, now ,,occupied by their 'son ,Ste= wart. ,Nine years 'ago they. moved. .90 Ripley to the home •wherehe bride ,and ,groogi yvere mar ed 'fifty years ago:.`. Mr.' .and:.Mrs;' .. :Brook still live in this . home and'. enjoy the ;best•. of health. On Sunday,, : : February 18th a. wedding dinner ,was served at the. home of their' ion 'James, when all: the*, family were press ent They have four sons, Tan net and' James on Con. 11, Huron =:arid 'Stewart and Russell on Con. 5, •Huron, and one daughter, Myra; Mrs.: Cecil Norman, Con. 5,, ;Kin- sardine Township they have 7 !grandsons: • • Also present at the dinner was the. brick's brother, Vi<r. James Needham;'. and Mrs.' Needham;. Mrs: Maltby, who ,, was organist fifty yearsi,ago,. and Mr. and Mrs. Elliott Johnston. :;Mrs.. Johnston :i$ a niece of the bride. • • On .: their ; edding ,anniversary 'FEATURING • •.a large number of friends` and neighbors, called to congratulate' '.. , , • the brlde:and grooin of fifty years groom Sunday, .i. �i4. t6, un ay, ago." They- received many beau tiful' •gifts Nand" cards, along with a :telegram ,of congratulations from Prime • ;Minister 'Louis St, 'Laurent of, Ottawa,' and corigrat Sunday Meetings. 8.15 Week, Day. Meetings 8.00 p.m.: � o �•x x.�.,L L. Rev. Bert Turner,. the Irish -bora .. evangelist of . Detroit, , will con. duct an 11day rally in Lueknow` under the sponsorship of ` ;the4 •-• Clinton. Area Youth for' 'Christ. Evangelist Turner 'is .a powerful speaker. Hundreds . have been: brought to Christ throuh `his ministry. HERE :FOR. ELEVEN: NIGHTS; With the. Exception' of ,the • Evenings of March 8, 9 10 and 17 ulatibns ,:Encore J W. Harem; EVERYONE IS: INVITED• -r DON'T FAIL TO BEAR THIS'' MAN. M.P. P:• Wingham • and congratula- ' • tions ,from Ontario. Prime. Mini- i Ister Leslie Frost. Guide This castle_ � has, stood.. for• 300 years. Not stone has +been, 'touched, nothing ,';;altered, nothing repaired orreplaced. Tourist: •' They : must have ,the same landlord as I've got.. ' 1 URPLE GROVE: -Mr. and Mrs,: Andrew ,Patter- Son: and Gordon visited 'at the hone of 'their daughter; `Mrs.' Burton Collins' on Sunday. Mr. Sam Emerson.. visited' with Mr, John Emerson last, Thursday. Mr. and Mrs.' Frac k. Dore and Nancy : visited relatives in. Kin- cardiae . on 'Sunday. Mrs. Victor 'Gawley. 'spent. a day' in Hanover ' last week. • A. euchre , party was held in 'Purple -..Groin; _school Mast' :Wed=' nesday night. • •Mr.' and`" Mrs. .Chester -.Camp- bell Camp-ibell land family. of Ax $berleyx and• Mr. Kenneth : Johnston of ` Kin- cardine visited at- the Borne 'of George Emerson, Jr., on Sunday. The Farm .Forum was held last week` at the home of Mr- Don Me- Cosh with a good '. attendance; The subject for • discussion. was "What has I FA P. '•accomplish- ed?" • Mr. Ralph Hill spent an .after-.. on in °Wingha vrecentiy. ' .Mr..' and • Mrs. Jack Elliott of P' e River were Sunday visitors at t e home. of Mrs. Emerson, Sr., also. with Mr. and Mrs. John Ern - • • erson Saturday evening., and Mrs. Don lAcCosli• and N.�a14y',and Dickie Oisited. with Mr. and Mrs:. Knight` •of •Wi'oxeter; on Sunday. dordon Gordon Stanley and . Mrs.. Frank Scott of Ripley spent last Wednesday at the home of Bur- . ton Coll ns. Visitors at the home • of Mid. D,on McCosh last Week were Mrs. J, .Colwell, Mrs. Swan, Mr. and YVirs. Currie. Colwell land babe, Mr. and Mrs. Walter Forster and fainly• of Ripley.,', No: Veneer No.`2 Veneer _Lumber 15" at top 14'•' at top . ' Under 14" HARD MAPLE ': ....... $110:09 °$90:00: Up: to $80.00- BIRCH 110:00: 90.00 • Up' to 80.00 BASSWOOD 75.00 65.09 Up to •,60.00 SOFT MAPLE ...... .,... 70..00 •60 00 ' Up to ; 45.00 BEECH 55.00 5000 All logs musty• be straight, clear, and sound ;except; that Beech• logs may. have one knot). •1 1 .. rt Y'. • WE CAN OFFER A— PERMANENT MARKET FOR YOURL OGS Payment will be made on delivery to our factory in Owen Sound. rcto:r Company Umite me is n ,4,` it t Ave W. a d 1 th St./Owen , Owen � S. o un. ' d. •. BOB :ARMSTRONG: and JOE WASNEY „ratiri,,sh to'. thank . their..xnan • • ,customers for•. ltetr atr,gona a chairing the time . of ,their. partnership ,at 14 LUCKNOW MOTOR .SERVICE • Its' Vas A Pleasure To Serve Xou. - Bob is carr rug on thisbusiness and asks for: a ilk 4 continuance of your patronage /at Lucknow Motor' Service' where it. will continue to • be a pleasure -to serve. you. . , A ucknow Motor Service ob Armstrong, Prop. 'Phone 131, Lucknow �.a�iic�niiJr.M.iriri•t. N.�i►.ii1w�..,N.:,,w«�N'.i�;ia.�i..witk •t • 4