HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Lucknow Sentinel, 1956-12-05, Page 11or •
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WEDNESDAX, 'DEC. stn, 1966:
Acc...iam.,tIon In Wawanosh
jus.t dare _Slate � Nominated
' The West Wawanosh Township borrow the first of the
day of days will be symbolized forever
t 1 in your choice of a diamond of truly
fine quality. To be certain of the
briefly was lir _ finest, remember the name Bluebird.
well satisfied with munrcrpal bert He explained' that Every Bluebird Diamond is guaranteed
2° in writing to. be a:perfect diamond
0 itat tf istr4/1101 c 4,t1wh ' #,t3�'tiPtt, ►h,c«i'a� t'NF1404 4,X14{ alOhAt�l i «F+1,+�+1 �?+ITl404
The unforgettable happiness of this
Council and two school trustees the surplus. set aside orarths
were returned to office by ac- court house had been eaten up
clamation at. the nomination He thanked .the ratepayers fo
meeting at the Township. Hall, the �.
Friday afternoon. • The fact ' that she would cont n and stated that
only .a bare- slate Was nominated .for ac.e amatzonUe to do his bes
the township. • •
is significance that. the ratepay- The first council member to
ers of the Townshiphave been speak br' f:
• Harvey Cul
affairs durin group
• g"° • the this.past year had cost the Tw .
and school
past year, 60c per. yard. . " P •
Clerk John ,Foran • received the Lorne Durnin felt that if the
.following nominations,; all 'of 'brush on the sides .of • the road
whore qualified at the close of
was cut and the next year spray-
s •
the meeting, f the or h a respective ed, it • would eliminate na lot ' ofit •
offices, The Council, elected to the snow on the roads.. He : said l
.offfice in December 1953, has that taxes were high, but the t
been• unchanged since thenand council were doing their 'best to
• . is commencing a o fourth term. hold down expenses, '
• • • •Reeve ' > ' ' The other two councillors, Or,-.
John S: Durnin by Thomas ,elle iMelDhee and Eldon Miller; e
,McCann and Harvey Culbert,. , spoke 'a briefly, with Mr. Miller ti
Council;, (4 required) suggesting that the 'Township
Eldon 1Vtil1er by Leo Foran and. Hall be painted and . dressed., up : iJohn Cameron: -- . • • a bit.
Lorne. Durnin by Wm Web-.. Sbhool. Trustees.; Speak
. ster and Wallace Miller. Wallace • Miller and William
Orville . McPhee ,by' Brown' Webster, the tworetiring mem-
Smyth land 'Frank McQuillan. bers of the public 'school' Area
Harvey Culbert, by • Thomas Board (both 'were, re-elected .by
McCann and Brown Smyth,
School Area Trustees:
(2 :requi ed)
as a
ars": In
going to
e loved
a good• . .
Florida, '
he :Wily
rne. '
by one.
f Luck
him in
'nr1 a
id (Jo -
ears 'ago
id friend
:ic when
,d • atony
Ached in
Durbin and\John Durnin:
Wallace Miller „by Harvey
Culbert 'and Wallace Wilson,'
Other members Of the' 'School
Board are Ted {Mills, :Janes
.ran and Harvey Anderson '
Brown' Smyth.. was appointed
chairman. for. the meeting of the
ratepayers • that ' followed ' the
nominations.. .•
Reeve'John Durnin was. the
first speaker of the afternoon
and deailt 1chieifly with' . county
affairs., He• also dealt with the
debenture situation in the 'town-
ship; and ` completely • outlined , presentative to the L.ucknow;Dis-
the Win ham Hospital tract High School hoard, spoke'
g p' igrant : Mr.
Durnin-:: explained' that debe i -
to th,e meeting.: "-Our • expendi
tures had .not =been issued for
tures are :chiefly teachers'• •salar-'
• the. God'erich' Hospital grant and ies,• and.they.'are: not low",he'
aid{ s.:• ' n_
that. six -tenths ',of a-• mill had mi
' '
been levied• on the 'tax his
T •i i;num salaiv for. a regular tea -
acclamation. Mr. Miller said he.•
felt theboard were' 'making good
progress, and that' the schools
He explained that • Bill Mac-
Pherson had installed. a pressure
systern,• and that'. water was be_
ing . piped' from the St. Helens
schoolwell 'across. the fields: le
felt it •was good for the Well.11
of ` fine colour and. cutting, registered
• an. d insured against loss : ' your
assurance of quality. >,
gz,• "FLEUR' D.'AMOUR"
t ' Engagement Ring $150.00:
Wedding Ring 50.00.
isd Other•matched.
sets at $175.00'and.$250:00
Williamiam Webster -:said :that the:
Board was proud of their fin-
ancial status,. and: the fact that.
they • 'hav:e never had-. to borrow:
money, . "We are fortunate. to
have such a- high calibre of tea.-
;chers in: the area", he said.
Hear High School Reps "
Thomas Salkeld, • Township re '.:
es l s -.$M-00 rhea . was-
was levied for a :four-year per-- Ret year, with 121
od, but the payment. ' will' be I the•
max1fl;turn •being ' $5.600 The
maximum salary•for•,prineipal at ti
Lucknow is $6,200, with the ,pre
sent salary' being $4,8.00. Mr..
•Salkeld $saidthat' an, annual in-,
crement• •of • $200 across the board
j.ispaidto complywith the Teati
made, half :At a : time, . in 't; o
years. 'Mr: Durnin expl•ained.the
operation 'of . the County Horne
• as' he had been. on . that .cgmrniit
•. tee•'in County Council.'u•He,;said
that after some difficulty;.in the ,
" of the:Heine earl- 'chers. Federation, He • pointed
ser in the, year; things 'were .now out the fact than 'teach:ei-5 were
runnrngmootihly. The ifar..m and, difficult- to obtain by the .fact
Home are operated • separately that they had . spent over $300.
He stated that; many of the Men .this year with • the .Globe &; Mail -
at' the H e het•' in advertising for teachers Luck -
p greatly with now District High • Sc I. has 8
'the' count farm work • The 'men teachers, 1717 pupil {bus routes,
are riot old enough for, t'he pen- with 126 'being transported by
sion and are • without_ money, and nus. The-: mill- rate is transported
grant'committee:. has 'seen • fit 'a0 siderablylower• than ..mos t
grant them sortie spending
money occasionally schools, Mr,.'Sall�eld .pointed out.
y : ifor their He: said that the rate will likely
Valuable assistance.. • He.
. up .again as . it. is difficult to
Mr. Durnin outlined ` in. detail '
• the .'vaork of ,the r control' some ;costs. • •
p • o46.
perty, li:b Wingham Problem
racy, :historic, .children's' aid and• Mr. ,Salkeld,said, that some stud
road comm%aces. He said thatMr.
from the.: Lucknow .Area are. '
he believed the 'cold' mix paving going t the Wingham school. Al -
was 'not '•proving as satisfactory though it is 'illegal, the Depart
as at. first thought •However, he meet •fail to• give any recogni-'
blamed sortie of the 'road 'break- tion to• the Lucknow .corripelaints
ing up on'more traffic and heavy.
loads. 'Mr. Durnin. said, "Inspectors', seem .'to think .that
aven't received ,our road share ".We smaller, schools; shouldn't 'exist",
'hhe said'. One person present said,
in the • townshipp, but .1 believe that he 'didn't think the parents ,
our turn • is coming". He predict -.that, di were paying' the ' to-,
ed that the' Bounty wi hye 'tn .io rrr—their-eh-ildren going -4o
.Wing+liaiil,. and Mr.. Salkeld: as-
s-EIMNT• TEAMS IN BRUCE cured the . rneetirig that the
• LEAGUE . 22 YEARS AGO L.D.H.S, beard' gas , not, Mr.
•['�..,,_.,. ., ........neonr, the opinion
We, recently came .across ail.
old • baseball minute book, which
. listed the 1934.Lucknow execut-
ive as follows; . Hon.` pres.,',•John
' Jo 4 pr=ow, N:- D. I-acK-ems-e;-
vice pica and manager, Russell purposes, He also ifelt that the
Robertson-; sec.-treas°, , Gerald tw'o storey ...school would have
Ra,thwelli-•--. grounds' • comm-ittee`, not gLven : the ;trouble experi=
Ro eared with the. roof.__,_.
y • Finlayson Doug Clark; mas- .
cot; Harold• Allan, Goderich Rep Speaks
Lucknow was sti11 in the Bruce Ralph •1Vtunro. of Auburn, the
League at that time,'and • there tawtiship representative n the
were •eight teams in a 56 -game: Goderich District Haigh' School
schedule that opened ori ' May. 24
s: malls
entered :that. season were Kin-
cardine, Paisley, Chesiey` Port
Elgin, L u c k n o w, Walkerton,.
Winghamn and O�Ven�,_. of ail_.- — '
that he felt ,the new Lticknow
school should have been .twd
Storey. It' Would have provided
more storage space whereas rioNV f
a shed is b,eing built for storage.
Watches and Clocks
Diii :.erware
• Electrical Goods
Costume Jewellery.
Pen. and Pencil Sets
Etc., Etc.,Etc.
Drop in4.and look around,
no obligation.
One of ,the largest stocks
in : Western Ontario
to choose from
The . gift that 'most .every- ..' •:• k
body will appreciate most!
Anti -magnetic.
1847 Rogers
Still' available in 3 patterns
First: Love'.'
Eternally Yours.
55• pieces, service' for 8
Reg: $111.75
Half Price _ .. _- 4 S 3 s 8
You're sure to: pick a winner
from our ,stunning; selection of . .
.quality watches fo Men and women.
Come, in and 'choose. '
'Lady's watch,
expansion •band
Goderich are •als; a4gainst 'the see him at their meeting during go to grass' in the summer.
the township, explained in detail
ising costs of eddeation. The
maxiintim principal's salary. in
the sumnier months requesting.
more Money from the tawnshrp
Goderich is $7,000, The mirannim as their share in the construe- the relief situation in cases where
is- s,3,40Q tion ef two proPoSed additiOnal resident& moved away „,from or
woirdi TgioulaaLlt* itiernatrs$8.000. God- classroems. He stated that there to.,,the municipality. He also ..eut.,
Beard, said that .he thought the
and ran. to . A`:ugust,}.2nd, Tams - Y'._L -:.,- .., rate of
for GOderich .would be ..itp next
year. ,Tro said that a rifle' range
Was going io be built at. a cost
of $1,200 with no graht in view. '
was. present y 0 teachers on the
rich pay an an ual .increment
f WO across the board as set
y _the Teachers' rederation. Plained the agricultural .course
that—includes a -barn, Iivestock
'Mr. Munro said that the: God -
and school garden. When asked
rith school was pressed' for ac.
by Mr. SalkeId of the . LuCknow
ornodatiotr and are , presently.
sing the cafeteria and library
s permanent elasstooms.. He
aid •that they presently had an
nrollinent of 450 in the school,
lVfore Money Needed
;Mi. Munro inforrned the couri-
lined. the township - 'debenture
Club being formed in LtiCknoW
and said that they were anxious '
board what they did with the on the Club, He said that in.most
months, Mr, Munro explained bers are .freffyi The. rural Aiea:
that' they hired a man to look . . . • ,
after it. Mr. Salkeld stated that Lorne Tvers, road superinteridt,
the Lucknow beard .had deeid- ent; Ted Mills, Bill kinahan and