HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Lucknow Sentinel, 1956-12-24, Page 3MONDAY, .DECEMBER 24,"1956
+ter--�- Qw�„w!.�q!M'��ru,.�r�,r+�o-l�+..c.►;�� ,
Sid..e!ights anid Anecdotes
48y L.C.T:) .
Dui into recent wcMks we haveci bold as to, ask him if he .Was
pul1ished a series, cif articles
,ReV, G, A Meiklejohn, xilaout our avi•,c,rs trip. Many
' ; leaders' c•
d r have 'been. so kind as tothey the articles.
S 1NDAY, DECEMBER, 30th "1li�i. lac't,. flu', Lie. need for copy •
.a weekly newspaper man. He
wasn't. He Vas salesman
ing in in Toronto, ut going back
to Scotland' after five years to
visit his parents. He was sail-
f(,r . qhi• tasuc -tit hich i� a rare ' ing the next day, he told us, on
l.m.l, occurrence.. yir� c. 10,00 Sunday i ..- has the I npi•ess of Britain. His name
• prc.nil,ted ur to do one final epi -
'11.0o, a.mx; Morning Worship. sci'cie, dulling with .,sotho of the
7,00 p.m.: 'Evening Worship.,
g of ...the
(be held
)n Thurs-
0 o'clock: •
or _ pay"
it knock
3me;. 'dis-.
s hobby;.
ramie and
ent, Ottawa
>,A., X3',50
:• ucknow
'interesting.. highlights that may
'rhea writer had the question-•
able distinetrciti Of being the last
was George . Storrie, 'a delightful
chap, most . friendly and, enter-
taining, and still possessed of.
a broad bu-r-r, We met him .fre-
quently. on board ship, and his
farewell salute was "Ta Ta' 'the
Noo", a Scotch expressionfor
passenger' off the. E'mpr -ss of "Cheerio for! now".
- Britain when she docked t 'Liv * *11*
•er'pool: The .stairway and eom- The Scots are, the' brunt'. of a
.panionways from to A' deck' good many ' jokes about their
Presbyterian Church..
Rev: Wallace. McClean; !
were ,'blocked with passengers canniness—so another ,one won't
when disembarkation `'started, . hurt. We c did' not always have
One of the . cabin stewards sug- private bathrooms and. toilet fa-
gested we take if easy till the cilities, In a puiblic room; ..in
• 11.00 a.m.: Morning Worshti•.rush was over, and he escorted Glasgow, the sign asked .., that
, usto a couple %of nearby cabins; ."patrons". please turn off the
12.15' p.m.: ,Sunday School; . with the parting remark that he light on• leaving. But our .E lin
would • let• ! us know when the burgh facilities •went one better.
3.00 ti.m.: Dungannon. "coast was• clear". • The ladies in Thee light went ' on • when you,
'100 p.ma Evening Worship.. this 'particular .group; wept into closed. the door..uporeli tering--
' one cabin ---the men into another.
The travelling case ,(indispens
Al* oto ., the fair -sec at .• least)
• ! which. 1 had been. carrying was
• ST. 'PETERS set!down in the ladies' cabin, un-
ANGLICAN CHURCH . known,' it turned out, to Mrs.
. Thompson.
Minister: ' • ii Suddenly • someone ;discovered
Rev. 11. L..Jennings, !' the passengers were all on dock
B.A., L.Th: ! side -the aorter'.naving failed to
give 'us, a (buzz, Dashing top side.
SUNDAY DECEMBER 30th n.d off : ship, , we :were 'on the
and off y then you departed.
While on the'subject lets" juYiip
to Switzerland. There, most
everything ;to catch the tourists'
eyes plays.a tune.. They' even
had a • toilet paper- holder that
played- the .tune "Whistle While
You Wbrk!v .
On board ship �we 'attended an
inforrnal : Ma so n i c meeting—
emit, r+tm,►+torwt + 0440040 401440 c +toowaolionstviorm , r+iark, r owitegov
r' i I.
. gang 'plank,. !when the' discovery which ,was -better than we . do.. at
Sunda.. after Christmas was made that neither one had horns. Found that the gentlemen.
Churehsitting. next to us was Creorge.G.
11.00 a.m.: Morning Praker •
thought 'of e travellingcase
ou tth
There was a read scr‘rnble , Caldwell . of'Avalon, Penn:, He..
and,. Sc oo
visited back on: shop, and down to. "B"' has., .frequently, ,in the
in, Noble
what cabin I had been "parked •Greenaway, of RiR 3,.
Bill Blue • orf Detroit spent• 'a Win sham Small. world
on his
+roll ani- -got-the--ease -and was. g. 1 _
• few days in the:community and back up 'with a miniihum of de- • return' on . Saturday was ray ,but with the. crew itching to Meeting and 'conversing. Withanied by Mrs. 'J. 'D. And- ,pull that, ,r n plan.,, • • people was, one of the leisurely
rid Mrs..,Grant MaeDiar- f'`-* *kpleasant features; of the trip. Ori
. o wili''spend the holiday •the..Empress -we :met a very' cul -
Motor .Cit ; •; • • On the first event
ing. of •he'six
y. .exciting :weeks that" lay'` ahead , tured English: lady,": M.N. Leslie
sses Maryland Donalda'Mac of us, Somervell . and her 'daughter
;;o f'-1oronto;-.an lVli - an:d.
orge MacKinnon of Sud -
•are. spending theChristmas
holiday with their' mother, Mrs
IN:LB. 'Ma,cQuaig.
deck. Fortunately l remembered' Belgrave' district and 'has a cons -
we went to a restaurant
nearby the-ikniotrStatiori,. wlil.
Waiting for the Montreal train.
tO/be made .up. At, the 'next table
•sat a chap who .was looking over'.
his steamship tickets. We grew
Kristin. .They had been to On
. tario to inspect - some proper Cause" --Adult,
in the Gravenhurst district ac-
iowo �,ser; tiv t;sraa+a;wa,sra a; twitan ourov a a; +o to4040o01
I Christi4as Greetins
' -. - 4
+ (.,'1.,.o and
i ' �.. Best W'
The New. Year
. • At: this time of +the year it is a pleasure to extend
the Season's. Greetings';' to -.Everyone and. to add''
a.wor41 of appreciation to all those whose patronage.
I have enjoyed during, the year.
Les Purves
-EAST ...TEND . _.KARBER ..SI �. _ 01M1'..:.
> anis si toottr. o ti: aara oaoemir,o/Oh ar a ieob n6n neonioo aezo
olleml «' Yatewoonbe140440 tr�la
Season's . Greetin o"s To ,All for . .
lV YEA'R'..- arid a
LL ,_... HA. PY �P-RO-SPEOUS •N _ _.Y. _ . .
f- F ,
� . �' .. w�ittt
.t t;f., � r ►t ilio ),t .i
`We take . gt c' it pl ,i tti t� era r c 1 . Year s (' rt [' IYao t "
.. '.h:ct t�cl• .,coral., ti; ,
}� friendships' we la.tte i �xr•,tnit�,� ilii•nti:;lr
• b and 'hopo these a;,>,•Fu•rati�Yns .cc'r•l .r
the "years to come. , ,,..
kif •, T
"� �fz';1(jl:i i1r'. Di:" �i oiJr"."1n lr": il✓
6. bar
adies' Ladies' . and Men's, Wear � Fashion Millinery
oars. a a ;Raisers nc nroiera tx saraoa soe xtr a beitny rinign
ay the Christmas Spirit
glow 'in your heart and
Good Fortune smile bright-'
ly. upon you throu lh all
the days. of the New Year.
First Showing 7.30 Second. Showing 9.30. .
The Park Theatre Staff and Management
wishes everyone a Happy ,and Festh a Christmas Season,
Now Playing—"The Leather :Saint" -with John Derek and -
Paul Douglas
Jerry Lewis and Dean Martin with Lori Nelson
Start'' the New Year; with an evening of .'non-stop 'laughter!
Martin and Lewis are riotous yin • their :.burlesque mixture of
the !blue blood East and the clot -,blood West.
In Vistavision -�
. THURS., FRI; & SAT.=
1 Rory Calhoun, Yvonne De. Carlo and Rex 'Reason
A __story -...of Oregon_ Territory in the days when rival
gr 1: of itsmberlands.; vast ti
• oups battled 'for contr,o
"Raw Edge"
t;om>tng•—James' Dean in "Rebel Without �l••
ciuired during the • 'war for. ser- ,�„�„�„�.,��•
vices . .rendered and • in - lieu of
cash. The Sorrerveh. family ' live.
in 'Westmorland County. in. the
English lakes .. distridt.: Her , hus
band is in the shoe' mant factur-
in•g business. and Mrs. Soinervell
is' a,breeder , of pedigree Gallo-
way cattle, for .which she would
like - to ,find a' Canadian . market.
She also raises Welsh mountain
ponies 'which stand about twelve,
hands or 48 inches' high.
Returning from' Chester.. to
Liverpool by commuter train,
ewe. had a stop at 'Birkenhead just
as: 'a ship yard shift- was corning
off work The train was literally'
swamped with these workers,
and we soon struck 'up' a conver-
sation. We were told •an ordin-
ary laborer would 'earn. about $20.
A ;week, and a skilled workman,
with. three nights . a week over-
time, would earn less than $40.
—and 'no such thing as, a forty -
hour week. • .
' In Scotland we learned that
you don -'t • Mention. Campbells
and MacGregoi;S .ing the, same
breath.. Among these Clans hatred
no longer exists. It WAY very real
at 'one time due • to .massacres
that. occurred. The MacGregors
liner • Calhot,ins also had bloody
fettcls. with the latter suffering
!wavily on } the •vsy, . to . Loch
L 1iitrmitd in medieval ages.
the -sea coirrespondence,. and was ford. That was particularly in-
refreshed,�by our personal. visit. Wresting, we. remarked,. as.. we
* * * knew a young medical student
While. at Windsor, England; we who. had ' recently graduated
learned we •were exactly,'4,820 from t Axford, ,Alex' Mae�Intyre.
miles from Windsor 'Ontario, . "Alex,.. I know ._'him well", he
• said, "We played on the. same
hockey team":
Our: party was just one big
family, and:,your .luncheon and •
dinner companions • were changed With the exception of through
from' day to day While having . Italy and ; a portion, of :Prance,
lunch at- Windsor,.' this day, we we travelled entirely by Motor--
took our paces with Mrs. Helen ways buses,' • their.slogan being
Hayes. . of Newcastle, New Bruns- - "See 'Europe from' an Armchair",
wick, ,and •wlho' was an "our"bus and it was just; that. The , seats
or "A" bus as . it was termed. A were, like an easy chair. and "
Young, gentleman 'with' her, was_ were. slightly. elevated from front.
introduced as .David : McWilliam, ' to rear for improved •sight -see -
her nephew from the' Maritimes ing. ' -
who was studying . law- at Ox (Continued on Page 6)
.0 " g140/ Di Ot sasevoivaivsrr0i'ii+ aassitnos 1br s• A siosevilrti'a►.
Tac �. r{ '�a^i3 �•�i:<�t{ 4 vs•.• •a::.::•: :::2 Yi'• r t'�•.
/.7 �` �'�45 �£°.{'�ii�lM£�%••'' • !xh+� ¢ `? `�, � �.•� � ..{;
�. CY .. - A a`$e .v •f�' '..... {� ... f.AiMA6"..4,{{„Art'S'v.:hi .. F::.S. .,�•: 'Sat t•'�' 'Y4.er.�' u. ;a.• Cf
,l i In T�;ilinbt gl7 we visited
• ;.in'iE�fiy with ILZi� and Mrs. Archie
h ; MncNcil, a friendly Scottish
'ui i wraith:. To llci . G. A. Meiklejohai .
:t'.. .. t "t~%1'i'c.'le-•Aer-hre arid- Awi.t +, �... _.
,1(' .ic7". vet no , blood relation. •
E . During his merscas service, 'Rev.
g" '.;tierklrjtilm and a 'brother -irk -law .. ,_...
iitt 'nded church in Scotland. Mr. `
and Mrs. MacNeil befriended
14 ; their, because of their "kindly I_
g; faces". and invited them for~
It 1 Ttinch after the evening service.
�# '1'lie twd young men spent future
leaves at the MacNeil, home and
a ' warm, friendship developed,, ss
. that is Still maintained by
• t
-Our- _Yuletide . best to all .our . friends
...for a season packed • with all the
wonderful things that Christmas means!
o s !tato tAman,oIotonoganotiotio%Ioir�:�nevwft,' d t.