HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Lucknow Sentinel, 1951-02-08, Page 4t THE rUCKNOVV SENTINEL,, LUCKIOW', QNTARMO ' TBW SDAY, r1 RUARY 2,; :951 .w "WANT AD', RATES -1st: insertion 2 cents a word, subsequent. insertions1 Ment a word: Mihim :urn charge 25 cents. Replies :.c are. of The Sentinel 10 cents extra. Legal • advertising 10, cents . per count' line first insertion; 5 cents per line subsequent insertions. FOR :SALE --9 pigs, 6 weeks old. LIVESTOCK WANTED 'George Fisher, R. 1, Lucknoy,,•,. CASH-41)to $10,00 for Dead .or Disabled Horses; 10 00 -for Cows; FO$. SALE.-_quantty. �` •mixed $.. ,Hogs $2.50 ,per rCwt at your farm. Prompt service Phone col- lect Wibgham 561=J... , 'WILLIAM STONE SONS, LTD. Ingersoll; Ontario, hay. Les Ritchie, R. 7, Lucknow. FEED CORN' FOR SALE = Cob corn in truckload • lots:' : •' J. R. Henry,' Blyth, phone' 105. Fon,, SALE - maw maxed hay, qquanntity „ '.second - e , alfalfa,, .Woods grain grind eialcolms, Kinlouglh: STRAYED toy .the premises. of .,J. M. Greer; 'Lucknow, a black: dog With short tail. Owner please claim. IN MEMORIAM - BUEGrLAS,S—In loving, • memory Of my ;friend, Thomas' Bueglass, who 'pawed, away February: 10th,. 1950. , • Dear Friends you arenot forgot- ten Though on earth..you are, 'no. 40 yellow eedCodpad ranr containing needed , information. Stillinmem Dry you aro; with us Would appreciate anyione'.finding As you always, were before: leaving at The Sentinel --Office. :`Lorne McDonald. WANTED---1000lbs: goose and IN MEMORIAM ,duck• feathers. 'Phone:. collect, OSTRANDER—in''memory .of our Brown Bros. Kincardine, -'phone `dear 'son, Rexford, who passed 181-w. raw'ay 'three years ago, Febrivary 13t1i,, . 1948. Gone; from us, but leaving mem- Dries Deathcan' never take -away, Memories that willalways linger.; While ,upon' this earth we, stay. SSad1y•.;missed.. by Mother and Diad. GET' READY FOR, SPRING. with Minneapolis -Moline tractors .' egUipznent,'; New Idea machinery; New Idea Distributors, Goderirch,: ' hone Carlow: 2$-21, FOR SATAEL-Ninns13er. of anchor.• posts and quantity: of Ajax oats, suitable seed. Parrish Moffat, . 3,„ .Teeswater, phone 57-r-41, swater., FOR SALE -- W4 McCormick • :Deering' , tractor,'. New Model Z .tractors. now in stock, complete -with' hydraulic seat:: Geo: Wraith,. Lucknow STRAYED to the premises of the undersigned, 'a yearling Hereford . a • NOTICE. ; heifer, markedon •:left ear. Archie S..MacKinno .. R.. R :°3, O=OPERATIVE ANNUAL, :The annual meeting , of ' 'thee Aolyrood' Poundkeeper. ' 1 ' ,•, . Lucknow District Co- Operaative FARM FOR 'SALE—En .Lot 2, Incorporated will; be held in.. the Con. 13, .E..D '• Ashfield, 100 acres, Recreational Centre, hucknow, on' 'watered by 'mining: spring; build- Tuesday, February 13th, 1951 at 'inks. newly shingled,, road plow' ., • ed, hydro passes farm; school at -8.00 o'clock. , :' . door. John R., Gilmore, R. , R. 3, NOTICE The annual" meeting of West Wawanosh Mutual Fire Insurance Company will;ibe held',in.';the Par- ish Hall, `Dungannon, on. .Friday, February 9th at 2.00 p.m. Trans- action of general business and el- ection l ection .of three directors. . Retir ing .directors are D'on'ald 'McKay, John ,McLennan, Lorne. Johnston. • Durnin Phillips, Sec.-Treas. • • ..Lueknoiw. , HOGS 'picked' .up and delivered direct to' Kitchener each Thurs-. day. Prompt 'and satisfactory .re- turns direct • •from Gordon Brooks, 'phone :;137-J,.' .unknow • FOR SALE- 7 -xoom • house, new r-oof,-...hydro,ilar&and•• soft'. water, built-in • cupboards, ` abasement, ' 4 acres, barn, hen house, :, garage, small fruits,' On highway, south of .Lucknow.' Apply to ' R::' B Quance NOTICE - -RE KAIRSHEA • "INSTITUTE 'The .February. meeting of the Kairshea Instituite will be ` held in Holyrood Township Hall -eon Thursday next, February 15th ..at p y g 2.30 'o'clock ROBERT, BOAK.,' Manager. NOTICE RE 'LVCKNOW. CALF CLUB:.. All boys, and girls wishing, to join the Lucknow ; Calf Club ar. e requested' to leave their name by, February 10th with the Calf Club. leaders, Tom- Todd, and Fred --Mc, Quillin; with the secretary, Alex MacNay. er atThe-,5entixrel Of . Bee.. . • CARD :.QF THANKS, •: Hill wishes to sin- cerely' thank... ..all those Who so kindly: and thoughtfully . remem- bered him' during his illness.' All these :r.emeinbrances were, indeed ;appreciated y. Mrs , David ,Milne and , family are dee l „ rateful> to friends and ,neighlbpprs who. have been so. kind and sympathetic in their bereave= Ment They.:wish •, to especially thank those who offered `cars and those -who• so. thoughtfully re- membered. Mr. Milne while in the hospital'.. • We wish t , • o express oixr tha ks• P o1 'to- our ;neighbors and friends 'who' were. so. kind to us` and for the Beautiful floral . tributes, in ••our r -etc pin t s;bereaverxient .Special thanks to Rev.`Dr. • Muiri!ford, Rev.' C.;,B. Woolley, Mrs: Wm. Ruther- ford •'and Mr. Umbach,. who.,so kindly rendered their services. ; The Family' of the late' Samuel C. Nicholson. PERSONAL.• • SKINNY MEN; WOMEN! GAIN •5 to, 15 : The.; new pep,. Try Astrex Tonic Tabletsfor new,; healthy flesh; ' new • vigor. Introductory, "get -acquainted" size only 60c., All:. druggists. ' .. •BRAS 'CHICKS. ,�te{ DayoId,, start/e]d, f"J.s4F 'pr7lJinJtT,••p�hipmrent. •P�{�::L7�ets,'-,. ck- eere s x -Standard. reeds 1, .mixed.;breeds, , crossbreeds. Some bargains in , started. Bray 1951 catalogue and• tpricelist=see you have your copy. Agent- , • ' D. R. FINLAYSON, Lucknow, • FOCSH .CONCESSION Mrs Fred Gilchrist entertained her 'sister, Mrs: Nelson from Tor- onto, for two lir 'three, days ' last week . , , :.Mrs. 4 -ft. Martin and 's n Austin o u motored • to Guelph * Fast Tuesday 'Mrs. T. ' Blake of"AshfieldSpent spent 'a few days last `nveek With her daughter, Mrs, ,Don 1Vl;acIver. Mr. and Mrs. Lloyd MacDougall .motored. to Toronto last Wednes- day. , r ,' • Mrs. Gilbert Hamiiton •was on the''sidk °list last week'. • The. 'arm Sion met. at ,,the home of Den l tlacitinnon last Thursdaynight. 1 Mr, and Mrs Fred 'Gilchrist and Mid. Nelsen of Toronto visit- ed relatives in :• Paisley last M dy., 3KINGSBRIDGE Mr. Blame Martin. , was in''Lon- don for the; week -end. Mrs. ''Ella . Bowler • is !visiting her sonMaurice: and Mrs. BoW- Mrs. ler;'. ' • _ ,�. � '' Dennis, Dalton. ,and Maur- iee;'were in London o Tuesday. A good'time was had by all, at the. • keno and : dance in the hall on Monday. 'night, COM' NG ,EVENT HOT' SUPPER •FEBRUARY :12th; W. A. Ladies o f .. St. 'Peter's Church are holding, a supper in the Legion Rooms, .Monday,. Feb-•' ruary: 12..'•Admiss ;on $2.00; echiid ren 50c. DANCING' In. Zion Orange Hall:. Friday: February . 9th. Bruce's Orchestra and .feature numbers by Clark Johnston Lunoh counter, Admis- sion . 50c . Sponsored by L.O.L., proceeds . for decorating fund. , VALENTINE '`EUCHRE :&. BOX . SOCIAL Holyrood Township Hall :an. Tuesday evening, February ; , 13th, sponsored ,by the H .W.I. Progres- 'sive nuchre': +rith prizes, 'followed. by . Valentine box social`. All lad ies 'bring a box., ' ,K I N L O :U G 'H: The. Women's Institute inet on. Thursday. afternoon at the home' of 1VIiss Edna Boyle. Ther presi- dent, Mrs. P: A. Murray, .was in charge. After singing' the ,Ode and repeating •the Lord's ,prayer, busi-. new: was .dealt with and corres pondence• read: Plans Were made -for .a,Valentine. Party .in the Twp:' 'Hall with, progressive games and a box • social, Committee in charge,; Mrs. Howard . Harriss and :Mrs. ,R:: Elliott. The 'HealthC�ok-. i g Service supper 'Was reported on ••by. Mrs. Win. Eadie, showing a balance •: of $35.90 to the Inti tute Mrs. E. Ackert, Mrs. T. Har ris an. d Miss' Margaret Malcolm were judges for the Valentine cakes w4..th' Mrs Jack Ackert, 1st prize and Mrs Frank. Thompson ;-° 2nd -prize, Miss Kay . Gibson gave a:'splendid� paper in. keeping with the topic .'C`'onrirnunsty,�Activzties and ":Publiic ' Relations-'. Misses Edna Boyle and Margaret Mal colm' favored •:with •.,piano .duets. The 'roll'',call, :The' columnn• in the' ,!paper;iron enjoyed, Was well :': re- sponded to. Miss ,1VIay' Boyle' read the :story of Valentine and also conducted' a Valentine contest: Mrs. rtank Thompson . won. the- ;prize he-;prize for the Highest score. Each ;school' section�.:to aid: their tea cher Yri , m`ltir4g a; sketch of each farm With foriner and present owner's:. nainea vto be placed' in the Tweedsn,nuir scrap book•to he kept in, 'the ,institute. The Nation- al anthem closed. the meeting and .a; dainty lunch .was servied' by ' the hostess and ; committee in charge. The Marek:: hostess . is Mrs. Ray pard Acllert.:` ; Mr. and Mrs. Ronald Thacker and Marilyn'visited Sunday with Mr. and M's, Bert Nicholson: . Mr. and Mrs..A'lex Percy- and family were Sunday visi'ters'. with Mir..and Mrs. J. MacDonald; Kiri- 'C' ard'ine: Deepest:: sympathy is ;extended= to Mrs. Ted Haldenby in -•'the death f her -.'father, • ihe4at Mr-.- David Milne of Lucknow. -Rela- tives. and friends from here at tended 'the': funeral on:,,Tuesday. :Mrs. 'George {Colwell and Mrs. : Ardell Mason were visitors' Sun- day with Mrs : J. W. 'Colwell. : ,Mrs. 'Catharine Hewitt of ,Kin loss is,visiting at thehoime of her daughter, Mrs. George G'raharn, • Mrs.: Colwell and • Mrs Swan visited Monday in Lucknow with - Mr: and Mrs. Wm,. Bushell . • Mrs. George .Graharn is hostess: to the Sr. W.A.• at • her hoarse on Thursday .afternoon , This will; be a, work meeting.. All ladies in the cominunity are cordially inv ted.1to attended the. prayer. service, in the 'Anglican church on Friday next, February, 9th at '2.30 p.m. • • 4, WHITECHURCH. Rev. • Mr..a Watt'' conducted the service', in the Wingham United Church on •Suunday. ' •. • Mr. John Ryan •has • been seri.- ously ill for the •past• •'week, :'We are•'glad to report a slight .im provement this week: Mrs.. Lorne- Johnston ,of Luck - now spent a few.'..'days 'With' 'Mrs.' Ryan.' • • Rev.. Sutherland:: of •West Hill. attended• a masonic. •meeting in Luckhow • and .v'isited' with Mr. and Mrs. Fred {N' eliomen. Mrs.. Newman is spending a week'' with relatives at Harriilton and Toronto; . The • Ladies' .Aid of Chalmers' Church held ,a, crakinole. party in the hall) :bast Friday. Eight tables took 'part, Lunch vows served. ,The Worlds Day of Prayer will be held in the. United.Church on Friday at 2.30 All are invited to attend this meeting: • G ,AL.AN WILLIAMS Optometrist Patrick St., WINGHAM • Kincardine. Office' at the residence of Dr, R. A. McCosh every Friday..; For appointment 'phone;.., 'Winghasn 170 .•8 5.'. Kincardine 21 .. rJOWNSTONE'S l Y A H •�` ER.. .. UN. • Phoner X76 . • Day, or Night t ,t►mbulaitce Service ITSE OF 'F'fJNERAL HOME At :No Extra Cost . ' Moderate' Prices MacLENNAN and hiacKEN;IE FUNERAL SERVICE (Funeral 'Home, Available)' AMBULANCE\ . SERVICE (Day or Night Service) FURNITURE 'Picone 181, : Lucknow, Ont,; (Day qr Night) T. B.:.CLELAN:D 'VETEIuailas 1 - Haivelock : ,t , south of 9,•Supertes - rage • L, V C K N O W' TeltphOnt 10" BUSINESS .and TAX SERVICE 1 ONTiJL t A1YDITs' For The',.• •: �• Small Merchant, Professional man .and . the Fanner., S.J. PYMM.:. P.O . Boas 74 - Luelt'neW, ••Ont. Office in Kilpatrick Block 'Phone 23-7w' : ' . •. ARMSTRONG •OPTOM ETRI ST GODERICH FO11 APPOINTMENT 'Phone '1100 " For. 'Appoir}tnienf or Infern iation See Wm: A: ,Schmid, 'Phone 167-w Lucknow news g ec Howard Agnew Jos. Agnew • MEMBER, ' OF Ontario .. Insurance Agents' Association.' GENERAL INSIJRANCE Established Over 30 Years Ago Telephones: Business 39 Residence 138 INSURANCE Co-O:perative.Life Insurance Co -Operative :Automobile Insurance ''' Mercantile &:. Farm Fire Insurance' Economical and Reliable See A. CAMERON L>CKNOW. 'Phone 70'r-10, Dungannon • Insure ' In Sure insurance WIND Western Farmers' Weather • FIRE Howick Farmers' Mutual Car, ; Accident, Sickness Consult F hone 169-J, Lucknow 1 NSURANCE FIRE, CASUALTY, AUTOMOBILE.., AND. LIFE''' To 'Protect Your Jack, Insure' With Jack :Today. J. A ' McDONAGH R. R: *4 Lucknow, Ont 'Phone.61.5,; .Dungannon. Kenneth J.:'M*Kenzie R.Q. • • Optometrist LISTOWEL; ONT. ; .Will .be in"Ripley,, Wednesday, December' 20th and every' sec ond: Wednesday following, at Eugene, Wrona's . Jewellery Store from' 3.00 p.m.' to .10 p.m, • ed Itieses~ tted_ For appointment 'phone Roy MacKenzie,' 96r-24 Ripley. NOW NOW IS' TIIE TIME* TO Order , Threshing 114t}chine 3 sizes .-22x32, 22x38,. 28x48 • Roller Bearing Complete EARL ' H. HQDCYNS • R.. R. 1, Holyrood,' .Ont. ,'phone 364-13 TcesWaiter.. !+ +rtl�'aF P+Vast Yl�+ « rN�i@III.UKt;iii•wr, , 1Pdvs y Ilt... t �' .�iYky itr�•�i. ► ANDREW Barrister and. Solicitor : LUCKNOW ONTARIO• 'Office in the Joynt• Block' Telephone: Office 135 Residence 314 Stuart : tiacK nzie Barrister and Solicitor ALHERTON, ONTARIO ' SIL CKNOWi• Each 'Wednesday :'- OFFICE 'IN., • HENDERSON, BLOCK R S. Hetherington , Barrister,• Etc. Wingtiam and Lucknow ,ry IN LUCIKNOW '• Each Monday and 'Wednesday . Located on the ground floor in the front of ' John Kilpatrick's 'Building : ,'Phone Winghaan Office 48 Residence 37 •