HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Lucknow Sentinel, 1956-12-12, Page 1r I .
$2.50 A Year In Advance—$1.00 Extra
BarnRazedWhileyoung Razed Couple
Absent, Neighbor Save S.
To U.S.A.
The barn on ,the farm of Mr,
and Mrs. Allan Barger, . a half
mile west of . Amnberley,` was de-
stroyed by fir. e on Saturday at-
•. ternoon, but the heroic` efforts'
of.'neighlbors succeeded in saving
20 head of cattle and some pigs,
from the inferno,
Mrs:. Barger .is' the former
Marie . Sperling,,and a' member
of . the local Bank •of Montreal
staff, Allan,. and Marie had gone
to London that morning and
knew • nothing' of the' bad news
• until arriving at the .home of,
Allan's parents about 11 o'clock
that:. night. • •
The outbreak was first •noticed
shortly •after .two . o'clock by.
• . Mrs. Glen Campbell, who lives
on the adjacent farm. A heavy
' iblack •pall of ,smoke was' seen
by the •first witnesses and in a
few minutes ...the whole. "barn
Next "week's ,issue, Decem-
ber -19th will—pe.. a °regular
advertising issue • and . im-
mediately it is off the ,press,.
we'll• commence getting •off a
special Christmas • greeting
• issue that will go into the
• mails far distribution the day .
before .Christmas.
In addpting this plan the
,Christmas week .issue• will be
.dropped. , ' •
• All, merchants' : desiring a
greeting advertisement must
- place their order this week-
seemed. engulfed in flames. A
north wind saved, the house from
,brei : •e>l a ;
ng d ager ed - as it': lis •
�e to
the east,'.of the barn •
i. Willing. worker,s were ;soon 'on
hand, many of •them coming
from Reg Campbell's sale about
a ,mile, away.. But' there was lit-
tle they could do•until•. the ar-:
rival Q f the._Ripley .Eire.:�xigade,-
and even 'then., it appeared about
' all they' could do •was stand . by
to. protect adjacent shed's and
the louse.
• :Ho_wever,;_.with ::hogs--squealin-•
and cattle bawling, a` :small creek
was dammed up. , for a water
'supply and • a. fog nozzle Was used
to' enter the -stable.. This 'nozzle—.
• blankets off the'` smoke and '`heat
and it permitted 'several men to
go • in and release the :stock, in.
•a,�x:da i t res . '4.-
,All:,twenty head of cattle. were
.driven 'from the '',stable, and
.: about 24 out •. ,f 63. ,pigs also
escaped. Some. of the pigs were.
: !burned• and 'may have to be de-
stroyed. • •
On Sunday nothing rernained
. , but the stone mall -and the smok;
• '` ing : ruins, from,..which 'an effort
was being made to recover some
• of•.`t'he _unb irned..' rain.,`
A binder, •gain grinder; and>
.. the -!barn full of hay _arid t -rain.
• 'were included in the 'loss:
Allan bought. the Yarm just a
•. few .years ago. It is known as
• the. Ralph Humphreys fart. The
loss is only partially covered by,
insurance. •
About a' dozen ratepayers were
present at the' nomination•, meet:
ing on Monday night held to 'fill
• •..ane:''.vacancy On the Council
• board, and. ,one Vacancy on the
PublicSchool .board.. • •
William A.' "Bud" Hamilton,
was elected by acclamation • to
the Council position,. being the
only nomination. He signed ° the
• declarations following the meet-
At Monday's election. in Huron
Township, Claude Dor'e edged
Chester . Emnerton out of the
reeve's chair 'which he has held
for the past two years. Mr. Dore
had a slim ten -vote majority,
-with -,356 -votes; to Cir; Emmerton's
346. ,
Two °years ago Mr. Emmerton
won over Mr: Dore by 6 votes:
• For the ,new post of deputy
reeve, veteran councillor John A.
MacMurchy• was electedwith a
count of 398 votes as compared.
to 300 votes. received by John
C.. MacDonald. •
,Santa Claus •is'headed for
Lucknow on his annual visit
° sponsored by. the Lucknow
Business Men's' Association,
and he's. due to arrive here
Saturday afternoon in .a Blit-
tering . new -outfit,
• The parade..will start froth
the • Lueknow District High
• School at 2.00 o'clock, head -
.ed by the School Band.. A
big' bag of sweets • will be
given, to each child.'
'Mx. and Mrs: 'Robert Helm an-, °The' newly,•�orgaihized Lucknaw
flounce the engagement; of their
Lions �Clu�b Held their first sec :.
orbly : ,daughter, Roberta Irene snort, on 'Monday evening. in the'
Helm, to Lloyd Watson W'hytock, form of an ' open meeting e
? son of Mr. and Mrs. Alex Why- which conte : fortyfive `rnen . were'
ELECTED MAYOR tock in attendance.: This included the
) of: Holyrood:. The wedding sixteen members who signed tip
OF .BURLINGTON to take place on December 29th,
1956, in Zion United Church,
immediately the. Club was . form
In his first :venture into muni- ed, as well '. as guests - arid pros
cipal olitics John Lg pective. memibers, . and :members
A P , 'Lockhart has' OUGHT::VJOI."lf ,GE JIOlVIE
of -the-=Goderich 'Lions.
been elected mayor' of the town ----� The Lucknow Club is co-5pori
of Burlington by a majority of Mrs. Ida ,Stanley has purchas= sored by the Goderich andWir g-_
about `500 votes, ed. the home of the late' Mrs,, hang Lions Monday's meeting'
,Mr..Lockhart, a. native of Kien- Grace Lockihart,"on Stauffer St, was on g
loss Townshiip, is a son of t • e L' ucknow, .and c duck grou members ; -
h d will,: obtain• poss=• the Goderich group, ,,,in ' dernon-
late Mr: and Mrs. Ezekiel Lock-, essi:on shortly. The transaction stratin the.. Grace b
hart, and a * brother of George' was concluded on. Saturday:'.. g procedurey
Rev. H.,_I: Jennings and the N.4
-L- ockhart--arid Mrs.. Elmer John-iornal- Anthem. opened the meet-
ston of this .,oammunity..., R . N
Burlington, - town'o,(1'10'.600. .,CAN TRANSFER ink:
g , aAndrew Boutlier, president of
people, : is bursting • at the ,.seams. TAXES TO AREA the Goderich. Lions, presided. He
They have a' Monster annexation , assured the mern_bers of fh _ w._
prorngranr-o h•aricl an'd witli`its >Hre-ir : in . the ,year :.five, of fif- club they would receive every
Accomplishment, . the .,.population teen. school sections in the Ash-. help from them, but doubted if.
will quadruple.. field Township .School; Area, pe they • would need • much in ` view
But . that will be Only a start:: titioned to withdraw' from the of their experience. as "a 'Clans-
Population . figures' are expected met' Clubb, and the choice of Rae
to continue ; to' soar With the in-Yi 1 t' b d Watson as president, , who . has
.dustrial 'expansion that will: . re -Th t't' ' t d the faculty- of instillingLionisin`
suit • from: %anneioation, .program,.
that will reeeive added impetus
from the seaway •development.
Area and , establish their ' own
sc• oo section oar
The petitions ions were. accep to • by'
the Township Couricil, . and ,ap-
ap-proval of this action . received.
from the ,Department- of 'Educe-
EduceMr . Lockhart was public school tion. The .change is scheduled to
principal at .Burlington , for 35 ;take place at the end of the year,
years -from 1920 until h'is re- when ;section trustees' take over.
-tirement. in :1955. A :new publicthe. administration: o1 these five
school- has been named : after Mr: sections.,
Lockhart. However;• it appears :there are
His plunge into the 'municipal'
field. steals, • actually, from .his re-
tirement from the teaching pro-
fession. Tihe-.-.:current; annexation--
program -As a-444 and--a-full -f'
an• - --
d._ Mr:,�ockharf -vias-tag-
enthusiasm: The various: speak-
ers paid •tribute 'to .Rae's: good
work in ,Lions, •
George' Joynt was ; called on,
and'said that his introduction as
.reeve .was.'a little prennature as
yet, but he..:felt that a Lions
•Club, could; do• much good :work
for the village' and community,
some within these' sections who and he extended a welcome to
do not wish • to. 'secede,and. who 'the:Goderieh .visitors., •
prefer `to have their property +Mr° ' Boutlier pointed out that
transferred to the School Area the :;Goderich Club did :much of
Boa=rd -for-: taxation=-pu-rposes.
—T'he .o -
cedure�rL ths�case-As-
--their-,business -through theex=,-
cutive-or=committees With `their
;bed as having the time and abil- to make appli.:.ation to the. Town- .;meetings devoted more, to fel-.
ity,. despite 'his -lack'. of municipal -.ship Council requesting: that such lowship, education and -entertain-
experience. He finally .submitted transfer be ..made }pent. ,They 'brought along a
to the pressure t'o let his name Application forms for• this, pur- ' quartette of ''young ' g•irlswho
stand as a mayorality , candidate ' pose are-avrailablefrom the sec- sang several . nuniibers • in• lovely.
arid the 'electors.'did°the. rest: retary of the School'Area 'Board•. (Continued on Page. 9)
Roobert C. Mackenzie was. the
only. -•-horn *ati-on f-o-r-•-tete, . ,
Public - School post, Kenneth
Murdie, •: who nominated' him,
vouched '.that he :would accept
• t e position as ''Mr. Mac keri•zie
V ris unable to be present. '
•The .nominations Wore ii1ianm
A. Hamilton .by W. G. WebsttTr
alio] Clare Johnstone, and `31r,1;••
r'rt MVIacl enzie by Kenneth 'it.•z•
' cite and. ,S,am Sherwood.
The new Council. is rornlp,"r•rT'
• of
.Reeve Geo, Joynt, and _,corn
c'iTlors A1'ek MacLeod, Wrl1iam.Cl
Webster,. • Sam Sherwo6d "anti
William A, Hamilton. The three
school positions have been filleed
by Mrs. Jessie Allirt James ; T;,
Boyle • and. Robert' Ma.dKenzic', I•
trio fi
1he other 'three 'members of .the' <Lrr'r
Board, who -.were • returned last 1,nr rpt
Year for a two- yYear" •term, •are,
. ' • mos. Webster;, H. M, M`actei7- L crw c,r
roam and Jack Fisher.'
-lucknovu Co-op Shows Sharp Increase In Sales
Barry 1VIcQuillin,. a member of
.the Lucknow 4-H .Calf Clulb, tag -
tired prominen ly in awards.
that 'were presented at Achieve
merit Night in •Exeter on Friday.
The biggest and most success-
ful year in the history of farm
club work in Huron,
was cli-
maxed at this gathering attend-
ed , byclose to 1200 persons.
$3,500 in prize money and • tro-
phies• were awarded to the five
hundred and two „4 -Ii members
who completed; their program in
thirty -+two 'agricultural clubs . in
the County: in • 1956,
One of the highlights of the
•function • was the presentation : of
a $100 cheque from. the:' Ontario
Department of Agriculture to...
Barry McQuillin. R. 1, Lucknow,
for. his chanion Shorthorn steer
in ,the. Queen's Guineas competi-
'tion this year at • the Royal Win
ter Fair. The presentation' was •
made•to Barry, by theLive Stock.'
Commissioner .of Ontario,
-Watson, Toronto.
Highest. In County
Barry also had the •• highest . , • .
score in " any project in the
County, : and ; ; in ` recognition : of
this fete received the Tom Pryde '
Trophy, , which was: presented: ;
Barry, .scored 959 points 'out of
a possible 1000. . '
Barry also received `.the J:. A.
Anstett award, ,a Gruen auto- : i6
/natic wrist watch, for otbtaining-•_—=
'the, highest standing . on "basis •`
of awards in all: 4-H Beef . Calf
Clulbs in Huron: Barry, who is
convalescing..from .an attack . of
pleurisy and pneumonia, was
able : to be present to receive the
awards r..
Replicas of the Ontario ' Vet
erinary Association trophy were
received 1- y 'Murray Gaunt,
David Kirkland and Bert Pep-
per, who were the high scoring
temp in .the beef judging corn -
petition. '
David 'also received the Ag
Rep's cash award as the grand •
champion • • swine• showman in
Huron. He is :a member. of the
Dungannon ,Club, and . also:Wan •.
a • showman's cane -for -; :having
the highest score in his own club. •
Chester :-.Finnigan received a%
Club Leaders. :certificate for ;five
years • voluntary service as .a' 4-H
The Hereford Association past
presidents' trophy donated by .
Geo. Kennedy, and Heber, Eedy
went to Gerald Wallis of. Gran
ton for the 'County. champion
Hereford. calf. •
• The Sentinel.. welcomes detail-
ed 'reports of School and •church
,Christrnas concerts taking place
an the cornet nity . However,
• they must .be sent in immediate-
ly, and be Well' written •please,
as The :.Sentinel ,staff will have
no time for :editing or re -writ- •
ing these reports: These- stories,
if . received,' will be run in our
special: greeting issue.
!nix rs c;t' . ,e , know Tr•,:t Pictured above are. the 'organ- president,
6 hY-c3pE r s tiF
r, ,i{,,<ud'. oii,�ett,°-: i.ration diiiec'toi;s and manager., Standing, left to right, Currie
,trrt� tit tnc°
annual I Front row. ,left to right, Ralph., Colwell, Basil Hogan, Evan Keith,
'r ;its r T 1 l' �Ir'�.tti�: with the!the!(,'iG}T'}E''}`on, Cri'ant•Case, manager,. Hughie MacKenzie, James I1.1C15..
•;ii;,;,e• r,. i' c: t ti'otrblt,d !Jelin R; lVl'aeLeod, who automat- aitiscri, William Ross and
. w,:c,,,, pc,i.
,,, anti, a !r�'a,ly ri�tires 'alter a s,vk year item >�urdon,.'
r <Y 1 term Jack iVlackenzie, current-•.�Sent3r} 1 Photo
ar,t..•!i rrrt lir � ..t rc�u,ti;i}�. �' • ,
The. Sentinel mailing list was'
completely, revised the letter'
part of 'the week. Besides credit-
ing su;bscripticn• payments of, .re-.�
,cent Weeks; there has been an
'extensive; re -arrangement of the.
grouping of papers outside the
This new grouping ,is a. result
of the changeover' from train' to
•truck service, v�hie�i._:lia_s .•meant.
a re-routing .of many papers in
the initial • stages •of delivery. If
The Sentinel" can catch the:out-
going ri-iail on • Wednesday after-
noon, impro.vecl • delivery' service
should result : in rmtist areas.
If'there is,any deterioi'ation„rf
delivery service by this 'revisioi .
we would . -appreciate being act. •
viscd of it: