HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Lucknow Sentinel, 1951-02-08, Page 7• URSDA.,X, F..E81t VAR,it 8 ; 1951 • r THE' LUCK TOW SEN'I11TEL,,.' MiggNUW,: ON',C•t IO PAGE REQ • s�r.wa■rlsaaar,■Isar■aa>■.a�■■ar��■�a�i■a■ia■a■a■■a■■■r.aa ■ r ■aa■ a■■ ■a■t!a■ri■ ■t ■a■■ ■� ■■r■; rra■•aaaa■�■ ■•• ■ • '111 :■.1 s; .111 • ■1 ■•a•.., • ■ . • • 1 ■ ■' li. ■ 1 • • Weare pleased to appointment . 1 •t app�ntn»nt of ,announce e re�e� tunas Hackett Ci Sons as Purina Distributor for This District. ■ ■• Z extra squirts r teat per :milking. khat s all it takes! . Ever figure how little extra mild;' Purina Cow; Chow.; has to make for you to pay its way?' Two extra squirts ' . ■ per : teat .per. Milking azro. ants; to about 1: pint• •' per day, ; • .1% lbs.. • worthi, from. 349'5 /z cents de: -" ending on ■ . r of ■. your test and your":.mark.et,f, At• any or`di ,n a y,r •ate. feeding, that's more than:enou -h to coyer any''ordinary difference in'feed cost ■ See us abouit a supply of':Purina Cow Chowto mix with your chop or rolled grain It'll' make you a lot more. than "2 extra squirts " ask anyone who feeds it ■ about_ that! Purina C010I1 CHOWwith your grain ■.. ■ s. ■- ■ ■' ■ 1;. ■ ■. ■ • ■ ■ ■. ■ ••, • ■' • .0-14011.(I4111,4 0.641) 4 jimidkinilloes,fl•si;(I41,1II.imII4•10/Io ;40m. woo o 40 m:wooII If you're' feeding steers, you want fast gains. and p'rime : finish.. Purifia Steer Fatena ` fills`• the bill does •the• fob, It's built to•'round out your grain, -speed up gains,, put on premium. finish Cattle relish it 'i'thelps keep: th m n full feed, ;Ask .us• about' fee :Lug Purina • STEER FATENA with :your" grain ■ a. 1 a ■ ■'`. ■' �. ■;■' ,.II "■ ■ . ■.. ■ • E. is .•01'111 Ora x, ' 1 '1. ■ ' ■ � • � ■, ■ ■is ''Shorter days, colder nights,.make it. harder to keep ' your,. p .inlets up in full prodticti.on without a • "patise"k. ,::make it neees ` •sarytocoax ii . •more'go.od'• body building,' • egg -mak- - •irig'' feed. .Askpus about Lay .Chow CHECKER-ETTS" ■ ' II •.' `a ■ .. • IC, rt Do 'you keep a .dog? H'e'll thank you for.Purina'flog Chow the choice of top shorwkennels :-everywhere for • quality .and results, , • -yet-v-e- y--re-a-S1 n ar}sl y • 'priced., • .DOG. CHOW ■: l 'M:: l• ■I D:.n s ■■'■.1s 0 ■ ■ 1 1 . 4,:I :■ �• l,,11r■:■ pil • ■ PURINA CHER R -TABS For chick drinking water. One tablet per quart insures. against the spread of: disease through - this 1' ' common source. PURINA PIGTA$ GRAN'UL'ES .eat all litters at ten or twelve weeks of age. Highly :' efficient; early administered; a: 1, �Il�i/�ll�,�,1�/lsni�tl�iN�i�O�aaii�iii�iift�t1�11�o+Iri�fl�Ml�i ■ *®u�airrsaso.ft4rlslii0im.►NNW 1'II.»l,•91im►114iiirtlettrmew , , • • COME IN AND. SEE ■ ■' • • • .1 ■ .. ■ •;, r :■ ± `•. T • - e New: ® Y . If- GOOI ' USED IMACHINES 1 Used Custom C. Plow . Tractor 1 ,Cockshutt ' Used 'S ide 'Rake, nealrly new • � ,new 'i_ " 1 `Mc , ... - Loader Pearly ,,■ Cormick Lieermg' •'H"ay , a• ■' �it�i►ur,/+�►rl�otsil�rwii�uJr�1>inter►iHi�law(�t)ira�ci4sit�ruwFf*�n+.it aao■uslrsasam asssissu1 uaIuuh it ■�sw■■iii■ss� s 1• PURINA MILLS ' have been manufacturing high quality feeds for Poultry and . Livestock for over fifty years. They have a large experimental farm, stocked with : over two hundred . dairy cows, heifers. and ealves, ..severalhundred hogs,.; 'over 12;000 chickens, ; besides :large' experimental units. of turkeys, beef cattle, foxes, dogs, rabbits and mink. They maintain the .Most completely equip peal, research laboratories. of their kind on this can-., tinent.•:The poultry'and.livestock rations we'':get in the "Checkerboard bags" :.have therefore proven their, efficiency 'before a "Jury", ,of farm 'animals and poultry. It is the duty °'of. 'Purina's skilled chemists and, nutrition experts to. Maintain and'' improve the• products to meet ,the. needs for more. economical ••production . of meat, milk .,. ' and eggs. P.urinaMare•a9uiPPed to give us feedin g advisory service, and,a sanitation ; and mana�e- Ment . plan'. that':w'ill' bring: out all the production ■ that. generations.; of improved,:breeding have. built 2. into. our flocks■. and herds. .. ' .. �.;• ■ STEER FATENA (Supplement) ,BEEF CHOW A Steer on full' feed consumes 2 lbs..of. Steer ■ •� . '.. .., b ,Steer Fatena •..:■ : ; daily or .'2 16s:. x 30.. days -160 lbs. •monthly:, If; Steer, Fatena costs $10:00. , a ' ton •' (1/2c lb.), mor e than oilcake, or a cheaper steer feed,.: it ' costs exactly 30c ' n per month, more _ to; feud : ■' Steer Fatena. ■ With Steers at 20c a, lb., just ONE 'EXTRA • POT3ND OF ... GAIN . PER STEER `PER' .MONTH : will offset this $10.00 . a' ■' ton 'difference. ■ • ■ 'If cattle . are not ,being finished, . but ;; simply are'beirig ■ ,carried over : during the winter, they are fed 1 lb: of 'Steer �•. Fatena per animal 'per,day—this' means only an extra' .1/2 ib. gam per animal. per .mon th'to'offs et, this- $10:00 difference4, • ' er ■ '. ■ ■ 1 • ■ i. ■ t ■ ■ ■ ■ ■' ■ .■ NI ■. • ■ ■ .. .,. ,■' • e Dairyman CALF STARTENA . and F. CHOW BULKYLAS MILK CHOW it . percent,' COW •:CI -IOW' SUPPLEIVIENT raisers PIG: STARTENA PI.'G GROWENA HOG CHOW a CONCENTRATE , ., SOW and PIG CHOW Want absolutely ' the best in chick starters ,for those'chicks of yours, this ' '4•tear ,best ,' growth,,best:in all-round doilar="swing 'and• dollar -producing tRESULTS?'.' Then, spend ,a' few cents..a bag` extra and get. Purina Chick • Startena. It's • the cheapest in ,the end•=anal the end 'it' what you're Working forl • PURINA CHICK.; 'STARTENA` DELIVERS THE RESULTS 1 1 ■ IN .■ 1■ • • ) W T PILON 59;LYJ„CI�NO ON ARxO- n t f lee 1. ' ' aMroos■■olooss■■s■a■iris■ssiooloi.ssiasir,somosOMOI SOSSs■lospol■ 1a 1 1. - , y' .,oC 1'p •'✓ -♦ 1 I: •