HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Lucknow Sentinel, 1951-02-22, Page 8,'.1 :EIGHT' '11%,.14T; SENSATIONAL. SAVINGS; I.; .Lgn, colors wmen. Width at top 12 inches,' DRAPES WITHd anti m all � over leaf deli S,' len •th, 87 inohes, .attractive ct gns in all-over floral pattern in peony des !?,, Special price,. pair $1,40• ... Fill ' Hot crack or ,peel. •Arecolorfast and. durable.,.. Are 'stain and mildew ' resistant.. Are waterproof 'awl odorless Just dip in .warmwater, to w•as Creases ;and folds. fall Ont.; ' • Mine resistant; resistant. •.111EED NO- IRONING -MERELY HANG 7 Week End •;inn's: Libby's'.Tomato Soup; 3 ' tin§ Lowneys Campfire Marshmallows. a oz. bag .., ,' �,• 27c- -Smyrna Eating Figs9 pckg. 15c .35c Foaming „ le n$er Polishes as it: Cleans Introductory Price:'. 2 tins '25c Club House Chopped Nut ; Butter 16 ozIceBox' Jar Special! :. 39c Velvet., Cake ' & Pastry •Flour Special! 3° lb. 'bag 25c wait `Friendly Service The 'Store, of :'Phone'82' We Deliver DONALD 'CAMERON, superin tendent .'of the ° Bruce County. CJ•ildrens Aid Society' was strand. ed on a- county backsoa d during g the blizzard of,. two weeks ago.,: He 'set out on •foot for • help, and, was in. a state of• collapse• when he reached' a haven: Both his ears werefrozen., E. W .R,ice Was hostess for the February Meeting ' of the W,A on •Wednesday, afternoon. Mrs. Charles . McDonald presided and there were 13. ladles Present.. The thine .of the. worship .ser •v'i'ce was "The Pharisee and . the Publican'',,Mrs: John Cameron read %the scripture, lesson • .and Mrs. Frank McQuilli]n' the lesson thoughts: ;'I't was' decided:, to hold the .Marc!! meeting ".,-on Wednes- Iday, . March 2l4 and: an invita tion; fr..onD. Miss' W Rutherford was 'accepted Mrs. G.MacPher son and Mrs,. F. McQuillin . with the; president ` were :.appointed'.:to purchase material`", for the men%- hers to Make article's for a bazaar The'.ladies made quilt (blocks and enjoyed a social tune: Lunchwas • served ' tiViith 11i'rs. J. Cameron', Mra. F. 1VI'cQuillin and Mrs: W. A. Miller as hostesses:'.. • Tl �gn- Busy Bees presented their' play "A' Pair' hof -,Country, Kids" in ;the Cominunity Hall on Friday ' night 'before a large and appreciative aikiience,•under the p aus is " ofthe Women'sInti= 'tutee Bruce's ` orchestra provided' music for the :dance that follow- ed' , OW . SEEiL,; .LUCKNOW,. QNTA30' I,SEE.11Y ' SENTINEL • (Continued from page 1) THAT ;Dr, W,. V. Jebnston has., • (been "demoted":. As past presi- dent of ' the Ontario Medical Association his license plates this year are "D-3". In 1949, as president-elect + his, markers; • were 15-2", and :last ' year, •;as. • the president• .of the Ontario' Association, his position was in- dicated by license plates "D-1..,"., _..o , THAT Kr. and Mrs. John jarnie- .son• are (both patients in Wing., ham Hospital with pneumonia THAT Eldon' iienderson" won ,.a•. • box Of .chocolates at • the SFa1. entitle ,Night draw; at the Play, house. The 'dram, Wase made?'by • Wayne Jamieson,' 2 -year-old son of •Mr. and. Mrs. Stewart Jarnieson: —o— THAT 'in renewing his •Sentinel su<1 scrip i ";Cecil Armstrong of Port`, Colborne emphasized' how• he. looks • forw+ard to.the ;paper,,' .Cecil expects to .visit at his home here befori the first• of April: • He., is employed• by the Department of: • Transport . on the :Weyand. Canal and' once navigation opens he works` • 7 days'a''week THAT Mr& Roy Havens: has been • ill'this week: On'Tuesday Room I. pupils head �a -holiday and 'on :Wednesday; ' Mrs. Lorne John- • sten 'took •over as• supply tea cher for Mrs Havens., ( THAT Joe Conley reports seeing; :a robin on Monday The optima • ism of this •harbinger. •,.of spring will: ' no doubt' be chilled con-' siderably ,bef ere.' the springlike: weather of. the wee'k-end it. here to stay, 0 T :HAT Stan Todd,formerly of: St. 'Helens, has been elected presi- dent ' of :. the. Young ., Peoples • Society. of Egmondville United • Church THAT revision of; The Sentinel's' • Mailing list has been delayed, Causing ' some ' subscribers. . ,: to ' Wonder . if . it' is.. an oversight dg that 'their. label date has not ibeen. • advanced . to. • agree with their receipt. Mr. and Mrs. John Cameron & —o ' Mr, Den -Cameron 'were; recent 'THAT :Arnold :Gloorr is' at present visitors With ,Mr. : and Mrs. Jas shaving. -major . Changes and ire Douglas . at Mitchell' •. The•Marc h meeting tee ' of the .Wo- provements made at the 'Luck- ., now Luck-.:now 'sawmill i , men's. Institute will be held. in• s • —0- the basement of the ,:church. on: THAT'Gl and-MurraWalden set of ba • �'pe' 'direct . en ,, . Y e ,. gp�p s from Glas- h Thursdaay.,` March 1st at 2:30. Roll and Vernon (looter attended a g' call,: An antique cir : heirloom-. and Holstein cattl sale at Ed. is h' tory: Subject 'on Historical Fleck's farm =near Kitchener.:' THURS., FEHRLI'ARY ..22n6, . ' 1951. It I'i eNow'I"o for 1951. We have the latest in'' both styles and colors;. -nDRtSSES, SUITS,: COATS and SHORT in sizes 1E tak 20 and 18% to 261/z #1° , MEN'S GABARDINE TOPCOAT4 �Ii -on Style'524,75: • '` • Military w Style' in , tlfe la4test shades to.41547:,choose from. " • MEhS • 'NEWSP;O1tT CORD JROJACKETS. LADIES' AND MEN'S. WEAR: LUCKNOW, 'ON.T, TOT -TO. �Yl1+ hone 89-w' TEEN and'L .Uc ow, ntario and 'Mrs, 'Willis Stimson of town, underwent "an' appendect • o)ny. last < Wednesday • in • St. ',Mary's ' Hospital, Toronto. She is makinga favorable recovery • and. ,vas ;able : to leave ' the hos ;pita'! on Monday. ,SANDY MacDONALD of Kintail is the proud; possessor of a new 'Research :and Current ,eivents • by h fiih... d. Eac lad Miss sW. D Ru erfor Y, J of pioneer days. • Program and is tocontribute a'story lunch 'committee, Mrs. D. '.C. Mc- Donald and' T �: Mrs: T. J odd. , last Wedinesday. 70head rwere , sold. 'Glen:' bought four, 'bred .heifers. i • "'. THAT Miss B. Marguerite StirriT son• of ,Toronto, daughter ofMr. :PARADE OF. LENTEN FOODS:.. Brunswick •' Chicken Haddie• . 25c For that: quick 'meal serve Kraft Dinner ,2 for 27c Dried • White: Beans , * 2 lbs. 27e' Clover Leaf : < White Tuna,'. solid' . ;....., 51c Pond oboe' . Red Seal <Salmon,` 's '35c Sockeye Maple Leaf Salmon, WS, 47c, lfallawi ' Dates, 'ib......... 19c Cal. Seeded 'Raisins .., 35c Hearts Delight _Prunes, .Ib. , ....:.......,,... 30c York- . Choice:.Tomatoes,- 28 oz. 21c GET DETAILS HERE ... Fresh Fruit &VegetabIes TEXAS GRA (FRUIT, `96s., Y�,.,.,,., 2 lbs. 19c `' 7 for 49+x' SPANISH , O1�IIONS ......, •! ORANGES, 344% dozen 35c COOKING ONIONS, 10 1b, Bag ..1, ,.;,,> 29c,. HEAD LETTUCE 2 tor' 33e �t. • • .' BORN • IRWIN—at Alexandra Hospital, , Goderich, .onruary: 8th,.1951,' to/ M. and Mrs: ' Eldon. Irwin,. Gderich, 'a °son ".Richard .Eldon. WILSON-ra't, Winghani General. !hospital . on February,.15th, .1951, to Mie: and (Mrs; Wallace Wilson, .R 2 Auburn a .daughter, '- `' BROOKS yin Wingham Hospital on Friday, February46th, to Mr. 'and •Mrs. ' Harvey,'Brooks, R. R.: '3, -1 ucknow,'' a daughter..• .THE. VOICE• OF,•TEMPERANCE How is it that in some com- munities' Under. the Canada Tem= :perance Act there,:is no complaint ainst the . Act 'while g , e in other Communities under the 'same leg-' islatioa• there is much criticism, of the. Acts Howls it that in• some • comnnunities, under the Canada Tena;perance Act there is,.a. mmi mum ''of. drinking and drunken-' tress and law,breakinC-While-in-7. otiher. comrrumites under the *Mee act, therestoo much liquor and too• ruch law -breaking? It it a; fair, . conclusion:that the trouble is not ''with the Act• The. Other conclusion ' i's that " carne. communities are- are suffering..frorn inadequate law enforcement .and inadequate civic leaclership;-'Th0 remedy is• not, in scrapping the Canada Temperance Act, but in. developing a dry public opinion. 'With 'egg, prices ,over the floor price,' this means that no cheap eggs will go. into',.,storage.. Order your Pullets early. a ,ctiveett sgh-estypzicewfor your :eggsAnixt-F•all.. 1 We have • for imnlediate..shipment,'(8 weeks old) : 500 • Red x Rock (mixed) $29.00 xper ,I00 300 New'»lamp, xi•B. Rock ,(nixed) 29:00: per 100. .• 500 Sussex 'x T ane.. (rnixe +) ," 29.00 per 100 p p 1000 Pu]lets, 7 Weeks old :: , , . $35,00' per 100', 850 Pullets, 5 weeks old 32.00 per 100 •i • 500 pullets, 4,. weeks old :..........:..:.. 30.00 per; 100, • • •', All Chicks are guaraniteed, and will be serviced. to the best of our, knowledge. .;xs: til i1 tP to to ci K� $4 •its . bt Fe in! tl� h1 Sc in pq ., h'a ha Aa) de :141 qli ,tit l xo� prl a 1 •W�u qu co W. moa Lu sto D. Ma Ma stri ant -=gar ci a1 sto con ser ess, eve ed' ett the his our �•tn�al toot ,the .DI 1 m and vrsi Lue and Par, (emt Ort bus.toy 'mh6 acro Earn to ihte tend 'P'HONE '62 ' :it.UCH$ OW rs, �•4r•t�ir�s'�. \5