HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Lucknow Sentinel, 1951-01-25, Page 2•
tAl OW, tar10
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• - •
, .
.4. ' 111 A1t-Cafladlan Contest
` Maple Lea L. G, Rosine,„ bredl• ' 1... 0 0 K I N G .. BACKWARDS. P .
and owned bY L. B. Reid, Ripley,, I
9 . • • .,_
Ont.; has been, named' All -Can- T1IUR.OUGH. THE "SENTINEL FILES
, ; • • , „
'Authoriz,ed as Second Class Mail; Post. Office Department, Ottatva edian four-yetr.rold heifer. She
Member of The C. W N. A.,. : wasfirst prize dry. four-year-old
• 1, ° ' . at the -Royal Winter . Fair. and.
Established 1473 Published Each Thursday Morning , Western Fair, ,Lonclon. NOMinat-
Su,bscription, Rate $2.50 A Year in Aclivance=-",-To U.S.A. $9.00 ed for'All-Canadian was the Get-
. • • of -Sire by College View Govern -
L. �. pionipsOn, Publisher and'Proprietor.' -.• • or that stood secOnd •at. Western
'Fair and tonith at the Royal
Winter Fair 'for Mr.. Reid.
TIft,MS1)AY, jA/41,7ARY 25, 1951
• iintiary. 5th.
WeSt. Wawanoth ratepayers
were largely signing 'a petition
.Withdrair from Wingliam High
School District. . „
'• Effective January ath the CNR
annoUnced it was taking off' its
; •
'midday passenger • service, both
•'•.• . ,
•• N north and seuth•bouitd. • .•
• • Dave • Todd ob-
perved..their :golden wedding on,
'New Yea.r't •'•: •
• Bob .Simpson was elected pres-
ident of the LegiOn.
At a-johlt meeting of/the Fed-
• A
'erations of Agriculture of Huron,
Bruce and Grey, a 'resolution de'-'
' inarixled immediite eatabrithing
• of a floor 'price -for bacon,: eggs,
• butter and cheete.
• ..• January '12th
']e4- Moore of Greenock nar-
rowly 'escaped 'death • in an, .•acei-••
dental Min mishaP; Out
• •
, . bunting with ' .A.I13ert:Iledley
A inid-day Mail -service . was.
established -by truck When , trains
Were cancelled
j.iticknow Connell set up a; bud-
get system as the' inaugural Meet,-
. ing, and -as measure.Of, econ-
i,"" •
Jack "Ma.cIntosh ,anncitmced eh
first of a series' of cOmmitni
•. .
sales to be, held on IVLarch 1st.
• morning train on Monday •in "the
Winter's first • Storni"... „ •
• Joseph Weiler suffered severe
injuries. in a. Ilauth accident in
et/km when a log _rolled off: a
• truck onto him. . ' •
A., lazy boy chair-, table and'
lamp were •presented, to Rev. C.
11. • 3/lacDonald • and 11/Irs.. Mac-
Donald uncoil .the toncluttim of
his rninistry'''
February 23rd •
A'.• MacNay was. elected', seo-4
retary-treasurer of* . the. Fair
Board. ,
e razed
ty farm.' , •
• Jack 'Anderson of , London
Five-foot drifts blocked the
Lorraine 'Hamilton Was.. in a
walicing Catt.':; following sUrgerY
which 'she underwent te correct
a deformity resulting froni:
myeliti.s, which she suffered in
1'941.- •
Flames Which , consumed ;: the
frame „building "on the:'bridge",„
in an•early morning. fire :WiPeci
out' ;the ,:business 4stablialihientS.
Of leuclinoW Cinning
Barber Shop,.McKay Shoe Re-
• .
omy cancelled winter'garbage Pair' • and Stewart DecOratirig
:Sixti.; Years° Ago' " Twenty Years Ago
An election for Council Board :L. uckno municipal office
in 'Lucknow ,returned to. office holcler4, were returned by accla.;
Councillor j G. Murdoch Angus mation as follows' Reeve Robert
1V1cQuaig, Adam Thompson and .Rae; Councillors, Robert Mullin,
janies Lyons. Trustees elected A. W. Hainilton, W. B. Angerson
were p, R 1ViacIntosh, Dr. • j. S. and Wm. Murdie; school trnstees,
Tennant,,Tboxnas Lawrence, • D.' •Taylor, George. Douglas,
Tbree Nrsi.eille40eiseOteiri:" Win. Win MacKenzie
by a-cc1aniation
Valent and O. 'Moffat, . was comprised Of Reeve,' j;W
mrest..w,awanosli elected a coit:.•,-,"Colwell and'CoUneillort,-Jamea
plete slate: Reeve; Alex 'Stewart; ,,,..m.Huascto4ci,
Richard Elliott, Angus
deputy ,,revo, John. ewers 'and
sh and Adam McQueen
Councillorr',; Thomas Todd, W. The marriage, was .solemnized
Baillie altd. j. Gibson. of Alfred Ritchie 'and Lila:Little:.
With few' in' the reeveship race
n West Wawanosh, ,Wttn.. J... Ste -
art was elected 'with 199 vOtes,
to „defeat ReetAe Win., Mole: by 2'
votes. Councillors elected were .•
C, M. Aitchison, •Albert Gammie,
ivtoohtepinlacaerritagee, stoamVeelmaday,!:atasn,ilheye.. ,
In Huron Township election reT.
.,,,and , National stopic.ohatse, sults; were: Reeve,' Jblin S.. MaC-
Ara. assuredof .a . „wedding pres.. DOnalk ...dentitY • reeve, Donald
an "Safety LoCh":. : , 7 • 7'1 ,
$500 as be Ilelo, a ticket Blue; Councillors 11„. Martin, 11.
McDonald. and G. Daniels
ent" of
iMrs'. A. E. Magill was honor- ip-ulti'lPsbeesdsabgy! Dcif.'Dc9*.L..441.ncal?, 6seeewreast-
• , . ..
ed at a. Girl Guide handl-let in, nary . of the Caledonian Society, ster
recognition "Of '1 years of service expressing sympathy tO Mrs. „Piek'Seed, son of Mr. and Mrs, •
in Guide work.; . • .: .: . , John datoieron in, the death of„ , a. +Reed of near Lanes, „sui-
:. LuelFilow *, §epoys, / 'Again won. her husband, : • ': , • fered 'atrotullhefie cauctttuerre gwahi,nesnt. .:
the W.-0.Athrown
44., "B" tOle • and the .11 G.: • McBeth was running , a:
Free -Press .trophy, when they de- tailoring' that) at Lochalsh, , • fetepliOne. Pole.. Mr. arid.1VIrs, ,
R,eed -were • rettirning. from. Church
-feated. WenesleY 11, games to .1 in. ' Frank McLennan ". resigned a-5
a bitter series.' '.' ' • . . teacher • of Lochalsh school• and 'when the horse ran aviar.thrciW'
APRIL 6th , was,•giVen a ‘‘send-off7. ,,. ing the oCcuPants of the ,cutt7r,
into .the diteh.% ' ,•• ... • . .,
Mr and . Mrs. Gerrit • LOclgen-The r:111' fuillitur"C:: fet.617. of
Cliff - j,im. :Burns, 'living:ninth of'the.:
berg 'and •their family, Of • seVen 'and Forster was eniPlciYing 4° village, suffered a. compOund leg
.childrert, arrived A-0in Holland, to hlitocin' ,ahfvsminalgl expanded
.)ifew y fracture when. pinned by a..4)ed.
take upresideire - in ',Ash:#*1 :years :before, : : -':. .. of l'* which upset'
. . . , • • : •. ,
where he Was: ,employed 110' •Cecil ,T. ieiricaid was iorqPrietor : , . ,..• - , • .l.... ' : : '7,;' ... ..
• . . .
Johnston. • - ., , .,... . 1 of the•:.,Star•_,Restaurant located .• , Ten Years Ago
, ,
' .., Totally-. paralyzed 10Y,...'polib the "next to the bank" . - .• ' . : :.: : 1:.. .: .. . '! •:- : ; .. , • •
• . ,. The Village Council was corn-
•Pretrioiii.Septeinber;. Marie Cup; . __ • ,: , : ''' •• „ , • ' ., ,
. • '.prised -of Re,eveN. E:Buthell and
key was :free • of the iron lung
WM. Murdie, Harold :'
and had regained sufficient. , lite • Thirty -Five Years Councillors
•go '1.
ioeftthere.. .fit,rt.s. to write a leglible; .3.,,. G, . AUciersoU was ' (elected, , Harry 114Cgtlillin; the latter tuc-, .
Treleayek,Donald Ferguson and •
-,reeve with ,d, 29-yote _majority 'reeding ..A. W., Harniltori: : ' • ' I
; The first community 0le ' got- over Reeve. John joYnt, who had : - '41. .„ MacMillan•• succeeded b, -,(s.
Deu04 on the School Board, the
Iatiter resigning „heCatise : of ill
health. ' ' ' ,. :' •• , ' : - ' . - -..
„A -military --funeral was conduc-
ted .4:?y. Rev., A, A. Maloney, for':
LAC. •John Spencer Debenham,.''.
one Of, twoairmen from port Al-
bert who were drowned. in Lake
Huron when • they :!brokethrough-
the ice while taking pictures t6,
send to: their :homea, in England.
T,he body of t. Bert George, who
lost his life: trying to• Says Depen:
ham*, had not then been reCovei•-•
. .
Neil. Gillies,, a former resident
Of Kinloss Township, died on his
farm' 'near. tarrnati,, Man.; when,
iticlied by :4 1)orse. Mri: Gillies
-was:14,3rinerly___Annie McConnell.
Herb 'Farrell was elected reeVe*,
of Huron' Township, With a'. 35 -
vote .rnajOrity over Reeve'. Ben •
• ' • • Shop. •' : ' off -to a flying start with more been. elected:by a. 40 -vote major-
. • .,
collection .service.
' Januuy 19th. '
Rev:.'Cliarles H. MacDonald ac-
cepted a Call to •Blitevale and Bel -
more, Presbyterian Churches, ,ef-
fective , micl-February. He was
serving lus 25th ,year as minister
of LticknoW' Presbyterian chin -ch.
"No Smoking" signs were post-
. in thelocal arena....
„ .
Daniel MacMorran,prominent.
band leader and musician and a
.retident of Lucknow for over•half
a -.century, passed ,away • m his 'HOlyroosi Hall. was re -open
86th Year.
Ways were •discusses by the than $5000 changing hands. ity:over Mr. Anderson in -a .
bye -
local. Guide Association to raise : election: following ..the 'death. of
fun* to •rePair the, darn4ge; , G Murdoch , . .
done hY` gales; t�- the. building's. -11741i*;Cli-flin''1:91144t 13-7611-'
'et: the Huronia 'd alsThheof.cleaa41:1;. .cielDcuunrCiaerid'irain't.lijoaYso6hri
'March 2nd the.sidewalk, and 4,3roke her Tight
Gilbert TliOrnaS .waS. honored
• • Mrs..R. J. ,Cameron,,tripped on in, her 69th year. •
A coroner's: jury absolved 'any'. ariii;. ,• 7 . • • .at home of 'Mr. and -Mrs, 14.
one of blame 'in the death Richard Elliott, was pictured in G. MacKenzie of ,Lainie,r before.
Mr. John Barger • • _'- • the IVIttnicipal World,. as he step- leaving for Montreal to join the
'• Mr. and, Mrs: Ezekiel Phillips ,
ped up to the presideincy .of the Princets Patricia RegliTent.
of :Auburn'. were 55 yearS, mar- Ontario Good Roads AssoCiation. Four sons "Teamster" Dan
after extensive *face-lifting' a
Cecil Johnston. was elected
warden of Huron Counw.
Jin Reid purchased'Sam Far-
meet general store business at
ect A„pril ' •• • ac onald .0arrit were in urn,
Lucknow; Fire Company ibr,111. The, four brothers were:
7 rital 'n saving the far/re
HSuaindtlYeyaGelCordaohnd Danand
• homeof Andrew Gaunt froM• de-
first to Luckno* boyS to enlist
work •
modernizinginstrume . • ,
March* 91h.* • •
ltar, and Wilson Irwin --strlicti°n :4 fire... •
Gordon Brooks bought A. J.
presented Sydney Parry with a
wrist watch on the. eve* or.his
• ,humary• 26th.'•
,fee of $50.00 per hour, or
part of .ankaur, , was set by:the
marked- their '.55th anniyersarY.„
'Mid-day train sein'riCe: was :re-,
'stored' by: the • . •
Ashfield Federation: of .
culture decided,to circulate a
titiOn, for Warble...fly :Control:in
the township in 1951: , •
.., • ..• • March 16th
Injured 'in a the., PreviOuS
Ootaber, Stewart
body 'ea$t removed. Which.' he 'had
Worn for 'Months, , vi• ;
Council ' decided. to start • test,
czrilling operations to (obtain a'
water 'supply. • • • •
• • ,. .•
• •
Wilson's trueldrig bUshiess.
Lucknow .P,e6 Weep, 'won the.
Reg McGee trophy at the Young
'Canada Day hocliey piayoffs at
Goderich. • ' • •
27th .
Specific' ;information on the
proposed 'LucknictiV District High.
School was. presented !ay' .Reeve
.J. c.,,Mc1•41)1 to the representa-
tives 'of the various 'municipalities
c•oncerned. • • • • •• •
LucknoW and-4lipley, Fire Bri-
, •
gades resnonded to an alarm, and
brOught tinder control a serious
.departu e do. yc:Or par in
the :great' struggle for •liberty".
Dri5r Gcieds. Store • 1,,,Uanow • ratepayers defeated .;•.•
the formation ;01f. a P.UC. 161' .to..
79 . Votes . and 'turned down 'the 2- •
year tel 188' to 53. *,•,
• The 'death of Con Foran 'Oecur
red at his West Arawanosh home
Lucknow • Fair in 1915". • . . on New Year's Day. • •
• • ,
Apnl WasadVertisirig a sellitig out tale.
. Village Council' for the lire truck. In addition to the dry goods bar
an •calls outside the municipalitygaint: footnote in the ad, read
- The ijOrTle of Dan Thonipson..1.,,also have, .yOung Milch COW.
Second ..,6oncession :Was saved, 'for :sale that. too firsrprize at
from destruction :;by lire. by the
Lttcknow; bornpaifir.:
• The death of..Edvviard4.ohnSton
occurred -• when • his light
t sliPPed' off,the road at the Kin-
loss-CulroSS *boundary; west of
February 2nd '
„. Wilbert ' llotigkinso/17s • '1-e f t
. • • •
• .1hand was• -badly, mariglecl , , a
•„ .r.dado*-Lsaw, ,11.oyd's factory., 'in.
• • '
•ngharrt. . • • t •• • ,
. • Joseph: Agnew retired after .39::
Yeart service .a.4 secretary of
• • • the Lucknow. AgricultUral Sob ".'
• •
! I i•P .
Fel/rim/7 9th. • ,. - •• ;
'.' ..• ' ' , : 'With the sawmill not iii....oper7
atiorif, a sawdust Shortage created
,intite a 'problem, for many. house-
' belderi and biisintses, dependent
• on this type .of fuel, . c. . ' . .
With • announcement :that the
' No. 1 well could, riot,..be restored,
. Council decided. to meet with an
'engineer ofq , the International
Water Supply
rebruary otti , • . .
joiiin° rirrger,'89, , died df's'(.4....
' •' fole4tion in an tIpstais 'bedroOrn
' when ,,,fire: ;gutted: the home 'Of
Mises Pearl 'and tiltoeth' Hent-•
'derton. ' • ' '•` 1
-scores . of ..972 and 371. Ayr.
. ,• . . • fire outbreak at PercY's Store at"
Juveniles. „eltniinatect Liteknow• •
Juveniles . in the !am.H-4, . "D" Holyrood
• • , •
. Harold, Greer had ..uucknow's
' • , • • first television set in oPeration
• , • T. .Salk I as honored Y
1Slarch 23.rd . d • .13
B A was ;
'SA .'•••--nernberS of -Old Light •Ledie'•
post -graduate :-studies in ,•Erdgland:. s,'
tion a D;-..G/M. o H'u -
Itarold :JOhnstOri. rented a Abak-'
Ofl Districtcry and restaurant., business in, . • Mar 4th
parkhni, pnoe.,"tinn in A. M.71‘Ticholsoninational treas.,
•tnid April ,• , • . ' Urer of fhe C C FIJarty,, spoke at
The: Presbytery of' OttaWa. meeting: in ' home ton;
norxiirlated, Revi, ,F. Scott Mac- While oi a coastto-coeSt trip. .-
awarded a $1000 sOliolarship for • -
kenzie as a ,canaidate ffpr 'th Mrs4. A; Trelemion, Luoc-
moderaiorshit).Of the' PreSbyter- row's oldest resident suffered a
ian. Church in Canada.' • fraPture'ilhip•
"Storieboat Harry", "Dogsled ,Mr and Mrs John Munro:re-
uoe4, '1 and "Piy Spray A : 6
ndy: were' turned: to SOOtlatid -4fte„r spend-
• •
•••• ••.„
creating quite' a stir. iri XintosS ling more than: a year here., '
. nu
Township ". 4y. their letterS' to The ' -It'll' P -io--lt bought OrvilleOt-
f F"
stntine].. ,,•. ,. • ., ••'• ., • .nin's Ashfield Township farm,
• 444 ' ! ' •,,,
March '',- - • ,
3 ' ' '
. , 11: ot li , 1,. , , , May 1 11th ,
Horne from the'''. hospital only The Dtpartine,nt of .. ighways
two days where he, had .Spent :wag. petiti. 'ied Ito speed t,otittrtic.,
five'. montlts 'With a,•broken leg, •tiOn'Wor ,, , On highway 86 be-.
itwe'emttic now', azid Win -ham;:
Dick, taker • Of • town learned that
lightning had caused 'a 'fire thai
. .• .
4 .4
An? outbreak, of. fire af"Al.ex ,
44 •
1 • 14• •
4 k agiiiiiiirtaPtoklit irsav AnLitadatir:vais‘riqiniandraiL
. ..