HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Lucknow Sentinel, 1951-02-01, Page 2t
- We., are grateful to Mrs. .Mace
1VfcKexidrick of Windsor for this
candy recipe,, which you should;;
have had in tiarne .ot make for
Chrishnat.. But her letter must
have gotten mislaid' in, the :Christ -
1'04 rush.
Christ-rinas:.rush. Howevers .not too
late to try it yet., Any time is
• a good ,time , for ; good candy.
'Ho eniiad'e •• CChocolates-tw'o tear
• cups gran, sugar'. cup 'water;,
one-third Cup corn. syrup (mrmi'Xd)
whiter. of ;.one ,,,egg , well"'.known:,
brand of dipping chocolate:, Let
water stand on sugar for '5 Min-
in Utes. Then pujt,:.onstove over.
rneditthrheat When: dissolved add
one-third cup corn syrup. Let boil
until it''forms a• soft ,ball in cold`
Water; Beat .egg white until 'stiff..
Add two dessertspoonfuls et; the
:hot 'mixture. oto egg, ',beating well,
Then gradually, add the remain;-.
ing, hot mixture: Beat all • :until
Creamy:; 'Then form into :small
halls. 'When cool dip balls into
melte- dipping'chocolate: Piet on
waxed paper
pto cool: ' I ' use .a
hat, pin or'•toothpick for dipping.
How is • the', ,apple supply hold
:int' out? I see. lots: of nice ' ones
lin ,the stores anywway., Here are
.a 'few of our favorite a 'PPle re-
Apple Oatmeal Bars =1 ' cup of
'iloiar•sijtbec with . .teaspoon
•r/z tsp. soda, ti:.cup .brown sugar;,'
cup oatMeal. Mix well, cut iri,
cup shogteni:n,g unto l' crumbly.
Spread iv f ,.ttf the mixture in
greased i 1 • ,inch bake dish. Ar-
range 2 ..cups sliced apples. on
top, W cup sugar,:.2. tablespoons
(butter dotted on. Cover, with. reT
raining crumbs. • Bake in 'mod
erate:-ye11:''40:to 45 minutes. Cut
in. squares . while• :still ' warm..
Use • either. Warn,. oil" cold as a.'
l000le, • or as 'fa pudding With
lemon sauce;'
Apple . Fritters,.-: Good with
Maple "syrup or corgi syrup' or
with" roast pork Batter: 1 :cup
flour; 1 '•t o : •ils baking pow -
.der, 1 egg, ttw'o=tiiird$ cup,. milk:
Srftr dry ingredients together,: add
beaten. egg and' milk;: Beat until
'srridoth. :Four large apples, two
tablespoons sugar, 1 tablespoon.
lemon juice. Peel and core ap-
plea .and' cut into slices; add sugar
and lemon juice. 'Dip each slice
into fritter'•. batter. Fry light,
brown in deep fat: Drain and.
Sprinkle with, powdered sugar,.
' Do ' yonr children want ,more
candy than you think. is good for
them • . considering , the ,future
'Of .' ; *heir teeth, you - know. Try
leaving • .a . bowl of ';;nuts ` where
they can: help` themselves,. with a
nutcracker-. The nutcracker his. fun,
:and the nuts ' furnish them with
extra protein,'. 'You remember
George a Bernard Shaw was a veg=.
etarian, ate no ,meat, .;but ;`counted:.
on. nuts tosupply` him ,With; suf-
. fi,cient..._ protein:' I3eachieved..'a
The Ladies' Aid meeting was
held at the, home of Mrs, Wren.
Scott. Mrs.Wm. Evans presided.I
Mrs., Peter''Moffat, Sr., and 'Mr-s.I
•Win. Orr !prepared an interesting'
program. .consisting of readings
land. la' paper on "The Goose Sup-.
per". Plans were make for .inak-
ing .mak—
intops .
The Y.P:S. met in the church
on, Sunday last. Douglas iSimpsoi
presided. Eimer Scott and' Geo,
Moffat ; prepared 'the program:
Our Society was 'entertained, by
the South Kinloss Y.P.S. on 'Mon
day' ev'enirg, January 22nd
It's tine[ rehewa _ ,.time' .•
good ripe loge too, didn't he?
Raisins in a handy dish are good
for the youngster. "too,lots of
iron"$ Good for' you too. ,You, .know
you 'can -do a lot for yourself, if
your, blood is . not too ; good, by
eating '.a few extra raisins, and
putting a,'spoonful 'cif molasses'in
your of milk. Don't tell theglass
you don't•. drink milk.
* * •* *.
I've : been cutting rags to 'hook,
mats, but it,dulls the scissors very
much : Snipping 'sandpaper with,.
them- helps .'a• lot: I even ran
'shreds of sandpaper through my
meat' chopper one' time when
the ` 'blades seemed so' :dull: I
thought I couldn't 'make it any
worse. • I ° didn't. It was better.
\•%N\ \::•• '
Eierlasting stainless •steel is used For.'
.the inner., tub of this new •.thereto ; tub .. :
Beatty' washer. - just • like your table„
flatware. It won't clip, scratch or stain,
'Beatty, alerays the leader, now gives
you thisfine extra valuer •
Kulland. the
�Mrringct_ stops
�� yuiclter, ,
,than. thought:
Iet.usahow you everything- the Safety:
wringer -the -famous human hand wash-
ing action which washes ,a .tubFul of
clothes. in 6 minutes. See the strength
and lifetime satisfaction. built into the'
smooth rugged direct drive mechanism.
4AMEEi 001.40EAE' iW11''440E14 MOAElit
• .
''.‘00K.1.140". "BAC KWAR S: :
Sixty' Years Ago
Blakes appointment made a
presentation .to Mr. Henry John-
ston in recognition of • 12 years
of. faith[ service as superinten-
dent of the. Sunday School.
Mitchell's Mill ° was offering'
$8:00 per thousand feet for first
class maple logs oyer 18 inches
in diameter. •
The electric lights foliar* ` of
them Were`turned on; for ,the,
f ir.st time on Main Street:-
treet. ; .
:'.Officers ' of the Agricultural
Society, known a`s the Kinloss
'B ranch Agricultural Society;
were: , pretisident, Peter ' McKen
zie; 1st. vice,'Peter Corrigan; 2nd
Vice, Wm: Anderson, ,directors--.
;Ashfield, lathes John: J:am-
ieson, John .McIntyre;, :West Wa
wanosh, D. C. Ruth Qrd, James
Gaunt, .Jr, John' Webster; Ein-
"loss, James . Gaunt, Alex Nichbi
son; ;Huron, James ... McDonald,
Lucknow James Byran.
Dan 1Patersori was ;'master of
the Workrnen's Lodge.
Thir. t -Five : Years Ago.
Robert nt 'sh: had' resigned:
�R"ob ,Mel v a gne
his school at .. Clover Valley to en-
A recruiting meeting' was held
.in. the Towno tai
- Hall'n re-
to" b
cruits fora the Bruce Battalion..
Those signing up 'within the next'
few days included; Tom:MacDon'
ald,. ; Marshall Graham, : Pete,'' Mc-
Kinnon, • Angus McLeod, Albert
Jewitt,. Harry ',Chisholm, William
Huston, Ernie Piercy, Harry Wil-
liams, Frank . Rising, • Jack Mc
Kendrick, Alex Campbell, 'Wm
StiMson; Robert Hibben;.. Robert.
Austin, Irvine Henry , George,
Twamley, Will Harris.. ••
Wesley ,Jo ynt 'sa1d Jrfis; tbboot and
shoe 'business to S. Rathwell".and
The:. "Committee of ,100" : met
locally to lay plans for a..temper-
ance canvass of the ° village. as.
part. of. a -•,provincial -wide' : cam
paign , aimed at a.::"dry"; . Qntario.
Mr. R' D. Cameron s chair
man : of the local committee.
Wheat was -$1.00, oats, 36c,, but-
ter' 27c, eggs, 35c and hogs •$9:35:
Twenty Years Ago.:__
The deatlpccurrett . in Winn}
peg of • Peter Kee;. ' y
-"Quite, a numlber, of :Z.uckriow
ter m:�ade' the trip ip: by sleigh"; to..
see Lut know and Wingham play
hockey with the latter winning
Eby' a score of 1-0. The fans made.
the.. sleigh ' trip" notwithstanding
that .the; game was ,broadcast, by"
;Red Richards, `and, sponsored` by
the > business .men of .. Lucknow..
Russ Johnstone "filled in" in goal'
that .night,. defence•;'wad How
and AgneMr:'and Harold Treleaven,
and the two forward lines were
corniposed ; of Wes Huston, .; Earl
McCoy,. Cane Thompson, `'' Bill
Henderson, Andrew 'Thompson
Art McCartney. The Lockeridge
Brothers were . 'Winghanes„ de-
fence with Jack MMGeenvincible '
in 'goal:
A public,' meeting was, held in:
p g wa...
an effort. "to receive ,improved
telephone service' in this district
served .by three or four con pan-
les. •.
,The death.oocurred in • . Mount
Forest` of Mrs T: .Wesley ,,Cous-
Ten Years Ago
Jack Leith was re -appointed
constable and waterworks care-
taker. '
:Mrs. Helen Hudson of ,Elora,
and formerly,, of Kinloss, died in •
her 96th
.Miss , Dorothy Douglas had.' re-
.from :Formosa,,, : Japan,.
where she had spent twelve years
The>''deaths occurred..- in Van'
couver of two former Lucknow
iter -telex IVIacDbugall;, a: brother
of. Mrs.'' James Forster, and Jack
Stewart; Si* of Mr; „and,Mrs.; Wah
ter: Stewart. .
.John McQuillin;, was 'master of
the, Orange Lodge.
• ,
Helen ,MacDonald 'joined the
Bank of Montreal staff,
• Sufficient , ¢nembers had join
ed the'local.'branch of the :Legion.
to apply for. a charter:
Letters TO. The :Editor ;
,The Budget •.. vs The Snow . Plow
Dear Sir:
At .this time o the ; *year 'we
hope. to . move about from one
"point"' to. another . ,via. . modern
transportation: In thesummer we
;have beautifulstreets, in fair good
condition, ,considering the:size of
our Village: Irl` the winter they
'should'be equally • as, goOd. even
though We have winter conditions
to' deal with. , •
A ;feW years,, ago 'a snow plow
• .as purchased arida paid for 'out,
of taxes•but it has never really
been well warmed ;up' by any
'council—sornething of an orna-
ment to ,deplore" and perhaps we
may Say to save the Budget..
Let us look to *hat a' btudget
re'a11 '
`marily, it is to -,pay.
for ,the. every "
y is:
day necessities of
our daily Wei, and' ' in ` that we
mean first things' come first'and'
last .things come last. In this case
we - Would a npect this snow 'plow
to ` glean the .streets . regularly of
snow. 'This should be done three
the night.' so the business of the
day may go 'on ;as"usual,; that the
farmer inay drive up to the cuxib.
the. :middle -'of" the street
as was the case during the Christ,'
rn'as ,season) to ,, do his business
of buying 'the' necessities, of life,
or perhaps to go to' the r Doctor's
office:without being impeded • by.
snow b1i cked street.
The•snow" plow operator• claims
he has' instructions riot t� go outs
1Vtay' we ask Why?: Is the .answer
ry:�`:'•ir►. 'r�[fl'r,�i°:tit..:.
. Lucknow reg Company. Ji 1d .
.their annual Burns •< Ball last
Thursday night, when they net-
ted over '$125.00. This in addition',
to the proceeds of the Christmas
and New' Year's dances, goes ib
reduce :.,the, debt against the 'new.
fire hall, `which is' now practically
wiped off.
Gross receipts at the. Burns
dance . was $2011. Expenses ' includ-,
nigorchestra .i pipers hall: rent
P'p s
and• wax -totalled $6,8:50. Advei ' ..
Usingaceount's were outstanding'.
but would leave a'net balance
excess of $125..
• A Scottish air was effectively
.added on this occasion by. Pipers
Prank MVfacKenzie and Wilfred
the budget?; If' so, much.: of , the
good workk'.done,.by our council• -in
regards to thehigh school, °Wa:ter,.
works, etc.,,' is annuiied. by this
snowplowirng ,neglect • I may also
mention. the 'eyes,�ore of the bridge
in front 'af Mr. '•R.obert: 'luglas'
: property »nisch has' [been baarrE
to', vehicle...; traffic when theme;:
.have been plenty: af.opporttniti' :
to secure .roplaced bridges
the[ Highways Department,. This
bridge has. been in this status' for
several years. Ravewe• a ciounczl, l
equal to the task? I think '
leave, if t they forget the bud'go+•
and, get dowel, tto 'esseritisl'. vial:
.• t 1 , a'r