HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Lucknow Sentinel, 1951-01-25, Page 3In /
THI.1:I;vS AY, •JANUARY 25 1951
, '4
ca an
• 'Mr." Robert.. MUrdie of. &rat-
ford has (been visiting with his
brcthert:;; Wm; Murdie.
Mrs. -M H. N1artyn of Ripley
visited with; .Mrs. Nell • T.. Mac-
Kenzie during the week.
Susie . Gibson of Ashfield is in.
Detroit ' assisting ` her brother,
,Beattie. Gl7bson iia .operating his
boarding home.
Mrs -A; E. McKim.iso in ,Toronto
this `Week, attendinig. the,. January
executive meeting af,.the Ontario
Council, C+irt,.Guides;Assoc'iation
Last week 1-1, .. e!v!. and Mrs' �C •'B
Woolley received, news that thein
daughter, Mrs; Harvey , Diebei,
had fallen on , the ice .and. frau.:
• tired her: right: wrist, .
Wm, Alton : of Wingham and
formerly of Ashfield, returned to
nark .at • Fry. ,and Blackalls after
a ,two weeks' illness., with pneu
,1VCrs .Robert:•Hamilton:.of• Para,
mount has • been visiting . ,in Tol-
edo With her:sister; Mrs. Phyliss
Kosmyr a and, Mr. Kosariyna,
Mr. and. Mrs.. Tam. Haller of:
Kitchener and Mr', and Mrs:.
Marshall of . Walkerton.. spent the
week-end'.,at the home. of Mr.:
and Mrs. W. A,: Solomon;:
Bill Treleaven of Beaver; Penn..
was a recent visitor with his. par=
ents, •.Mr. and„Mrs.. rs. ' •Haro14 Tre
leaven, Beaver. is near' Pittsburgh;
•Bi11 is a 'gradtiate of Toronto
tJniyersity in chemical 'engiiyaeer-
ing. • ° •. R •
Mrs' W. J. Douglas was' in Lon=
don on, Saturday- . ;attending' the:
wedding :of her niece, Elda ,Olive.
Anderson and John : Wm.. Cosby,
which •was solemnized in St,
George Presbyterian .Church .Tho
bride is a daughter of Mrs. Andy
And'er'son: and the late Mr. And-••
.. e••Cou
ruce .
e . erses Dei s
Asse so •
William 'Walsh, veteran•• •reeve
of .the 'town: of Kincardine , be
came ,the •79th - Warden. of the,
Coun'ty.of Bruce, when• he defeat-
ed , his• opponent, Reeve William
W'in'terz o f' .Walkerton, by a .vote
,of 28,6 ',at the:• inaugural ,.Session
'Of:Bruce ;County• Council, , Which
opened at Walkerton on Monday
evening; January 15th `
:The new Warden •;was• born in
:Ashfield Tow.nship.52• years ago
and is . the Sen of :Mr. • and Mts.
John. Walsh. ,He •vrras •Married to
Frances, Emme 51 b n...in 1925. • and
'they have a flainily, of: three girls
• .arid one boy:' Betty, Mrs, Cecil
f -Latch of:'. Toronto; Mary,'train:-
•rng•:at Victoria Hospital,' London;
John of ,Kincardine, arid Ann at.
home, Mr. Walsh! served'•�in the
Kincardine Coiicil for 15` years
' and' is; corittiencing- his 9th .term:.
as: reev ..;
The • Warden' •• appointed , his,
Striking' Committee':and the fol
'lowing- standing com.rnittees Were,
•;;,struck for 1951::.
. •'Finance—�Messrs..Dixon, Grant,.
MacNab;, : Craig, • Tayllor, Lamor t,•.
Alexander (7,).
Education &. Printing—=,Messrs
•EanSbury: E''eratt,.. Leifso,' Dietz:..
;Brown, Clifford; Bolander ' (7)
•Ecivalization a n_zi' Snlaries .
Messrs; McFadden, ' 'Winter,: Me,
Lay, Ahrens, MacFarlane, Aiken,
Agriculture '" Messrs. Greer;
''Galloway-. Oswa.lfi; M Intostt, A
eaander; Everatt;: Schmidt. (7)
Reforestation --•-Messrs :1VIcLay,
Aiken, Clitford,_ Carruthers, Dix-
on;. Ranslbury,. B,olander (7)
Legislative •Messrs: GiAart,
Forrester, MacFarlane, • 'Walker,
Leifso (5).
, Health ,• Un.it--.Messrs perrest;
grant, Oswald; Stevenson (4):. •
County ,l•Iome=Messrs; Schmidt,
Greer. and the Warden' (3 )•
' Children's Shelter .' 1Vlessrs
Taylor,. Burgess, McN�ab• (3) ;
.Property—lVfossrs: Dietz., `S m-
ter,'Stanley .(3)•
Consultative—Messrs Steven-'
son;1 Cram, 11TcFadclen ,(3).. •
, .Warden's Messrs :.Oswald, St4
Benson•,. Stanley (3). •
Higha'ys --- Messrs Falconer,
,\I I ifl ion, Farrell' : (3),
" 'ees ,ConservationCorniriissiOn.
-M.cssr5. • 'Rota,,. Sloan,. ' E1G1ers.lie •
(19'51), DJonald Christi, , S:augeon
(;1'95'2), ,George Trflfin, Kinloss
11454 •
0'IIY�IYi1�IHlil#11��11i11�'�If�� I.rV.clt'I
111iiciiSter:' Rev. W J. Mumford;
MA.; B.D. :S.T.D:
Children's: Aid SocietyAug;
merited 'Board -The reeves .of the
'following municipaliiie& a r,;e•
nrexnber' of the larger; C,orn�nnit
tee: C:hesley,' Kincardine, ',.Tara,
Mildmay., Lucknow, •Eastner, Ar-
ian., • Kincardine Township,
toss; Brant (rPeeve), -Walkerton
Other appointments made
ino th;e • 'session were Thos: H;
Align: and,..Reeve C; G� .Dixon to
thg board of, Criminal , Audit;
Ree oe . Herbert. Farrell cof ,X,tiron '
Tvp, was appointed o, the Ii>lgh
ways .Committee for a three year
term; Mr.. Peter • Grant ''of Cul
oss was, ,re- pointed `' Weed ' In
n w apf_
'Spector for '1951.; : Reeve ' Wm
Winter Was appointed •the . CAaun
ty,s representative ..on the Pince
unt hies • 'tai Board; Reeve'C,
Co Y. p
G., Dixon, -Reeve Wm.,4P Oswald
• arid 1V):r F. Ballaehey were ap-
ointed `' 'special' :cornmittee' to
the 'Hitgh and ' Continuation'
Sohool' •applications
• 'County •Treasurer•' T H:• 'Alton.
reportecd:th•a:t.since'the .November
session '.;h,e shad purchased $2;000.
Dominion of Canada 3 percent.
bonds for the: Highways. :Reserve:
from accuniulatec1 interest. . The
•Reserves: 'at 'Decetriber 31st; 1950
Were as f ollQws
Zincardine Hospital Building
Reserve. Account.. $20,000.• • •
serve Account
Ilii7hways; ._Re.
$$7,00.0. .,
pprove .COA ty Assessor
Most, ' interesting development.
ber • of inmates, at present ,iii :the
Ii'ouse of :Refuge is: 56, of whom
22 are :Men and 29 'are women.
There Were .• 9 deaths among :the
inmates during „the year, Value•
ef.: produce raised on the Refuge
farm 'during .1950. was estimated
at, $7,60,90. . . •
The High*ays Committee re-
ported ,favorably .on, the follow-
ing suggested rundertakins: the
roads • from Ani!bleside' to Tees=
water will be prepared for hard
tap and the 21/2 miles west of
Teeawater will be improved as'
soon as: possible; the road from
Chesley, east to Scone will be im=
proved and will be primed with
asphalt if major poiistruction for
pavelifent cannot . be, done this:
year; double; parking Will be pro-
hibitedhat Sauble Beach;,.the .road,
from Kingarf to •.AiOw' will • be
improved, in 1951; regarding the
new stretch iof• read. to be con-
•struct:ed frorn',Hovs e's garage.cor
in Paisley, west ,to cionnect' 'up
with County townline road be-
tween 'Bruce . and •Saugeen,, 'the
new right -of" way 'will. be pur-
chased.'this year and, a By-law
passed assuming it: as.. a 'County
road • and;the old route over the
North., Street hill Will be reverted
Eby By-law to the•:Township, When
the new route•' is completed.; the
'county road from: Pinkerton ,.west.
to Narva will behard-topped. in
1952 , and : the road. from • Narva
to Glamis will be; prepared;: for
hard 'top; the road': fi;otri Culross
boundary to Mildmay. will . be
.prepa.-ed' for hard' top as soon` as
lossib• the road between Port
Elgin and Burgoyne will be prim-
ed' with asphalt* lit '1951;°the road
'1 1
prepared .for ' hard top. It :As 'es
timated that:- the: • rate for High
;vcray ;purposes . this year Will: •be.
5 mills,:
the :same .as past:
-.On recommendation :of the, .Ag-
ri ' t' ,
,cul urs Committee, > a • 'cazi.-
paign ,will be Carried ' On,, under
the supervision of the, Weed `In=
sAector, fbr . the, eradication ;of 'the
common `barberry: a n d leafy
spurge, and ithp sum of •$5b0 will?
.he allotted ': for the : puroh�ase • of
the chemical weed killers 'nee
essary• tor . 'this campaign The
County will .continue .the annual,
scholarship for $100 to .enable .• a
Worthy student'from, Bruce ;Co, •
to' enter first, year :: at the O:A:C. •
Purebred `• Yorkshire • wean'i'ng
sows produeed by Bruce County
farmers . and selected Eby the . Ag;
ri�culttirial • Representative 'for
Swine C1wb work in the County
will •be° bemused to the „extent` of
45.00 eaeh•un''to; a total.•of $100.00.:
The ;breeding sof these ,good pigs
in : the . County'. of Bruce fanners
is : apparently:- the only ,method°,
'by : which' vire. can ,acquire Pies
:for swine •club.' wok that will,
imbrove' the class of ,swine kept
in the county •
from Pine'Ri'ver to. Ripley w7 l be
ship each year to assist` -hi 'fencing
their woodlots..: '•
- . The follgwing grants were
authorized during the session::
Brtice County Library Ass'n, .
$2000 'Bruce County Children's.
Aid Society`. $6,000;' Blue Water
Highway Ass'n.; $200; Bruce Pen-
insula ,Resort Ass'n., $500;; Can-
adian . National Institute .for, the
Blind, $400; also 'a special grant
of $3,000 to assist the Insitute in
erecting •a new iluildin t Kit-
chener for the !blind of this dis-
t 'iet; IgavyLeague of Canada,
$100, .$200' to' Kincardine, Port .El
gin, and Southampton to assist ih.
operating tourist information,
booths;, Bruce County Cron Lm-
Prevenient Ass'n'. 4100; • Junior
Extension ,Fund:.$500; Bruce Co..
P1owmen's Ass'n., ,$250;' Tees-
water`Agricultural Society, build-
ing grant $20O, Bruce Co ,Feder-'
ation. of.Agriculture,. $500; .04--
tario. Conservation, and Ref oresta
tion Assn„ : $25; Brgv •Co.. Edu-:
[cationnl Ass'n;, $5Q. for expenses
for the County ,Oratorical Con-'
test; .$25 towards the. DistrickOra,•
torical .Contest;' ' the usual :grant
of $15 to each, public library' in
.Bruce County hay ng 390' to 150'0
volumes_and ,$30, to each library
,hawing over 1500 , volumes.: Ac-
counts for the hospitalization, of
indigent patients in hospitals out -
Side the County since the NgvemT'
ber session totalled $1,866:5.1. '•
On reed emendation of the Leg-•
is1ative ,;Committee ,the following
resolutions were adopted:
Requesting the Department to
reconsider its recent amendment
requiring assessment rolls to be
set tip in geographical sdquence,
in 1951 and .to', make this '.per-.
inissable rather than compulsory
in, 1951:
That County:. Councils support::
the . enforcement' of Remembrance
Day as`a•legal holiday: '•
Paid For
" � a
400 Pounds-, of Fresh
3Ys* fOr 75'i Pr'
Bring You; .Own Coni
Butcher Phone 41, Lucknow
That trial by jury lee allowed
in oases where the amount •claim-;
ed exceeds $500.. • •• `
• That 'traffic from both direc
tions' be reCluired' to stop when
school bus stops 'to pick up ox Iet
out', school children;..: •
That, grants by the. Province to.
Children's Aid,:Societies. be , in-
creased . from 25 percent to 50. ;.
That : a central. _ Place of execu-
tion' be set up in, ' Ontario.;:.
Cotncil ;adjourned •• on on
day, afternoon to. ' meet • for the
June •Sessidn gat Kincardine , on
Monday,: June 4th.
A; r „ �n..a ,moi, y o l e 4m•tu i,im.n iiimi i otemo ermine:.
In an.,effort. to,conserve' farm,:
Wod loots, the. County,', will; on,
,'teeciinimendatiop of the. Reforest,
ation Committee,, grant; a•:bo`nus to;
up • to 'four f armersa in each toWn
Having been appointed local distributor for
We will be glad to supply you ;with.
We carry all grades for:
All products"are registered under' Fertilizer•. Act' and
: tested at'O:A.C..,=.Guelph.
For..any information you require''.. regardng•.your•fertiilizer
rieeds; consult
• 'PHONE ' 6;2,. LiJCKNOW-'
•1i�tr�li�oi�o�o:�ii*ibrigoimuii;l4ogibrr ilil.t>rilimrilimianri.sio*u4miwbulirr,eio>i.
of -the session was the•decision:byI
Council, finally, . to'' proceed with
the '-appointment sof a• County»ass •
' essor.' When ",the division on this:
question was, first -.taken' on Tues-.
,day; the motion was defeated by
20-14. On 'Friday; after further
consideration of the matter, some.
• of the :Reeves, 'who were opposed
at first; requested,` another vote
and on the : second, division` .the,
Motion.was . passed .. by 2212
,plications wv'ill be, received •. up
.until Apri1.30th, when .the selec-
tion. will he `made •by a ;'special
cornrnittee comprising Reeves• Mc-
•For rester„ Lamont
Schrriidt '. anal; the. Warden,
feet to the approval - Of ''Councn
•at• the ',Ring Session..Re-assessing
under the new system.'Prob.
:ibly,not.he tc pleted••before• the.
:end cif
Forrri Kincardine District.
The CorigultatiVe Coniinittee
fp?rce•do• si`t'-]most=contnax�
slushy fhrcriiglrout the session' : to
deal with ,• numerous reouests
f ro m. 'various ' municipalities,
.school :l •oarcis; .'ratepayers
throughout the.County for the
formation,: enlarging' •and. alter-
' t.ion, ',of :the boundaries of High
School 'Districts Which ''..were ;so
nu•nica°ous that • council was un-
able to sadjoorn until, .• Saturday..
aftern n, ,A' • 'new Kincardine
Wei School, District was estab-
lished coni•prisi•ng
town, Most of Kincardine Town :
shits- and lior:tions - of 'Huron- artri-
Bruce Towrishibs. This area will
Lhave ori' assessment ,of .aoproki-
emoted.,, 31/2 'Ynillions. •The other re -
quos s con erne reoues s or
minor c anges to existing • ilgh.
School „Districts,.. which , were
numerous 'and. •c insum'ed •mj i
Accorcl;rig to th report of' the
Keeper;. Mr,, R. I; Wiles, the `nnmk,
71 a.%». Religion'and;.tiiiealtli
12.15 p,m.: -Sunday: School.
7.00,...i..1110.0'about NO! emi h;
fi! mien would:1 think, 'th, ey
would give tip' drink. Pleasant
rriernories `ant st h he ' arranged
for in advance. We' invite ,You'
t;d w6rs1'tlp with is,
ewer. Colds for
bung and :Old When
Home Heat is Uniform
T''he a ten, slow -burning fla'm'e
that 'blue ,coal'' makes is its big
secret as 'a, healthful. ftie ,No
up and-dciwii. tetn.peratures • ,
aria �t.do oaks pa
ust a steaidy level of warmth•
.that's '*lice 'to 1j'e.. in arid. eco-• .
Go-. •,.
T< .
• SAVE UP TO.30% o CyN.
The''tilite coal.`. TEMPLMASTER Automatic Heat
Regulator ends the overheating and underheating ;•
that Waste . fueI!" dollars. •Saves Steps, Saves fiche.
no;mical to Tay fort,Millions;,
prefer:it—Xou'1.1',like it. ?hc ne•
' us today for 'b.l•uecoal'.-the.
finest hard• coal money can:buy.
'PHO 1E10