HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Lucknow Sentinel, 1951-02-08, Page 8PAIGE 'N C W, oNTARIo • ' 11HURSDAY, FEBRUARY at .1951` • • c...ott�ns. • SLI'Y YOUR • SPRING COT'E,ONS NOW AT G1iEAT SAVINGS 1. 1"RICE, • COTTON PRINTS -367 ,wide �a�t: .; .,.r .......... . ... ...::...' � 49c BRO C OTH}S--'white. & colors. Yard' 50c, 55c, 59c & 69c WABASSO • PRINTS -;36”' 'wide 65c• SPARVA,---white, green, blue, rose ,,,.,.,,, t., . „n.,t95c '•B,LEACI EDS StIEETING.-=81" wide., $1..50:. BLEACHED SHEETING ---72". wide „ _ , , `.. ,,,,,, :$1.15 PILLOW ,ST � .S 42'x; wide: Parr .,.;,,. °�. .. $:15.0. WRITE FLE'ITE- 36" wide. Yard , , 55C SEERSUCKER= -36" wide, suitablefor house dresses or' • Pyj as: SPeeial 75c NEED' 'MORE ' ENTRIES. ,FORM CALF' :.VW, Difficulty in obtaining stock of. calf club quality seems to be the. big problem in. getting • he 1951 Lucknow . Calf Club• rolling. . A minimum, of ten. entries is 'need- ed to . form a club. 'Any • girl or, bogy interested in this Clubs act- ivitie$'shouldreontact the leaders, Fred : McQuiilin and Toni Todd, at once. Crispre Sweet Mixed Pickles. withfree plastic _pickle foal; Special! 16 oz: j ar 35c Kellogg's All Bran with free plastic mixing: spoon Special! ;large +box 25c Many Flowers Toilet'- Soap - with free 'face cloth Special! bars 39c Wethey's Cherry Jam ,• Special!, 2 lb. jar .44c McLaren's Waffle' & Pancake"Syrup Special!- ' , 16 oz. bottle 33c N,E'w 1 gatate , S EA� TY :OAP with Lanolin SPECIAL 2 Bars''15c The Store of Triendly Service 'Phone 82 — We belivei CREWE 'Mr. Mark• Berger had :an ap,; dentlicitis Operation in ;Wingham last Wednesday. • We, wish' him a speedy reOcovery. , .. ' and Mrs ; Clifford : Crozier and family visited .Sunday• •with Mr.. -and Mrs Albeit . Campbell and. Thom,' Carnpbell; at . ,Donny— brook.. • Mr: and Mra ' JIM:, Boak and Jamie visited. Sundary ,with Fred Cook :' and , family at 'Bel grave. ' Miss NT rrna Sherwood, Ruth and Sylvia. Curran attended the Lucknow high School` • skating party in the arena on Friday ev' ening: ` 4•' :Messrs George & Aaron Boak :of .Lucknow spentthe Week -end with their cousins,. Mr. and ,Mfrs Jim Boak tMr , and :Mrs: Chester :Finnigan spent , day recently with.. her sister, Mr. and: Mrs.. Mel ..Henry 'of • Piiie : River. (Intended' for ;Last Wceli), Mrs. • Ervine • Zinn returned Yiome after' Spending. a i. few 'days ,with her sister in" . Clinton.. Mr.'and Mrs. Jack Curran; and family ,spent ':an • evening recently with 'Mr and .Mrs. Allan Cor bett and family at. Cedar• Valley. Mr. 'and 'Mrs. Allan :Ritchie of Zion • and Mr.. • and Mrs. 'rack . Er rington and . George of `Dungan- non visited Sunday' with Mr.: & Mrs. Tom Culbert Mr: and Mrs Havey Treleaven ori •Robin. of Lucknow and •Mr i .and Mrs., Mark Berger spent Sun day with . Mr. and Mrs.. S.J. I 1- Patrick: "••� Mrs. Roots of London,'England arrived . recently to • spend` a,. few months with her, 'daughter,' Mr. and Mfrs Don Paquette; boys. Mrs. Goldring spent the Nye*, eid with Mr. 'anal Mrs S;am: May- iberry..at Port Albert, Mr. and M'rs. Ewart Jamieson Spent Monday.. with Mr,, and Mrs.: Jirn',Boak 'and. Jaime ' (Continued from page 1). THAT Metrill Cantelon .of VY lig ham .has .accepted a°position as ''staff .news photograpa er for the London k'ree Pr„eSs. Mr,'0ante- lon will be loeateet at Wingham. and will have charge ',or' the ... • r district.- ,Huron 13 uce distric " He Co es Feleru- meiviced his new ti. ou, ary 1st,' THAT'. the first of next Week. The Playhouse is. ' bringing back th se t vie singing ,stars, Jean- ette . MacDonald, and Nelso Eddy in "Rose Marie", • There twill be, a lucky „draw on ,Val-•: • entire Night., THAT.:skating rtres;were..pop- '" ulaz• with ,,the ; young ' folk last week. On, Wednesday evening the Y. P. Societies of the Pres- ibyteran and United: Churches' held a skate at the Arena and ..on : ,Friday night students of ,the Lucknow Diatriot • High .School held' 'a similar -party,' with *refreshmen£s, .served . at both events. . , ' THAT there was , a large turnout. at the regular • meeting of Old Light. Lodge on Thursday night, when. the Master, Sam: Alton of ' Belfast, 'played host and treated the members and, visi tors to an oyster supper served! ,in the banquet: hall at the con, clusion,:of the meeting. ;on . . • . , VALENTINE DAY, FE$RU NYLONS: Phantoin, Supersilk, 6otharn aid :Sheer. Lingerie, Blouses, Purses, ;t r ,..and •1t Q DON'T 'FORGET LADiE .! You, Too, Have 'A Valentine. F m him how :•.much you appreciate him by giving . him soniethi ig , for his. wardrobe.; SPECS . SHIPMENT OF TIES N. for Week this Occasion. Arriveiti<s T�„. 4tJi SI*0 ex.; 1 oyes, Umbrella> .. LADIES' AND MEN'S • WEAR LUCKNOW, .,ONT: ° , ;: 'TBQNE 8K t� THAT Mr. and Mrs Rey Havens will "tenant' •the apartment in the; Anderson Block, - formerly occupied by Mrs J. .c. Cairup-; ') —o•- - ,THAT there:.was particular 'inter-., est locally in the recent "sab otage" attempt 'of the aircraft - ` carrier Magnificent Bill John- '.:• stop son"' of •Mr,.: nd' Mrs. Noble Johnston, is a ':member: of the crew of .the' "Maggie", Which recently returned. from an Over- seas ' training.. cruise to, the Mediterranean area.: -Bill was among a number of, the cre*, who recently , applied insult- cessfully for •trai afer to the ,Korean was, zone THAT 1V1urra M)cDonagh, . sone of Mr ;and Mrs Jack ,McDonagh, and'!a'student at Lieknow High. School, is in .Wingham Hospital'' with ` a finger infection.The digit, was . struck Eby a hockey puck, injuring the finger to a degree that required the - re-, gnoval :of .they nail:. Since his adinittance • " last week to the hospital, Murray has dev'elop ed the mumps. `FOR THAT SPECIAL .SOMEONE ON . ST. VALENTI• E'S DAY , Vii. tay, We Suggest:: HOUSECOATS --nylon, ',bengaline, wool flannel. BLOUSES—crepes, silks, wool jersey. a • HOSIERY -Kayser and Corticelli .nylons, LINGERIE -slips ..and 'briefs by •Kayser. SWEATERS-pullb ►ers or:, cardigans, wool or nylon.• • • • T while. returning frOm the est where he had- attended the funeral .of his sister, Mrs. Margaret Grant, Bciden Ritchie met a Lucknow old beY id the person of Jack ,BarlYeilir:-Jvcr is A conductor, on the C.N.R. run- between 1Vloose Jaw and late Archie Barbour, lvlio at one time was sectionman at .EEN..ancl Ione 89-w DIES' *EAI Lucknow,: ' Ontario -T. THAT Innes 'MacSween, local ,j apiarist, • ;has received , delivery: of •'a new •CMC light truck. • THAT winners at the shoot party on Monday:. were . ' Mrs. M. Sproule and, Armstrong. Wilson.: _o— , •THAT the _Hanover Post points; eminent, 'managing 'and finan- cing". whereby 'seine Brant Co. students' who are within walk-. , .distance of Hanover High7 School, will be transportsd six ,•erton District High School: 1 to Clark's Pork and Beans -20'oi. 2 for 31 ork.Pork and Beans, 20 oz._ 2 for 31. Toilet ..BriiSh. PECIAL VALUE cateiti LENTEN SP.ECIALS MAOAR.0141 166 • QuAialqR LIBBY'S' SPAGHETTI' '2 iaia elves one i0 COUNTRY KIST OQIIN ' 2 for '21c • Thomas A. EdiSon Birthday,. February llth— Fill In Those Empty Light sockets. freshfi4'ult Vegetablei FLORIDA,GRAPEFRUIT, 96's '7 for 39c, FIRM, YELLOW BANANAS " ' 190 • CALIFORNIA ORANGES. 344's 32t 150 CALIFORNIA ORANGES, 288's „ 39c The ina.ugural/ineetthg., of thel West W,awanosh Township. ▪ .Akr,las held on January 15? 1951. 'After the. netessarY declarations of office -had been subscribed :to,- ` -the reeVe,: Mr. Evereft Finnigan, addreSsed the Council: "He asked cil and '.the ratePayers to keep expenditure es a reasonable. filg- ure. 'Cost -of labor and' material have. increased to such an eXtent 'that it Will be imptissible to; ren- der' the .serviee previoUs years ,-at the present rate. Of taxation.. „The minutes*. of, the December Meeting were read 'and Were ad- opted as read on motion of Ceun-, tillers :-Durnin -and jetiristen2 It, Was - moved -by- Counciller John- nin that the. Reeve attenst.the, arintial ' meeting Of the. West War wianeshaVlutual Fire Insurance Ce. ment with the Connpany for pay; Meta of Part. Of the cost,.of fire bridage:serviceS. The motion car- 'ried. • On motion of Councillors, Gaunt :and, Struthers grants were ordered' pid %-turon Crop prOvement Ass'n $25.00; Lucknow Fair $25.00; Dungannon Fair $35'. 1$1• 5.00, Auburn library $10:00 arid Dungannon library $10.00, John McQUillin was ap- pointed shhoel attendance ()Miter -ifor 1951, it was -moved by, Coun-1 of a mill for fees fOr the Feder-. Councillor Durniri that one-fifth TWO YOUNG MEN,' WANTED' (Minor$ Acceptable) TO ' LEARN ELEGRAP'HY---IND AGENTS, WOK Liberal Monthly. 'CaSh AlloWince; Plus :Bonus. the taxeS ef all farm lands for . 1951. The motion oarried. On rno- . tion of Councillors Struthers and -Johnston-it was dedided to .adopt - the 'brush ,system ior watble treatment: •Powder for the treat- , all herds will be inspected. By-law Ne. '1, iappointirig Jicials-for-:.-1951, was read a third time •and passed On motion of' Councillors Gaunt and • Durnin. The following,are the officials for Greer; .clerk, `,Dfirnin Phillips; treas., Clarence Greer; caretaker, Officer, John McQuillin; weeds in-' specter, .Robt .'Chamney,., sheep valuators,' Blake Alton, AndreW Jas.- Sproul; 'fence Viewers,. Wm. Anderson and Bob LyonS; pound - keepers, A. Brown? Ted The meeting was ,adjournod to Febrivary 13th at 1.30 p.m, tt