HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Lucknow Sentinel, 1956-12-24, Page 10• 4' . . •.1';„'t • i• 4 • 0•1' • It' ‘‘, ;•1' ot•• • , 1. , 4 44 PAGE 'TEN WiE WM/TOW, SENTINEL, ,LUCIPNOW, ONTAE10 Dect-tbes Goodwill Tour to Maritimes • . • (By Margaret Salkeld) • have it—stated one fainier, and - that is a very neat way of de- scribing this stupendous under- taking which will change the aP•of Eastern Ontario consider- ably when it is completed' in 1959, to say nothing of the econ- omy of the fwihole of the eastern part of this continent. A jaunt of a day .and a half brought the train into Frederie- ton in the, midst of the usual week -end rainy weather. Head - Visits were made. to -a large poul- On Thursday, July 5th, orietry farm and todairyfrfarm, and Itundred an.d. twenty Ontario the day was completed by a farm folk departed from Union chicken- barbecue at the Domin- Station in Toronto aboard a on Experimental. Farm. special nine -car Canadian Nat- SUnda.y the group set out on mal train, 'Ilhey.-were bound for the . special train for HalifaX a two week tour of the Maritime with a stop at. Saint John en- . Provinces under the guidance of route so las to Wew the Revers- * Mr; L. C. (Pop) Roy—the -C.N.R. ing Falls, and to enjoy a typical Wilf Schneller of Baden, Mr. Bill toes, Restigouche salmon, fiddle - New Brunswick meal of pota-. agricultural agent, and with Mr: Wallace 'of Woodslee and Mr. heads and, strawlberries. "Fiddle - Jim IVIcBain of St Thornas, the heads' ° require a word ,. of ex- M.P. for Elgin, as leaders The planation. They tasted like ' as- C.N.R: train was to tie a 'borne laaragus with a faint tinge of away from home for two weeks. spinach—actually they are young -The first stop was at COrnwall ferns not yet uncurled—a deli - for a tour of the 'gigantic opera- Cacy in. that country — and we tions at the site of the St Law- were reminded that, the Adenti- rake Seaway. 'take the largest cal meal was served to Princess Elizabeth on the occasion •of her ' seen, mby ten and you visit to that city, and in the very • • , . skidding loathe famous chooner p, and Captain W. et Walters t "Bluenose" who now s a pasteurizing plant, and a amous artist who has lost the seiof his hands and pn aints holdi g the brush with his toes, 'rruly\ Lun • enburg was 'a very warm. and friendly place, a won erful sample of 1/1.aritime hospit lity., and it was with regret tha the busses- headed back towar the waiting train in Halifax. The journey lay along the A. antic shore, at times quietly bee tiful, at others wild and rugged as at :Peggy's Cove where . the chill wind whistled over the ble and desolate rocks of ,the littl -fish- ing village, . Once again aboard' the train' heading for Cape Breton --thc, party had little idea of. the ter- • rific thrill ahead. Early the next morning the train was piped across the (famous Canso. Cause- cOnstruction. project you've ever same room. New' BrimsWick has 28,000,000 'acres of land of which 10, percent:- is • arable. The chief agricultural surplUseS are pota- toes, bluelberries and hay and. it mustporsome t farm products.' Finning is definitely not the chief industry. Halifax appeared through the fog the 'next morning, and once again the special train Was" for- saken, this time for the Nova SOO= Hotel, A. tour .of •Hafax harbor and :naval installations • plus a sight-seeing trip around the . city, helped to. familiarize Ontario farmers with this, one of the oldest Canadian cities. All the visitors became members of "The Order ofIGoad Tinie", This is an ancient --custom organized ;by ,Chaniplain which the Nova Scotia ,government . has revived as a. tourist -"ginunick". It is awarded to anyone who ainds seven days in the province. From' Halifax •the group: ,departects by/ btx for Kentvi4e and the An- napolis With a few stops .enrOute. to 'visit historical spots such •as. Grand Pre of ,Longfel- lows 'Evangelitk and . Mount Rouse,Uniaoke.the rmer.- • dente of the' :Attorney .Geneyo of Nova. Scotia. 'Kentville the- centre of the apple growing 'territory although Many circhards are being uproot- ed because the varieties are not off• a type- that are acceptable to foreign maikets..The.governnient pays the fruit • farxner $5.09 for each , tree which he uproots and many farmers 'have done this and turned: to mixed. farming. • The fruit. !fanners are not organ- ized. and so it is difficult to mar- ket the crop. The -v -alley issixty miles long 'and .12 miles wide, and despite setbacks .it ,is still • pred,aminately apple country: A visit was also made t� a: cran- berry'bag- where picking mach- in.es Will suck the fruit from the creeping vines early in September. Experiments are ,being Conducted as the Dominion Ex- periment Farm 'to • develop virus free straWberries and. a blueberrY, shrub which will grow to the height of three or fotir, feet and will produce .frtiit the size -af-cherries:-.-No-doubt-blueg berry pickers. will welcome this new. development with straight backs and smiling faces! The 'Staff of the Experimental 'Farm the tour to a delic- 10115 chicken barbecue, plus strawberries — virus free, of coursebefore-they continued on, to' Luneribtirg, . I This town posses some VetY1 ancient buildings snugly , placed ,T4, , on the sides of .numerous hills and reached by hazardous Wing- w ing, narrow streets.. A :typical til • "Bluenose" meal of fish chowder,. 2 (barley' bread, steamed haddock and strawberrieS-was-Served- tk\s„ the church• hall of St John's Anglican church, Second --,e-st--..-protestant--church--it'Nbrtir - America.. Among the interesting g quarters shifted to the Lord'Bea- verbrook Hotel and from there *busses carried the folk to visit a tyPical Maritime Co-op which fproVides the local farmers with a complete buying and 'selling service. It was a $750,000 enter- prise doing about $1,500,000 turn- over a • year. There are 1,200 members, and 115 employees. • ••••••••••••=.4...4444. ••••••Mi44 WSOMMOEMEMIniffe&lignagairelig01"1"216011attegitaititglita0110010110 • • • ORISIMAS ititritiGS r .. • . n-7.•• Marti are (died with ,die warmett .wIshes • for the merried Christina& you ever,,enjoyed. • , • MONDAt DECEMBER 24, 195( avaiy into Cape Brett:03. The threi young pipers joined the tgroUp t( ride to their home at Inverness tali the west .coast of the island The country was hilly and farm • were few and far between wit] the buildings ' clinging to th gr-atdhueCllaybotr.Trarail thehill s deegsi n ldg off the country became more therug iged and road a was mer • shelf ,clinging to the hillside. pa below the tree' fops looked and there was no varcl rail. t obstruct a view of the cree trickling far below. it was xnighty' thrilling ride, for son) —for others, .a nerve. wrackin journey as the busses chugge and crept the 94 miles .to ij famous Kettle Lodge on the ea coast, where an overnight stc was made in order to soots frayed nerves and to enjoy t/ magnificent scenery. There we (CoPtinUed on Page 14 uatiply it ). ' Fisher s Barber Shop I .4sailamonws,waftwsisznizaws'os4141091470sznalawnranueosaatia0 tazaartatensteirtagatraaktiotiartiamegstriagsaftanartaftatsear• aviiintiantag' .111 Vg) oviozottneniffeetw000areogiitatungehourctreirlifialisnertifin, ,?« ••• . • 1 z z z rCis the season to be ily d ha are jo ...an happy at to wish everyone a very Merry Chirstmas. a Lucknow Fruit Market GOIX/t010114/441W1-410/004-04011M-04-0,-01011W101011010#10 PileagfiglOW.14.1101.10101600010.1102.440/01142%0001110012,01:00.001Cata- 4 ,r ..11" • . • logs .• LI • CtirlsfiMas .,•r ' • • • 11044 i of . Piencreil;p 1h;o4 /to your heart • nose asset atujaita. • . ' • athwel aini„,„__ on a • : , Ta aU of out,. Wenderfial. friende,and solckhboie4 w• .vent t� •ztSnd our . weemee! 4rieson's oreetiecii. Henry's Fruit t4�rket tribotaanlia244wiatiovariantotoro,o0.0awadtottrio,:mbottasnekaanacw4eaual • sortirosotarnote-i. liniztraarsortiersarieroartiartiartaoiaxsarbonaysolo * • • • • May this joyou -ekristmas_seaso bring you all 0 gifts of Happinis Peace and Friendshii • Johnstone and Son Oliii0441044tfiani,t044/4•04014;74474/04440114111-011-410,01104-0441 WitiViterlbantiVieVialtitiliPtigi*FiteriftikitYWIArkeOlieinignieituobegi all /0? folk therei the gr6up met asoung lady who is a district agricultur- ist, a unique position for a young lady, and, Nova Scotia is the only province in 'Canada to have Wo- men in the Agricultural Repre- sentative service, The Chief of ponce gave the freedom of the town and personally conducted erry klattrias • ay the joyfuthouri of athstinas , . • overflow with good follOwship sad good cheer for a our hien& . _the„ four great-lbusses.,through-t-4 „ ,,...._____,,:„,....„,,„_, ___,....„..,..._._,. ,___ ac • onald Gara the harrow streets to se e oxen!. ,44/44foixellotiso;iiiiiwiterni3Oii011,0t40004.4016:10401:24#4404,04141ii • r 44r •