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The Lucknow Sentinel, 1951-01-04, Page 4
e • i>! 1,• PAGE 1! OUR.. • 1A • ., OW * SriNTINEI, • LUv ci OW;' ONTARIO.` • IN • 41I SDAY, ;JANUARY 4, 1951: ;ANT' AD" RATE 1st insertion • 2 teriti a word, �� sullsequent . insertions :1 cent . a • word., Minimum.. charge 25 cents. Replies care of The Sentinel .10 cents extra. Legal advertising 10 , cents per coult'• line first insertion, 5 cents per line: subsequent insertions,' LOST: on December 24, a lady s • EXPERTS THINK there are ,good Bulova , wrist wateh. Reward. markets ahead for poultrykeep- Mrs. W. B. Anderson, Lucknow. ers. Early and wise. planning ''gets • .WANTED three quarter bed, spring ,and mattress, also chest of. drawer Apply. Sentinel Office, l- 'br bred LE --,s e well . FOR oxn. e� - lie pups, 6 -'weeks old. Jas: For. 'ster, • FOR. 'SALE.--,pa.ir of boy's skates, •and, boots,. size .3, good as-new:A. bargain. 'Ken. Murdie, ' Luoknow.'• STOVE POR SALE --upright coa1. heater,, or will iburn short, Wood. 'Phone .82, Lucknow.', • STOVE FOIR SALE Countess:. .' range, in tgood condition. Wilfred Hackett, ,phone; 67-r-11 Dungan-, Holy.. TENDERS WANTED . -. Marked sealed tenders will be, received'. FOR SALE-lady's'w'hite boots (by the undersfigined•" iintil Janu-, ••and', figure:' skates, size'` 5, in good ary 15th, ,1951; for wood to be de's cotidition, $.4 00. • 'Phone•Liueknow- livered, split And piled. to any or 7 all' "of the following schools. in the Ashfield Township ',School':Area by "June 25th, 1951.. -Two cords'' of dry.'12-inch Cedar .to- each' school • exceAt Nos 6,-12 and 16, .also' fore approximately equal parts maple and beech 14 -mon, body wood 'as • follows 4.:Cords each` at Nos. ' 1 & r1; TO cords meh-a't-Nos:4-4,-5r4 10, 15, 16 ' anct.:1.7, 15 . cords each; at Nos. 7 and .13;.2.0 cords' at No. 3; 25';co"rds at No `'9; 40 cords' fat. NO, ;-8 - No large_o,ugh blocks please Lowest or any; tender riot necessarily accepted: • , R. T. Kilpatrick, Sec.-Treas.., . R.R. .7` T now Ontario 'your chicks ready fore the b• etter egg and, ',meat marrkets. , $,ray. Chicks, dayold• and 'some• started, prompt shipment. • Price list,. agent . D. R . FINLAYSO,N" Lucknow. •• • COM.1 NG EVENTS CONCERT AND DANCE:. At Lothian 'School, S.S. No. 7,• Ashfield, .on,•Friday, • January 5th. 'Program by pupils starting at 8.30. Dance'- after. Admission. 35c. Ladies please bring lunch; SHOOT' PLAYERS ATTENTION:; The Shoot Club .will start their shoot parties in the South Wing of Mel .Recreational Centre; corn, mencing ' next . Monday, 'January 8th at 8.00 o'clock.. Everyone is Welcome. ' Ladies please , bring sandwiches Proceeds for Minor' Hockey. ; : • LIVESTOCK WANTED Up to° $5,00 ::•each f©r Dead or Disabled 'Horses, •Cows,. Hogs, at TE .N D E R' S your farm. Prompt service•.Phone collect Wingham' 561-J. William 'ENDEiIS' WANTED - 'Marked• stoneSons L'iMited; •wi In ersoll ,sealed tenders' 11,.•ba received, 8 r Ont . . • ,by the undersigned until.•Janu ' ary 15th, 1951, for caretakers for all schools in the Ashfield •T.own: ship School Area, .duties' to begin February lst, 1951, Lowest of any tender'not necessarily accepted. .R. T Kilpatrick•, Sec Treas , R.R.• 7, Lucknow, „Ontario: WANTED sawdust.. burner iri• good: condition: Give ':particulars . and. )price:_ wanted.. Apply; by let- • ter to Box :'38;' Luclnov+� • REFRIGERATORS -- - bargains on well •kip wn makes; popular -•sizes- .this xnat th at Sehuett. $s. Sons; Mildmay. RAW ; FURS WANTED High, prices' for mink,: coon; red`' fok:, etc..',Ship or write, to. Greenspoon Bros., 264 ' Spadin,a Ave., Toronto. LIBERAL. DISCOUNTS ori .early :-orders ' for:CliAWFORD.'S Chicks.' 'All, new equipment, newt -and re-. • .liable sources of hatching- eggs:. 'Phone.165, Lucknow. • . • WANTED -11 or 13-h`oe drill •or` disc .drill, not , necessarity ' fertil-: ,izer'drill, in good; condition,. Any- one having .•same for -sale" • leave word ' at Sentinel Office.' -= 200acres; of land, SALE s, Con. ;9, •West Wawanosh, on Co. road,; 1/g- mile • from. main 'high - . way. Priced right for quick'sale: • Will', sell: separately, .if desired: 'Wm. cook, R...2 . Lucknow.. . LUIVIBE.R: • Best. prices' paid for one .inch. Oak, Elni, Maple, Birch, Cherry, Walnut. Prompt payments: , See i or write James Cole Furniture Company,_Ingerso11 , FOR SALE.' := W4 • McCorrnickr Deering tractorModel A Ford "; in good shape.. New Model Z tractors,. now • available. George Wraith , Luckno'Vv. AFTER 'CHRISTMAS • clearance of a -few 'card tables, larnps, has; socks; fancy pillows, new and • used ':pianos; electric ranges, end and toffee, tables,. at•• Schuett and Sons Furniture Store, Mildmay' • Free deli:very.r ; HOGS picked up' and delivered tdirect to Kitchener each "Tliurs • day. Prorript and:: satisfactory re- turns ': direct- , from plant: Call. Gordon , Brooks, .;'phone 137-J, Lucknow. TENDERS • TOWNSHIP OF, KINLO:SS Sealed:. tenders ' marked "ten - r"" -swill _be received 4 y ±he un . dersigned • u.p ."to"No'nda'y; ., .Janur- ary 8th, ,1951, at .2.00 ,p.m. for the; construction' of ; "Them ..Extension to Branch. B ,of the.Ackert Muni- .. • cipal•''.i�rain' . ' Tenders to be ac- cbmpanied by. marked cheque for" 10 jpercentof tender: Plans and. specificatis may ,be seen , at ,the• Clerk's 'o •fice This is not a machine job. Lowest pr anny ten-. der ,not 'necessarily accepted.. 3. R. Lane, Clerk, Kinloss' Twp. I3;. 2, Holyrodd, Ontario. KITCHENER BIG -4 :Chicks have breeders ,Canada Approved, back ed by a- breeding program on : this large •Hatchery's; .owxi farms,' on' which they have , 'been • raising chicks: for more than. 25 'years:• Get these; chicks early,: growing towards the good meat .arid. Grade: A. large-. egg inarkets; •Pricelist, •agent •, :FD. V. BAKER;; ,Lucknow.. 'NOTICE. Will the lady'. •Who took • the lingerie from The Sepoy Store'on Saturday, Deeemlber 23rd, .please pay' for Same'. "at once,: as the. identity :of the 'Party' is 'known: 1OTICE •`Ravin `tiad tcrgrve-ip my -hair- dressing• •business in. Lucknow,:.1 would like to .` takethis opportun:- • ity • to • :thank • :all my ' customers and ' friends ,.• whohave • been'• so. kind tome since earning ,to Luck-_•. • now. • • I will be open.:for :appointments, at My home,. R 3, :Goderich, tele - :TENDERS WANTED.,by the West phone Carlow 14-10 ""-after ,January Scheel WawanoshfTownshi `.Sool Area 1st, 1950. p • AUDREY SM:YTHE FREEMAN. Board tor.: the.: fellowing`..quant. ,/ . ities' of wood; this wood' to be hard .maple an:d beech, 16 inches, CARD 'OF THANKS long not _smaller than ?6' inches •Mrs 'William .• Congram• wish, s or 'over .10 inches in. diameter,'I to _than hisn :..friends• :and' delivered "•':and ' piled iii school may yard not . later .than 'June :30th,, neighbors?.. for their kind . re'inem= ran " b ice this Christmas season. • '1951:- . S.S. No.: 11,'25• cords; S.S. • No. 2, 25 . cordis; S:S.,;. No. 3,'. 25'. MurdochMorrison -' wishes' to 'cords; .S.S. No 4, "20 Cords;.S.S. ;sincerely ' • thank -the • !harness No.'; ' 12, 20 ` eords; also a,; ,cord of ' Shop Group for' their lovely gift cedar 'for each school Tenders to : and to extend .New Year''s;'Greet'-., be in: hands of ..sec'y no . mgs to a11: : than January; 20th; ' .19t. later' 51:. • : • es to W. `A: •Stewart, Sec' 1VIrs Wilson Vial) wishes s h ?''• thank Rev. Mr. :Currie:. for ::his Dungannon, Ontario friendly"call` and .the. W.M.S fol: 'IN MEMORIAIVI .a note' of cheer. and: all the good • COL • � ELL -in loving .memo of :I friends and neighbors 'for their :. W g'.. iy good wishes a dear husband and •father; ..John. > .. Season. s • Greetings : to all. • W. Colwe+ll, vv:ho" passed 'away Jan.iary 3nd, 1950 Just `a. thought of sweet remem : 5 brance, Kenneth J MacKenzie Just a memory fgrid and true, :Just a; token -df ` affection,. ILO; And a heartache shill•:•fory..ou.. Day by 'day we .sadly miss . yon,, Though our.thoughts are note:, revealed; Little do 'they know the • 'sorrow That is within oirr .hearts .con-., m ' .cealed;, ,,rernerr tiered iby Wife arid •.Family. TENDERS WANTED•by , West Wawanosh Township. School Area • Board for caretakers for all. ' • schools, No, .2, •No. 3; -No, 4. No. 12 and No 17,' Duties - to com rrience Feb. 1st, 1951'and continue to Ja'n 31, 1952;. Tenders to be. • izt'the Secreta y'a hands''not later than Jari.. 20tl , 1951,' The lowest, or any tender not necessarily ac- cepted. • W.A. Ste - wart; Sec'y , Dungannon, Ontario' . NOTICE TO .. CREDITORS' ••In: the Matte•r ; of •the Estate of Albert E. Thompson, late of the•, Township •of . Kinloss, _ :art the: County of Bruce, • Farmer`• dP- ceased • Noticed is hereby given that .ail • persons.;having.clairns or .cleriaands: a ainst' the • Estate . of." Albert E. .Thompson:aforesaid; ..who died :on ' or bout: the`•2lst -day of "Novem- ber AD. 1950,..Fare required to file .proof. of theirclaims 'duly t°erified with the undersigned ex- eciitors'on• or 'before - the.• 24th • day ,of January A.D.. 1951.' " AND notice ' is ',further ;given that`afterrthe said date .the under- signed' 'executors, will proceed to dis 'rvbute the 'assets' of the said estate -among those' en titled' there-• to and ,will not'be''liable forthe Said ' asests or any part 'thereon to any brie 1of whose . claihe P shall not'then h•ave received not-. `. , ice. ''' . ' DA • TED . at *ipley, Ontario, this 1.5th . day' Of beoenvber 1.950.e , Arthur ;FPodgins, Rall i';' Ho.iy- rood; : Ontario., , , . Richard Baker, preknawi Ont.. ario,, Bkectors,' «.r;f'..S . Optometrist LISTOWEL,. ONT.: , Will be in Ripley,.. Wednesday, December 20th:and every sec • and Wednesday; following, at, Eugene. Wrona's . < : Jewellery, Store f rpm .3:06 p rn oto ,10 p.m. Eyes examined-.'Glasses,f'itteil ,,For. appointment :'phone Roy 1VMacKerzie, 96r-24 ,Ripley:;: ROBERTSON'S Bagpipes Supplies. Wilfred McQuillan, Lucknow' • Service and 'Satisfaction ' in um Ti g' and Heath* 1leep'Well,and Shalloi ,Well• Pumps 'Sold .,and installed., EAYETROUGHING • AIR:'• CONDITIONING, rt R R. 3; LUCKNOW 'Phone 61-r-13, Dungannon . G. ALAN WILLIAMS. Optometrist; ° Patrick .St., WINGHAM, Kincardine Office at the .. residence of Dr. R.A. McCosh every Friday. • For. appointment;, 'phone Wingham 770 & 5 Kincardine 21 JO.H NSTON'E'S:i ERAL HOME U N R. . 'Phone, 76 Day or Night; ' : Ambulance Service USE OF FUNERAL. HOME 'At No Extra. Cost a : . Moderate 'Prices Neil acLennan • . FUNERAL SERVICE SERVICE (Funeral Hoe Available) le) AMBULANCE,SERVICE (Day or Night Service). FURNITURE 'Phone : 181, ' Lucknow, Ont.,. '(Day, or • Night) � news' Howard Agnew. Jos 'Agnew;' MEMBER •OF Ontario Insurance Agents' Association GENERAL'. INSURAN E • Established .Over • 30' Years Ag& Telephones • Business 39` • Residence 138 I,NSU RANGE Co -Operative Life ,Insurance 'Co -Operative Automobile Insurance Mercantile.' &.: Farm .: Fire Insurance Economical and Reliable See . T A. CAMERON . LUCKNOW 'Phone 70=r-10 Dun annon ':R.. T. B. CLEAND VETERINARIAN Naivel'ock St;, south' of . Supertest Garage .I,V.CKNOV' Telephone175 BUSINESS' and • a.' TAX' SERV ,'CE., : IT .1V.IONT$LY AUD S For' The • Sinai" Merchant; Professional • ' man and the Farmer. S. J PYMM " P.O. Box 74 - Lucknow--- Ont. Office in I1ilpatrick Block ' 'Phone 23-w T, ARMSTRONG OPTOMETRIST • • IN 'LUCKNOW FIRST' '.WEDNESDAY OF ' 'TEACH MONTH: , from aart. to• - at. • WM. SCHMID'S STORE • • hisure In Sure, Insurance WIND Western Farmers' Weather FIRE. owi'ck Farmers' Mutual'; ar Accident,. `Sickness • C.onsulf N FARR'ISH lone • 16.9 'J,'. Lucknow. ' :.1,NS:URANCE FIRE,. CASUALTY,-. AITTOMOBILE • AND LIF ;' . yE To. Protect 'Your ,Jack; Insure With:':Jaclt :Today.•., J. `A...McDONAGH R.' R 3; Lucknow, Ont. 'Phone 61-5, .D:i n-gannon 1 1 1 1 1 1 r 1111b. gib. o 166 GENERAL INSURANCE 1 r 1 AUTOMOBILE FAMILIt H'OSPITALItAT1ON "'SICK and ACCIDENTI.; Inves•tiga<te" • Before You:.Inve$tl ALEX T. MacNAY 'Phone 1T7, • Luekno'w " ' ' N01 IS. TI •E (TIME To Order Tlreshiing 1VYach�ne w 3. sizes; 22.x32, .22x38, 28x48. Roller ' Beariri Coni fete 44. EARL. H. I=IODGINS; R.. R. 1, Holyxbod, Ont. ` .`'phone 36443 Teeswater ANDREW Barrister and Solicitor, LUCKNOW, 'ONTARIO.`': Office in the Joynt 'Block • Telephone Office :135. Residence. 31-J' • r_ Stun r ^ Ma K n ie -licitor " Barrister and So .` WALKERTON, ONTARIO I'NUCW KNO. 1 :Each Wednesday. OFFICE IN HE D N E RSON' BL,O .C K '. , • S Hetherington, : K� Barrister,` Etc. Wingham ,and"Lucknow IN LUCKNOW: Each Monday. r . acrid "Wiedresday Locaftedon the ground 'floor, in the front of John Kilpatrick's 'Building 'Phone Wingham •j Office 48Residence JJ' F•