HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Lucknow Sentinel, 1951-02-22, Page 7THURS., ; i3RU„A.R,Y 2211d, y s ove , :. urves Gain 5 to lO lbs,, New Pep • Thousandrys who. Beyer could gain weS.elIkt lietore, nosy bl,opba ''uglylhollowe Oahe- thank Qstrex tit � uto flesh on bodies skinnybecause bfo4d, lacks Cron.. Pees you uP. too. Improves appetite, digestion se notuiaheH.yo food u Wetter, Don't tear getting too tat. Stop, whoa You gain ogure you wish Introductory pr get acciva[tsted size only 00' Try Ostrex roma Tablots frit now pounds, lovely qursiess Inew pep., today. —.,- Letters, • To 'The, Editor The Lucknow iSentinel, ' • Lueknow, Ontario.. Dear Mr. Thompson;, • -'We want to thank you for.'•"tile contribution. trade by. The: Luck - now : uck-now: Sentinel" to' the success of our business • in 19500• Salida .15:. 'today Canada's 1a.rgesit selling tea and,'rwe attribute this rgratifying position in large nneeasure, to ..a aliey 'of•'strict adherence •to the policy est. stall -041'0-0'1;0f quality_ plus • consistent: advertising for th'e,. most part in' newspapers • . Schedules , for our- 1951- adver- • • using in The Ltkckxiow Sentinel. will already be ',In 'your hands' ,.arid we •oan assure -you it • is a ,,pleasure to continue our •associa tion, for .another year:, . Yours truly, . :Salada Tela Company of. • Can • ads',. Limited, , : R. K. Bythell; •A lot of better things in life come to the, people who '. wait— on -themselves:, • At Id u lees ' •• Chicks =-Turkeys Order now for.-.deliveryairy- 'time and. we, can supply ' you with Chicks „'.from.. Fisher's, Lakeview or- 'Swifts,. We :: can also supply the famous Hy Lines. '•: Poultry � P E" ui nnient We 'have Jairnesway, .. • Graham .and Premier `poultry. `equip-,. ,merit at:; reasonable .prices. Do nut.buy.an, electric brrooder•till yosee our `stock.• CULLING You , will be satisfied if you let us cull your - hens. PraCt ical experience: gained at OAC. > I tl gtSO II YN 'For any. poultry. •problem, • cal• l • RONALD NAL D. 0 STANLEY ;Phone . 76-14 , - Ripley, :Ont. MARKED GOLDPE-N ANNIVERSARY• Mr. and Mrs, Alfred Errington,. Carlow, •celebrated their' g'oldei, wedding anniversary on Tuesday, February 13th. The bride and groom of fifty, years spent the' afternoon ' pleas- an-tly chatting with ,over •forty` .friends, a. id . neighbors -who -call- ed at 'their, home to wish • them well, .Telephone calls" and tele, Owns of-congratulat%ons were re-- ceilv'ed during` the . day from friends, who were unable 'to call in person-, and: a- htst'of beautif.il cards 'were received in the mail. • Mrs. Lillian 'MacDonald, dau- ghter, ;of Galt,' and Mr.' Roy Er- rington,' sdn, and Mrs, Errington of . pttaiwa, , were ,unable' to be ;resent. Mr, Albert McC.1inchey 'arid. -Mrs. •McClin'chey (daughter Ruby) and Sharon were present; . A. little son;.. Willie;, passed -on- as. a -child of two years, and another Sen, 'Harvey passed away Six years ago. Lunch was served to the 'guests :and. each one .received 'a piece of 'the 'wedding ;cake. The' lace-cov= : ered table' ,was -centred with ,a three storey Wedding cake which' was. fittingly decorated 'with gold leaves and orriarn'ents. Ori each side ' of . the cake stood 'a 'gold- ' colored' candle and candle. hold-. e0•, andgold :s tre.ainers' reached from.' the ''corners 'of the table- to the wedding, •cake in the •centre. Tea was:, poured for. the guests frons. a 'te.aPot- ' received by IVIr. and :Mrs: Erringtorras •a dixg present 'fifty years ago. •;. 'Many: beautiful .and tre. siired 'gifts.:were received. ..Mrs Errington ;,,tore. a . corsage.• of daffodils and Mr; Errington .a daffodil' bdutonn,iere. They, recall- ed that the': weatherfifty years ago was. ,clear,' sunny -and ,cold, Much as on their golden wedding day except that there Was .-not ,quite so much, stlow'then as:now. ,Mrs. Charlotte 'Reid of Pun- garhnon,' sister of, Mr. •Errington,. was: the Only , one :present . who atteided':t'he wedding fifty . ears g Y Y ago., • Margaret. Mallough 'and Alfred Errington were married' by the Re!'. S. M: Whaley; of •St. Heienst in°'thehome at Gienn's hill where Mrs. Errington- was (born.. Mr. Errington was born in England,: turning to this country as a very' small boy. ..' .. . THE , I.UCKNOW SFNTINEL,.:LUCNOW, ONTARIO, C R'E W E •° Mr. and' Mrs. Ivan Luzon and daughter of Goderieh N'isited Sun- day with, Mr.: and -Mrs: 'Don p.a, ouette.. • Mr. ' and Mrs. Chester Finni- gan spent Monday ;with, Mr. and Mrs., Mel- Henry and family at. Pine River,, - : Mr. and ,Mrs, Allan Corbett '& •family of Cedar Valley and' Mr. and Mrs; Ronald• Treleaven. and Linda of Goderich. visited -Sun- day with Mr. and Mrs, Jack Cur- ran and family. . ' Mr. -and' Mrs Lloyd Finnigan and family .of Toronto visited on 'Sunday evening with their uncle and auntT , • Mr. 'and. „Mrs, Raymond: Finnigan and :Mi. an.d,Mrs, C.hes. ter, Finnigan IIELD RA�$BiT• DRIVE IN.• DISTRICT QN SATURDAY and Kitchener districts ha happened Nimrods from Sarnia, Thedford d to ` converge • here on . Saturday; and were .joi yd by a riumber,of local resident in staging, a: rabbit. drive in the vicinity of • the l;5th Sideroadr and • the Second 'Conces- sion in Huron.' Township. The. day's' bag included three foxes and, about sixty jack rabbits • Group•I of Women's Association The .February meeting of the'. W. A. was held .on Valentine day at 'the home' of Mrs. A. E. Mc Kim .The .president; Mrs.;. Eldon, Henderson, ,.opened the• meeting. •'the' scripture lesson':'w,as read` by -Mrs... Wraith'•. followed `,by •, the `- Lord's Prayer, repeated in` unison The roll 'call was responded to'.:by."'" 21 ladies who: answered' with a Valentine,: verse The..pregrami` • PACE SgEN I f saves' me time tznP d steps; s' cps me'' � P n touch -with my family: and • riends is always ready in .emergencies, Asn ITS VALUE keeps growing all the time. With more and: more families get- ting telephones, yo; can reach twice, as, many people's; you; could ten years:ago. And the traditionally friendly service `is being steadily improved., Yet`today your telephone actually' Lakes.. a 'smaller part Qf your family budget' than, it did` some years ago l. Friendly and effic eft„ielephotie' service, at a reasonable : price, is one of today's.'big bargains. ' consisted of ' a solo by • Mrs. Har- old. 'Treleaven ar- old.Treleaven 'and readings •`:by Mrs: 'Victor Johnston•and ` Mrs.. Stttart; CoIlyer... The .''iineeting• clos- - ed by singing',. "Softly and: Ten-, derley Jesus :is . calling" followed .thy ,the.;;rnizpah : (benediction. ` /V spelling match Was .conducted b.y Mrs. Havens Lunch was served by the ` committee. Money ,may talk, but it never gives itself away:., KINGSBRIDGE Mr. and Mrs. Lyal Lannan•' were in, London orl-Saturday. herman . Lani`bertus' 'visit'ed for a few. days ,with:.Mr ='and Mrs. Edwin Myers. NO matter how flat `a .conver-,• Mr. ' and' Mrs. Clare Lannan sa.tion, .a' . women' likes it:_ to 'have it flatter.• spent t Sun'da,y with Mr: and •Mrs W� L:ainian and faniily.. THE 'BELL TELEPHONE • If you haven't' yet .got_serviice: ' You . can ,he ._sure. 'your==neighbour Hood will be served, and your place • 'on the list protected •Taking care. of people without service' as, ,quick:. ly as possible is:'one, of our:.biggest” and most :important tasks.. COMPANY:, OF :-CANADA Blake's' W. :M. S. Blake's W..1tii.S. met y: Tiuesda � af- •ternoon,; February , at the' home of Mss; Jack Irwin with .17, 1• in attendance', The president, l Mrs. 'Irvine 'Henry, presided, and lead the Day ' -of• ',Prayeir. • service,' assis,'ted' by Mrs: Isaac Cranston, Mrs; Hallaim and, Mrs.:Cliff Kil- patrick, as . 'readers, • and. • iwith' prayers taken. by Mrs.. Twarnley, Rev. C:.' 13. Woolley; Mrs. Woolley, Mrs,, •Buckiriglam, Mrs.' C. Cook and Mrs. -Isaac Cam stun. Mrs. Cranston- 'also gave a reading: Virs: L. Menary:read, the study book chapter and. Mrs'..0 'Cook,.literature from the Unitar--' ian `:Service. Comiriittee. A : 'short..: business session' ... followedat which`.; it Was decided. to send 'the' Sentinel to-M"arie Cups -key; do- `• nations :to :the flower fund.: of $5. each weremadeby the, and ` the W.A., and 'wrk :was- 'hande'd out for the1iazaar.;At: the •. close of the : meeting ' lunch :Was served iby the' hostess;. assisted by-. George.` Mrs'. I. ;Henry, Mrs . C:: Cook and. ••. Mrs: Ross Henry.. THAT ,'Geo: ' Mirehouse of, Sarles;,. North' Dakota says : they are • havinig.anice winter with roads oven and th'e ',stin •' shining: ',Crops• 'were good . bast fall, . and he add's, prices'',too! • :1•.' • .,' 1 1 9 r I 'THERE'S A 'BIG JOB TO' BE' 1 1 DONE'IN THE -FIRST S:WEEKS.• I._ • It's em xtreely important to use a top grade 1 chick starter because, with it;= .1.. A chick .2 weeks old shows' a '200% increase ins weight ;� r, e: ° :'wWYl3tra741ed�ralGfr�i fl�11A(Gf mw�.. w'rr :t:t� -A bird' 4: .weeks .old , shows. ;1 460% increase in weight over -1 Jay -old chicks (or nearly 2' % 74'•.•times her 2 weekss: weight); A bird: eight weeks old, shows over 1500% jncrease •; in weight over , day-old .. chicks.(or.over'3 times her, 4. weeks weight).. A Chick Charter, made the Natwnal'way is tasty becouso i1 is "freshmbied" •-•• and fasfer•growin6 because it 1 toff aiiis adequate 'quarifities of the aniltial, protein • ,� fader and vital pasture grass, • a sr i.: ssi — i s isi — s* ma lima lie -' in. it, sss J! 1 .1:. RES1{MIX:HI(KS,TARTER- made -with h i es Feed a "fresh-mixed",•feed and. watch your chicks • 'fight .for more.! "Fresh-mixed".means, tastier feed, less .loss of ' 'valuable nutriients. ' �l Chick Starter made • with National' r• It dependable :feed for less money. ' See Your NATIONAL Dealer ltoday, Fir1Ilizti Your Crops wi h NATIONAL' vo• 0111u:1141 roper►- blended` FERTILIZER 1• • `-WILLIAM STONE. SONS' LIMITED ' INGERSOLL E:. • .3 .•1 .t. tl • r •