HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Lucknow Sentinel, 1951-02-08, Page 5SPAY; IMBIWA Y k, 1951. Lyeum ,The tre 1N1NHAnn Two. Shows ,Ude Night .-FIRST tST SHOW AT 7.15 Tomoirr rituRSDAY DOA AI .. ".Ws, • .., • C;EN*' TIERNEY Yj WHERE THE SID K ENDS FRIDAY, SA'1IJRDAY FEBRUARY 9, :10 WILLIAM BENDI1 UNA. MERKEX KILL THE UMPIRE MATINEE` :SATURDAY ' a Monday, Tnesda;,Wednesday FEBRUARit 12, 13, .14 MONNE POWER, ARSON WFILES SHE BLACK: ROSE PRIZE MONEY •paid • by • Tees-' . water Fair, ,'exclusive m of horse- racing money, and.special:attrac tion •prizes, aniounte'd to $5,845 W .SENTINEL, .LtJC 1 N V! oo; S T R E.L:E N S; • ► ►$I I WEST • • Master :Terry . Wilson is ;making favorable -recovery at his home here, following, an operation for appendicitis at the Wingharn Hos,-' pital on Wednesday evening: ,Mr. and Mrs. E. J. Thorn .are visitors` with their daughter, Mrs, Al Martin and. Mr; Martin at. De- troi�t4 All the ladies of ;the conirnun inty .are inviited ,to. the observance. of the World Das of Prayer at the home of .Mrs. W. L. Miller on Friday, February 9th at 2.30.. Mrs. MacFarlane ;et LucicnpW was the guest speaker at the Feb- ruary meeting of the W I, . held at the home ' .of .Mrs.' E ,W. ,Rice With. 2l ladies present, ,Mrs, Mac- Farlane in"•.her .pleasing .manner .delighted 'the : ladies with her ac- count of: her trip ;by air to Scot- land, last summer It. was decided to donate $5, for .a gift to each. sof the:. °four° schpal;s, ;also $5 • to . the Cancer fund :and the T./3. fund. Mrs. . C, ' MicDpnald, Mrs Barbour and Mrs. : •IVIacPherson were'ap- pointed toarrange for the pres- entation of the Zion .play,•: "A pair of Country ,Kids":.Mrs:. H..•Wel'b,, Mrs: • G. Stuart and Miss Jean Aitchison were named. as nom- inating • • committee., Mrs. Will Rutherford Ilp1ayed. "Annie Laur- ie." as a piano sole.•.At. the con; c'luwn lunch. was' served ,with Miss W D., Rutherford and Mrs. W. ' A. Miller as hostesses: GIRL; `GUIDES The:1st 'Luck/IOW Girl Guides held "their . weekly meeting on February 2nd 'at ''• the Legion. Roorris. We had roll callshow- ing' 23, present which 'was follow- ed by' :horseshoe for rnation., .Susi- nes. was discussed:.. Most of the Guides 'tried their child Nurse badge, while the remaining', few studied, 'the • compass. The ' Meet- ing was, :adjourned' by' singing Taps', READY TO; SERVE .THIS COMMUNITY `LIB'ERAL. DISCOUNT . ' ONEARLY ORDERS ' • TRY 'PHONE, 165 UCKNQW, ONT. edd�OAC,. Guelph ne .rP Flocks eeonuxi by from F Hatching . E r H ggs 8 O ':'. RtpQMMEND for POULTRY, HOGS. and CAT.._ �L '001,0'..14M1•1'�iir.. i ll�►Oi=1; tl ►l>iU1 41�"1.MRa 1 "�P 1> M��.�OrUC Feeds, :Fertilizer: :Phone; 71 'Groceries Phone 27 Lucknow District : (o -Operative The .Annual; Meeting, of the 'ly'ucknotiv. . tive: 'ill. be'. held � D;<str;<ct Co=Opera x nt 'h R Lienal t' TUESDAY,; ; FEB'I UAiR 13th, 1.951• The meeting• will be..,preceded by,: a BANQUET . set for 6.00 o'clock for "members; l wives mid families. Tickets •$1.00 per plate,\ available from Directs,. Or at. Co�Op Office, op: until' • Saturday, . February . 10th. GUEST 'SPEAKER --- LEONAR-D HARIVMAN SPEAI�EIt Or national . `Manager ' 4 United Cs -Operatives,' gin#g s " , , , • r. r `` . 1 Mrs. Campbell *a 'formerl'y S !,dawn Annie Lai -ninon ter in g The Meeting Will 'fie, : :.: ,. . ; t, liof the z beth C�outs���he'iid waslborn on FOLLO''W'ED BY A DANCE �' a and I anraifih. lith,. 485Bayfield ude ie No extra charge too bait stet ticket holden.' i41dcis Dance tick's 50el ' ;rid after het _.. _.� .shortly . •Q t PAoE FIVE • Mr. Jack MacIritesh' and Bob: spent Sunday evening with his nephew, Mr and Mrs. Root Mac- Kenzie, Lucknow. ,Mrs. Walter Dexter received the word of the •accident of her, bro- ther, ' Bili Kennedy, while work- ing in a bush at Clifford. Mr. and .Mrs. Frank .BarkWell of Ripley visited recently with Mr. and Mrs. Walter Dexter. • .Mr, and Mrs. Jack .Elphick and, family and Mr, and.. Mrs. Robert. Hamilton . and sons • attended a turkey •dinner in `honor :of Mr. W. A. Hamilton's Ibirthday, at his home in Luckziow. Miss Marion Nicholson hds been; home ill With the flu, '' . • Mr. and Mrs, ,Don Ainsley• (nee' Bath.ara MacLennanl: of. Ann Ar- bor,- r-bor,- Mich., 'spent, the meek -end with Mr. "and 'Mrs.. Frank • Mac- Lennan. •T .r "' Mr.. and• Mrs..: Clark MacGregor and son- Bruce, Mrs. Mac Ross of Whitechurcli visited with Mr and, Mrs, Jack. Henderson, The Paramount Woineiirs. Insti-. tute ' entertained :,the ladies . of Holyrood in. the Legion Auxiliary Rooms, ' Luekriaw. The Holyrooad ladies put on a very entertaining program., Mrs, Philip Smith con- •dusted a bird contest:. Lunch Mas served by Paramount ladies and a..social half hour was spent.. Next meeting .will 'be held at the holme of Mrs.. Fred Martin. 'OBITUARY ;DAVID MILNE David ;Milne,' a lifelong resi- dent of 'Luckriow, died in;Wing- ham. Hospital on 'Saturday, ,Jan- uary 27th, less than two.. weeks after he had •Suffered a heavy' strode: Hewas in' his 71st year, having heen born.. on July 10th, Few' men were : better; ,known M. the community, and that Dave Milne :will be Much Missed' is.. certain, ' for :he could "do ' most. anything ,frorn. cleaning 'a.plugged drain to moving a house, and ' his services ;were. ,always in demand:. Nor• did... he. hesitate to dog :the, most :menial tasks that are to be.: done in ,any. municipality,. The P'ublisher's first recgllec- tint of Dave Milne was wben he was employed: 'ea.,. an ;implement arid. , sew+ing rnaehine ' :salesman. for the late Win. Allin. For many. years Mr. Milne operated. a dairy business-' in'Lucknoiw; and of late Years • he served . the Village .,in. various Ways, combining these duties with. numerous other act- ivities which . ;kept him a (busy magi. For more than forty years Dave was a memiberof •'the Lucknow. Fire Company and only .within the ,past year had he retired to •the' • honorary' list,. -upori. • the re- organization of the 'brigade .Not long before. his death Dave's.leng and faithful .service to the Com party was_, recognized *when .;he was i one of ' three veteran mein bera t presented with: a gift. Th -e•. 'iznera service-Mar:large-- ly ,attended •last ,Tuesday. after- noon by folk of all :walks; of :life. The service at the V1acLennan MacKenzie T funeral, homewaw conducted by Rev. Chas. Winn: of the Presbyterian Church, assisted by :Rev.< CH.. MacDonald, D.D:•; of : Bluevale.. Interment was in South Kinloss Cemetery., Active pallbearers were 'J. L. 'MaeMil ,lan; ' Archie . MacMillan, Sidney Whit'byy .: Win. McGill,;' Morgan, Henderson .'anfl • Cameron Mac- Donald:. ,Honorary pallbearers, .all. meinlbers ,ai they Fire Com- pany—were Cr Murdie, R T, 'Doulo4s, Harold Treleaven, Art Breckles, Toi Anderson .and 'Jim Henderson ' .Mr, Milne is survived : by his wife, formerly Catherine (Net- tie) - Nettie)• Purvis, and 'by ,'three sons and one 'd:aYtgh. ter, Clair and Dave of Lucknow., Fred of ,Kitchener. and Mrs. Ted•U'aldenbv f BerthaY •of .AIso surviving' is..a. ° ther:MNiarllie ir34lDr itis ica. - umbia. ' y MIS HENRY CAMPBELL Less than three weeks after :slie had; observed her 93rd birthday, death caine to Mrs. Henry. Camp bell- din Sunday, January 28th, at the . borne . of her daughter, Mrs., Charles Alton' of: Tilbury., Mrs, 'Campb'ell had ,beena semi -invalid since rstrffering .a. fractured hip in ,ni d -February two :years,' 'ago,. It 'was 'the;.second, hip, fracture she had suffered.' 'Froin- the first nrie she had recovered sufficient- , Iv' to be about again. despite her • • Presents, • . ,: hursday^, Friday, Saturday, February 8, 9, • The thrills of the West, come to you, with GENE • AVERY AND CHAMPION providing the action. Thestory lo build around the. popular song.--= Plus --"Crazy' Like A Fox" .comedy,. '`Bulldog :and the ltaby. "' • cartoon, Last chapter of the:,Serial and "UniVersat News". onlay, Tuesday, Wednesday, Feb. 12, 13, Music •lovers, `everywhere agreed that' there las never • been a pair to 'equal,- . • "JEANE.TTE . McDONALD &; NELSON EDDY So with the greatest of':p1easure .we are lbringmg back to thrill you , again—end ..tor many, a chance to hear ' • for the first time such great . Music as-- : with' Jeanette "McDonald ' Nelso • " d and it �E d Y• • Important otre REVISED SCHEDULES.. REVISED ROUTINGS., `festive February' 51 I �onsult . Your Local Agent Antd Avoid:. Miasing.'The :Bus:, • eatern, Ontario otorways LTD.. • 44r400oAY,..0I0+ ir0•"i'•04r phi o i401 .n.1•Dt4ci c41He4"0010i,iMNtMiri�41! :Henry Campbell they moved,::to •a former; pastor' at Dungannon, • the Huron Township farm : now, assisted by Rev. R,, J. McNighrt•: owned by Win: T: 'Roulston. There of: Tilbury.:' ' Interment , was in Greenhill Cemetery, the 'pallbearers (being' ,. Wing : T. Roulston, Walter` , Roul. ston, Donald McCharles, Lorne hers,: Roy :.Alton .and. 'Andre* Ritchie. Friends. attended. the iunn:etal frfsrn T lbiiry� Seaforth,, they farmed .for severalyears,, Hinds •clan, friends and were aheld •in they'highest;,esteem in the com- munity. "More than.thirty years agog .,Mr... and - Mrs.': Campbell _ re- tired. to Lucknoow to make their home., where Mr. Campbell ` died 27 years ago. . Since then 'Mrs. 'Campbell had rn,adeher home with her . daughter at Dungannon and Tilbury. • A service was held in :'Tilbury on •Tuesday -and on : •Wednesday t'he. remains were' .brought to the MacLennan - MacKenzie ' funeral` ,lysine. for Service that ' afternoon conducted, by Rey. '.'I . N'evvina Clinton, . Goderich, Kitchener, St. . Marys, and Big Beaver: Sask, Mrs. Campbell is survived by her • daughter, Mrs. Edith Alton • and Eby one • son,. Cyril of, Ash- field: Surviving also are one bro- :ther, Wm: Stirling of Goderich„ one sister; Mrs. •G'eorgeord of Goderich, sever' ;grandchilen and six great 'grandchildren. 'R • ns Now Have A . Good Selection Of TRACTORS AND MACHINERY ON HAND. Don't '"Run''The Risk of, Higher Prices and Scarcity Iiia ,The : "Spring:: • UY-PIOWAAND-SAVE: , WaT offer`'the e following used.machines:; lso 1 Model Gilso>iY 1 'Model ,D. John,;:Deere;!' on' tsteel 1 AR ;John: Deere 1 M. ,,6 Combine, with pickup w Massey Harrais Spreaders (1, JOHN DEERE SALES ,and SERVICE. Huron Rd. Godericli Phots ,1132 Sub ' Agent•.. PORTER'S WELDING SHOP 'Phone :87-r4, Lucknow