HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Lucknow Sentinel, 1951-01-04, Page 1nni
n.nr. • tr
„$2.50 YearlY ln. Advance. 60c Extra to U.S.A.,
, .
. A second nomination meeting
has been Called ''t/9 fill two vae-
:ancies on the new •Public School
Board, which came into being
: with the New Year. • ;. •
' Four 'memlberi of the Previous
Board of :Education have 'quaff-
fied as follows: Gerald liathwell,
• , Wardle,' Dr.• Jarnes :Little
'. and H. M. MacLennan...WO More:
t • •
Meraber$ are required to round
-• cut the six -man Board, •
To: fill these two seats a nom-
ination Meeting has been called
' for .tonighit (Thursday), in the
Town Hall, betWeen the hours of
7.30 and '8.30: ..o'clock. If more
than two nominees qualify, an el-
ection Will be held. on Thursday,
.•January :1 'tn..; Chances , Of .,aueba
. .develepmerit .. are regarded as
••onite slim. •
• There; were eight !candidates
: proposed for the Six seats at• the
first nomination -.„meeting. • All
• four nominees, other than the
"old Board" foursome had •per-:
•.Sonalreasons, for', not: wishing to
gealify, and the "heat" • Wasn't
,• turned on to purauade them to.
.' ;sign up.-
• , • .,-
, _ .
• New regulations require tb,at
•,' all candidates proposed for Muni-
cipal office intiat 'either be pres-
••ent'at the meeting, or proof sub-
• . mitted ,..that they are aware of•
their nomination. As the nomina-
tion meeting was. rather slimly
attended, So :fat as prospective
Board Members ;were concerned,
only eight candidates' were. .ribm
'Mated,' as .f011ovtig; • • '
For. School; TrusteesK.
• ;
. •,
C. - .Murche :by J. C. 1 McNob
and Innes MatSween. • • • •
K. O. Murdie by Hebert. Rae 8.t'
J. W.. Joynt, • . • ••.•••• •
Herpert MacLennan by G.
,RathWell•and Wm. Stimson.
Dr, Jai. Littie bY R. F. Batten
and J. C. MeNab.„' ••••
, Dr., Jaa, Little by J. M.. Greet-
' and Harvey Webster. .
. • •
. Gerald -Rathwell by, Harvey
Webster ,and Wl1 Henderson,
'Gerald .RathWell by Innes Mac -
Sween and Stuart E. Robertson.
" Archie Smith by 'Gant. MacDon-
: ald and Harry, Nixon.,. • '„'
Carheton'• MacDonald by0Arel1."
-Henderson and J. M. Greer;
Harry Nixon. by ,HarveY"Web--
LUCKNOW, ONTA140, THURSDAy., ',JANUARY 41 1951 • •
... •
couNcit,...0oARD .:
.,At the rforninatien meeting On
'December 22nd the Village Coun-
cil members gave ,a detailed re-
view•ef a busy year highlighted
b such matters . as the High
c 1.-:-Distriet, . a new.. well, est-
ablishing of a budget system; fire
protection % ..,•• agreement's • . ir i tb
neighboring MiMicipalities, a.n d
.oyerhaulirig of the hydro system.
'2_ First speaker was Reeve J. `Cr,,.
McNab; whose teference to. Clerk .1
Joseph Agnew's, absence is re- .4
ported in another column. ' , ,.:.?
, Reeve MeNeb dealt briefly with
County Council Matters 'Bruce . • !..,:,.
, ; .. .. . .
is still debenture debt free and
as you go. The June session .was. . .
,is, 'continuing , the policy . of. pay ;••P:i:o ...x
'elle,' of • the heaviest • in the mem- - g
'OrY.,, of CoUnlY,I.,C.I.Ork_ Forrester,
due to the District High School.' .
question. The County has no al.: , . ;
ternative .but to adopt the • cubic , 'REEVE. J. C.-McNAB' '
'foot , rule of assessing and will .,•..
was. returned by -acelaination. as
reeve. of the Village; and com-
plimented for the -part be played":
in obtaining •the Lueknow .. High
.School •District.'
• •
' • .
I'• Bard's. First '.
„,.:„..„.. ,
-,.BusineSs' is .New. SChool-
consider •the appointment .of a
County .assessor at the,. January'
meeting, , •
• Budget Worked, Well '
• :Reeve IVIcNab referred to the
new style orfinancial report .that
•• :52 ikAit.S. MAIiRign •
.• • , , •
showed the. actual results cif. the
year's, financing, He dealt iwith'
the budget system which was ad-
opted in 1950, to. govern the .ex-
one Tuesday, December: 19th,
Mr.. and Mr§. Thomas Boyes of
penditurea of all departinerits of •Lucknoli".1iiii.aly,_saaceiyied
,the village,. and, by which' sYste.m. '52nd .wedding • anniversary, They
expenditures were 'constantly uri= Were-.tharried'oot Dimtroon where
der review during the,,year.•TheY they both; wereraised.'„They spent•
had struck the budget for a 5 several years in Tinnnins and fbr.
mill tax .rate "reduction and •al- the past 20 ,years have resided in
lowing for a $630. SUrPhis.• The Lucknow: Where Mr. Boyes •eperi.
Year-end surplus was $6(31;34; 'ex- .ata 7a, machine
rrwnt :agency. , , k -no
• •• • . ; „ ... • can. Finance High Sehool c w.
PASSED AWAY TUESDAY iiisgefintec•hwoo'el , NEW AurIELD,
ag approved by the •iDepartment•
• Tfie death Cie -Carted' WOlker- of E -tication; Mr, Rae said. lie, rieN.v.: teachers' *"
ceeding-the estimate by over $50.
In each of the past five years -the
Village was ending the,year with.
deficits of anywhere up to $1300.
Mr: .MeNab recommended .. that
future councils continue th.e'bug-
to ton Hospital on TueSday,
get system which"' he referred of Miss
as. "sound financing": We Must' Mary McKinnon of Kinloss rrnWn
- the 'Department and -the govern-•
.EdeeatiOnal matters weregiven
'considerable attention at the
LucknoW nomination .meeting.
Gerald Itathwell, ch.airman of the
Board of Education, ' wag, the firat
.apeaker.and pointed Out that we
are, entering a new phase in edu-
cation: He :thanked- Reeve J. C.
MeNab, And, the Council for the
part they had ,played in the High
Scheel 'District .eampaign • • He
added in a -.Special tribute to .the
part the Reeve had, played, "We
couldn't have swung it. without
;Mr. *M.cNala's help".
, .
• The Ashfielcl bus, and a
student increase attendance,
requiring • an .. extra teacher and
and an „additional school .room,
were • unforeseen . expenditures
which left .• 'a 'year-end deficit;
:Which would be assamed.by-the
new District High, Scho.o1.-Board,•
Which succeeded the Board of
Edticatien. af. January. lat. • . , ,
Room For Ptiblie School Pupils
• RObt,: Bae,, the Lue.knoW,
• ,representative on the
Arid_ High School Board; 'stated
that a:new District, school Would,
'result in a higber public school
rate, but provide plenty
of . room. for increased/ public
school attendance. He suggested
small enrollments, would find it.
more economical to transport
:these., students to LuCkrio'w.. Ile
pointed..eut that one school sec-
tion. was finding thia.,vety
ac ory an a about satis-
iartcr syth--of..-Riversclale;• „a' sister of.,
'f t d t t
- the cost of a teacher's salary. Miss •Helen Forsyth, formerly of.
Judy Mann,. fifteen -months' -
old daughter of Mr. and--Mra- ''• '
Arnold Mann, had a close brush. .
with death the Monday preceding.' -
Christmas, when she Vet had, a „
box of iron pills at thk home, Of
Messrs. Denzil arid Statters: •
' .The :little tot had bitten - into.•
Some then; but it Was not, •
thought she had swallowed 01.17-
thing of consequence, fibt was ,: • •
known that, the pills .' contained .
strychnine. :It was abou.t.' two .
o'clock in the afternoon when. it
was • discovered that. Jucl,t, had got ,
into the pills in an upstairs bed- -
roem.. Within about half an hour
she was taking convulsiona which
continued with alarmieg•regular-
ity, during the afternoon, and • at.
one point the child's recovery was
despaired. .•
• Dr: M. H. 'Corrin :quickly re-
sponded to' the ' einergency gall
and spent an hour arid.' half' .
pumping the unconscious child's
•, ,
stomach. •
• •
• Hive .pf-'saving- the • child, was
waning, and it was decided. to
.rash . her ,to., Wingharia Hospital. .
Judy had six convulsions on the ' • ,
read Wingham but took
'turn for the better soon after and,
did not suffer. any more. seizures. ,
•Her condition ,rapidly 'iniproved
and., the youngster was able to ;
return twine, tl}e' •next 'day ,with ,
her alOth ,
Judy's Dad is in training , •.
'Fort :Lewis With,the•Korean Bat- • .
talion. Her ,mother is the house- • -
keeper at the Statter'S heme.1., Mrs..
Mari 'WO formerly 'Marie •For-
For -
their duties with the opening • of '
pointed out the.. requirements
6f. the • term; on. Tuesday. At Zion . •
consider the ratepayer orithe'fix, .ship.' She • was 84 Years. .of , Douglo:Eolmes of Kincar-
.ed income, he said, and • et•lhe The. funeral 'service will be held grants available.- If
' din.e Sucteeds. Mrs. El -
same time keep up to .date, butlin • Johnstone's . Funeral Horne' gn
with -:consideration , of the tax , Friday at '2.30. p.m. with inter -
rate/ • • '. I .rnerit in 'Kinloss .Cemetery. . •
• Mr McNab reviewed the de-' • • • • • • •I
the .iptesent level be Saw "no: was supplying for Miss •
whose continued' ill
reason Why . the. Luek:riew. District.' Ada Webster;
.:•iihealth, Prevents her .from reaurn-", "
could not build a new aehool".
benture debt Of the: village; which: .: • .. .. • . , • .... , :. .. He felt :there had. been a coin,.
IS* as follows: 'Geddes :131Ock,lan-i• MR. AND "MRS., WM. FISHER' • I, mon. 'desite.. and loyaltY,-by the.
nue". PaYtherit of .$246.21, fund*it 'MARRIED ''.'eA. yEARS. • 1 , • ... • people , . of :this • district: ...t0 'Use
,up to. Care fel- this until •retired •.: • . .' . „ .... • .:Lacknew as •,their businesS and
in 1961;• Canning St. bridge. an-, On Thursday,". December 28th, educational .centre. `„There had
nual payment $359.70, retires this Mt. and Mrs..Wnt.'Fislier of town been an effort to•squeeze .as out,
Year; .Arena,, -, annual ,payment observed their 45th Wedding -an- •bat he•pointed out there had also
. stet and James; E. Little. • . . : , t'.e$4c&02.5":3 bretires iii.1957, to be car- niversaty.. They; were marrie'd in been 'afficial 'opposition-• to „`'.tlie
, . . Campbell Th rtipson_by y earnings a o n - , u ne • y. D. .,. L. • c- .
and .rg,a iza • L ck W 6 Rev• D T -L M cost"- of -Lacknove stepping.. up•
Stimson and.G.:RathWelt . ::- .
• Win•Ition ,, donations if neceSsary; ••KerrolL. • . , . . :., . , . ,., c i om - a Continuation to High
7...2.,_,;._. .. .. .. . , . • Waterworks, *aenual. • payinent A.; 'number: of friend's. called . Sch001 some .Years. ago..
, . • 1 ' ' • • ' - .'• . ' ' ' ' $4.,472.35, retires in 1961, •Paiel••fOr. dtiring ' tile .daY . tO eXtencl their. • • Haire DenLe.Right ,r)11.14, „.
fire track'. aridtbest .wishe.s, arid seNierAl • loVelY *.* mr, ' IT; Johnston 'Alio'
• ing ;duties • • -
At the 9th ConcesSien. ••,•••'
Mrs Gordoh Ofi Klflr
'Cardirie ,ISiieceeda Mrs,: Shirley' " I': •
.:13oSa. • • • . . • • •
• ,
• '
..equiomen.t.-;:-:•-a-n-ii-ti-a-lz--PaYitienti..gifts--were,presen_ted IVir. arld:.Mrs.. _a' Gho'OL-repreaentativeon,-' the_ new
$961.93; 10 year deberittirerretires ; Fisher: A• faillilr dinheF %/Os e'''''' Dictrictilkiard,_•said that the:firSt
in 1959; goVernment subsidy...ved. tliati eyening. business .of this , Bearid, was ,th.
takes „care. of 1,p5o, .51, 52 pay-. matthr of a new school. We•intiSt
c ' ,
, • Mr..,an:d Mrs. W. K. Bali, Red .•
Deei-, Alta, announce the:'mar- '
liege of their daughter, Marjory,.
to. Mr. 'Harry R. .Campbell,*Kim- * -7.
berleY, 13.C., son. of Mr. and Mts. '
• :Cyril' Campbell, 1.4tickribW, Ont.: .
and Mrs.. -Roy .••IVIcKenzie„,- ;
ANNIVERSARY • and little 'sons, Roddyand Barry, - • •
. , . • • . , .
nt . • . • ' a • h i hieh
. ,
•, •
•In'e s • , • ..• •
. . have new sc 0(31 nw sp
of Oshawa; spent the holiday sea- •
. Mr. and Mrs. Robert Button
'Observed their' fortieth wedding
, . . . • .
son with friends and relatives..•
Waterworks, ,ptimP; well Mussed 1St 011111fiat10111,4.-.-.work , and home :economies- can
repair and, .main •• extension,. an-: ..., 7 • . .be taught,' and added. that • the
nual: debentare 4390.71, tetites in in. •
Forty7Fm...Y ears' Hope .Report alsb recOmmended
1964; to•:•be tit • paid out "ef earnings. .! • the .teaching of these/subjects in
armiversary • on. Wednesday,
• cember 27th. In honor , of .her
parents and as 4 aurpriae.to thein,
AilVlis.; Alex IVIaeN,ay held . open
:house, .afternoon,•, a,nd . 'evening
'when many friends called toex-• for 1941. was returned by acclarn-
. . .
•• tend Melt congratulations. , atiOn •at the nomination meeting., •• •
.. .
That evening•rnembers of their on Friday, December 22nd. Per-
sonnel of the •136ardi,,tuichanged,•: ' .1••••.• ••
• Arena Debenture Dark ;Spot
: -Reeve 1V1eNa:b Said that the
Arena was the one "dark appt",
In the debenture:picture The 1950
debenture • due.'• in: December;
Joseph Agnew,. clerk:•of thel,
Village of Liicknow 'for forty-
four years,. since February 1907;
was absent from the nomination
•the higher public schoel grades.,
; Johnston 'stated that the
feeling for, a .new school was even
higher in • the •rural cortirntin,Wy.
It would. have been' a great 7loss
if We had not :obtained. a high
school district here, and said he
feels. .and mote that we
'have -.done the' right thing: . *•
be • inSiTit.:•-•
Lucknow's „ .•
;outstanding and there' ,an Un- Meeting due to .a heart. condition
paid ;balance jrom.. the '1949 cle,' which . has confined: him1to' bed
behttire of $292..53;•Making a total for the past •month. r; . '
.of785..,06;•• ;Which,. net- paid, Reeve •McNab•:' Made' refererioe
w'll halve to be levied a:a a direct at •the to Mr,-- AgneW's
• family.. were:. joined aby a • ntim-
ber of intiitrate friends. when
Reeve 1. C'. McNab,. and C'ouncil- • • •
ntore from.. last Year, is es, fellows,: • •:.!
' earth, a ' sing -song and , dancirig
were Pnjciy6c17:
Ifl the afternoon Mrs: MacNoy •*lets -Ernie 'CraWford;-0:- E.' •
received theatiests d M E fak' Mr •MeNiib recalled that longservice, and to the, fact that mountable and be ,no great- ertaon Russell Button and lime
• est I3utt'on M WAt d when the • arena, Was 'built the .,the Clerk does not .recall ever I
ef• than' if we had been swallow- •1VIacSween .0 • • ; .1 •
im by another distriet nominees pioposed at the
Eunice Batton, assisted an• the .slogan was' that "it, would never h,,aving.misseclh. a nomm.ation meet. ,ed
in, all t e preceding ' years. ‘,,,ottld' have been inev , „ 1.
't the .ratepayers one cent7,
•' of the old Beard, giving. thern.pri • , ' .,..:
. ' i'ng 1.6cill'i' ' ' ' ' ' ' ''' -* ' ' :Hydro Systein Overhauled ing
Mrs,•Buttort Was forinerlY-NfarY ...,-'• .,N b repelled that a bceiunt- %,,,, -
Ouet of' flowers had been s . 1 Aiittellicidane.e...11P ;-t, ' '.: ` :f autOmatic acelaniation. . , . „
' jOhri, Ilowe and. the . late ' IVIr.z Toe'end L7E:Downs Wereveleeted • ....,....( • !•• •;.--;„ ,. ,;„
...time Known better as ."Bertie*, to'the'cotineil two years: ago; tin- . • .... •., .., '.
, •91- "Birdie", she was working in der the Reeyeship of W. A. Sol-... ...' •''.• ': • „ , ..,
., Toronto at the time Of het...iner- orn.On; In.,..„..Augdat of 1949; S. E. , ..., ,• .,, ..',,.,,
, liege . 40 years ago . to Robert Rebefi-tabh . filled 'the . 'Council ' Via- . • ' , • . ..,
J.a.mes Button. They were Mar- ..can.eypaused by Mr: Downs re- ' ''.• .-
ricd• in Toronto at the homeof,: moVal. from town, ' A' *year age . ,.-,• ;',.,,:.'.:,•:.
inevitable.. • meeting were ;the five inerriberS.,, • • ,.'
•of Dona d en erson, secie ary m. dssrs. m,eNab,. crawford,.Blit_,
hydro system had been corn- Y •
In connection e ,y
r mcilau explained 'that"' gnew4hat ,
1 tte .• B7Jord,of -.Education, -gave...a
the cost, of
pletely ov'erhauled and redistri- -Deeernber*detailed resume' of
,buted, andrwas in excellentshapel,Mr:..:JOsePh Agne*; ., °Peradri.getthe Scheel and of, the
with only one job ' remaining, , ' LUcknOW, Ontario. '• :, , -• . system prgrants adopted • by the
that being , the eventual .1. em oV all Deat ; AgneW: , , . .:• Department, vary Sharply
'vihich %,
of hydro: 1" On be alf Of the ,,Council...a44 'fee' ' Continuation, High Schools
wires from Main. St,' eet,
,w'as, citizeris .0f.1.,4know, I•Would.like .and District HighSchools. . •
$7890.93; •SlightlY ' les• than the to, eXPresS Our sincere' regrets • 1950. grants to' Lucknow Were:
The, cost- of this overhauljob
forecast tO8t 4 $8000: Due te 'dn.:that' yeti' 'will 'be unable to be High • Scheel $8082.21; PUblic
oltra lar,ge '13th I POwer 'Bill of • Witlritis, at 'NOmiriation tenight. SchoOl • $4029,51; ceunty,42945:01' •
$6219.92, the local commission did, • ' Weare all hOPing. for your noolave t,0,1,ouen. their ree•rves speedy and Complete recoVery
it0 ,do this werk, and• the, Corti- land ..tri -At that y;pu' Will soon' be
mission still. has intact a total of ; able. fo be with .us again.
$22,000 in bonds. This wauld seem We.sincerely 'hope that You and
al ivti,s; Agnew haive a "Very Merry
tie j'astifr a rate rcdtietion; but
JS doubtful if .tbe `11•E•.R.C. WiW Christmas la n a a ITOPPY,
•apProVe, Mr.01-Teal-thy . and :Prosperous
....:ifydro. has .449 cOnstimers--334 -Yell" , '' • 'd ' ' ':
-r6rnestic, 102 ;commercial and 13 Yung Very` trulY, ' .'
:Power, and as cif December 15th; , J,' C. McNab, BeeVe. ,,,
',The , nomination m'eeting ,. was
tir,rettrs vv7ere 011.1:5:r $42..20.
Reiief Costs Village '$830 ; resided, over by E. H. Agnew,
- land 'the gatheting was pleased to
' • . .
.1 I
, • Misr•Gem-ge Thornley;bY the 116y. .cptafcinor MeNaly stepped' up, to • ; ; . • , • , .10
' • pospard, Their "weddlpg%trip",,
was by* train:to Wiriehath ail to
for ,a total .Mr. Solomon and Innes ,, • • •
.9f $15,956.73'01' a de- Sween. filled the §eat. leff,Vacaot
the reeveship Upon the retirement •' • , •
• b j0..•
• Wa.ter horse and two s
7 co sleigh where .*Er wedding. din- crease of $204.93 over the 194° • • • , •
• iner awaited them. •A few. d,d,ys• gg 1111 tt: • 1Pefr 60‘jW1 Gni:1863' 1:1C-91,5:"Osi 1 °f invTethili n. 0C1111°;i1n1111 teaetitelide,, v'iclerr7;.; *
%here Mr'..`‘Btitton ;had opened a
: later they came to Lecknow'' Co0,,rity fg !Beard ' foilloorwRseve•. • • '
butcher ' business: the •Prov'im's ,. , b D .;
Primmer, arid where they have, ;High schoole. rolln brit this . J. C. McNa by on,ald ac- .
increase of 34 L • - • d Vs,7 " .'• . •
since' Tesided and bave , Made
rianY • friends. Four years later
. • -- • • .44
year ia 126, an
students , over last 1, year. Of th IS 1 , • `
1 ,', For Courrciilors
riumbeT• 36 are from Luck.now; 56' !!
, ', Einle Crawford by Clair Ag-
frorn, Bruce -and 341 from Htitori new and lant,toSntigyad, O.. , ,
• . •
,G It a thw 'ell '
'3°I•itrY1'.8' , There
pili'll'icr`Scbl-i°.0.951 -t2C1- ' ,
, and Clair A.crnew •
rollment is 140 students •\44„,,, ' '-' ' • ' '
Stuart Robertpon 'by. Harry ,
th hear him say that he.. felt his . ii/r..Henderson gave jhe initni- Nixon, and
Cash relief,. the -syStehr.noW.1 Cam Maebonald, .. -
* vogtle•, '`'*3 e()8tPlg $T38 ' a 111.°11 - ' .'f• il'' c nditi.ori Was ' cOnSider: elpol ihreakdown,'•upon .1A,
tiell the: 'IdMacSween by. Cam MacDon-.
5(1' percent' of Whieli is Paid BY'. abi:Icr s ,90v04., .., , . "..., , ..T. c t, d , ' ,, -
., (Cootintied ea pAgo 3). ' ...a Y• '.'Y'Pl'• ' ' .•.- ' , , . ., (, on 'nee.. en page 8) aand Flarry. Nixon, ..,,
they pm -Chased the:farni.;•at the.
western. outskirts (if' the yillage*
'which they have. Since operated
• rviong With. the ibutcher business.
.4f Mr., and; Adtrs,* 'Button's hoiiey-
' toloori Was a Short one forty years
they blade tip for , Ilast
sllrrnj,er when they e,.'njoYecti a'*
. motor rip
to the coast.
.1 . •
• • .
, . • •
I •
• •
• ,
r •
nn' •
• .
• 1
• , V
• .
• , ,
.7 1