HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Lucknow Sentinel, 1956-12-05, Page 31 Imo ups 1... 4 a a a a a PS Rt a storey: s 'con- ;round on-;round 7 their is did. red . to.. `.. �rfield,. . e and !cplode. burn - y -filled hours burns iy. ed reg• apart- s a time • DPN $1 A Y, DEC. 5th, 1956 . L.UCKNOW UNITED CHURCH: Minister: Rey. G, A, Meiklejohn,. B.A., B.D. • THE LUCKNQW SENTINEL, LUCKNQW,. ONTARIO .• PAGE THREE, SHFIELD NOMINATION ONLY TWO ADVERTISING • 0>0e " . �'1����I�er�tr�e�I���I�I�n,r�I�#��r�#�I���I��Oira� • • ISSUES' UNTIL CHRISTM.A. S: 2 (Continued from Page .1>. questioned if, so '' , do any good and ie he thought a vhot- wou • e better. HowardBarger ,o the. none, of the Council members. me signs would Local merchants who a- the Reeve ]oc- ticipate doing any special. ularly replied th h Christmas advertising are re - two g n d. minded that there are only location f h g questioned the two more issues of The Sen SUNDAY, ,DECEMBER 9th site and -felt that final before the big day ar� � rives. 10.00 a,m,: Church School. , would want it so close to their • 'Space requirements b y 11:00 a,m : 'Worship `;Beyond property.. other than regular advertis- the Sacred Page".' Reeve Blake referred to the ars should be ordered •ihy completion and opening. of the Saturday, prior to • Publics - 7.00 P.m: Evening Service Court , H'iouse, which. had ..been tion. This. also applies. to' reg Bible Study" vrlew'.ed • by delegations from " ular advertisers requiring .practically every County in.the . extra Space. r�„�,• ---, ; province; with high praise .for the building. He said that if it .Lucknow Were• built today it :'would cost. between $300;000 ` and $400,000 Presbyterian Church : more. • . • • • He stressed that it is not being 'Rev. 'Wallace MMeC)lean;the Board. paid for Iby debenture; but will Minister be wiped off in ' three annual. ' payments representing f luck t Cecil d SiThTDAY, . DECEMBER. 9th. eP ng' a yearly ' levy of about one and a tenth not g to 11.00 a.m. Bible Sunday., mills. •him for the reeveship g m.: :Sunda School.' The Reeve referred .to the 2i�2 Adds Best Wishes 12,15' P� • • miles of road ''widening on the 300. p.m.: Dunganr�ou, 9th 'Concession ,of. Ashfield this added b t 7:00 per: C.GsLT, ' Vesper year, and to the building of four would, b an •. Service;. A11. interested • .County bridges, including the are igvited. $49,500 'bridge at Brussels, which f d �,..�.. was built at a comparatively low. �, • cost,.: according to the Minister his 'way,. of 'Highways. The bridge at Lon- Mr. Ritchie dealt v'rith, snow- desborough', which went. out, was Plowing, the gravel .contract let an •unlocked for expenditure'. and at fisc, and • The ,building, of, two had to, lbe. 'done although it put bridges -ones on .the 12th Con., tie -ire tie .b �{{.��;ettaiat-aost-of $2;800 -arid` the _ _ •,rw.r'.. •• - -tir. �7Yrli�... ""� �' 'y fir, -r r 'Mice of `: which fir." h i . �biidge ;a 'the so•t tl e • Revs H. L. Jennings, Blake is a member, which will run close to $17,000.. With eve'=inereasing'school, atCouncillors,. Donald MacKenzie DECEMBER �th•tendance enrollment' and' ino e and Tom Howard.spoke briefly, SUNip�Y, . DE R ,9 ADVENT ' highway traffic, :which .,demands and Howard Btai1ger,' jthe` .only: school •,a- other nominee,stated he had no -• . •- dditions sand road• ' im. Bible Sunday iriaentidr of stand' ! provement programs, R e•e v e . Ib 11.00 a•m Morning Prayer '1. Blake .said he.was'unable: • to• for Gives Road.; Details' and Church School.. see tax reductions', Road Superintendent • H er b Curran gave some • detailed' Want five• Years ToPa • fig- ures .on :township 'road „ extpendi- .ures,__irichid' ng-�sn awplowing •_,a • T, ANGLICAN . CHURCH had . ever- dreamed •of in consid- eration of gr..arits that are' to come, and. added that it 'was the best year since he had come on ti , Mr.,Bradley, extended the •best o .o C eci ..and said • he was `o:: going 'come .0 against • .. Councillor Andrew. Ritchie' - a e is .es wishes. to Mr. Blake and said it t e honor to. himself and `Ashfield if. he couldwin the •war • �enship,_ and that he would not) stand in .e' 1 +t..,,...,,�r ,� .,,.�,�,r� ;,rte„ r y. Councillor John Bradley said th't: if:' the names sof• triose dump- a rips' cost: of 6 407:50 travell ocal & mineral in r . weed seeds : or animals :were g $ , g • given to Co• unty officials, there .ing, :bridge. :building and'., road would.: be action .for there: is •a widening: Some . of the 'latter . Mr. .and: Mrs :Donald .Gard t., have rented ,The . apartment' over penalty for such infrdctiOns.' wprk was carried'' out at Lanes- vine and Mr: Curran : said here 'the L.ucknow Fruit'Market. He said they had' offered to ,the found out !that a bridge • Meet " the three hospitals 100' per- g Mr and Mrs., ;George. Colwell. cent in the'matter of 'rants ut they repaired"` a couple of, years oaf Holyrood, Mrs. J. �W. Colwell. w iv g b ago, would Better 'have beep. anted five years 'to pay, and of 'miough ' and Mr. and °1VIrs.• a: rebate of surcharge .paynierits ''blown up • and . replaced ' with a, Ardill Mason of • Ripley visited with Mrs. Wm. • "Bushell on Sun ,day. ' , Paramount Women's Institute .meeting is. to be held at 'Mrs, R. Reid's home on December 11.. Roll call, "Something I remem- -ber. as a child about Christmas";. . topic, "Christmas in other lands"; current events, : Mrs. Kingsbury; -program ` and ' lunch, Mrs. O. 'Richards, Mrs. M. • .J. Webster: • • made by Aslifield • patients at Wingham Hospital. The Township's financial state- � ents. say" they are not, 'according -90-foot bridge. The province pays 80 percent of the cost of . bridge ,building percent 50 on' road ' work and snowplowing.: Mr. Curran . to ' Mr. ,Mackenzie.. • Eighty head 'of. Holstein heif- said there .would be'subsidy' He • said he would be glad. to g y grants " of • about • $13,000 coming have . anyone succeed him at any ars.. were recently shipped to through in February, time, and paid tribute *to the long Florida' from the herds of Har- New Engineer - vey Ackert,: ;Vernon ' ;Hunter, . Reeve Blake ",referred 'to the Morris and Leonard Reid, Mur- resignation : Of Peter Paterson, ray Ireland. McLeod; Carl "_Finlay, Don -County --`engineer, . who was • the :ald Irela, third •generation of this family to hold the post. His resignation was of his wish, and not because of financial ••consideration. He was eventually replaced by Jas. Briritnel at a salary of '$8,000, who isa qualified engineer and capaJbie--ef drawing plans: • School Affairs Marshall Gibson, .senior school .board met'ber, was called • on,. and expressed regrets at ' the. misfortune that had/befallen Mr. Crozier, Mr, Gibson invited ques- tions, and failing to receive them left the financial end of the re- port' up to the secretary. ' Rod ,MacKenzie, another .Board member, spoke briefly and Hugh •McWhinney and Reuben Wilson; intimated theywould consider When Doingqualifyingfying if they 'could, be of 5A service, Gordon Finlayson, the ° � Your Christmas Shopping ing _ � other trustee nominee, was not • present. •CALL IN •AND SEE- 7R`�STOC-K ki � prnt. esenard-Krlpatrick, se ' treasurer, referred to the state - We We have Suitable'Gifts for ,Every Member ' merit for a complete'financial of the Family' picture. Asking.if there were any k. solhool' questions, Elmer Graham • ti' saiT ere are lots; but I don't FOR'FATHER— . � thinkanyone had better .� ask: ;, ' Sporting Equipment, Took., Fender Mirrors, wind- ' ° them". Wilfred Farrislicomment- and:other Auto Accessories. re+. ed., °It's a muddled up affair"'. shield Washers .� _ .. •, moque, a . raise if show. For; the children of Country and: Town .a AT. THE. PLAYHOUSE THEATRE a. • A:TURDAY,: DECEMBER 8th 10,00 . a.m. Show if or Town Children 2.00 p.m. Show for Country Children SPECIAL. PICTURE •FOR CHILDREN Santa Claus Parade the Following Week,: � . Saturday, December15th. on or S.p .. s ed By P, LUCKNOW BUSINESS . MEN'% . ASS!N, - 4 m► 4. a • C ritZtorlattiotterliitgliirtiogttivitignageottivitiviagiottezturortfieritizquggiiffiefi. and faithful service of. A. E. Me - Kim who is retirittig. at the : end of the year. • Bef4ire closing the meeting with the National : Anthem, Clerk: .Simpson extended the best wish- up, and salaries on the increase, es of. ;themeeting and of ' the. he felt an increase in the school Township to Mr., Blake. rate was,,_to.. be .expected again i_. N minations_ vete recei s - Curran. ' High. Schools :Omar , Brooks, Ashlfield's' rep- resentative on the- �Goderich Dis- triet'• Highhoo1 Board, said that 'with the, cost of, , operation we: have; t�, he added.• Henry MacKenzie, . the Town- ship's. representative on the: Lucknow• District Board, felt the same way about the' tax rate.. He said that after a hot session with the contractor and architect" the 'final •. payment was. made on: the Lucknow school, which cost, $280,000. 'They ended the . year Mr. MacKenzie referred to the 'unnecessary ' expense of school '+Buses covering the same section of road. This applies in the case of. the Ripley,. ' Lucknow, Wing ham ureas. He •felt the Depart- ment should define Who goes Where, abut. they: don't like to. e Wingham tbus, he added, come ight ' into the Lucknoyv Area, Th Wingham Board.says 'they are n t paying, and the par: - meet was beyond anything he To The Ratepayers of The Village of Lucknow.i Ladies and 'Gentlemen s The • compliment you paid me • at Monday's election is deeply appreciated a'nd'I promise on my •' •part to. serve the Village faithfully, in every way... • Sincerely, • ' 'GEORGE W. JOYNT soIa.o zeoto oiveziool 'vita rl+ toe srreorerraatarog orboreeesr Christmas Gifts for Everyone a 'owls a 1 the hoose. • tlease 4 ear, s FOR MOTHER2 • Electric. Floor Polisher's, Mi'xette Sets, Kettles and E 'there would be any work left ,z for the Area Board and if the 0 - adrniratratton costs would- rex.. 1• main the sante for the ter' re - Skates, Bicycles, Tricycles, 'agony, Trucks, Holster; rnaining schools, as for the Stts, Puzzles and .Games. teen that have been in the Area.. A question as --to the secret-. � ,z .9s ' '. ,� • ary':S salary brought. the reply • A MP f ro.m Mr. -Kilpatrick that 'lie rem ceived, $$00 plus telephone Calix ports and o Sand postage, and that there were up Y 6 ,� no °extras, or handouts as, had 1 been vaguely •hinted. by Jack . e oro'' to l onion ttivor a nope' i. Lamps:.. .rOR THIS CIHII DREN W inti., ia:+s�.L. �haM;K•..r To the Electors ° of , Huron' Township: • ForReeve Cecil °Blake by ,Paul Caesar and Allan Petrie 1 John ,Bradley by • "Henry," Mac- Kenzie and Jacob Hunter: • ,Andrew. Ritchie by Wilfred Hackett arid Dynes Campbell. For Councillors Donald MacKenzie . by , , Alex Dunbar and Harold . Adams.. Tom Howard by Vincent Aus- tin and 'Louis Hogan, John Bradley' by Jacob Hunter and Henry, 1VIacKenzie..... Andrew.' 13itchie: by Dynes Campbell and. . Wilfred Hackett. • Howard Barger .. by Wilfred. Farrish and Lloyd Robb. ' For School Trustees: Rod :MacKenzie '!by Harold Adams:.and Donald H. MacKen zie. • • Hugh McWhinney by • Victor Black and Herb :.Pentland. , Reuben . Wilson .�by•Henry Mac- kenzie . and Marshall : Gibson. • Gordon.: Finlayson by 'Wilfred Farrish and Gordon Barger.' I ' have beep ' urged to stand ,• for the office of ' Reeve in Huron' Township. If you see fit to vote in" • my 'favor •I will appreciate it •very much: ' I do not believe in making promises at election time but I ` will:make gone which will. affect every ,. ratepayer in -the -Municipality. •If elected I will re = scind the By-law granting the Reeve extra pay for attending' County Council,' which `I find is illegal Thanking. you in advance and wishing you all . the Greetings: of the 'Season,. CLAUDE DORE. To the Electors . • of Huron' Township It has•been a privilege •and honour: to as Councillor for the past two years. While striving to •keep• expenses at' a mininium, • • we do• not wish to see necessary work .neglected to the cin f -inefficiency& '•-� , serve yatu. • . YOUR VOTE will indicate that_ I am your choice for `Deputy Reeve,• • • JOHN - O. MacDONALD To the Electors of Duron ' Township:, I wish to thank you for your support in the -past for the -office of councillor, ___ -__ As a candidate for Deputy -,Reeve., I' respectfully solieit your support .and. inifluertce, •assuring you ' Haat .• . A VOTE FOR JOH A. MaeMURCHY IS A. VOTE FOR ECONOMICAL 1VIUNICIFAL GOVERNMENT. 'JOHN A. MacMURCHY.. •