HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Lucknow Sentinel, 1951-02-01, Page 6r: •
''1O annual Vestry 'meeting. of
St'.. Paul's. Anglican" church was
• held *Monday afternoon, January
22nd in the Parish Hall With a
very, good attendance The rec-
tor, Rev. :A S.''Mitchell,.preside4.
Mr. "Wxn. Caesar, Jr; "vestry clerk,
'read ;the Minutes ,oi;°the east-
an-nual Meeting and gave a report
'oft the cl arch" book. Mr." Charles'
• Fowler; peapjA warden, also re,.
• ported .andas secretary ;treasurer•
and. -caretaker 'of the Parish Hall,"
gave a statenient: Mr^ Win. Cae-
sar, gave a report of the :Rectory
fund, Mrs. ' Fowler, representing,
the "Ladies Guild gave a report
of ..the year's work. The • Officers
Were elected as follows: ;Rector's'
warden, 'Wm, J, Caesar; People's
.warden, ;n Chas.. Fowler; Board 'of
• management, The Wardens; Vic-
for and Elmer -Block, Tom Young,
Albert frown, Mrs. L. Tvers, Mrs.
. Fowler' and Mrs. Ben' Mole;• con-
vet e, • of sidesmen, Wm. J. Cae-,
sar; lay'. delegate to the 'Synod,
Mr: R. J. Durnin alternative, F.,1
Mer' B1acki, Organist,. Mrs, R: J.
D,uxnin. It wasaffirmed that the
church had experienced- a. very
stt.ecesafu1 year.,uinch was ser..,
• Ned ,.(by the ladies and a social
time enjoyed..
The Ladiei'Guild of St. Paul's
Anglican :'Church held. a stcecss-
fujl : progressive. euchre on Weed
neiday night sof'' last Week. •The
wuiferkwere:Mrs. 3. J. Ryan, ant-
Mrs: . Gus `.Banks. Consolation.
prize'winners :.: were MTS.. Fred
Young and Mr' Harvey 11Role.
'"January: Institute. Meeting .•
The January meeting:. of, .. the
Women's `Institute,, Was held ..at
the home "of Mrs dinar' 'Brooks.,
Mrs.. Wilbur' . Bi'ownr, Arid:, vice"
president, conducted `the meeting.
and after singing tke : Institute
ode, repeating the.:Mary ,Stuart
• collect 'and Lord's prayer, the,roll
call was answered. 'by .a worth-
while though_ t. • for. • the, canning
year..It. was decided to have .a
•progressivieeuchre iparty the
• early part, of February, with pro
ceeds -to . go.. t� the March ;of
Dynes., Miss' Beth McConnell :gave
a: reading: Mrs: • Cecil Blake read
an account of The Heroic David1II
Hornell of .imico. Mrs.' 'Frank;
Jones read a Bobiby:.Burns'poem
Mrs. Ivers read: articles.'on Queen
Mary's carpet,`; the. Noronic
• `aster and Canadians An Korea din
1950. Mrs: %Chas: Fowler read cur-
rent events The lunch cosninittee-
for: the evening • was 'Mrs. Brown,
Mrs. Blake, Mrs. Dawson. &
ee•.tin :d
The next Emily Durni�n;. m . 0
• will be at the :home of Mrs: Rev.,
J,:''Bright i
The "World's Day of . Prayer,
February ..9th, observed
at ...the': Erskine .:' Presibyterian
Church at '2.30 p.m w th the 3
;Churches .joining in ''the service
and 'the. Members 'taking"'part by,
appointment.. Rev'' Winn, pastor,
Will 'give the address, All' are in-
vited , to 'attend:
•1Its, B. J. Crawford, who heft
last tall, to. spend :the winter with,
her', son, . Mr ' ,W Will Cra'Wford at
Victoria,, B C., is enjoying . ,her
visit there very much and on
Wednesday, January. 17th., she
,-celebrated her 92nd birthday,,;She
reports° laying a very pleasant
birthday;- with :many., cards and,
. ' gifts' and. a • turkey ,cdinner With
relatives:, The, Weather is :ideal
• . ,.there, with many flowers blooi5-
ing,' in the gardens. ,She spent
Christmas 'with grandchildren
Vancouver, '.:
The congregational/meeting-.4
the 'United Church was held 'Wed-
nesday :afternoon ' of , lasts . week
with t -'a`' fair attendance. 'Rev.
• 13ri 'ht presided:., The' annualre-
port wasread' by the secretary,,
• Mrs. Otto. Papp:, Mrs: Arthur
•• liott ''rep'orted , for the W.M.S.,
showing that the' allodation had
seen niet, •The ;Mission Bann sup-
erhntendent, . Ml's.' Cecil" • 31,ake,
tent. a report to fie read by! the
1950 `litEAD][4INFS"
(C'untifl,t ed from page 5)."
November 9th' • .
Joseph Agnew Was 't'resente
with an„ easy, chair by the Luck
,now. Agricultural /Society which
he had' served as secretary for
39 years. c •
Mrss Jessie :Crispin • was •.round
dead in. , her apartanent • from a
heart attack, R” •
• Gladys Gibson's 'calf tart top
honors at Walkerton.
un—consciousin the field' after being
thrown from 'the: tractor while'
November ' 16th ,
William' Allen was found dead:
athis home fromm:a heart' attack.
•Bruce. ,Coo ity ' farmers, at
meeting; in Walkerton, , asked • for
Fa -complete iban • ori :margarine.
Mr: and Mrs.' Sam Durbin' ob-
served' `their:' 52ndwedding •• anni
• A suit salesman' won the Tip
Top 'suit of Clothes raffled off by
the'Luck,now Legion.
November 23rd
Warden 'Cecil Johnston, 'was
.presented with a clock at the
elosixfg .'session• of 'Huron County
'Council:, • •
Mr and Mr's. James 'Mac-
Naughton 'and children arrived'
from •Sootlland to reside here. ;
Eddy . Gaunt' 'purchased J.
Th6 ' Riley parish, . presented
.Rev. and Mrs, A :' E. Tavener on'
the termination of his rectorship:
November 30th
Beeves Everett, Finnigan.; of
•West Wawanosh,• Elmer` Graham
of '•Ashfield and David .Carruth-:
ers.: of Kinloss were elected by
acclamation �'
Mrs. ,Harry, • M. Lee of Toronto,,
formerly' of Fordyce, ,died: sud-"
' denly from.' food• poisoning. fifer..
husband recovered.'
'banouert, Wase held' in hoi`ior
bf members• of the Lucknow,Baby
eef Club. ,
Harold . Ritchie escaped injury
when his ,'truckturned over •••:on
icy roads west of 'Dungannon:
December • 7th .:
•An election: for Council in gin-;
loss 'slaw Harold . Percy,'
¥urray, :Farish Moffat,.`and Dan'
T: McKinnon. elected . .
Thomas Hackett &, Sons, Allis
Chaliners _dealers •'bought Sam
Gibson's m element • shop:
.Joeeph' Agnew; veteran • clerk •
-d the-mumeiparity, suras' co ned_
to .rbecr.with a .heart; condition,'
December 14th
To Jaccomodate. the crowds, the
High School commenceii ent. Was
presented 'for ,three' nights .
Rev. A 'E, Tavener assumed,
the rectorshi,PEpiscopal. of •the
Church at • Lexington in the Dio-
cese of Michigan. ' •
Luckriow : Fire Company pre
sented `gifts to three of .itsvet-
eran. metrilbers, Austin , Solomon,
pave Milne •and R. T. Douglas°
The . Ashfield Federation'. of
.A gric.ultire protested telephone
and Mali- delivery service,
Deeembei 21 tx 4 ,
,: TJuncan MacLeod , was 88 on
Luckno* ' Fire Company , ans-
wered a call. to.opungannonn to a
fire in Harold Glenn's residence.
An oil well site near Lethbridge.
which °oyes,.• located by W. I.. Pat
ersorl;, proved to be; .a producer.;,
'It's not how much your income' is , it's how you
ttse 'it." That is one of the chief points made in •
the B of. M's bright little booklet on Personal Planning,
No ° matter what you earn - $25 a week or
$10,000, a year — this new -practical approach to
money management cat, help you get 100 -cents'
worth of value for every dollar you earn:
There's no money magic to it . T- it can't snake
$2,000 go as far as $3,01)0— but it can give you
complete ,Mastery over your own money
.`and put`. the facilities of a great savings g
institution at your service in attaining' it.
Personal Planning is a°completely personal
thing. you will be the 'architect with an
r: ' -assist from the Bank of ,Montreal. •You'll
W°HAT'.'P,E0.'PIE ARE,;.
secretary and this also show'ecl••a
very active year With member
ship • .o€. 25 Mrs, Popp for" the.
Baby' Band reported .-26 -`memhers'
on the;roil NM's ','Everett' Erring=
ton reported for 'the. Women's
Association, 'which. has• • 27 mem-
• bers. ,'and a 'balance ton '. hand of
$250:87. The missionary 1R Main
tehance report Was 'given by Mrs.,
M; Iteed, who': urged' further eon
trilbutions to.. meet 'the ,allocation;
The Sunday School report was'
given by M'rs.a Emily Dlari in, and
;Mrs. Popp, reported for the tuts-
•tee ,board. Rev, Mr'. ..Bright gave„
the, l minister's•. report of., the three
circuits . fol.: th,e past fear. A . vote;
of, thanks' -wag ,t nderecl
Brigh,�t for his. services arid, he v gas
given a' •heart y'welcome to ren'iain
for the: fourth year. Mr. Bright
will gitte,•sthis considerration, •roan
he is'' now° entitled to retirement,
Sar►all'1 44,4
The B bfM; featured Personal Planning'
in a test area recently. Here area few of
'the comments• volunteered. by 'Personal
Planners there,
a very':workable budget. Your
service is -much appreciated."
great prospects for low-income
up-to-date .: and °practical for pres-
ent'living conditions." ,
. have budgeted for,years, but
found Personal Planning interesting and
"Thank you so much for showing. us
the 'way to Make a,budget work.'Have
tried. for a year with no success, r but
now T. think -we can really live and save.'
' with Personal Planning."•
" :'a wonderful guider"'
" • . appreciate ` commonsense Meth
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tailor your plan :to fit- your income;.
your : hopes, your dreams. The outcome •
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Ask forthe introductory booklet "Personal
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Lucknow Bra'tnch : CHARLES SMITH, Manager
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V.ERX WA'a:K,'AI:- L1I:E SINCE t8''f7.
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