HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Lucknow Sentinel, 1956-12-05, Page 9WEP .A Z DEQ•5th,1958., INSURANCE FIRE, WIND, CASUALTY A AUTOMOBIL1±i AND LIFE To. Protect Your ,Tank, Insure: With . Jack, Today. J. A. McDONAGU R.R. 3, Lucknow, Out. •'Phone 61-5, Dungannon Insure With. The CUL MOSS •MU-T-II:AI FIRE INSURANCE CO. . • for •° Reasonablerates, sound pro- teetion& prompt, satisfactory settlement of 'c'laims. FARISH MOFFAT Your ' Local Agent R.R. 3, Teeswater • 'Phone • Teeswater 577 -r -4I F. T. ARMSTRONG OPTOMETRIST • GODERICH FOR APPOINTMENT . 'Phone ;1100 ',. For Ap�ppoi>ti:trn tt Or Information • See Wm., A. Schmid; • 'Phone 1'>7-w, Lucknow BORN SIMP TREI.UCKNOW SENTINEL. • , LUCKNOW, ONTARIO SON—inWing ' Pram Hospital on Thursday, November 22nd, to Mr. and Mrs. Donald. M. . Simp- son, Kintail, a son,. ZIN N --in Wingham Hospital on Tuesday, November 27th, to Mr. and Mrs. Clarke .Finn, R.R. 1, Dungannon, a son. CHIN. at Women's `.'College Hos- pital, Toronto, on Thursday, No- vember 29th, to . Mr. and Mrs. William ChinToronto, a 'son. U CO-OP ' • PROPANE BAS . and APPLIANCES A . for .• farm-' home •and industry • LUCKNOW DISTRICT; COOPERATIVE INC. . Phone 'Amin ow 71 -, ROY N. BENTLEY • Public Accountant. G.ODERICH, ;ONT. Telephone•!101I . " Box: 478 • ` Kenneth J.Mac'Kenzie, R.O. • Optometrist . • LISTOWEL, ONT. atthe former: Wrona Jewelery store; Ripley,: 10 'a.m. to 9: ' p.m.,. WEDNESDAY, DEC. 5th ..•' and every Second' Wednesday. Eyes examined . Glasses fitted For appointment 'phone Roy MacKenzie, 96-r-24, Ripley McLENNAN and d : MacKENZIE FUNERAL SERVICE Services conducted "accord- ing : to ,your- wishes at ..your. Home, . ' your Church, or 'at our , Memorial.. Chapel' at no additional charge. ' AMBULANCE SERVICE Phone ' 181, Lucknow, • •Day or Night TEDD 'COLLYER. :Registered' Master Electrician ELECTRICAL CONTRACTOR • Specializing in Electrical Wiring and Repairs, 'AGENT FOR SPARTON TV and All. Electrical' Appliances • . Phone 46 -r -i5, Lucknow C ALAN WI'LL.lAMS. Optometrist, Office-oi Patrick -St.; just off the Main St. in WINGOA . Professional Eye Examination • Optical Services Phone 770, Wingham R. W. ;ANDREW Barrister and' Solicitor' -I7ISTOWEL, ONTARIO IN,,• LUCKN'OW' . • Every 4'Vednesday' and Saturday Afternoon; Office in: the Joynt Block. Telephone:. • Office 135 Residence 31 J HARPER Chartered Accountant• West ;Street GODERICH,. ONTARIO Telephones. 343J = 343W INSURANCE Co -Operative Life Insurance Co -Operative . Automobile Insurance - Mercantile & Farm •Fire Insurance Economical` and Reliable. See T. A. CAMERON LUCKNOW • • • 'Phone 70-r-10 Dungannon • JOHNSTO•NE'S FUNERAL HOME 11.:S HETHERINGTON,, Barrister, wEtc.• Wingham and Lucknow IN LUCKNOW. Each Monday and " Wednesday Located in the _Municipal Oft'iwce 'Phone Wingham , r Office, 48' , • ',Residence ' 97 • 'W• 'Phone 78 Day of Anibulafce Service USE OF FUNERAL HOME • At' No ',Extra Cost • Moderate Prices Established 1891 STATE FARM MUTUAL' . . _-_AUTOMOB- -E- INSURANCE Investigate Before'. Investng 4 • RE.UIiEN WiLSO.N R.R. 3/ Go'deric1i • ?Fiona .gat r•8,' Dttiigannon FREE SHOW FOR - CHILDREN ON SATURDAY' There will be 'a .free show at The . Playhouse Theatre .on Saturday for . •children froni • town and ' country. This is sponsored by the Lucknow • Business Men's Association and is being ;held 'a week •previous to the Santa Claus parade, • There will, be a show at 10.00 a.m. for "town children and art . afternoon ' perforin ance at 2.00 p:m. for • country children. • • ,The film is; being specially selected for child entertain- ment. ' SANTA COMING IN TEN DAYS , Santa •Claus ' is scheduled' to arrive in Lucknow on Saturday, December 15th, oh •his annual visit sponsored 'iy the Lucknow Business Men's . Association, In dications' are that he'll he attic and span .in . a new outfit :and he's bound to ' receive a rousini reception, from 'all _ the kiddies i this district. Details Of his visit were • work- ed. ,out at a meeting on` Friday' night, attended 'by fifteen mem- bers of the; B.M.A. While Santa's. visit is ten ~days away there Will, be a `'free "show. for children on. .Saturday of this • week, rather than on the 'day of the parade.. Committees ..appointed f o r 'Santa ,Claus: day were as follows: Treats • committee, • Lloyd Hall;: Chas: Short, Roy ,..Finlayson.; -Santa -Chas:--Webster; Band, Gordon "Fisher; Parade corn., Bill Johnstone,' Howard Cowan,'. M. L. Sanderson; edllectors,. 'Bob Fin- lay, Rus Button: It; was decided • 'to -,request the Municipal' Council to have spec-• ,ial policing'' provided for .parade. The meetingdecided to remain open the evenings of • Wednes- day, Thursday,., Friday, Saturday and Monday preceding Christmas vji ::and -to ;remainopen two Thurs 'day afternoons,' Decern!ber lath i1 and 20th.: A vote of thanks was tendered the Clansmen Club :for their financial assistance.' PACE NINE ATREc.oderich. First Showing '7.30 -•- Second Showing 9.30 Now—"Many Rivers . to Cross"—in :cinemascope with Robert Taylor. • MON., TUES. & WED.— . "INTERRUPTED MELODY" :In Cinema cope ..and color. b Portrays the life and talents of opera star Marjorie Lawrence -- ,hose -usage defeated the scourge of "polio. Glenn , Ford, Eleanor •Parker and Cecil Kellaway THURS., FRI. & SAT. -- Jeff Chandler, Lorraine Day and Tim Hovey •A. heart-warming story of a widow and her small son who invents, and produces, a new Dad.,, • •. "Tft TIGER".. , In Technicolor • Coming= --Kurt . Kasznar and :Jack Sernas in "Jump Into Hell" CHRISTMAS hOpping:iiours, Business Places In Lucknow `Will ; Remain Open On Thursday AfternooniDecember'1ath and -20' and THE. EVENINGS OF Wednesday, Thursday, Friday, Saturday and. Monday preceding Christmas. Stores 'wilt be. open Thursday afternoon after Christmas LUCKNOW BUSINESS MEN'S 'ASSN. ov_mgttioesgB sc D tfol # lte a # a omoili enottc KINGSBRIDGE : Mrs. Ursula Hebert Of Detroit is`• visiting .at .thehome of Mr;' and, Mrs: Norman O'Connor,.. Miss Margaret Foley; of Strath- roy, Miss :.Delores. -Dalton of :.I7e troit, • Miss .:'Mary Sheridan •• of Toronto, Mr. and Mrs. Jack, IVIc-, Conville of Toronto, Mr: & Mrs. Victor=. Finnie of•: Gofierich 'visit'- ed with relatives here over the week -end: ' Mrs. Sheridan, Who •ihas been in Wingham Hospital for the past two weeks, returned to her home here : on Sunday. Mrs. • Thos. "O'Neill is now ' a patient .'in • Wingham Hospital with . an infection in her ',hand: -Mr. "and .Mrs: Miltenberg and.. children' visited ,with friends in .Lucan on 'Sunday. • Mr..' and Mrs. iCotterauld,' Tor- onto . were;week-end' guests at thehome of, Mr. and Mrs. Walt- er .Clare. alt-er.Clare. 'HURON. �i'OWNSHIP •HAS • RACE F R REEVE •& DEPUTY' Huron ,Township ratepayers will oto the • . fills on Monday to elect a. reeve and deputy -reeve. It is the first tiMe Huron will have had. a deputy in many years. • • • The present reeve, Chester Ernmerton, willagain, battle it out with • ex -councillor. Claude Dore, whom he. edged for the reeveship •a 'couple of years. ago: John -'t- MacMurehy . and-•--uJoh-n• Doi ie MacDonald,- who have l r. 'have n,��.rving as ,,councillors, , bee , their ,hats 4n" -the ring for -the newly -created . deputy reeve's •seat: • The councillors, who are now reduced ,to three, were givenan acclamation. They include two' Members of the present board, Tack Campbell of Pdint Clark and Alfred Walden, plus a new- comer to the Board, •. W. B, AiN rY• ,:R.y=.'::::..,�w'R�+.� if �Ic.dl�aF.aw.#I.E.t.�..A11�.-w,11[llrw ]I,.Z�.`.G...:i,� a�`t. w•�. wr°::'w,v,±¢ ihT..:�.:::,J.r..':e'-";6.'�^'.Y'r.sF1::.'7; :w:.': +.�± ::�L:.. :.'.r.CC.r,.'«"'.^..14======- ...} : ,. -operative Services NOW ,OFFERS:' 6 Hospital plans paying up . to $8.00 per day. ti Surgical plans paying al Doctors' fees for surgery, s 2 maternity, setting of fractures, and other benefits. 6• Pay -roll Deduction ;plans • including hospital and S. surgical benefits, life insurance, and loss of 6 time. 3 A plan for Catastrophe :Illness costs up to $5,000. ri The low cost of these plans• bring: them ,within the reachms. . of, everyone in Bruce County. 'The ,prom'ipt payment of claims • C has earned : us' the confidence and: co-operation of hospitals'. .and ,.doctors: The following letter ,from an Ontario doctor, S m following extensive • surgical treatment of one of our . mem- ti hers, is on file• in our'office: . • "1VIy most firm feeling is one'of�.eomplete" confidence' in R ii. smaller businesses such as your organization..' There must + :be many times . when; the fact that ' you know personally 3 your subscribers, works to their advantage, and helps you I 2 to be fair to •th\em. You • know • those . who are trying. to Igt • .I chisel, as well as . tho_se whose claims are legitimate, and ` ti • you must often have opportunities to minimize sharpshoot-• kit ing to the• advantage of• the niore sincere subscribers. The . companies which •are larger have to be mtich more. impee- VI sonal, and must' make more Mistakes as ' a result of not 6 havii g• •the human elements in mind, iii each case r d'o not iel doubt that the- personal -element --mentioned above is --of more --411 advantage to the overwhelming ,majority sof subscribers 'than 2 ,;the length, of hospital 'coverage, since it is an unusual illness which •confines a patient to hospital . beyond one month..I• r. have surely been impressed by, the sincerity of your 'corn-,pany"� 3 �' For information; 'dip the ,attached coupon, and mail ' I. xn;�.' .• `, to' our head office •in Paisley. ,I :' � • 'lY. . 1 z ; 4' ow ia 2 a . , . L, . ec'y=T�reas.; Marrag Bruce Co-operative Medical' Services tw .Ontario. Paisley, • O Please wind r `re, without •oibligation,` complete rr- ,formation; regarding the • Bruce " Co-operative 1Vledical . Services Plans. Name' ....r ..r..r...i Address ... o. et,,. •.ti w.r. .n 64114-1.44..r Yr+Y Yr ....Yi.YyY.YYWY..Y.ilry'rrr Yt*.r-Yf.Y,, r1i. 444 44..444.444.04V44.44 44..444.444.04V444.Yr...r. Yw ,..,, ,i• •. Ny, • • .. -S; vk -. • . W ...r.. M" w" . " w • • . •a. ...'. . • ar ; d4,• '