HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Lucknow Sentinel, 1951-03-01, Page 2.t�
'DRAPES WITH :'VALANCE in all over leaf design,
wing.' blue, gold and green. Width at top 72 inches, length
es, attractive designs n all-over floral pattern,, in
The proposal; by the Canadian
National..Railwars to discontinue
passenger, expr;:ess axil malt ser -
Vice by mail, on :two., branch. lines
owt of Ratm,erstorii has aroused.
a storm of protest in. some cen-`
fres. The proposal ;Calls • for bus;
and transport lines "rendering' a
•' ;.substitute service. f' :
The first impression of one who
travels'rarely by train, is that it.
would • Abe scarcely •consistent• to
oppose discontinuing the ' rail.
Service, HoWever, there are those
Who .;do tr. ;,vel by train;. and.many'
more who Would if _the service:
was s, 'eded u'�. The:' C NR.,
Pe p
seems; i•hae neglected 'to keep • its
„road bed in repair and a:speed
ing up of the service would re
quire' extensive work on ,-the rail
,.line lin. to make fast, safeand :corn-
for'taibie travel - possible 'Other,
wise' .it is hard .to accept:,,any
argument that ;rail service Can-
not go modern .and compete ,fav,
orably with other means of trans
portation.;: 1
Highway travel is : today hoz
4rdnus. and, :many. city -bound
motorists..Would Prefer the; relax-
ation`' ofw .train travel,' we believe,
if the railroad Was to furnish, the
comfortand, speed it can provide:
We're paying. plenty for bet
ter " i highways.. Why • cannot; this
people's" 'railroad make ' the nec-
"They'.! ought to.do this; '" e° 'r•
Plight to do than! There are; ple i
ty of people in " • Luekriow and
other. towns • and .cities and• rural,,
ureas throughout; Canada, who elf=•.
press themselves • iii ,no, uncertain,
terms', on‘ an ;infinite variety 'of
t t; r'U ,..
matters. ,A],ways; �, is:, ; ttiCy"•who
should. look into the situation and
correct it at once.. '
. ' It could be tthat gdvernments
whether; r i riicipal pro tincial
or federal''— are, involved ,Borne-
how: By taking. the• ::attitude 'that
"they" ,should .be` responsible for
every�thing, We shuffle • off' • any
feeling that .We' perSonally 'are
responsn'b le in any 'way to ,see to
it that things are accomplished:..
Most n" day > one I liable a Y y s t0
hear'suoh "questions as Why, don't
"they" .bring ' more • industries' to
town? Why don't.."they"'•keep the
Streets: _clean? 'Why don't ;"they
do sometbirig about . the • cost of
living, the housing situation . the
read,: the sidewalks, the : appear-
ance of the town? .Why. .'don't
'`.`theydo this ''do that,'' do' the
other thing? The list could'; go on
•ad'.' nauseam.' '
.The theY attitude is . sY
of • the "leave it , to
George ' idea thatseems to • be
prevalent • all •over . the country ,.
Instead 'of `they", . it. should lie
"we" arid ,then let "we" go ahead',
emery expenditures in; keeping and, get things done: •
up.,' with the• times. Nothing • is impossible:if. 'we"
The :. passenige bus service' I eally want . , it . and go after it,
= whic ' the'C:N.R. r es would How? By. thinkin�g‘ sand. planning
11 .. 1? oPoS
be More. or less: a duplication ,of and 'working together, by• putting
the ` `resent '; se vice.• To have 'bur abest effdrt` into ; any: project
busses ducking in. 'and out . of . we :want carried out
aye.. :A likable ' to almost ever
ery.° d�epat `.between, here and �p , Y
,P I:communit . no the need
Palm�;ens-ton,; travelling over many Y� doubt,
secondary roads, and even ,back for a lot more "we" and a lot
roads, „ appeals. to us'' as, offering ; less 'they".
the traveller a less, desirable'ser
vice than he now ani oys" .
Lt would< se' tou that. the (The Farmer's. Advocate)
seem s
C.N.R. should either . get into the
passenger 'and express service—
ervice-by rail—or get out • o f the' busi-
• ness completely'.. on.; these • branch.
A:nd,-it-4s-•-only --right to -ex act -
Mr. and Mrs".:`: John
Public to
awaken to the fact •that 'he owes
something to the: railroad. In de
.manding 'tdhe retention .of these
. services, , there ' is entailedan ob-
ligation to patronize and . support
then: That's 'only fair.
'If your, child is uninanageable,
. switch his attention", SaYs a' psY:-.
chiatrist In .the olden. days, .it
was not hii attention which' Was
The High, School' District ques-
tiOn in Bruce • }Oka' yet been
happily, solVed, if the battle: of
piton; Hanover `and Chesley iS
any criterion Establishment -of
the pioVince, has not infrequ'ent-
Jy resulted. a battle -Of *its,
fast work and Political Manoeuv7
of inter:-MurifCipal bickering and
Willy The Waterdtick Says=
/ Just as the Skater's Waltz has
. become. the 'skaters' theme song
, ers. to ineinori;e this little verse
to know When ico ,is Safe. •
inches e small grinips,
These fotir !lines 'mikht well
save your life,
A .large group' of people riiith`
a 'realiev�ance in.
gr these times
Organization and "without Or a
g nization to voice
acomhint • are �� ensoriers • an=
complaint p
:nuitarits• and .those. living. on 'the.
's'can :' earn.
ty inais of invested capes
ital. Inflation' has dealt •thein a:
hard blow and theyhave' no .way'.
of making it, known to those in
office who are supposed" to exer
.cise sozne . restraint.. over :living
co'sts. '
• Professional men and women
adjust their •,charges upward as
the iocoasion . warrants and laibor 1
unions see to' ' it that takehome
pay is increased ..as living costs
go `up. Farmers demand and get.
price supports and..other- 'govern-
ment or • group ``controls, designed
to keep selling prices in'line' with
production costs: :$
" TfrulisDAYY MARCH l.st
by .�
just. :!been • making a cake Rev.. Mr.' ,Connor s of Dresden
a lain white one, one of I beeline the . new rector, of the
Wain t using n - �,English. Church,
the Aversa;tile cake mixes that are,
DIIavd Murdoch, • stonemason.
all things to, ;any woman.. You' can and'a former resident of the com-
have an orange cake by using' niun�ity, . died : in Ashville,, North
orne orange juicefor part •o Carolina, from the effects of Tal"
., ang p. _ f
the liquid, ,,adding some . freshly
grated rind; or you might' put
.sone Chopped nuts ,in, or ' raisins -
Bete ia ' a novel;, :idea when "you
want. a • really 'bigg .cake,:: you 'can
have -three kinds••iY one pan. Use
•a white cake mix arid a chocolate
one. Ikt The white' mixture at
one end Of a '10 Iby' 10' inch pan
and let it run in a thiri layer to
.the middle. Aft {the other :end
pour' in, the. chocolate mixture.
Let it run into and '.over the
white mixture, helping it along. a
.kinds of cake serve: You can
cover" it. With three° kinds; of icing
tQb, by ,making basic , confection-
er'sicing, butter, milk, icing
Sugar A and' flavoring. Divide • in-
to. two bowls: TO,. one; ' add 'a
square of fnelted chocolate. I like
to Marble the. -.'icing on •'top ,' of
thea ,chocolate' part; :With , plain
chocolate icing, on the marbled:
section;: white•on� white,. sprinkled
with • toasted. cocoanut :