HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Lucknow Sentinel, 1956-12-19, Page 4•1 • PAGE FOUR `,=r�rk,r `` THE LUCKNOW SENTINEL, LUC}NOW1 ONTARIO COMING EVENTS t TRUCK FOR , SALE -1950 Ford I.SKATEIS FOR SALE -men's 'pro - 1 -ton stake truck. Jim Hayes, R. `fessional skates, k leather 3, Lucknow- •boots, . size 6, in new condition. Keith Collyer,, ,phone 245. Fart ,SALE -child's steel crib in good condition.. Mrs. Kelso Mac- • Nay, phone 68-r-22 Dungannon. • WANTED - all good used mol asses drums, will pay $3.00per barrel. Lucknow District Co-op. FOR SALE OR' RENT -House & 29 -acre property north of CNR station: Apply' to Ws. Herb 'Mil- ler, R. 5, Lucknow. ,BOY'S SKATES- FOR SALE'• Note . change of date.. NOTICE. ; There will be . no • milk delivery -on Christmas Day,' Boxing_-naY and .New Year's Day. Fairvie Dairy, , Lucknow, NOTICE Lucknow Branch of the Can- 'adian Legion will meet. on• Thurs- day, December 27th at 8;15 ' p'.m. C.C.1VI. :.tube skates, t e n"d o n ARTIFICIAL INSEMINATION guards, size 3, like .new. Mrs. ! Cyril Brown; phone 74. For artificial inseYnlnation in ,:....:formation or .service from all LE AR f ' ttl hone the • SUNDAY SCHOOL CONCERT The United. Church Sunday School Christmas concert will be held .in the ,Ohureh schoolroom on Thursday,, Deceritiber 20th . at. 8.00 p,m. DANCE AT HOLYRQOD There will be a dance at Hoiy- rood Hall., sponsored by Holy - rood Women's Institute, on Wed- . nesday, • December 26th, Carruth- ers ,orchestra, Lunch counter. TV SETS TO Cbreeds o cep a ,. " Demonstrator 'models,' $100 off; new American : Flyer Electric. trains, . $19.95; new G E. • Floor �Poli.�hera, $39.95; . Meocano sets for, boys.-.• Greer Radio & 'Electric CARETAKER , WANTED • for reenhill ICetnetery, ;---Zuck . now; •duties to crornence at once,• if' . possible. For particulars con-. tact W. B. Anderson or K C. ' Murdie NTED lady to. pre . HEI•.P � WA pare noon lunches' at Lucknow Public ,School ,coanmencirig Jan- • nary 2nd, :for winter months. For further particulars see Oh'arles Webster, chairman, ° phone 50,. _..4 �Luckndw. . Waterloo: Cattle. Breeding As- sociation at: Clinton HU 2-3441 or. Kincardine '460. between 7.30• and 9,30 a,m. We have` allbreeds available -- top ' qualityat low cost. • Prevent C • .H INN EY -TIRES- . CHRISTMAS CCONC'ERT S.S. No. 9,. Ashfield (Finlay's) Christmas concert will be held on Friday, December 21st at 3.' m, sharp. Adults 35c, children free. • AT HOME AND DANCE The. St. Helens Women's Instil tote are sponsoring an At Home in . the Community' Hall, . Thurs- day, December 27th. Program to commence at 8:30. Dance to fol- low.: Wraiths orchestra. Admis- sion 50c, ladies with" lunch 25c. KINGSBRIDGE' DANCE ;Semi -formal • •dance at St. Jos- eph's, Kingsbridge, on •Friday, December 28th.Free corsages.* /Prizes for novelty dances. Lunch. Henderson's orchestra. Use •.. Fire Chief ! Chernical.� inate . soot and scale.from yourl stove rand pipes. The, smaller.: the flame, the more soot and carbon. For use in oil, . coal and wood fired units:. .For sale at: -LucknoW District Co-op Miller's Store, St. Helens Colwelll's Store,. Kinloss Nancy- wish to Chimney cleaners: To dun - NURSING HOME . ' ThoThompson'Nursing' Home, Rip- ley, has vacancy .for More. ,pat- - Tents. ,B -ed --patients accepted- at $60.00; per• month in advance. . • A :subscription to The Sentinel. solves • Christmas gift ,giving - ,quickly• and. easilY,. and. is a re- membrance that brings year- round . enjoyment. An attractive card .announces the gift. MEAT. CARD OF�I'ITIANKS--: Mr. and Mrs. Herman Phillips and family wish .to acknowledge with sincere gratitude and ap- preciation.the many kind acts and, expressions of 'Sympathy ex- tended them by neighbors_ and ifriends at the` time. "of the . death of; their son and brother. Mpg. 'Leonard Ritchie a n d convey their thanks to all those who• . sent. cards, treats and visited ited " them ortunity to •buy •while in hospital and' since con Hereis • an opp • land I at your own price, 7 room Melvin .,Corrin 'and the . nurses in I.wish .to: sincerely thank all • ,ori, +t,040:nlig, tikva ictnaaganorta�, t liain04,00+14,40t*4010,aols1 a` 280. acre farm, c FOR SALE lav loam,:' level ing home: Thanks also to • Dr. 35rick house, large :: ibarn, irriple Wingham ' Hospital. • WEDNESDAY, D'EC• • 19th,' 1956 • THIS SURE IS , • WONDERFUL. SERVICE YOU COOP FEU.AS GIVE:ME, DON'T KNOW WHAT IDQO': WITHOUT IT • QTS A PLEASURE TO SERVE YOU; MAKES' Y WORK EASIER 100 - ITH THESE •REGULAR OUTE, CALLS • • Lucknow District CO'PHONE .71.,..LUCKNOW ing. The program in the Glad Mrs. Allan Reed; ' Welcome an() go llowed Welfare'sec., Mrs. W. J. Reid Magazine Was' followed g I . Tidings with .Ohrist's ' birthday , as the bale . secretary, Mrs. Mason vMc theme. ; Mrs. Irvine Henry ,gave,_ the Glad. Tidings . prayer. Carols were sung and a. letter. readfrom James •Dickson, missionary from Formosa. Prayer by. 'Mrs. H: Stothers followed. The election ,of officersiifor--1957 are -as f_ol-- laws::past .Pres, Mrs,- H....Stoth= ers; Pres, .Miss E,: McMillan; .lsti. vice pres., Mrs. 'Irvine Henry.; 2nd • vice pres., Mrs. Will Stewart; 'sec., Mrs. Jas. Wilson; treasurer, Allister; press sec., Mrs. al lace Wilson;' organist, Mrs:: Franc• Jones; historian, . Miss. Iva• ` Carr Miss .Elizabeth McMillan - galvi theclosing prayer... Mrs, Abner Morris' for ."th, -week-ericl had meinihers i of 'he family, ' Mr.. and • Mrs. Ken Mor ris of . Benmiller, '•Mr., and Mrs Leonard Christilaw of Nile,. MI and Mrs. Anderson Mugford, ..b London, ment shed,located on • the • 5th -Con; Ashzfedrip lz -r??;ice tlinse ° iwho "visited Theand re front' -.Highway 21: Make us an meniibered.. me with •cards, anal offer.: gifts while in the hospital.These i", Lovely 7 -room 'frame house I Were very •much appreciated. .i.. with 9 acres of level'workable . •D. A. '.Hackett. FOR SALE ! land, barn, henhouse, town water, hydro,. located in Lucknow; full Good beef , for sale by the 00. Mortgage can be: : �priice . $45 ,gag quarter: Beef killed.- under lic- ranged Mrs.. A. .G... Elliott ` at present in St. Marys Hospital, London, • 1 wishes to thank her friends for ar- ense from the Department of y JOHN BOSVELD Realtor' '•40 .all the: kind letters and cards 1,408; Salesman, George VIcGi11 has received sinuce, 'her accident• • Health.. Choice Hereford ear- , ., ' lings. Custom butchering a s ec Wellesley " St Goderich phone from fax and :near which she iality Baynard. .Ackert, Holyrood ivmay;, phone 62=r-14,: Dungan-• I• weeks ago:: These were all deep- 'Phone eep `Phone 24-3.0, .Ripley. 'non. • ') ly appreciated. . OLD HORSES. WANTED . Old.' horses Wanted at . 31c 'per lb.; deadcattle at, value. If:, dead, phone at once to Gilbert Bros: L Mink Ranch, phone collect "God- erich 1483J4 or .1483J1.- FINANCING CAR? Before' you buy 'ask about our Low Cost Financing Service with complete Insurance Coverage: J. A. - McDonagh, • Insurance Agen;,• phone .Dungannon 61-5. THANKS ' I ., . CARD OF wish . to thank. :my ; many : friends and neighbors for Cards l - wish to thank bhp ,people of . and • treats • and the • ' kindness - Sanitary Sewage Disposal • Septic tanks, cess -pools,: etc., pumped - and"- cleaned' -with --sani- tary modern equipn ,pnt.. • All work guaranteed. Write Louis Blake, +R.R. 2, Brussels, phone 42-r-6 • Brussels. uickinow and district ,for the shown to me while ill. • work they. have ' given me ;.this . Mrs. Win. J. Roblb, St. Helens year. I` hope t� . -be ; able to ac- comodate you. the same in 1957.. Wishing, all a: Merry Christmas and . Happy New Year. Howard Robinson, phone 231-w Lucknow. ‘REAL ESTATE WANTED -- :listings on farms,, homes; ---businesses; .small-- hold-- ings, properties, all. descriptions. .' C•,ontact. John. Hall, phone 26, .Lucknow, , Ont., agent for W. L. Stevenson ,Real . Estate,. Mount: Forest, • 0, k oIasses 42c Per Galloin Barrel••Charge $3,00 LUCKNOW DISTRICT . COOP I wish to sincerely thank ail those who have favored mewith lawn ••cutting• land other work, dur- ing the year,. and te.. extend the ,Season's Greetings to one and ail. • Bill • touston. IN MEMORIAM . ' 'HARRIS -7M loving memory of .my dear cousin, Frances Lor- raine; Who passed away eight years ago, December 17th, ' 1948, and ,My . grandfather, : Thomas H. Harris, ..who passed . away six years`, ago, November 3rd, 1950. They sleep in God's beautiful . garden, ' Mrs.. Doris Humphrey wishes to sincerely thank all those 'who so kindly remembered her- with' fruit ',arid •cards, and who ,visited Tier in .the 'hospital during- her - illness. T e s e remembrances were, indeed appreciated:' • b ts For Lveryone FOR MOTHER . a . Electric. Floor Polisher,, Junior Mixmaster, Sandwich Toaster, Waffle Iron, 'Electric Tea 'Kettle, Electric • Larrups and Insulated :Picnic- Bags: FOR FATHER, .:. . Fishing .Rods and Reels, Fender' Mirrors, Windshield Washers, Seat Covers; Radio,: Directional Signal Lights, Wash '.Brushes, Electric Drills, . Tool Boxes and Tools, • FOR THE CHILDRENla .• . Toboggans, .Sleighs,: Skates, Hockey.•Sticks,' Pants,- �► Sweaters, Stockings and 411 Equipment, Ball Gloves,. Bicycles, Tricycles, Wagons and-Pedalkars CAMPBELL'S I Sportsorts and Auto -Supply 'PHONE 65 ' LUCKNOW, ONT. . 0 00ir'i ver; ttis'01"ri1".�' erld'e, "'itA leort+".iiii." vi4oti iatt '" !t/. 4/0• Sheltered from sorrow: and pain, And 'when life's journey 'is end= ed, . • We hope to meet.again. :--Alw ys remenibered,.iby Len. DUNGANNON Gerald, Walter,-Goderich Twp., . spent • last week with his friend, -.Jimmy Blake., .. ' The several memibers of the Mr. and" Mrs. Wilbur Brown Stothers 'fannily Wish 'to place on and Wayne were . recent visitors record their appreciation of the with Mr. and Mrs, Bill' Reed, of many tokens of love and apprec- I• Wingham, iation' extended to them during Mrs. Jas, .Sproul • returned last 1Vrrs. • 5tothers' illness and. final week , after .� sp"ending. .a_.._.zxnonth:� passin• Si The k i n d o a s,s 6nd, With �em�bers of h;er famaili 1VIr. thoughtfulness of the neighbors m Bill Sproul, •.Mrs. Ben Mugford and friends has ,leen expressed • I and Mrs,. :Frank Garrniss.• tlnfort:- ' irately one week: was spent in in hundreds of ways, large and all: We will not soon forget. sin Toronto East General hospital; Mr. Wrn. G. •Armstrong and but' she is feeling better now; family wish tp acknowledge with ' M -r. Gordon. Maize did well .in heartfelt thanks and' apprecia-• winning three lovely Christmas tiori. the flowers, cards and rnany 'cakes, 7,. 8 and' 5 labs at a Luck - acts and expressions of kindness no(iv grocery .store lately. r and sympathy extended them in Erskine 'Presbyterian Church their bereavement. Special thanks `W.M.S. held the December meet - ,to Rev.- Meiklejohn for his mess- ing on • Tuesday ° in the church 1Nateriao. -Cattle .Breed n.g Assoa'ation..- "Where Better Bulls Are Used": 1 A Promotional, Educational Meeting will Abe heli I. DATE -December 21st, 1956. TIME -7L1.3,0 s.n PLACE -Department .of Agriculture Assembly. 1 1 , Hall Cliu-toi ,-Onto (Above, the Agricultural Representative's office) You will hear reports on . the past year's ibusincss :aL` nominate 'a :director to serve on the board of directrrs i the' Waterloo, Cattle Breeding',Associftion. , GUEST SPEAKER will be Dr. It D. ;Branion) head the Department . of Nutrition, O.A.G., Guelph, :A MOVIE on. Aritificial Breedingin Ontario will 1 shown, Evei ybody is -welcome: • ' .y G fors with Mrs Herb Brothers presid- -w gni .'.r.w.<raw,�kr.r►tNr+r�Ntiwtwrrrwrsnw.��..i�wrnn� �r .�,.._.....v.......�.,.-...."..."•=._,�_,._.,a.......-...•»,,.......-.-..,.•.« ..-....y.....,� •m.... ._...r..... r .• .., 4 C � ... ..... ..... .._..__.__�.,_ _..�,.�.�.:..,....x.;.;:....,.. m.�......•....y........................, w......._...........'m•......�...,�.:�.. ..... ....c..,..,....,..... •.�•....-,.m... »..W..........."....._...........�...........sr.._...._......T..._......., "......-....... .............._,.. .............._... •