HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Lucknow Sentinel, 1951-03-01, Page 1$2.50 ,Yearly In . Advance ;509• ,Eritra to U.S.A. DRAFT_' JOINT C.M.R._ PROTEST Representatives: of rnunicipali- t . ies• :on the - Palmerston-Kincar dine branch of 'the C.N.R.,met in Wingham last. Thursday night ;to draft a joint resolution ,pro - tog . stin the proposal of the C.N.R.• to 'cancel. passenger, express and. mail service 3�by..;' rail, • and substi- tute b •s uand `truck transportation. ._ ,11+11aYors or • reeves of 25 : man-' , icipalties ' on , the • 'Palmerston - Kincardine a n d. Pairnerston- Southampton. lines, or served by it, were notified of the meeting, Ault there was, not 'a single 'rep-, resentative present from the 'Pal nerston Southampton line, leav-. ing the meeting to wonder . at this." attitude • of indifference; • A similiar meeting .had .been head .:a. week • previous at which Southampton delegates :were "up in•arms'• against the railway pro- posal. ' ; Mayor W;, W. Guerney of Wing- ham Presided:gat. the• meeting and, P �. read, ,;the ; .resolution of protest from the Winghani Council which: had' -been, forwarded.' • ,Listowel`. ' O. � or . Nickel � .oaf Said that. Listowel Council .had deferred, action:: until the regu-' lar .;Marcmeeting, r h and he was. ueried as to :the "chane of:'At- titude'"- at- titude ofthe Board, :as wasin- dicated by. press .reports,, Mayor G uerne" . , submitted a ' y rough ' draft of. a resolution of :Protest: frein th'e`•municipalities as a whole, which'. met with the, rap- proval`•:.of °the Meeting: And -was •th.p. •,:given:. h 1inishingifouehwt y • a Coiimittee of seven set up to deal With matters pertaining. to his, QYuesion • as the- ' : na anise. This y, ,, . . committee is comprised ' of Mayor W. W. Guerney,• Wtngl aixi, chair- mean; Mayor Joseph ' Chilvers, of ,Kincardine; Reeve J. C. McNa+b .Luck'now; • Reeve ;'•` Harvey John- ston,. Morris: Township; Reeve J. D: 'Beecroft, of \East Wawanosh;. Mayor James Auld, Pairnerston; Mayor O. M. Nickel, Listowel LUCKNQW, ONTARIO,; f'HUEISDAY, MAi MOTORED TO WINNIPEG DUE .TO MOTHER'S ILLNESS Mrs, and Mrs. • ,The WasneYand family and, Bob Armstrong,Jr., left by motor early Tuesday morning nn . fi g for Winnipeg, because of the serious iliness *of -Joe's moth •s, WaSney sufered a, fract ,tired limb and since '• then has developed,; double • • neu .,. 'pneumonia, mon:ia, so, that her ,condition, causedrav g, e Concern. •' On learning by phone.; of her' illness; the Wasney fami•l y: made immediate,; plans to leave �: for, the West;, SUGGEST'NINE:. .ROOM' SCHOOL Approval haS•been' given by° the Department 9f Education to 'draw up: 'sketch • plans • 'for •. the new Lucknow District high' school if. all municipalities concerned ares' in agreement, • The jist sof . the resolution . strongly opposed substituting :.bus• and truck service; which was re- -:-garded as -totallyy-ina lequate It called' for: rebuilding the Palmer-. store; 'to ''Kincar dirge line . to ac:- comodate heavy' diesel equipment: and provide fast ar}d .snip oved' service.' Stress was laid On".the essentiality of rail ` service • in event of a national. 'eiiriergency. ; '.Kincardine, Ripley; •l< uckrrow West Wawanosli were re resent= ed at this. meeting,. Reeve Ever • ett Finniganagainsuggested that the 'Federation of Agriculture: use. its influence 'in _protesting ,the HOW DOES YOUR 'LABEL READ? • The Sentinel mailing list• was: corrected; on ' Saturday,. • and a glance at the label date this week willw tell. you how' your subscription stands, . lfIqur label does not carry the figures "51", your su11�- •scription is past- due, and your ,earry 'attention to • this 'little matter, is requested; . .' •., In case of error please" ad vise us: at once. The Department suggests a 9 - room school to meet' theneeds of. this 'district, and pa' -.s 80 . percent of the cost of .construction. The District Board met on. Fri- day night with the reeves: of the ;municipalities to discuss the pro ject,. and . arrangements were, Made'' to have an architect .Meet: with:.'local• officials and. go thor:• oughly into the plans and estiin- ated • cost orthe +building. ' Fravored site of .the p roposed' P new school appears to 'be Tat. the outskirts' of the Village,' J'::'tus sciuth'. of'.Highway 86, o inv lv+ing 'prop- . prop erty and land owned by: Miss: SEE BY THE EN INEL THAT 1VIrs.; N.: J. MacKenzie left last Thursday for Detroit from ' where she will go : to; Fkxiida with, • Mr and',Mrs:, George. Stockham to spend a ,.month's vacation, . ' o. SHAT there is: ni+arked :ern, p rove - p • rx.e it in 'the' ..condition of Mrs.. • Phil I'ar`%tt Of Timmins '.: (nee R u Mitchell) . who.. recently e n y underwent a n major operation in.'Toront o. T , is ex ected s • . t p be will ..beable to retureine shortly:. Elizabeth .Reid ...and the Lyons ' —o-- fani,l: A., sere ' . at the ':fro• of TRAT a: largely..attended,recep-, �' _ am .. •the_. property. ,would perrnit'.at- tractive landscaping' 9f•• the : grrounds. - JOINS UNITED STATES ,NAVY Kenneth,.H. ¥acInnes, 20 -year- old son of Mr. and Mrs. Martin •Maclnnes,' of Detroit, joined, the° Ljni ed Staten 'navy : early ,in .the year : and`:. is now undergoing 're- ' cruit ::training. at •:the naval train- u g centre,, .;Great Lakes, Illinois. Kenneth is a .grandson ;qf Mr -s: :Malcolm �Macliities and d is well. known in this. 'community where visited: •; •' :. he frequently .. • The Detroit Westward news- paper has ;. this to say of Ken • "Outstanding in Southwest, De- troit . acivit s, ; the 'handsome young Ken was a member of'.•the g Trinity Presbyterian'church.choir -and', the Western high_ School' choir. • Ken has already joined. a ;Choir Which meets near: hiss train- n a ing.;ibase. ' curtailment : •of rail service. , He 'maintained , that tion t ��suCh • ac W t While in- high -� ch l lie gained Horrors-' for - scholarship •.and attendance: Be received .the music . department award and.: the : American Legion• award' upon graduation `.`Shortly beforeie joined • the. Navy; Keri attended Michi,gan. "Ken ' attended Harms and son Inte:rmedi;ate ' School before Would. have 'an.:adverse: effect ,the value of farm' property.':: *'DUTCH• FAMILY T -PA t`A vAOU NT Mr. ,and 'Mr's:: Wm. Steenhuis and' two children;• natives • of Vr'Veen,,, Holland, arrived in Luckhoty by train o'n Monday+. and have taken up residence. at Pararnourit, : where , they will be. •,employed for, the time `being by Orland Richards. Mr. Steenlhus was : a prosper- otuiputcher in Holland and:,hopes to eventually iby . a farm here, Theyare residing: on the farm eerossthe road ''ogre the Ri hards • • fr c , farm; formerly the rtaynard farm. , 'and, Mrs. Steenliuiis ,have two children, a son 16, -anti a' dau- iter 11. The latter will be ati tending school at Paramount, entering es ern. State. College to: study 'agricul=, ture'': Evang� r'• FEATURING THF; . ' • heir two months' old .son, Jarvis, of Trout G:G� e k; visited last 'week with her parents, Mr. ,and. Mrs. Wesley Robb of Huron Township: Mrs. Osborne was f o r,me r•:l-y Gwendolyn, Robb.;Last °Wednes- I da they 'visited here with Mrs; Alice Robb, making -a -four-gen- eration' four gen-eration' gathering. Mrs .'Robb , is 84 years of age. Mr.and. Mrs: ',Osborne operate 'a +generalstore.' business at Trout Creek, Whichh as been rebuilt since its. destruction by fire some •time ago. In that fire they • lost. .suffocation. an infant child • .b 0,1;am , HELD 'PUBLIC SPEAKING CONTESTS AT. HIGH• SCHOOL. ' Last week; at. the .Luekisow; District High School, public .speaking' contests .were 'held for students of Grade 9 arid. 10. A conitse4 for . boys ; was ,'held ion' We. dnesday with Jim Ha•ckett th•e' winner. 'He spoke on " Conserva- <tiot". The . fudges were Dr: W. J. Mumford and Mr. Everett West. • Ori Friday •'afternoon the girls competed,.. with- the' judges, Mrs.. W B..:.Anderson. and Mrs. W: •V.: Johnston; finding it difficult.' to. selec a . winner, as ;,more' than one e c� testari't• was tied� e n ycrh n the Ipoints;.were;•'tallied...:The '' final' tion was held in .the.'Recrea-' Tucknow, • Branch of the• Can • ,adian Legion .will participate in the 'Legion's s Pcovinci al Essay Contest, by sponsoring'a local. competition. for (both 'publ'ic and • high school students. Prize money of $7.00 and $5;00 will be' offered in :each class:.. Class No. .1 :is for boys+ and.. girls in ' Grades 5, 6, , 7 and 8, who may write 'about 50.0.. 'words ; on either ;"Remembrance Day or , "The Four •Freedoms"..; •''Class No. 2 is for young peo- ple in grades 0, 10, 11, 12 and 13, who may write about. 1,000 words on either ",Canadian Unity" or "Canada's Influence in. the ited. Nations". Entries in both divisions must •be in the hands : of''the: Legion secretary not • later than. April Ist. .. Branch winning ;essays will 'be eligible for ,district: competition and :the. best three essays in the district,in each class,' will be, forwarded" to the Ontario Com. mand Tle first and second place winners in the 'Ontario finals will . be given a •free trip byair to • Ottawa: to: visite. the.• House,. of Commons.• Purpose of the contest ;is to im- press' on the. minds af young pep-- Pie eo ole (and those .not, sor.young) fundamental' 'principles' `of .'good choice • ;was Bett Johnston whose 'citizenship ''Legion ' officers x are.: y subject' was "MacKenzie .'King"; I hopeful tlfat' a goodly nun +ter' in' ,School pins •were Presented onI t t" will .'entier the coni. p"hisdistric Friday to Betty. and Jim by the �. 'test. ' adv 'tw.o ' 1 y' judges: • N .JAIVIIESON ••P-A•SSES,::,' tiona Centre Centre. on 'Friday.. i• night: ; RIpLEX S TAX:. R;AT1. for. 1951 • �:he death • of ohri. Alexander; J in honorof Mr.• and Mrs: Jack' will remain . unchanged . at .•; 75 Jamieson • occurred •• in Wingham ^The Dura tau 1 werepre- + '• 82 y g. P e years of .age. The, funeral service ' ''will be held this • afternoon of +money. Jack Macintosh sex B1' D FAREWELL Congratulations • . , •. ...• (Thursday) ''::at. Johnstone's' Fun-, • . tended congratulations, and, ' `eral Howie, at 2:30 With • inter- TO COOL E FAMILY LY •Clare Johnston. mane+ the. ores Cooke .(nee Shirley Mason): mills: Hospital on Tuesda 1e was sented .,with a generous purse • i -=o- THAT Mrs.. Wm. Cooke was. pre • sented with a• lovely ; cup and saucer byy the ' th W.M.S of Blake. 'Church, of which she. was a ,yvalued..ineniber . The--presenta- tion was made' , at•. the .home of. Mrs. Irvine Henry; the presi- dent of the W M:S. The "Cooke family moves.th'is• week'. to near Chesley to make. their, \home THAT, a ten day spell of sprinig- ' like weather. • reached a , high' of 43, degrees on' -Sunday Rain on Monday:was followed by a drop. ,temperature.. (Continued On *age, 10) BINGO TONIGHT (THURISD:AY)•': - JACKPOT UP TO 8300:00 • .Interest in the Lu'cknowi Leg- ion's weekly bingo is,,;steppin,g up• sharply now. as the jackpot• grow,, s" ibigger sand . bigger, ' This - week's event will :. be held . tonight (Thursda;y) father than on Wed nesd'ay :as'. has ;been customary., The: change was made with the idea , Of avoiding .,,idin' conflict 'with •the. hockey playoffs:' tonight will be The 'jackpot $303;00, , 48 numbers :torbe called. f, HOLDS RALLY HERE .'. - . i REQ: BERT TURNER Irish-born ,evangelist of Detroit weeks evanel-' will :open 'a two g istic crusa'de lin: ,the Town Rall, 1.,ucki ow, commencing on Sun- day' `night. On •Friday' : evening,' February 23rd, a farewell dance. ;was ' held in ''the. Dungannon i. Parish Hall` for:iMr: and -Mrs. Wlliarri Cooke• and family: Therewas' a capacity crowd in. attendance. Music for the, evening ' was supplied key Athol ;Bruce's. orchestra .accom_ panied by Clark• Johnston: ' ' During the. lunch hour Mr.-. and Mrs. Cooke were called to.:. the platform where Mr: Elmer Foran read 'the. following , address and Mr. Lorne Durnin' made .the pres1' -entaition• :-of --a, ...well filled. .purse Of money. Dear Bill, Mary, Margaret, • Bill • and Sam T:t is with regret ;that we `learn - anent• in Greenhill .Cemetery:. ' • INSTALL NEW VICE • PRESIDENTS AT LEGION. A. • At e last•re • gulag meeting of the^.locaL'TBnanch : of. t'rhe'-•-Qan aarp Legion, Stuart Collyer' and • Cat ence Greer were installed first and second vice presidents: • ,•Officers for• the ,current term • area. Pres., ' Robert M. Simpson;" 1st vice Stuart Collyer; 2nd vice, Clarence Greer • secretary-treas P •urer;' : R. W. ' Andrew, executive, 'Ja r'Fisher,. . Russell. Button, ' • Cla'ie ,Johnston,. Jack Cooke; Sgt at, Arms William,'Stimson; color party,; Elwood '' ..Drennan, , Cliff Crawford; press. reporter , ; Wm.. M. ed. you' are leaving oitr neighbor-? 'MacDonald. hood. We are `sorry.' to lose: you, ,knit wheat is our loss will besome- one else's gain, We:tiWill always remember : the 'good neighbors 'you have been and .:will ' always' be. looking, forward to your visits back •here. • • .'We, your' "'rierids and , neigh-., bbors; have:gathered •her a this ev- ening; to extend; to you` our best wishes for success and happiness' in .your new corrmunity,„.FAs you' lea'v'e• old friends behind sand look forward to the .new;, may your nneMories ail -be pleasant'•. and. your hopes all "c'or:••netrue., As, ` a token of our esteem• we' ask, your to faccept.' thi's gift and wish you the very 'best of luck in your new home.. Signed on +behalf of your friends and neighbours, Elmer • Foran,, Lorne Durnin.' Bill made a very,. fitting reply :and invited 'everyone • to: visi them in -t Lei . 'AYI h new` 'home. e joined in sen g For they are jolly., good fellows"i . •` Mc1R'E:lT'I..RES AND BATTERY . STOLEhI:,w • Cars owned: -by Frank 1VIacKen-k Ale nod. -Duncan .MoC:onnell of Concession 2, :'Kinloss,, were re= ce>.tly roaibed of their spare •tires. The: battery Was also taken out • •` of the 1VieConnell ' ajar, and, it ap pealed : a's if an unsuccessful at- ten±t had, been made to remove 'the '}'eater: The' are' sirniliar.' e "tto those . occurring a few weeks earlier;, when two oars storedin the Presbyterian Church shed were relieved 'of a tire and battery: The MacKenzie and McConnell ,parkedcars n their 1 neways�j t off the oad The tire ,which Frank 'lost was ti •view. one and was, of a different size fe the ,1Vivc•Ca 11 ti � rine tire,' Constable Mavens was inform ed. of the affair and notified Pre-. Wit ial Pollkce.. ry. 4 • ri