HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Lucknow Sentinel, 1956-12-12, Page 111956.
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, ' Miss
d . Mrs.
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Mr. and .
' yirEb DAY, 'DEC. I2th, 1956
Singer Open Arm Machine
Adaptaible for .mending, sleeves, socks .arid fancy
stitches , sews light and heavy fabric,
,This. Machine Can Be Purchased
Aa Low As $1.94 Per Week • •
.(with small down payment)
Singer. Products..Serviced and .Guaranteed-,
You 'Save .$100.00 on' Buying
A Singer `Open Arm Machine.
A reputable firm with a' good. product.
Phone 454J, Wingh
am, Ontario'
, „4w„omm,impo1m11immoimumm 1men.11m•11•am(A.1.11•••II411./,i/11JIons11mm1AND,11in•/1!1.•••
•OBITUARY; ° . „� Group III of W.A. •
MRS. STEPHEN R: STOTHERS . •The Christmas' .meeting of
Group III .was field in the Fel
The death ' of Mrs. S; B. Sttotheis lowship Room on December 5th
occurred on Saturday afternoon,' with 16, members and :one visitor'
present. Mrs. R Black was ,in
the chair and opened the Meet-
ing with .the ,motto, theme, hymn
-Stothers' was hospitalized with La and prayer. A special collection
' heart condition and more re- was. taken to. support . the Child-
.. cently' she, had suffered an '.at- ren's Aid, Walkerton; The tress=
tack, of: the ''flu, a light stroke
and finally,': • pneumonia, which
+proved more than her : strength
could: withstand.
De ern'ber 8th. • She had been
critically ill for several days.
Some, two months .`ago, , Mrs.
Mrs. ''Stothers Was 67 years;, of.
age. She 'was the .tformer Agnes
Florence 'Cleghorn; daughter . of,
:Jarnes.O. Cleghbrn' and Elizabeth
MoCorkindale,: and• was born ,in
• G-Ph'Towns]%ill :on :September'
17th; 1889.;
In her : early teens she decept
ed' a ;position as stenographer
with --the Taylor-Fonbes Companyof Guelph:, and,•was employed by
of Sisk.,
r' O'Con-'
yril Aus=
est. ' They
Liss Anne
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s visitio .
is. <still a
O p•rn..ori, •
y His Ex-
, ::with a
Sial .pray -
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version •of
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will have
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t' the tea -
Mrs. Clare.
:her, •Mrs.
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A dance
with Care.
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a1coh' ',V'
(By May Boyle)
A leadership training course
was held in Holyrood on Wed-
nesday • afternoon and evening,"
Three neighboring farm 'forums,
Silver Lake (Kinloss); Royal Oak
(Clarks), Happy Hour (lin-
lough) and • the Holyrood Wo-
men's Institute,• were represent-
Gaviller, McIntosh and Ward
Bell Telephone Building
• ,Walkerton, Ont...
r ar er: o KNX-
Wingham,'spoke on PutblicLty and EVENING AUXILIARY
Public Relations through the OFFICERS` INSTALLED
press, radio and television. • He
.first dealt with •. "How". to sell
farm organization to the farm=
er".. So• .• much has, been done
The Evening Auxiliary of the
United Church held their De-.
ccember meeting . in the • church
through the Junior Farmers, ' fellowship room 'with 3tr mem-,
Farm. Forums and Women's 1n- 'bers and two visitors present.,
stitutes. .In; every canam'unity '.The 'president, Mrs, Orville Jones
there. are two kinds of people. ,opened the meeting with a seas -
the ones who are willing to work anal message .'from "The Obser-',
and those who ' are • willilrg tp•. ver" arid prayer. Miss H. Thump -
let them:' An organization which son read a poem, "We Gain by
keeps 'active is of 'benefit to any Giving":,:Mrs. C. 'Crawford. re-
eommunity. Do not be .discour- ,ported: a total .of. seven 'bales ,of
aged iby small numlbers; as a few clothing 'sent this year , to Tor-
good members pulling together onto, Korea and. Cape Croker.
will do great things for the come- °
munity at' large: to keep the The new officers (for 1957
name .of your organization alive,' were called to 'the' _candle -lit
table anda
He praised the Junior Farmez s brief, were installed impressive ,•ceremwith a
ony '.:by
for• the many fine projects, they
Rev. 1VIeik1'ejolin.
have, completed. The two men-• '
tinned were . the marking of our • Mrs. Vernon Hunter took
;Concessions,-aiso-the—r-.at-er-rad .chargeofthe candle lighting_ and
kation We 'need AO all 'pull • to- carol service. Six candles were
Other, age with'its ' �wi dorn, lit Iby .six. mem1bers, Mrs. L. C.
youth .twitlh its ' enthusiasm, must• Thompson, Mrs. W. Howey, Mrs;
produce' ' capalble leaders: ,.. K. Miirdie, Mrs: R. • Johnsoxi, Mrs.
We 'are, so 'well informed to-
day;'People' of the . agricultural
area ,are kept up to date at all
.times. • His second : step/was "How
to sell the farmer to the urban
dweller" We ;need a more active
program. 'to • 'bring these; two to- the scripture and Mrs, Alex An-
_ge lier, Much has _been done by drew led in prayer.
social intermingling and we as Our: two. guests, Miss,' Ann
rural dwellers. : need to uphold !Crawford, sang a favorite ..Christ
agriculture -as an 'honorable pro- mas number and Mrs..T.. Pollock
urer and the secretary submit-
ted: their annual reports. Mrs. 0,
:Richards 'reported that one quilt
had been made by the group and..
sold. Two Red. Cross quilts •. had
been quilted iby the group. Mrs.
P, W: , Hoag. reported for the
Christian.. Fellowship committee;.:
59 visits had been. made and 57
-card.: sent treats Tgi Ten -the'
sickand shut-ins;, :The ' Elliott
Carruthers Home'., was. visited
and• patients treated.. Mrs; E:
.White, volunteered to ;help dec-
orate :the •Church for Christmas,
the firm for; fifteen years° She. The group leaders; Mrs 'E. 'Heti:
met her : no'w bereaved. -husband Lderson.and Mrs.R. Black; than
. . ed -the -officers -and niem-be-r-s-•f
wthen he attended .the' ,'C)ritario' p y p g
L. Hall,' Mrs. H. Webster. rep-
resenting: 'Burma, Korea, • New
Guinea, Hong Kong; Malaya and
•'The Christmas meeting was
held ''at the aigme of _ Mrs. Henry
MacKenzie with a large attend -
an e
ttend-ante of members arid. visitors:
Thanks for cards sent " was re-
ceived from Allan t1VIeLean •and
Earl McDonald. There was' a
,short business period' after which
Mrs. Wylds ,played. for. Christmas
carols. The . secretary introduced
the guest' speaker, Mrs, J,' W.
Joynt, who gave' & s 'a very vivid
picture of her trip overseas this
summer. She: pictured for us the
'flowers of England, the heather
and blue bells of Scotland, 'the
'green grass'and:shamrocks of
Ireland and' last:y the cleanli-
ness of Holland. •'
•' She told' us of so many inter -
eating places of interest that a
tourist' might , wish to see. We all
vigl ed we -Ight someday- see
it. all for ourselves'. With a ,bit
of , wit and a : joke.: here • and
'there Mrs..' Joynt gave us an. af-
ternoon to'remember. The presi-
' . dent 'thanked 'her and an . ex-
change o gifts w.as then enjoy
Canada. Mrs. Orville Jones and
Mrs.: Lloyd : Ashton' assisted, with
the carols. Mrs.. G. Joyht read
• fession: where first quality . pro-. read a poem and a reading "What
ducts are raised.. Thirdly,. What: are we doing for'Him": Mrs. H.
kind :of publicity?` We must .have. Allin played' "Christmas ?hirries"
a . con'stant stream " .of inforna- as.an•instrumental solo. .
tion. A "systematic program of..
or pubiricit- ;arid ro .�rarri + roinotion
and press releases. 'This was .fol
lowed by :an •, inforriial discus-
Robert. Secord of communityr
Agricultural College at Guelph
their co-operation during the .last
two .years:' •Mrs. ' W. B. Andersori
had • charge 'of the :Christmas :pro-.
grani :during'.. which . carob were...
sung and enjoyed by;the. mem;
hers. Mrs.' K:, Murdie •led'the 'de -
where they were married on
October 11th; :1919:
Mr. Stothers'' first; appoi<ntment-
. as Agricultural Representative
was at Clinton where .they resid'-
•Mr -s V' Huxiter••cl.ose_el.-the
Mrs: . Wylds played for the,:.
Queen .and Institute • grace after'
which .a "lovely plate . luncheon.
was served by the hostess and
RITCHIE;-in Winigham Hospital
Friday; Decernber.-7th .to-'Mrt.
:or�Fi y, , ..
and Mrs. Leonard Ritchie. (Bern-.
adean 'Altbri); a daughter, Nancy:
meeting with.' a benediction.. ' Con- MacKenzie;,: to . Mr. arid Mrs. ,
veners for .program•' and lunch Frank MacKenzie: (Margaret Tre:-
were' Mrs. Hunter,. Mrs..O., Greer, leaven) of Edmonton, ' on' Tues -
Mrs. G. 'Morrison, Mfrs. M. Mor- day, December ;11th, 1956. a son,
, ison and .'Mrs.' G. ' Montgomery.. Douglas 'Scott-•
iprograins; branch spoke
on of-..
votions reading ps'a1m 139 the .fectiye meetings. He stated that I
ed from 19.19. to 1926. Fror: th
n then eme ''heing `The Ever Present tine
until 1932 'tlhey .`were at Essex;
meeting is a ,gathering toge-
r. of people tie-gine=col-1$Gti
tram 1932 to 19.49 at Arth
from -1949 until' Mr: Stothers' re-
tirement in 1951.they were at
God". Mrs. Steer sang two pleas-, consideration to a common cause,•
•urand.°. C'h t
. d:, Mrs.
• At' that time 1VIr�, . an
• Stothers 'took up residence in
Lucknaw -and,. for the past . five
years .have been valued citizens
and active in church afid com-
niunity work. For Mr.• Stothers,
it was coming back to •the old.
home town.: where Mrs. Stothers
was riot altogether a stranger,
and; where she has. .since made.
many w�ar'ni. friends Word of her
ing solos. The story .of: ris mas•
'customs in other. lands Was read Give everyone an opportunity:to :
participate..Yotir meeting to 'be
`by Mrs W: B Anderson, Mrs. F.K. ;a success must ^be lively, well
Robertson, . Mrs: E: Henderson, planned, giving even a newcom-
.Mrs..g.• Roach . and Mrs. P. W. • er a good :feeling ', as they bring
Hoag: Miss' H-, .Webster •gavea new ideas and add vitali-ty._-The
reading and Joyce - and Elaine ,attendance ,at 'this .meeting •num_,
MacNay favored with a piano bered 15 .and certainly it proved
duet After the' meeting was �clos as . Bob' Carbert had 'previously
ed, a ' dainty' Christmas lunch said; "numbers doesn't : mean
was; 'served by. the . 'committee, everything". •
Mrs.'. Anderson. Miss A Webster, This was a most enjoyable '
and Mrs,: Richards. 'course as Mr •P. A. Murray ex
pressed in' thanking the speakers
passing, brought general sorrow Brooks -Howey. Group •.' ,
radio 'and TV 'The Holyrood
to the community. • For the December meetingof Women's Institute served lunch.
Mr Stothers afaithful 'Group. II • the ladies met Miss
f Mrs. Meiklelohn w
who area widely known through
at the• Eleanor '. Saracuse of the
Mrs. o ern w s a With ,
member 'of the L'uck•now� United home o ,Community progra branc'l was-
, men' hers present. Mrs. How-
,. Church, and jhas". been • actively i
associated ,with the ,work of, the •'ey opened' :the. Meeting with the
W M.S; and :Women's• Association. meditation. Mrs. Pharis Mathers
She, 'had been 'active'.in• church read the scripture. ' The hymn,
and choir workk throughout her "Joy to the World" was ..sung.•
life in 'the various centres in The different conveners gave
Which. she lived.. • Mrs. Stothers their report ;or the year. It was
Was a devoted wife and mother:.
and a' tireless ,worker., As her
husband's "'private secretary'',
• she had been an invaluable. help-
mate • in; his post�retirement'.•aet
ivities, - • •
The 'funeral "'service was con-
,dii_cted • at ,the McLennan and
n charge 'of the vening course
.on 'leadership, Mrs.:Wm. Arnold
of Purple Grove introduced .the
speaker. who in her remarks
said the• leader .of a group should
have ability to get along' with
people and be able to get all
decided to send a $5;00, Sas o- members to prarticipate. She
nation to the '`Children Aid (Sac should be well informed regard
,;eta-.;a-t—Wal erte, Mrs. 'P'haris ing the. organization and able t
,blathers will help -decorate. the express herself, ' being kacttful at,
church if& Christmas. Mrs. Ver- all tinges, cheerful..under . every'ton Hu ter took the,.chair or circumstance' and. always punct -
the program which:opened with ual 'an'd be :an untiring: worker,
.singing Christmas carols, and be.,able to know and carry out
IVfry George Andrew 'told of ` the 'parliamentary. 'procedure . at all
meetings. If meetings, are not
kept interesting` and • Well plan-
ned, keeping business to a mini-
mum, a • lack of :thra -wilt . soon
be evident,' attendance falls off
with a result, • slow death. It was
recommended. that there should
be public speaking, debates, dra-
.....-._.---. -- mattes, also a 'hgme and. school
organization, Discussion • groups
'formed and • a period of- recrea-
l)e'p tion. endo,, ed.
.li.,. Stother. Av
it virtlrx i •:,f a family of three dau Jrri V�obster has 'been re=elect-
I'vre4,--,:.e tt4in , her, "tri`
vitt r Turn
, ('d 1n C' idC11t of the Kincardine
tWO r�t+�r'w, Mr:. E i )beth 1uclti 1,ranch of the Canadian Legion.
and Mrt„. Ann Fisk,
MacKenzie Memorial .Chapel. on origir, 0.Leach., Mrs. Ciimrrrings
Tuesday afternoon conducted :l)y ,played a h'a'lo in;si.rum'ental.
her pastor; Rev: G. `A. lvieiirl;r • ,Ml's. Harold. Trelea yeti gave a
Thn .In e en .was in-Dt ga'rr= readin4 'nf' a g► --firaz-ehixra-fills-
none Cemetery, ' the pallbearer' ,iori school at Christmas, Mrs.
being, Jaek Tuck, Toronto;. Whit scoff cict.(d, the meeting and
ruey Heron, G�ueltph John' Me- mi:s.' .Rr(sel,:les `t'hiinketi the ]los-
Corkindale,, James Schultz, Rit'li- tty`s. •'till l;rc�.rrtim coninlittce.
aid Passmore and Brock Whale.
Etesides her husband, Mrs.,' , 1nt,; t ,n '.ti=tth t1, .c'f Winn -
Stothers is survived. by four mitt- '•1'`i `
ghter, - rs: W,. A. ' Bradbury i ` the last
(Ag s), Stockton: -on -Tee$ Eng -
land; ,>R. C. Passmore (El iz•-
abeth)", Tweed; Mrs. Brock. What('
(Kathleen), 'Cooksville; Mrs. ,I'"
B. • Schultz (Ruth),: Burlington;
••ti,♦ y •
k. ... w,�
. 4•:
• Pa sing cars when there .is barely 'enough
room to avoid oncoming traffic causes count-
less' highway accidents. Make certain you
have plenty of, time to pull .out, passand
regain your-place-initne Y-ou-will-lose nl_y--- •
seconds of time butyou may save a life..
. HOW•::G O'O D AR
� C °