HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Lucknow Sentinel, 1951-01-25, Page 6•
1tiR t E 1MARR,
The . (Exchequer, Court, . at
tawa has just handed down judg-
udg-ment' in favor of,. Coca-Cola. Ltd.
H, Fleet, London restaur-;
int .: operator, : perpetually re-'
Straining him'from infringing the
plaintiff's trade, mark, Coca -Cala.
Fleet had served ,some other,
aevera:ge ° on orders, for the plain
till's product,, "Coca -Cora.
The judgment ordered, Fleet to.
pay tn, the (plaintiff "such "dam•,
v f
' :
'Suffered b
@S It mayhave f
reason of ' iihenfringernent; ; and
i aff `+co lained of or 'al-
• 'ternative..lY t such profits as were
'made by .the defendant, y reas
on of the said 'infringement and
passing off, as, the ,plaintiff may
The .defendant wasalso' Oder -
ed to: pay oto: the plaintiff its
Accists' of the action, as taxed by
the Court.
cast by Clerk �.Qideon Rattle of
Ripley`' to re-elect-' :Sam Pollock
to the Ripley Council. Mr. Pal -
lock and Frank Scott were tied
with 135 ' votes and when a re
'cow* by J,udfe .
count by JudgeBirnie• failed : to
make, any' difference it fell to
Mr. Ruttle 'to make the decision:
Mrs. John F.;Elliott
Mr. and
& Mrs,. Earl Elliott:' and' . sari Bert
visited 'at the home of Mrs:. Geo.
Emerson; Sr.; . recentl
Mm.. Walter 'Collins; ...n
spent a. day
last ,week with, his• Mother, • who
is ill at the home of Mr. •,Harry
Graham: •.
. aM•' nr1dV`f '. •iaM-"and,nrVr
ctor Ga
Mrs. Don NleCosh,
Rl h Hill, Mr. Walter
'0011ins,. Mr. &Mxs•Cla de••Dor ,
3Vir.. Mrs. , Russell Collins.'Spent
last' • Wednes
day, 'evening ng.at the
home .of . ;Mr Frank Fair.
and. Mrs.; Edbert Bushell
. Mr.: a r ,t
and."faniily ofClinton
spent the,
Weekend e d a t theirhome here r
The Farm Forum Was held last
Monday night a
, the
e. of 'Mr
ictor,Arwle .;•
Mr..Mr.„and'Mrs. Donald.. VcCosh,
mY an"d'Dickie, , also "Mrs
well and' Mrs.Swap: visited with
Mx. Walter Forster`' On Sunday:
The annual vestrymeeting of
the Anglican Church WAS. held on
Tuesday January 16th' witha
good. attendance. Rev,,, R. Blight
was in charge. All organizations
had good reports ' which showed a
very successful ' year. Messrs.
Midf ord Wall and Tam Hodgins
were : elected wardens with How-
ard Thompsonlay delegate .to the°
A nurintber :of'.snenibers.frorn the
,Hol rood Institute '(were enter,
tained:,by the Paramount branch
Wednesday' :afterntoon • at the.
,ori. .y �
Auxilia ' �R o ornms; : Luleknow
ry � ,
Mr. and Mrs Harold Haldenby
and Mk;. George Haldeniby
ed to 'London; on
Mrs; Her ' ire,.Alvand Glen
of Clinton visited. Thursday with
Mr. and Mrs. Karl Boyle.
Mr, and Mrs. Bert Nicholson
and family visited recently wWith
Mr. and Mrs: R. Stuart; :' Millais-
Visitors during, .the week. with
Mrs. John' Colwell were Mrs.
I Frank (Colwell ,and Huston, Ber-
vie,' Mr. and Mrs. Lynn Geddes:
and .children of ,Kinloss: •
Mr. and Mrs: "Bert` Nicholson &,
family visited recently 'withMr.
and Mrs. R.Stewart, Millarton.
Mrs '` John.; Colwell and Mrs:
Swan acconi'panied 'Mr ; ; and Mrs.
Don McColl and .f;a7nil to ::Mr.
and I Mrs. Waite orster's at Rip-
• , • , gaiu Ya is a,.. vac Schumacher
and Helen of .;,Cuirass visited.' on
Sunda with `Mr• •'and
The World Day of -Prayer will
be 'held on Friday, ,Febrjery 9th
in the An �lioa'• Church with,Mrs •:
g n
Clark Needham: ke �Y w,oman ' '
:In Toronto in 1950, • 13,188 per-
sons,, were arrested on drunk
charges, 1,290:more than in. 1949.
Morality Inspector 'Albert Lee ob-
served, "Despite increase in thy.
number -.,of liquor outlets, boot-
legging continues . In Weston.
there were no ;arrests for drunk
enness in 1950 and only , one .ar-
rest',for drunk driving. Mayor R.
C. Seagrave , attributed Weston's
drunk -free record, to..the fact that.
there are '.no liquor outlets ' or
licensed beverage roams: within,
miles of the ;municipality. Toronto
with` numerous outlets has an in
reasing r, volume' of arrests sand
bootlegging too, . •-
Weston 'with. no outlets has
a d-runk free record. The conclus-
ion is obvious.-- Advt.'
Presents; Key W
To 'arden
When Arthur• Nicholson o f
Tuckersinith 'Township, newly el
,e.cted warden ._.of' BurenICounty,
was, escorted' to the dins ` last.
week, ,he was' presented with the
`.': cilden" key 'to'` -he: County',by
the retiring g warden, e''Ce • it John-
ston of Ashfield
„Mr. Johnston' '
,cograto ted the'new x
:and reinarked that time was
• wan of.
ability more needed, to.
g ive. leadership than at ` present..
He; --felt h::t h e . c k Made Was,a
hoice d.
h appy one.
All. Three -.. The Big Three A.
- - Western: Reros!
Daily and: Sunday on Sun-
days it color . in The Detroit-
Times • Comic Pages, Flare H'opa-
Tong ..Cassidy, Roy Rogers,, . and
The''Lone' ,Ranger. Thrill to the
dashing, deeds ' of these ' great
cowboy! heroes Seven Days ..A'
Week. Ride on hair: -raising Wes-
tern adventures With .Happy, Roy •
and The Lone Ranger, in The De=,
troit : Times! :. A
.Ton McCal
aged 73 'years,'
passed :away in Regina, .'`General..
Hospital. on ,Monday, January, lst,
1951 Born .at Brussels,. ,he spent
1ais 'boyhood •.flays there and later.
fanned at. Holyrood and Blythe
Moving to • Lucknow in 1910 he •
entered, a Massey -Harris, dealers
,partnership..wit3'i:Win :J'ohnstone,
In 1917 he.r 'owed to A'bernet`hy,
'Sask., and, farmed there:until re
tiring to;'town in 1935. He served
a :number of :'years. on' -the .town,.
counicil and was an active mem-
ber of • the LTinited •Church.
:Besides his wife he is- survived
b' one son.' Gordon 'at. Aberneth�
Y Y,
Sask.; .one brother, '.Peter McCall,
Liucknow; and two ,sisters, Mrs.
Minnie Forsyth' and Mrs: Hugh'
Forsyth, Frobisher,.Sask: t One
daughter, Mrs. W. C. Garratt
deceased - 'him, 1947. Funeral
' . f om Aber:
services 'were 'held , ro b ,
neonYUnited Church ` on Jaiu •
ary, 4th. `
BORN -mat 'the Clinton\ Hospi-
tat on, Wednesday, •.Jlantiary 17th,
to. 1Vfc M s; Cliff Hn
(nee r. Jean Webster of Feord'y'cdersone),°.
of Jippen, a:son.
N ewte dau-
• 11�iss'Zoxia eo n,,.�R•g;N,
ghter of ,.Itev: M,' G.: and Mrs..
Newton, formerly of,. St. Helens,
has joined 'the staff of the. Wood-
eden Hospital, London,
The February meeting, of the
Women's ' 'Institute •'will be: , held
at the home of 'Mrs. E. W. Rice
on Thursday afternoon, February.
last.:lat =.2.30,' 'Boll call, How to
eautify •'your •windows
: :Mrs:
will;„ be,
guest speaker ',and will talk, on
.her recent. •trip. to Scdtland: Pro-
grief. Icomntittee ; and hostesses;.
Miss W:, D: Rutherford and* Mrs.
W: A. Miller.
Mrs. S,' E. .Hayward was hos
tess • for the January meetings • of
the .' W:M::S;and . `W.A.' ori Wed
nesday, January lOth...There' Were.
14 .ladies (present and
Miler presided the W.M.S
the theme of 'which worshiip ser-
vice: was ""Go'd working together
',f'r • us" i; In the absence of ';the
treasurer, Mrs. ' Gordon • and 'the
secretar Mrs. W. A. Miller, the
Y� .+
annual reports ,were read by Mrs.
W i 1Vliller. The, topic on The
'United (church ,re,eriters .Japan`
through,ehe:partnershio iri church;.
'work :was taken.by Mfrs. ,McPher
The '-president, )/Irs.: Charles.
was in the' chair for
the'M etin f''t e .W.A "w ch
• 'Meeting o ; ..h h..
was :opened 'by- singing :the theme.
Song, prayer, _ p
on a and the ire' ition' of
•thecreed. The roll call was._ re
sponded to; by a :verse, from
parable. ,:,Mrs. „Cullom read' the.,
scripture lesson:• and ,Mrs. T.
d'dJ .
`To••the. lessen,thoughts .on
Kingdom, •#of God. The:. reports .of
the secretary : were 'read by Mrs.
Chas...M Don.ands.., Mrs. tort
c old" .
' the treasurer,,.
don 'MacPherson, he cola( r,
reported' a . balance on hand, of
19'1.63. A ;leiter gof: hank . f' bin
�. •t s r.
Mrs:, A. J 'Woods, now''of •:Guelph;..
for the electric heating; Pact sent,
her as a remembrance `..was .read
Mrs. • • E. Barbour ' coritr'ibtitecl , a a
reading A, pleasant social houi
Was'enjoyed when .lith
ch n� y . , w . e , lu ch ' 'was
served by Mrs. Hayward assist:..,
ed ' bY Mrs. ' E W, Rice Mrs; G.
Stuart, Mrs. 'W. L' Mllere and:.
C.'' McDonald.
AO 1951
MOVE;;TO.'NE r.' H
Mr, Thos. ' Alton, • treasurer of
the County 'of Bruce,,
Alton, moved on Thursday last • •;•-
to their commodious ' new home, .:•
south of "Wialkerton,, on Highway • .
:N10;.,4. The 'news residence is of .,
t• Se :ranch type house with large
- windows, and. being,''b
at an angle to the highWaY, 'Per.
mits a view 'of traffic both north.
and south, .as well as a panorama; -
of 4he . rolling landscape of Car-
rick'''farmlands• to.. the ; east and '
west. The ultra -modern furnish-'
(rigsand 'stg
ye lin ' : tits,.PY
to ed make: ' .,
it one , ,:Of'' the most modern homes
in these parts,' During ?the '• com-.
frig; summer Mr.' -Alton .purposes,`
landscaping his. 'pr'operty • td: fur- :
then add to' its attractiveness. On
Tuesday afternoon.. the .members.
-arid officials of the County .Coun_'
cif were entertained' by Mr. and
Mrs. Alton:in their .new,'dornielle,
-Walkerton' Herald-Tiines. •
Believing •that .prayer is; ,bur
only hope "'for the betterment of.
orld conditions •and.,realizing the
power'.: of united, .prayer, an ur='
(gent .appeal' is. `.sent out to:; ,the -'
praying. women; of "Lucknow:''and.
surrounding district to
gather. to-.
for.ra ,'er•' for Revival.: and:
getherP Y..
thc! defeat of Communism.- The• •
:Prayer(' Meeting:', will be held' on
Friday evenings :.at 8., o'clock- in. •-
the apartment•.of the Misses Hen-
derson: above the Express.:
`Prayer • still moves the•hand
which moves the :world`: to; -Bring
salvation downx'... Come,
Hay:e you` renewed ,your..Sen
thiel.. st bscription?
He'len'.s Happ ' •Haiidcrafters
Y •
The 'St. Helen's Happy 1-Iandit
crafters held their fifth meeting-
en Januar' .:.18th at the: hoine�:of
. Y
Mrs. ,'Jas. Curran With 8 • niem-`.
(hersp . resent.' ,Owing .to the alb
sence ':'of the .president, Ruth
Webb, `the,' vice Pres 'Irina.. For'-
ster .was • in' 'the. chair.' `R'o11'
one' reason I chose •my skirt 'Ma,'
terial' and its naiaae. .of .-weati•e.
V Teh' d .a
a good di scullion ,
pressirlg.scains. and darts arid did' `•
practical work on , fitting., and
pressing Some of : the .,girls ;work-
ed ori their skirts...T,he •next-m,eeti
irig will . be : held at. the .'home.. of •:
Anne Todd
made , witl
` e
It's extremely important'to use a :top grade
.A.,,chick-starfer'because,'With it,= '
A chick 2 Weeks 'Ord shows a
200% increase , .ih weight 111
1 over a day-old chick, , 1..
'A; bird, 4 weeks old shows .
4609%increasein weight over
day old; chicks (oi^•nearly 2 P •
times her 2 weeks weight), .
Feed a, 'tfresh-mixed" feed and, watch, -you; chicks 'fight
for'm,ore! '"Fresh -mired"• means tastier feed,'less loss of.
valuablek Starter Made'with National,
Cluck Mix: Concentrate gives the feeder
ependable' feed fop less money. j
5.e Your_NATIONAL 'Deoler'•Todayi
bird eight ,Weeks
shows Over 1500%irici•ease'•, '
in Weight over day-old
chicks, (or over, 3 •times her; I
4 weeks weight) •
A•Chick `Starter made the. 1:
igational way is tasty because'
II itis"reshrtnrzedu--'and t'aste'r -growing because( itt
conlarni pd'eq'uato quantities of the chime) protein
1 factor pnd Vitel`pesture•orass.
I& ad ee - r sat ea ski — tai tae 6r' trait lies
t •
qrl lire Your Crops with''NAT1 NAL: wvelhcuted, priperly,bletide'd F RTIL ZER
;i • '