HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Lucknow Sentinel, 1956-12-05, Page 11956 uses Ings, nual nded. Tides large 1 in- • ncial fig. to Mr, that. funds. arged 00_.. to fed. eased • how- . r fig pared: 1955. as, at 4 per s. inand sub-' nvest- it and of ex= rnd at ion of level; mil figure' ;ing an i' at., ��c which ng the usiness of the. crit in. 11 .Bate,. f sing no ce 1955. ost ung level,°'.•' in the- is heis the widuals, at •the; astantial million `his 'was Lction in effecting r Of cor- ing con-. T litions, a st, added epee' last Murray n, Huron' 1 chartip- . for 'the t to corn.. rloo win- "Resolved e number would be' - Ontario". :ock when arched '.the, hone) and' r well de= ,ff for that :#its Affilirenr04 • W. $2.50 A Yeah' In .Advance „$1,00 Extra To U.S.A. PURSE SNATCHED IN BUFFALO SHOP . ' Mrs, Arabelle Bushel was th victim of, a recent ,purse Snatch- ing. natch-ing• that cost her tbe' purse, over $100 -Which it contained, not to rnentien personal . papers, and her car keys.., • .1VIrs Bushell, wha+`is- • on the Bell Telephone ' staff at. Strat- ford, was visiting. in Bufifalo at the home of her brother, Stewart Cameron,. She had ,nnotored . to Buffalo, ' and had driven down- town by' herself to do some shop- ping, t . fl She was in a millinery section o ' department . storeand set ' her purse down in front of ' .her • momentarily, to try on . a hat. The next thing she • knew the purse Was gone, and Arabelle ' found herself. without even enough for a telephone call to her.. sister-in- law 'to. inform her of her plight. She received noi_ satisfaction nor co-operation 'from the" store manager, and had to -set out on foot in search' of a: police man to iniform -Pilch ' Of: the incident. ` it thfee`AriourJl0r blocks -before;.b efore • ,Mrs.. Bushell located a. man. in blue; who took her to the, police station, from Where she . notified Mrs::Camercln. • It wasn't the "first . case of -purse snatching, rid' as Mrs; ,Bushell coul'dn't ..e a, descri+p+tion of the thief, . there. didn't .appear much chance that she would be appre hended: Nor, wasthere much hope. that Ara!belle • would even .: rc*cover : the -papers--that were valuable ' to her, yet useless to the thief;` Fortunately, Mr's. Bushell had a second car key, concealed un- der. the. • hood , of 'the car, which solved the. stolen keys problem,. and ssth3l& police... ei; tificate, cer- tifying :what ipaci. happened, and that 'she; was . theowner of the car;• Mrs: Bushellcut. short' her' Buffalo visit and headed home. MRS. • JOHN IRWIN, . �. PASSES IN .90th YEAR $9.95 • $7..95 $9;95 Sri • LUCKNOW, ONTARIO WEDNESDAY, DEC. 5th, 1956 TWELVE PAGES The death of Mrs.. John Irwin curr:• • late Tuesday afternoon at the h • me of her. son, Mr, Wm. John I in. Mrs. Irwin was in her 90th year; The ,funeral. service will be. held at the Johnstone' Funeral Home, Luoknow, on Friday. after- noon. . ASHFIELD MAN DIED...IR FIRE . Harley Benson Phillips, 36 - year -old . 6 -•year-old• Ashfieldite, was ones- of three men , whp .host their "lives when fire destroyed the British Exchange Hotel in Goderich early Tuesday .morning. • The 113 -year-olds (building •was completely. destroyed. • • We understand' that Elliott Little, formerly.• Of, Lucknow, who' has been living 'at the hotel for ,the ,past few years, was in hospital ' at • the time of the .fire.: Return•West W.awanoshCounci' By 'Acelamation Harley- PPhillips_ -is the son .of `". W -es -t -T Wawanosh Township: Mr,• and Mrs. •Herman Fhilliips Council was ".returned by.acela- of ':Concession \•9, • Ashfield and mation at Friday's nomination' was born and raised in the meeting when only the (bare slate •Township. He was recently em- was nominated: The personnel ployed in . the. Carlow district.,' of the Board is unchanged: since He• was .-a; member of Blake's United :Church,' Ashfield. Funer- al services will be, held at Stiles' Funeral Dome, Goderi,ch ori' Fri- day' at one o'clock. conducted by Rev. C. C. Washington, of the Ashfield Circuit . ,pastorate Ih . terment will. be in Greenhill Cemetery. ': Surviving, i addition to ' his `parents, are: tree sisters, Mrs. Frank ' (Kathie ) Bear, •Mrs. Clarence (,Eda ) ' Hardy,: Mrs,: Car- men (Margaret) Brindley?, all Of Playhouse Theatre, where Benmiiler; four brothers, : Lorne D. Higgs, Lions' International' ' and . Thomas, • both :of • Ashfield I Executive • •Secretary, : • 'showed ' Township;. Donald, at home, e1ect.on, and - t-he1:9;53 a 'will, corer_ mence their 4th' . term in the new year. • Reeve John Durnin is :pictured in the centre front. -To. the • left, is Clerk ' John Foran ' and to the right • •is. Treasurer Greer. : tia Back -row, left to, right,.. are Councillors Eldon, ,Miller, Lorne Durnin,' ' Orville , McPhee and Harvey . Culbert: '• —Sentinel Photo Clarence atson Heads Lions Club;. harter Night for D0r���ry- A . Lions 'Club came, into being at a; . meeting here last Tuesday night, as .successor to The :Clans men Club:. • The meeting • was .held in. The Township,' William. of Colborne ,films and ex •lamed' the reg p g �ounciUQr'Joynt Elected- Reeve �y 12 Vote :'Margin • George W. JJ ynt was .elected• reeve:. of. the, Village of Lucknow on : Monday With a 12 -vote mar- gin over Reeve Alex W. Hamil- ton. ,Mr:- Joynt 'polled 221 'votes to Mr. Hamilton's 209. The south ward, the 'successful candidate's home poll, gave him a 33 -vote edge .to decide .,a very :close race, Mr. -Hamilton -had a majority in the. two north side subdivisions. The results by isions 'were as f Legion Hall . • Town Office Town `:Hall polling subdiv- ollows i• • 'Joynt Hamilton 69 • 76 ., • 63 67 .:` 9p • 66 . 221 209 This :total' Of 430 ballots rep- sented roughly a 60 percent vote and was an election. that was • generally regarded as unpredict- able. . Reeve .Hamilton, a veteran .councillor c • 1or and reeve of some e years ago, returned' to political life-two-••-yetis-ago-after . his- re-tirement from' the C.N.R. jn the two years he has held the reeve=. Ship he has' fought three elect- . mons. If re-elected he 'would have contested the Bruce. County vicar- denship, „'Councillor .. Joynt, who Was elected to the 'Board two years ago, stated at last year's nomin- ation that he wouldstand for the reeveship this year. e reeve el of y. � _ . -- reeve -elect is the... •son , 1GIr, and "Mrs: J. W, Joynt, his . father' +having previously served as 'councillor and reeve and. 'eventually attained ' to the Hruce County wardenship. ,,.Monday's vote.. of 430 ,ballots exceeded the reeveship fight of a year ago by " 13 votes; but in the 1955 election, ,with a. full slate in the field, there Were 488 Votes polled. Th 11, Officials ` for .. Monday's, , vote were, E. H. Agnew, returning of ficer;•' No. 1, Fred Jackson, de- • puny: returning' officer, ., Charles 'Steward, ' poli clerk; No: 2, Rich- ard Webster,. • D. R. 0.; Jack 'Wraith, poll clerk; No.. 3, Les Purves, D.R.0 ,' Wm Brown,' po11. clerk. MEETING: •WANTS MINUTES.. PRINTED'. At Friday's nomination • Meet- ing in Ashfield it was proposed by Elmer : Graham and. seconded by R euben Wilson that .the min- utes of Ashfield Township Coun- cil be printed in The .Lucknow Sentinel and the Goderich . Sig- nal -Star. The motion . was sup- ported by a liberal showing' :of hands,'', Without a. negative vote being cast. ' • Reeve Blake said that they. didnamgarry on business :they were ashamed of and that every= thing was open and above board, •Mr. Graham replied that he hadn't : inferred it' was their in- tention to hide anything, "We'll: find, it out anyway'', he jokingly commented, "all: we' want is to be informed", ' Clerk Donald Simpson 'Said' the matter' would be up to 'the -95Z • Council, - • • tions :and procedu. re:pertaining to Lionisrn.'' At. a . previ'oes meeting a 'unanimous; • vote had favored establishing a Lions branch here: •• Organizational , work . was pro- seeded with at Tuesday's meet- ing and Rae J. Watson, who be- came an enthusiastic Lion • while in London, :was elected president .of the Lucknowi! unit. . Other: officers . are: ' E. : H. Ag- new, secretary;. M. L. Sanderson, treasurer. Committee chairmen were namedas follows. Charter. Night, Harvey Webster; rneniber ,ship, Gordon ,Montgomery; _fin- ance, R. C. 'MacKenzie,; constitu= tion_ and_hy-laws, S. . • E Collyer; ' Dinner meetings will. 15e held'• =the ,2nd and 4th Mondays of each month at •the Recreation Hall, to commence at once. Charter' night was :set, for January. 28th. , • The initiation fee is '$5.00 and the following ' members signed • THE. LIONS CREST which 'now will .be • a ' ,familiar insignia Iocally. •. . . PRIZE .WINNERS: • A prize'draw.was held on Fri- day night .at a dance staged .,by Court --Sherwoo l' of the Caned,- ian Order of Foresters.. Winners were:_ trilight' lamp, Mrs. Ernest Button, waffle iron, Bill -Bolt;' toaster, . Albert Chin. The ; draw ..not obtain. possession .:of ' their. was made by .Bob Hunter• properties until March lst. :ASH PFIELD' FARMS CHANCE . HA.N.DS Ai�rian ?Van-Donigenf Who pur- chased the Cecil Johnston farms in Ashfield Township: a few seasons back, has. disposed .of his •` 400 -acre holdings to three buy- er,s. . " • • Richard .Kilpatrick :has • pur- chased the corner' 100 -acre :farm,. known 'as'the John' Blake 'farm, and-later';owned by Elmer John- ston, 'before his brother Cecil' bought it.. • The. 200-acrehome farm has ibeen •. purchased by Murray Mc- Dowell of the Marnoch district in Wawanosh, and another 100-- acre. farm on the ' 7th Concession of Ashfield ' has been bought by • Thomas Culbert, 'Jr. It was, .... known as the former ' Jack Kil- patriek .farm. ' ': Mr. Culbert •Obtained possess-',. ion on November 1St.' Mr. Kil- patrick and Mr Mcnoutell . do • sh#field Board Get Acclamation Reeve B.Iai,e:'Stands Fo:r:Warden Ashfield Township : Council one must Own property or reside , was returned by acclamation at in , that. seetiori of the'•Township 'Friday's nomination , meeting under the 1'urisdiction of the 'which could probably. go down Board, up at last .weeks .meeting: E. H as one of the quietest on record The other two members of ,the Agnew," Lloyd Ashton. . Albert personnel' 'of the Board .is un- Board, : with a year to run, are Chin, Dr: T. B. iCleland, ' Dr. M. khan ed,• and is ,headed •by Reeve • arahall Giibson and. Walter Al-. ` H. .Corrin. Robert Finlay, Wm- Cecil Blake, who. publicly an- ton.. ' Johnstone,' G.• W. Joynt, Gordon nounced that he is a candidate • 'Dunn') Discussed v ;r r .1VIdn4omery, Wm, A. Porteous, for the 1957 warder ship of Hur- After "receiving • nominations,. Marvin Sanderson,' William 'A. on County. Councillors are John Clerk Donald M. Simpson Was Schmid, •Charles Short, Rae J. Bradley,' Andrew ,,Ritchie, Don- appointed chairman : of the rate . Watson, ' Charles Webster, ,Har- ' ald MacKenzie and Tom How- • payers • Meeting , with ` Reeve • vey Webster. , aid. This Board is cominencing' Blake the first :smeaer. He point- ;. --- . its fourtr tnr,m anc] •is_ unchange: es:LOut that__this had been a dif- . COUNCIL.• WINDS uP YEAR since elected. to office at the end ficult yeah weatherwise to get AT •BRIEF SESSION TUESDAY ,of 1953 work done, .arid that they had Three 'trustees to the School been' unable ,to get their road The Lucknow Municipal Coun- Area Board were also given an work grants back or they ,would lr ' ' cr} wound up the yetis. s business aecla7riation, •with two , neWcomms have shown a•. substantial • balms at:. a brief.- s'esslon on Tuesday ers, Rod .MacKenzie was the sit- ance • on the . year's operation.' ting member to be 'returned, These grants will' now be receiv- nght. • :In the absence of. Reeve Ham- with Hugh McWhinney and Reu- ed in. February, Ilton, .reeve -elect George W. ben Wilson the two' new men.' Reeve Blake referred to the r ted to resit The to d; Jack-Gotdd- wb6 establishment of - d u-rn p--1 n -g— Joynt was a po n p y Little .business was transacted tendered his resignation; and grounds, and said` he hoped -that . apart from the. payment of ac-Clrfiford Crozier, who has been citizens would have enough re- . _. count. chairman of the Board- but was ::spec_ =for; -their Town;chip--to--alae• Leg- not eligible for re-election as iris the.dumps and dispose of refuse $15.00 .was. voted to the.Le • ions Last Post indigent fund, ` school.'section is "one of the five properly. •, •Barger later raised • W. • R. Howey was re -appoint- that-. are withdrawing .from • the Gordon; Village representative Area /at the end of the year. .Mr, the question oaf, , people disposing , ed as theg on, the Lucknow District High 'Crozier, who was seriously in- •of dead a'niinals and 'Weed seeds School Board. • jured early in the fall when at- in the dump which is unlawful; • Boni 'Day,. Wednesday,: De -tacked ,by a steer,•was not prey- also ;cement and fertilizer bags ,Boxing g •- which blow' around, Gordon cerriber :26th, was proclaimed a ent.g, . . To serve ort -.the Area Board (Continued on Pae 3) ,. +l Civic holiday. it • NONIINATl(ih' MEETING NEXT MONDAY EVENING Village residents are again re- minded of the nomination' meet- ing to be held next Monday ev- ening in the Tonin Hall from 7.30.0, to 6:30 o'clock. The second rneeting Fs neccss- try' to fill a vacancy on both the Council and Public School 'board.