HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Lucknow Sentinel, 1956-12-05, Page 81
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TEE 'memo* maim, LucEilow. ,otrmato
follow in the •use of a sewing
machine, The meeting closed
with lunch 'served by -Mary Bea
Purden and Norma Murray,
• NOTICE is hereby giiven to the MUNICIPAL ELECTORS
OF THE VILLAGE OF 'LUCIC.NOW that in 'compliance with
the Statutes in that behalf I require' the. presence of the• •
Said Electors at the Village Hall in the said
at the 'hour of Seven o'clock and Thirty Minutes in the .
afternoon'. of
• . . • - - . • - • , .
, • .4.1
•MONDAY, DECEMBER .10th, 1956
For One Hour ••
For the 'PlIrlSose of nominating fit and. Proper persons
for the Offices of One .Councillor and One Public School
Tkustee ,for the Village. Of Lucknow for the year 1957,
; Trustees to hold Office. for Two. Years. of which. all
Electors are .hereby reqtiired to take notice and •govern
'themselves accordingly, and if a greater numiber of. Candi-
dates than .required to fill the said .01fices are nominated
and make the required Declarations, Polls will be opened.
' in the following places: Polling Subdivision No. One, The
Legion Hall; Pollmg Subdivision No. Two, The Municipal
Ogiice; and Polling Subdivision N. 'Three, The • Village.
Hall, in the said Village, of Lue.,know, on
and will' be 'open from Nine O'clock aan, until
• Five O'clock pan. and no longer. •
Given `under my hand 'tills TwentyEighth Day of Not'
Veiniber '1956, . • •
' 7.. E. H. AGNEW,. Returnilig Offieer.
• •
NEW coyERAGE.roucus
The outlook for farm. prices
appears 'favorable in -ahnost all
categories, reports . the Depart-
ment of Agricultural Economics
at the Ontario Agricultural Col-
lege in, its quarterly publication,
"Ontario -,Farm Business", • .
.The department sees hog pribes
•strong for the remainder of 1956,,
and likely to continue lgood right
into , late 1957, being veryfavor-,
able about next June or July.
- The prospects • , for, beef cattle
next spring are slightly. better
• than ia.st spring, although heavy
marketings are in prospect for
this fall, and seasonal price 1de-
lines will occur. Prices in the,
• summer of 1957 should be Sill''-
Aar to prices . last summer. The
•present 'large Spread between
top and .common quality animals
is likely to continue.• _ With dairy cow'numbers in the
Unite&States being at their low-
• est . for 20 years, . exports of
dairy cows to the U$. are- well
abcive last - year. -.• Dairy cow
We are sorry to report that.
Mks.. Jas. Haldenbi Of Milverton
and formerly of this commun-
ity is a patient in hospital in
• Mr. Morley •Wall, accompanied
by Mr.'and Mrs, •Orval Wilson
and Susan, motored ,to Toronto
on Tuesday..• On their return
home they Were accompanied by"
Mrs. Wall and Elda, who • had
spent a few days in the Queen
City; • ,
Little Douglas and Lois Wall
spent a few days with their aunt
and uncle, Mr. and Mrs. Clayton
Meyer. • . •
• Misses • Beverley. and •Doris
Wall spent Tuesday after school
at Brown's, while Bob Wall
spent Sunday at Wraith's. and
• Tuesday night with Harold Why..,
tack. •
Mrs. Annie MacKenzie of
• Teeswater was a recent visitor
•prices are now •higher than at with Mrs. Don Donaldson.
any timesince August 1954. The
Department sees limited im-
provernents" in prices for next
ESSo. and Esso Extra Gasoline
•• Marvelube
. Mineralube
Always look to Imperial
• • for the best
di a'
Modern Equipment ,For
Wheel Alignment
' and
Wheel Balancing
Phone 3, 14UeknOW
• • • • • With the coming of that beau-
tiful white fluffy stuff -called
snow our faithful snowplow man
Mr. Lorne 'Becking, is •again' on'
•The. Widespread prevalence of the job.
potato blight across Canada-wi
probably mean ,• reluctance to• '
store potatoes, with the result
that. prices of good quality po-
tatoes should .iniprove very con-
siderably by next spring; ft,
• The .Board of Direetori of
Bruce Co-operative Medical Ser-
vices held their regular board
peetkng, ThuridaYevening, No-
veroller 2•9th, in•theiffiCe lirPaiSley.
PaisleY. ••• •.
The resUlts of the election of
officers of the Board...were as.
Although the U.S. •production
of soybeans is expected to be up
• one-quarter this year over 1955,
the total supply of food fats is
likely. to be 'no greater :than :last
year.. Since meal .prices • will
Mr, and .Mrs. John IVIarehuek_
of:Toronto wete recent visitors
with IVIr: and Mrs. John Ross.
Miss Helen Schmacher return-
ed to London Sunday evening to
resume, her work there after
convalescing at her hone here,
the past two weeks. •
• We are glad to report that
• Grant Wall, is making •favorable
progress towards recovery.
Mr. and Mrs. John Schurnach-
Titobably keep' the -price -of -beans *e -r" s-pe-fit-tlie-w-reekven-d---with =Mr.
'clown, the ,price • of soybeans is and Mrs. John -MoSer, Exeter.
not likely to be strong. •,•.
Price prospects for corn are
• • • . .,,. only fair , with the U.S.corn
.• follOws: • pres., John. McMurchy, ,, • ,, •
• 'Ripley; . lst. vice pre.s., Donald, pupply expected to he up 6 per -
Tooled. To Repair . All Makes"Of
MacKinnon, Paisley,, -2 d vice .
Tractors, Machines, AW. Shop WorkI cent above the record supply of
' - • . , , -• • - President, W. G.' ,Nionol-son, Port last year, and 17, percent above
• •
ACETYLENE ds. iiRe WELDING Elgin; :finance conimittee, Allan the 1940-53 average.
• • - Evans • Tiverton, • Donald Mac-
-KINLOUGH GARAGEPiisley; representatives
• to Bruce Federation of Agricul-
Uwe, John MoMurchy and W. H.
Phone 18440, Ripley
Plans were made for the pro-.
'crnOtion of the new $8.00 per day,
hospital plan, the special Secur-
ity • Endorsement .plan giving
,protection. from, $500 to $5000,.
and complete,.coverage plans for
41:Jay—Roll _deduction grotiPs.' •
and Genuine JH DEERE PARIS
• '
• • • • „ • • •
t '
• .11
• sort tern -5 years
.pay 41/2% interest, payable half yearly
.• Unconditionally guaranteed as to
• principal and interest.
, • IN 5 YEARS
. •
• .
c! ,
A recent .issue of the Family -7
• Herald. carried„ an •illustrated
story of the old Stone. Church at
- ;Recently...negotiated price in,•
Beaverton, 'built in 1840.'
'creases appear likely tohold for , A 'beloved: minister of. this
the remainder of the season, and ehutch for .45 years, from 1853
price s for..appleswill, be strong, .to .1898, was ',Dr. David. Watson,
with normal •*advances as the :grandfather . of Mrs. Itelso Mac
season progresses. . • Nay .(Ma Watson) ' of Ashfield
- •
When the congregation moved.
from the Stone. Church to the
new Andtew's church in Bea-
verton in .1879 it was stipulated
• that the •Stone Church was to be
used -occasionally forserVices,:Jt
still.is. On the firSt. Sunday of
the month froth June td October,
services, are held- in the •Stone
Church, which is as it.was when.
Over. a century agO, apart
from new doors which were. re-
quired: - a few years ago.'
Bev. David Watson, a native
of Inverness, Scotland, was the
first minister called to the Stone
seas at the Community Hall oh Church. He:- spoke the Gaelic.:
e • .
j The ladies are reminded of ,the
Christmas meeting , of• the .W.I.
this ' (Thursday) :afternoon -at--2-
o'clock in the Community Hall.
Roll call, an exchange of gifts
and My Childhood Memories of
Christmas.. •• •
Gave. Travelogue..
Endowed with a good memory'
and the faculty of. elling her in-
teresting story well, Ivirs. L..C.
Thompson of Lucknow shared
with us their recent trip over -
Friday 'night •under auspices of The built-up pulpit is reached
the Women's Institute. Her story by .a staircase,.. and below the
and the beautiful pictures she minister on .a. little railed .plat,-
sfioweil; -began at' Lucknow, form sat the choir, facing the
to the British Isles, Belgium, ,precentor who had a little en -
Germany, Switzerland, Italy and
• France', Mrs. Thompson was in-
• troduced •by Mrs. Andrew Gaunt
and thanked by Mrs, E. W. Rice,
who also presented her. with a
• gift. During an intermission, Mrs.
Will Rutherford played a piano
.solo and Lorne Vorster and Phyl-
-lia-BarbOur.-4avored,-.-•with voCali
selOs. After .lunkh dancing was
enjoyed to music iby the. Wraiths
and.: Don' 'Cameron with , Mrs,
Scott at the piano.
$500 ACCUMULATES 40 *624.60 •
Hood , Branch Office
4 • IIMBay, Sti ' • • • .14 Dunlop gto, oans.
• Mrs. Will Webster is a pat-
• ient in Wingham Hospital. as the
result of a fall in her honie on
Wednesday, when aie tripped,
• The third ,meeting of the St.
IXelens nappy Handicrafters met
hoine---of-Norma, Murray__
•• on -Tuesday eventnig,, November
Twelve 'members answered
• the ,rell call, "A fiffish I will use
on my sleeping garments'', Fol-
lowing the business, the leader's
led 'a discitision, on poiritt of
good • sleeping' garments, and,
seams that should. be used on
different types- of Material, The
leaders demonstrated stay stit-
chit4 French. seains la.pped
Seams'and the proper- methOd to
I ' '
closure of his own.
Dr.: Watson's son Angus, One
of a family' of. ten children,. was
precentor and ."raised the •tune"
f3or many years until he was
about eighty. ' • •
At his death the love and re-
spect in which he was held was
attested—to-by this tribute -I
him: "The Session finds no words
to express the sense of loss in
the death of the Rev.. Dr, Wat-
• son of blessed memory, best 'of
pastors, truest .of friends, and
the foreinost factor for good in
the cominimity for ,half• a cen-
• We are the only manufac-
• turer in Oki part of Ontario
high. , class monuments
whO import granite from the
Old Country in the rough'hY ,
"the. carload and process; from .
the rough to the finiihed.
• monument. No Anidalenian.
411 -elf thoosingit-monument-
. eosin and see • one of the
largest seleetion.s in Ontario'.
• • • :,
Established„Over sixty years,
:Write:.or. phone Walkerton 8
and reverse charges.
. .
— —;
Armature 'and Pield. Winding,
Brushes, Bearings, -Etc.
• Repairs' to 44
Fractional and Integral
• Horsepower Motors,
Also, Electric Fans'Vacuums,
Clippers,. Drills, Etc.
• • Hinlough
Phone Ripley. 111449:
Ackert i assistant to .the'
personnel Manager of the. United Co,operatives, of Ontario, was
guest %speaker at the annual
meeting of the Kincardine Twp:
'Federation of Agriculture. AuS
tin Martin, president of the
Bruce County Federation, also
spoke. r•
Agnew's' ItISURANCE Age
- -
. Member of •
Ontario Insurance Agents Association
• Established OVqr Thirty Years Ago
' Telehoftest: •
Business 39 •HOWARD) AGNEW.
• .„
Residence 138