HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Lucknow Sentinel, 1951-01-25, Page 9RSDA`Y, GARY 25, loot • All " alfalfa mix * `tripped ..'• Rt7 � ' E en.s tri • the 0oud". rod! ►PRA" . I HUJ(O Bob�bby. .Chair ion, 2 ypilK-: 1 ° PP" �f Ira .azld Mrs, airy Chain- At :a Meeting of the' Eiceeutivo as drowned 4 a eireek, and Directors of Huron County ION W ; : Clinton a numioer.•o resolutions ° M'ay. meeting 8th :'weretbefore the eeting, as well ts nea>i lus home n St•Mar y • Federation of Algrieultui e held 'in jahtield Council votedunan- as, the matter of warble' ily con unous_ly 'to: irlelud'e the northern trot, which; the Federation • seeks. to promote :an. a •cQo.rzty.w.ide- po�ion cad 'the Tow,t?,ship in ,tlle' 'basis , i trice.• drool Ds Lueknow High S Five resolutions were resent - T eleaven'iiotight.Hull's p.. garvey . r ed to the meeting The first dealt Botaurant.' With; TB testing, and stable scrubs• EEi L CKNOW SEN NL, ' LUC will eo-operate it 'will be possible a few years to elladicate this pest CompUisory treatment' is kichie,vod Iby' two-thirds, of the cattle owners, 1n a township pp- tztiorui -the .Muxlicipal Council' to pass .a by -lave �rlaking it c om i tllsory to. treat all .cattle. The cattle owner has two:choices for, this treatment, either the, spray' or brush. ,treatise A dollar won't do as much for Pc . person : today,. because a, per son will not .do as much" for a elen Sallteld obtained her ,bing;"duripg .cold weather, This' ` ster of the. Sel.ence %resolution recoi i`l lgnded that no, degree of; Ma testing be done froi.nOctober"1st'' of A ricul,ture. to April ril 1$t andno stable scrub - 'At a ratepayers Ist.• .Heavy . losses have. been, sus - M • ., 'nieeti'ng In ay ` 5th 'ping :from N_ovet}bre 'lst. to May , tarnedbYfarmers, er s wh o have b en • nloss 'TQwnshfp, .approval was.,, eomupelled to clean their stables, expreSsed, .of the Towirshp. crier- I during .sold weather,' ,and r�have , , , , jug the L>;LCkn�ow high` School. lino to turn, their• livestock out o I rn the cold during the cleaning' District; ' operations• Lucknow. Legionnaires entered:, .Resolution .No 2 •dealt. with the; t <A�> softball and signed up . a fluctuating egg psi red.. �battery:.;to -give ' CQid2 • contending team,. :: June 1St l was 'extended astoral. cal .. .. . Rev.: Chas. A, Winn I'b�y' the Pres- byteriali congregations of `. Luck and Dungannon them a ' ices and 're coi'mnended that a marketing;. scheme . for poultry and eggs .'be proceeded. with at once, to give. some stability. to' the egg and. poultry,•market:. • Resolution No 3 earn: zxi{ Huron -Perth Shorthorn Hereford , Breeders.. A. fr®rh the• ub and . elation., naw., They .recorntxiende we • Iln- Mrs:, M.. A.' Treleaven observed chide .in our • resolu ion. on 'cattle her 91st birthday 'rustling that tattoo markings, be q' committee' of the Lucknow listed ori ' bili. ':of sale by packersan. Directors did W.omenrs Institutewas appointed nett er dosses thise•'resolution be - to •bring:the Village ' history :up cause they teff it gives protection to' date and su,pplen enit Norman to .Only • a small section.'. of j our Robertson's '"History ; of .Bruce": livck estoindusti y They.: favour_ ,Tune' 8th • , • , any proposal that will 'be; for the benefit of the. entire industry and, Naps were ibeing: laid ,for .the :1 not `a minority .group. • Andrew -Lane tCentenrraal..' A deputation 'f'rom the Cabad- inn' Legion met with the 'Agri - Cultural' 'Society to discuss ` park. improvement ,plans . Dan _Finlayson was: diseo"vlered' • dead from 'a heart ,attack' in his: •i'illage'home .Resolution 1\l0. • : :4 dealt. with black -markings on • black .and red, hogs:and: was.'r•eferre'd; :to, the hog producers :committee; for .study. • Resolution 'No 5 dealt with b`txtter substitiited and the ask; ing :of. a 'ban against margarine: .One ,section suggested, that We ,ask, for the support :`of, labor : in: securing : this; protectior, • for dairy industry as we have. 'assist- ed: labor inattaining:.the enviable position;it now .holds: '{ June 15th° ' A •Masonic : banquet •, wps.'. held /on the occasion. of • the.'' visit of Grand Master ~ J. P Maher. Dr F. S MacKenzie was fel-. ected moderator of•i he .:Presby-. terian :Church in Canada: . , Andrew Hodgins, B -year old son, of: Mr.. and Mrs. Ralph Hod- gins• had his face gashed by a, hound: Mrs: Jim Gardner %dragti ged the.. lad ' from .beyond the reach . of the tethered canine A,pipe was .presented, to Chas. McDonagh in ,recognition ...of .41: years' Seryice as secretary, of the, Kest Bruce County Lodge: George:ennedy paid $3;500 for .four, heifers'at:' a Hereford sale in MiehigSan Bnice`Co ty. Co ntcil ve' app proyal . to ' the fol that'ion' of: , the. Lueknow:^High,. School' District.. • • ` June: 22nd •- . Huron County Council, in •spit9 FROM T,NE N0 1101S •• ' Pak SALE NOW AT ',Its Sentinel renew4-.1 time! o • This year the . Federation :Of Agriculture• in ' the townships not carrying 'outithe warble fly cam- paign arebeing asked to ,promote this ° as a project l within their township; In Huron County :last-. year'we had • eight townships op- erating under;' the : by-law that ;inakeS • treating for: warble fly . . compulsory. This .year '..we have the' townships of'• Ashfield and joining. oining ' the , other' :eight'' in „ carrying on -this necessary work. Theprogress;, in these ,10 town ships has left several . islands, within the county where treating is riot being clone. In the;.. town 'ships where';. -treatment has been carefully:'d.one for several years. there 'is a .marked -decline';in the number. Of grubs_found--on ur;= fected animals. It is • also notice=, 'able that during. the ' months of June and.4.u1y the cattle in these`' treated ; areas'' do" not .run about, trying to', get away from this peri sistant e:nehiy. If at all possible these•' islands of untreated •cattle should be. cleared ' .out by having:, these toWnshrps co Opel ate in, the treat; in'g•. of •their cattle:, If everyone Y in, run gaiN!6I1 Gets New Pep, Steady Nerve's "•I' was . very mach under weight; also rundown . ner. . veus. took Ostrex.. Gained 10 lbs. I felt fine; 'tired feel,' ing and nervpuaness: wer0. bone."—Mrs. L. Gavard; Mat- tagaml Heights Ont' "I. 0 The fourth team, of 'champion aN - QATARI() PAGE NDN] Herbert Jarvis Hugh Leslie ' PLOWMEN' GO 'OVERSEAS , Canadian '.ploviw,men in' 'aa,, many, years,_sailed January $th on ,the Queen 'Mary, to, takp part rn• rnat- ches and to ,observe agricultural methods and conditions in the United ` Kingdom. The champion 'plowmen are 28 -year-old Hugh A. Leslie of Georgetown .arid •27- year-old Herbert' Jarvis. Of Agin �court,`gold' medalists in the. Esso. Trans Atlantic tractor and- horse plowing . classes respectively. 'at ' the Ir,%terna'tional Plowing' Match: held,. near Alliston . fast .October: What a : Girl?! Ttiiix '' ba. h▪ ire. L.' Seward ' round out; hodews $it up;• body looks` healthier, more. attraetive. '.Thousanda. Preiso •'Oatrex, .weight -building tonin. Znriehes blood, aids appetite digestion Bo food gives more ppep., nourishment; pats •Sesh on;,,bare ,bonen. Don rear getting' tot, fat., Stop taking when you reach. desired• weight.• lntrodp tory. or, 'get-aeaualnted" size. only ole. !Fry Qstree.7bnio .Tablets• for,uew pounds, new pep, dday.' At all drpggists. • . • • • • of-, an appositii'on report. by the • Consultative." SCominittee, ` voted 1$.. to 1420.. permit ,th'e West :'W`'iawnnoshwithdrawals from the. Winghami High School. District to" ;cin'' the Luck low; „District. 'AP-. prova'1 ,'ol the' establishment • of 'the 'ISifitrict was -then received:' m fro.Hon, Darla' -observed their;45tin.':weddxig ,an= xiversary. .. Mrs: Margaret 1ViacFarlarne and 1 er'sistery Mrs: Jack Berndt,' flew, to • Scotland; fora, v,Sit.. r } i , • une 29t14 Severe 'electrical storms had the district "jun•ipy" 11-t. roti Ripley square , dance teatUi won stop horiOrs at, Elie Jun- for ,Farmterss 'ie'ld Day : ar • Ouelph ev:Chas A„1 Wirin was: induct- ed as :minister', of. the Pl esby'te - - ia Church-., • Lucknow ' Fre; Companya had .two fire call; tv14eii lightning set alylare 'arid destroyed Nets Piet' son's " barnatlung-ancien • and • 1-IoWsntrs p'1'o`ur Mill at Wingha rn^ .. to tern'titlatod beliciuusly ' Fares' ry`he Reit 1VI� . lie• "me*. i• - .440,emook;paiiiiiiati t hiministry gat ,S.tY Hplens . x • •i• silly The Waterduck' Says: ..Always be ready to -help a fel ..: lqw skater if he ruils',iitto-trouble ` but DO,N'T ' atteu:lpt:.tp , rescue anyone.0nless yo1� can ' ak e care of ^yoursel; r You won't` • be; any. 'help if" you'yourself'drown..;Nevell • try to rescue a submerged victirri unless' you have .a safety ro . e at-• Y p tacked to 'yo.ur waist. Remember 'to lie flat on. ;the ice when making an-: ice 'rescue.. Make every . p:oss ible use of' the"reaching assist" ---a long pole, rope, `ladder, etc., Someone should get warm blank- bets for the rescued person: 'Above All'. . . Avoid Pante! • ourself, too, nC{ • `+D••. f. ..vis.. .. :::tt:i. a M0steo le 'leave themselves out in the cold on P P. . pay-day, They :pay the grocer andthe baker : , the Milkman. : and': the landlord. Everybody' and his';uncle.` dig into their pay envelopes but themselves ff esulr they're usually in a . financial str-airiacket 'HERE'S. WHAT':pEopLE• ARE • . SAYING :ABOUT :' • Theof M feature l d°erso'nal Planning on•a test basis` at the Canadian'National`Exthibition:lass aittunin:.In two 'weeks, 27,000 - people asked fora copy of • the B of M's, booklet on Personal'Planxting: Here. are some .. ' ofthe comments .these ;people . , have volunteered':--- "A, very workable budget. Your', •service is appreciated" • • wish we had.started.the plan'�long ago." .'Thunk you .so touch for showing • us, the way to make: a budget work. • Hive tried for year w]iih'no' :49,e.vex us' +reit nosy we,la really live ails•save'witli, Personal Planning.'' ":The .best yet.". •• ` itpil•rectate.Coitlmonsense ; nicthod of :handling money," , "Swell idea:' • 4001 '1 I ... and they worry. They Worry about ;bills 'on . hand. They. worry about 'bills to come. They worry about : unexpected bills: Money , is always on their 'mind`- souring',their pleasure in living..' And 'cobwebs gather on their plans ' for tomorrow. What's the answer?' There's only, one " • , X.5014• •.•V1101?.' •�' •. Personal Planning is much .more than: just drawing up, a budget..:Budgets;are often fru'strating dog. -collars.' They usually, 'tie you .down and make 1i1e a: very' mopotohous_•affai=r. < • No, Personal Planning shows you howwith ;din your incon'ie and enjoy it ;It's'a con plete financial; program, cut' from the pattern ;of your particular heeds and 'problems. • Personal Planning won't help you Make' millions,: But-- givers;''an' ,honest c fans a.-it„rw. t1„, are. your May -after page -day • ; You'll learn how ° tc ,.lice, :y our . budget' work far • you instead of you . w rkinr for it, And you'll also find:. that Personal Planing helps you 'realize your •plans' for tomorrow Mach sooner dyad- yon has a dared to :hope. . L ,p 1 • ASK FOR YOUR :COME Ai, Y04 NEiREST OF M ''BRANCH T01 AY! THERE'S, NO 0416010N , + EXCEPTTO YOURSELF Cbl IV .o1 .,CL:'*. !tul:nbvv Bi • __. 0'-R K 14 G' W.1 .T c!CH AD'I:AN,S :.1N E1fE,RY WA'E ,. • • • w: 4 o• • o., • 'r; • T. •