The Lucknow Sentinel, 1956-12-24, Page 7/956 0011,1 2 1 • !Li •1 g • rti• 1 4 wrooke guin- first, )n, as -- thing doubt Les. If eaders these ivel time ., ne for d. • • 1 that areful- 4 mOilDAY, DECEMBER 24, 1956 , ..-ii;11W4ot '*.:11,m."411114L-.. 764Ati 'CP 'Ye.'',Alllr.:1111,4144irrailt, •••••,- 411.: 1.11,407-• THE LUCKNOW SENTINEL, LUCKNOW, ONTARIO ..„4,,,,impoTpso..0"1"4"wssuoloom;ocw4s.s.0.01.0.)....m."............,,,...,..§, • LOOKING. BACKWARDS. '11ROUG11 • THE SENTINEL FILES • "'"7"1! • 0111101°W Ten Years Ago George and Fred Gilchrist bought the former McDiarmicl farm drorri Robert Moffat on the 4th of Kinloss. • . • williarn and John Johnston, Ashfield -born twins,. observed .codid village residents recall the their 91St birthday.. . , •• lament haVing, been played., Within one. day of his 96th birthday, -Raillih .Charles McLean of Lanes, re - Nixon' died at ceivecl 'Word that his • brother his home in Ashfield. . . John•. Angus had:died in the West of jOsePh ,Dean, 65, of coal gas Alines., He arid 'his: bro- 16ngsbridge, waS..iristantly kili- ther Donald were homesteading. ed when. his buggy. was struck Donald . VMS revived from . the Frank Todd was elected presi- .by : a car driven by Wallace verge of death. • , , : • dent of the'Canadian Aberdeen•;. Black. The accident • occurred in 'Angus ' Association. , ". .: front. of James MaCponald'S farm at. Paramount. • . • ' James J, 'Henderson,local tile maker, died at the •age.Of: al, Mr. and Mrs.. Ndble Johnston bpught the restaurant- from Mae Davison and Mary Watson. • About $200 ,in • merchandise was. stolen 'from RathWell and Reed's shoe store in' the second bUrglary• in two years. ,• ' .Trie death of Emma .Robert - Son, ' 2.4;' of Ripley, occurred froth the effects of 'injuries ' received. in an auto .t.deident On Civic, hol- iday of the ,preceding. year. Bert Geddes: was injured • in 'thesame accident ,--•' • . ' . : Logo • acres, known as', •the flughea'.Preserve", • was ,:estab.-. •lished as! wild ,life sanctuary tak- ing in: a square iblock• between the 4th and 6th of KinlosS,' • • Andrew, : Thompson was . ap- pointed • ..principal of Bow. Man- • ville :Public:School, • Silver Lake at Blackhorse was Ashfield • PresbYterian Church stocked • withpickerel fry. and , • • shed, to 'obtain the steel ' •1?ass. ' • • - ••• ' . - . . At a specia) Easter !service.;. -111-7 ;Grant-. MacKenzie -grad-uate-d- , . wh4e6'hilrehPresbyterian church In medicine at Toronto ,Univer:-. a tabletaS u " wnveiled in 'mern- Hhity,',;; • • , •• . • bray.ThOmas . ory of Flt.S.gt. McKenzie, Mowt 1 Mrs.• ',Balfour died in , ....„ • • , . , Wilson and $.'J. ocleilah Hospiltal.. .• . ...Agnew, 'Harold Agnew, W. 'El- • , . • • ' ! Mernbers'bf the' LdcknOW High liott, M. Potter, J. JehristOn, El- •MrS; John lVfoore,• : 73. 'of RiVers4 ; School staff were Miss F. E. Mc- Mer Johnston, C. Beaton,. J.,Cain, , . s. ...lames Lean., iN'.. S. Calvert, Gll .: S. Mc- J. Bogues,.. D. Campbe dale and a sister of Mr . ' : ; • Valad of HolyroOd, was, killed'Oh• Inty,te. -Miss.i.. "Yourex:• :-••:. • - • • .:Doilakvziiniiie.,: fined_sgoittish ' •.• and . mi -s. D H. ?Bain of athi•ete who, at one time com- the highway in front, of her when struck by 'a log trtick. ' :hOme Kinloss celebrated their sixtieth peted at Lucknow's caleddnian- anniversarY, • •.. games, died at the age of 79. .• Win. '13a-ribbtir of Whitechurch I ‘.vedclin'g. celebrated his •92nd birthday. 1. ' IvanRawlings of the Bank. of Mrs. °John. •McQiiillan;•,..tformer- Suffering , a ,broken; leg when Montreal 'Staff.' was transferred .1y2 Mary McMillan, died at the to• Hanover and was soceeeded, age .. of 49 at the home of her by Ralph Hotson. sister,' .Mr.s. F. 'W. MCDciugall. in • ' •• ' .•• • • , :North Dakota. She was a' sister .• Thirty Years Ago- .:', • Of •Philip, MacMillan.. . - • "'Watch - Your is Uncle Dudley", • . ...• Miss ' Agathea ' O'Connor• of was a sinashhit presented by Kingsbridge was killed' ii:i'•' a T. 8. Reid, A. E. MillSOn, Rena Gordon, Mrs. J. W. Joynt, Lorna •Campbell, Hal Stack. , ' • • John Bell: withdrew from. the 'hardware. partnetship.,Of.;.Bell #34 McLeod. John ••Joynt bought,Jout Mr: Bell's interest to become as.. MeQuillin, Ewart Taylor: Mrs. Kenneth • MacLeod was laid to rest in South Kinloss cemetery; to the 'pibroch dirge played by Lane MacDonald and Roy MacKenzie. Not since the funeral of "Sandy" MacPherson, • Norval Richards received the degree • of Master . of • Science from Michigan State College. 1V1- MBen Naylor were 50 years. married, • PAGE SEVSN tournament. 'Top honors 'went to W. Dbwney's Southamptn rink. . The • death occurred of Wilda Marie Turner, infant daughter of .Mr, and grs,',Allan Turner. Teachers at Lucknow Contin- uation and. Public ,Schools were Miss F. E. MacLean, Malcolm Armstrong, Miss Bessie 1VIurdie, Miss Kate MacDonald' W. ' F. Thompson, Mrs, G. Sherriff and Miss Isabel Murdie. Forty Years .Ago Flying Officer Eldon ..lhicking. ham, age 20, died in Veterans Hospital, Peterborough, after .a six months' illness. 'Athol •,F'urdon bought t he • Hollyman 'Bakery, 'which Edgar Hollyman had purchased about 25years • before from W. J. •Spindler. • . • Lucknow Council held a Spec- • ial session to consider ways and • means of • relieving an acute . housing shortage, •• . • Miss Viola Kerry transferred to: the Elmira plant of Silverwood Dairies after •serving ;for fifteen • .years as acco-untara-atT the • now branch.( . • Dr. D. D. Carpento, moved from • 'Ripley to Sarnia:. He had prey- ' • iously been associated with br.• W. V. Johnston, • • _ The Lucknow, , District .Co-op planned a $10,000 fertilizer, plant and Warehouse at the C.N.R. and. had previously :purchased the Evialine Dorothy McKinley, ad - °Ikea daughter of Rev. and Mrs. George' McKinley • of •. Seaforth, and tf.ormerly of Lucknpw, died at •GravenhurSt in her 19th year. Brown Mallough Was transfer- red ,trorn the ideal Bank of Ham- ilton to Berlin. Norman.PatterSon joined the local staff as junior. Ed Hodgins sold .his farm; in .Kinloss to, Mr. Colwell and mov- ed to LuCknow to the "residence of W.J, pritebard. The death of Mrs. John Archer occurred at: the age of 73. The funeral was from the hOme •of her son David.. • Mrs. John Laner7did at -Ther 'borne north of Kinlough. Mr. 'Lane predeceased her 18.•years. P.s. familyof nine Children stir,. vived. •• • • Irene G. Sherriff was teacher in Fourth- Room, Students of 'Sr. IV Were: H. Trelea-Ven, V. Hed- ley; If. Durnin, -T, Smith, B: Mc- • Leod, C. Douglas, G. McDonald, E. Johnston,' F. McGregor; Jr. ITV: C. Smith, J. •Smith, L. GarLL. -1-Eldon Johnston,• E. Irwin, 3. Spindler,. l) ;Mendelson, G. C. Mac-• Kendrick, G. Rathwell, .Howard stone;*anaging committee, R. N. ing establishment. MatheSon, J. Findlater, R. John-:. Edith May, 4 -year-old daugh- ston. • • • Iter of Mr, and Mrs. George Gir- 'renders were called for thevn, vin, died jot scarlet fever. erection .of a brickchurch on D. • W. Hayes, Grand. Trunk cement ifoundation at Ashfield Presbyterian ,Thurch, according to plans prepared by A. P. Ste- wart of Lucknow. F. D. MacLen- nan was secretary of the build- ing committee. Mathew • Shackleton, postmast- er and storekeeper at Crewe, died at the age of 82, John Joynt and A. T. Davison awarded the contract for build- ing new cement block buildings on the site of the. burned -out block. The contract went to Jar- dine and Robertson of Amber - ley. . • ' - Rev. J. G. Anderson purchased. from •Miss • Mary ' Campbell the Miss E. J. McQuillin,, organist; ;vacant corner lot next to the E; Macey; choir leader. • postoffice, where he erected two. Mrs, Angus Beaton. died at the large stores. • age of 90, • • " '1VIrs. Wm. Lane, Sr, died in .Ashfield in her 91st year, •• Presentations were made to the Hudson family prior to their departure from Kinloss. • Mrs. Peter 'Corrigan died at the age of 66. She and her hus- band were among :the first set- tlers • in Kinloss. .• • " Wheat Was 76c, :oats 34c, eggs I5c, butter 1,8c pork $4.60. • • • The Lucknow ball team line- up was V. Brielan,. pitcher; W. McCoy, • catcher; R. Ro'bertson, 1st; -17, Thompson-,• -2rid-r---M-.- Byran, 3rd; 'W, •Byrran, ss; W. Johnston, •cf; J. Habbick; rt; W. Millyard, •• • Miss Anna MacKenzie was un- ited in: marriage (with" john Wat-. Son :by iRev. D. T, L. McKerroll. - James, McCluskey moved.,,'the residence• frOM the' site. Of the .new •Town Hall to -the site ad- wioaetderw.asoraksdwpeuirrinopg- strisierl.gtOti:lbee -fts.r. • *A •partnership.,*as- formed by' R, McIntosh and a Cam - station agent, was presented with a mantle clack for his valuable assistance in establishing and promoting- Court Lucknow, No. 454, • HaI.rr0yr udsoni of .K..i'nioss re,_ • ceived the, university ,gold medal for ptiblic speaking.' Rev,. C. Miles of St.. Peter's Episcopal •Church was transfer- red from Lucknow to Kincardine. Officials. of Christ Church, St. Helens, included. Harry aVI,cQuil- lin, minister's warden;" John' Gaunt people's warden; Robert Haines, Sunday School Superin- tendent; G. Asquith, caretaker; kicked • by a h'orse, Dick Baker sdragged. himself to the laneway wherehe was .foundtlater that morning by. Gordon James and waS . suffering •from shock and• exposure. • • Ian • MacRae, • Lochalsh -born barrister, • was 'named jdnior county judgeof IVIiddlesex. Rev, C. If. tickinson. of Ash - P. W. Hoag Was .named: High field ;had'conferred upon him the scchaol principal succeeding Miss deL• RC of Bachelui of, fi:vinity. Frances McLean who had taught ix/1"-Iind- Mr,;.. Ernie Ait,;hison and tannly move to Harriston. m otor • accident in 'Detroit. Lucknow for 37 years. - iYi sociat-0 with his son in-law. Council. received- complaints The death 0 -cuffed of Mery° b -aft -dogs filifningat-large,- but'weQuillin; 26 -year-old dauoliterPresbyterian minister; died at l Re'v.. Duncan Cameron,. former. declined :to do anything • about -../11.• and Mr.--,,,' Wr). i‘i-(‘ZU'illin ' • . 1 Oakville at the • age of 95. it' - of St. Helens. Mary Little, daughter of Mr,.. " decided to inaugdrate a ' high Re -Opel -ling ceie:ni )(ices .• were ..: and Mrs. W. J. Little; died at' • . Lucknow Board of tducatien School bus reute in Ashfield. held in connection With the 10 the age of -.*3frbrii plural pried- ' The will ef Alexander Mac- modelling. .of . the, L u c k was ibefore upremp l rSchool. Court. . of Canada for final disL , Donald h 1; eller, a the Bank a 1. 't • ''t'' - Kenzie''... 'the .., ' ' pbsal as. tO its validity. Mr'. Mac- of Cdrnmercf':,.was-transierredto .1cerizie. died in 1943 at tlie age Now ilamburg; and succeeded by of 83, leaving, an estate valued Bill Tiernan.-- •-• - ''-'. • • .• • •then" at $96,742. The will tet up MaiShall Pradley, age '?,S, .sed art educational/ endowment :fund of Mr. and :Mrs. Jarner. liradiey in perpetuity,'t for worthy male of Laurier,. died folloWing .an op... eration • •, •' ' • The Village Council instructed. Constable R. J. Cameron •to en- force the speed limit. of 9 miles an hour on the streets�fLuck- Mr. , and Mrs...George. Potter and family moved to North , Da- kota, He had 'been employed for Students. • of '.: Lucknow Il i g -l' Ass' Florence • Kataregor. it s'.v61.41. . years as. harness -maker School.... $5,000 u'res left to South N died in chyeago; • with Alex Rogs. . • -KuinlosS-Church ,and.41,0(10:_to _the:_-_"'p_e' jarnes Irackett of Con..10 Ash,. Lcknow Presbyteriari Church, cm,. at •the• ago af-83, Ho„.4,..,anie field,' died at the age of 87, ter' Clark died' at St, net- ). '4' 1 Mr. ' arid Mrs, Joe Tiffin if : . FinlaV 1VICInnes. 'was re orted . mill ..- . • : from Scotland in 1872 and three in issfrig- foll Owing' heavy Cilanad- ..; dding. . • years laU:r e!tablisi+c1;a, ,b1,ack- ian casualties at 'Ypres in early. He .was later reported a obServed their golden . , The, Bruce county Health.u.flitflut.1-1,b.thdness at :•,t. tiemis. 4 Car' prices were reduced: The 'lune. Was with Dr. WiTh Vordor with se -s ar r•-nd 1)11- Prisc'ner g war. . • Fowler, formerly .of Ltiektiow, as 1 • ti.e.; v,-.1,4 A6,90 plus !il.le.s F: Scott MadKenzie, who was 4 head of the Unit. •: tag; ' • - . stAtclying theology ' at the Pres - o loon i • c. • -----11 A barn on jack Switzer's grass, ,rhe. prvsaltation of an ea,4y la)nret ar!aen;agCe• ollmegaerk; .Moofnt9r4eaol,uthaodf ti destroyed 1py: fire, In. s' Ic‹.eanirziew. pio1 71tfear'7.vPin.g. 4—Conki. cis" '1-'°,° _tnearten ssstio'obieV-ostaildirW-adGutiatae •• o , farm on ;Con..12, Ashfiel'd, • • q .. - ''' ' -TWelirf 'lre-ii AV—. '''' KiT111-11°ess':eteuth 'o'f-,-.. imr-s-. a-.nr. dc).1?-4-ificiefic,y awardsZ......_,...._ ____.....- a scholarship as Well as other pro•t o • . occurrec in Fifty Years Ag 4- . .ThDtavineeMhaartisibe:111 tdoeopkar6trnhilerngte °aft KDrheincallradnilleclf la11itherl at t" age . 0 Ostrander's Garage. , ' , . . • Mc - }Tis SIX oohs acted as epallbedr- Officers of the Lucknow' Base - The death ef. , Lloyd Alton ye- w • ers for ban S. Maclipnald. cdrred 4p.er a long illness at WA' Club were: tires, Jahn Mc-. .„ ,. Garry; vice-p,res., ,R, R. McLeod; Lucknow!s' rttain street- was be= manager, Robert Johnston; sec- . vendors in Lucknow, W. 'a. Ana' the age. ',of 34. , There were eight )icenS'ed milk Culbert,. R. J, Button, retary. Frank Thompson; treas- urer,' Wm. johriston;. captain, W. tire*, William Armstrong* , . Jas, it,Ig ,paved:, .....1.011nston,DaVid..,Millie-RC-*rt Peter Forty sig rinks cernpefed in the Johri Joynt Trophy7bowling MeCoY; mascot, Russell jOhn- Tooled To Repair All Makes Of -Tractors;IVIachines-&Shop-Work ACETYLENE & ARC WELDING • A new ,cernent •flurne and two new water wheels were installed; at Treleaven/S Mill. - . A gift ,was presented. to Miss W. E. lVfilrie asslie_Oncluded her duties as teacher -at S.S..No,• 8, Kinloss. The address was sign- ed by Ruth . IVIcKinnon, Annie. McKinnon and Jessie McGregor. The funeral.of J. G. Alton was held at, the home of his father- in7law, Mr. Andrew Millin. * He' as 'killed in a fall from a, train near Port Arthur; ,.... ' (1VIiSs Frank McLean of Dun- . • garnibn was engaged to teach the secbnd department in Lucknow -Public School, and .Mias . Ethel Cameron the fourth :department. Tenders. Were being. Called fOr. conveying'. mail betriveen Lech- alsh • and . Ripley. Applications forms": were available, at the .fol lowing • post'offideS, 'Lochalsh, 'Ripley, 'Clover Valley and Ver- dun. '• •• • KINLOUGH GARAGE W. BRECKLES Phone 18-r-20, Ripley. ini•••ine•••••:".!44,404040~".#0`1".40.4^f444,4•441. • • IMPERIAL.. ESSO .DEALER , . , •Esso-andlEsso Extra Gasolhie- •'1Vlarvelub'c,: :and Mineraluiie MOBILOIL • ATLAS TIRES-- . Always look to Imperial for- the -best * * lit Modern Equipment For • Wheel Alignment • Wheel' Balancing • J. E. 1ViacDONALD Phone 3, LucknoW • Sixty Years Ago D. McFarlan was elected Co. Master of West BruCeL.O.L. • Duncan Cameron, who had beena tailor in LucknoW. Once 1864, died at the age of 76.. He had been, bedfast .for two years with.- a forni, of „intisCular paral- ysis, A Wingham, man, alleged to be ' guilty • 'of incest, was taken from his:home by a mob said to be'under the exhilberarice of liq- uor, The victim in night clothes • was horse-whipPeci in sub -zero • 'weather. The next dayhe was •put on a train for. Michigan but was found wandering in. London. He died from his injuries, expos- • ure and shock. 'Dr. 3. S. Tennant was elected district deputy of the High Court 6f. the, I.O.F. for Huron and 13ruce. , • Stewart Yule won the 3 -mile race at -the -carnival and Archie McCorvie was first in the barrel race. --ShOebottoin_ _died_ at Holyrood •in his '54th year. • The death occurred. of Rich- ard 'Henry :Miller, 5 -months -old on of Mrs, R. K. Miller and the late Mr.., Miller of St. Helens. Dave IVfacDonald, butcher, hotel keeper and cattle buyer, moved trom Lucknow to Wingiharn, where he purchased a porkliack- f. • • • • • 'MONIIMENTS SKIEOON MEMORIALS •AyALKERTON We are. the only manufae- • Curers in 'this part Of Ontario of high class Monuments *ha import granite from the Old Country in the rough by the carload and process fyom the rough to the finished. monument. No middleMan.' When choosing a 'Monument come and gee one a. the largest Selections in Ontario. Established oter sixty years. Writeor phopc Walkerton 8 and revergedilikei. SK ELTON MEMORIALS • WAiiltERTON • •