HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Lucknow Sentinel, 1956-11-28, Page 10RAGE TEN N.
• (. • •
Public Skating . 1,
-44., 1,4,4434,44,,
00 t
14:he Gophers moved into a
first place tie this week as they
rolled over the Beavers for four
points. George Westlake's 757
total including a ,328 single and
eGreerithEi709 aced the
n rs whileona
' • 4 c '
a was high for the losers. • . -
, .
Button. with §3z gave the SqUir-
• . and under . . S -•‘. rels a four point win over the
Afternoon, 2. o 4,00 p.m. --Children 12 liars a Bill Button's 7.65 and Freok
. 4
4 Coon.s and showed plen y of
Adul t 'Skating, 8.30 to 10.30, --Teenagers and. their last. year's, IfOran, as they
Adults •
• T.• -. • • .
• fa . Silver collection •
4 44
r ,
g. • .
.1 .
140 , - - • /I
f, •••,, .,.
AN I( o F NTREAti - l'
i trip to Bermuda as guests of el Plumbing, Heating, Wiring., Estvetroughing
t 4 • Sarnia have wori an all-expe" n' se Ake,.
.. •
;•"' ' .
' SirnpSon-Sea.rs, which reentIy 9 . rPHONE 50, LUCKNOVir ' ._
aeta.4 i,s4e ea44 . . '
, • Observed its, •secohd anniversary .T1 Corte in and Make Your, choice 'while the seteOtiiio is. still i
4 " , I*40/i '.. . , . with a store:wide, sale. Mit. Gil- & good and we/ will. hold it for yoit until' Christina -5.
.. ,
- ,A - -Migt440144P41411
; espie said IVIoriday, I Was thrill- ‘A` .
........ 1,..../...,.. P., . ....1,17 ..147.44•••, ....0M14,101.:* . a...WILY= I...VIVO. ..... .,.... IN EVERY WALK Of 'LIFE SINCE 1817
.....-.....,-.4.., .-.,--.......-.....,,,,-..,4= ==.,,,V4=1,,r,,,r4,==4.....1.4...4.4=4,1.,==4.•,-.4`,...4.7.:44,==....74::.=. .Z.4:1741=414.74,04,V4,1F,..„44-4....r.w.,s,,,arr-i-4:41ap4=vz ..M444.1,,...1.-=',...,=g=:•"4==.:1474-,F=4...,,,TX..."-:g:+1.7..6i.144.=.4,-.7.7=r,=;in=ra,47:=,4-":
eti", vihen Merril Brown,. local ,--.....1 ,--..A f -f4 .e- • ," tut' "-.4, ,,,,, ,..-' ,,-••
. r
,. .
,. ..
. , . . I . • '',' , , ' k
Milian Rayner,. Manager
Lucknotv Branch
• . 'Dank ofMentreal
mifitamianistianitsmanwitouvrionamKalmOmsfuliAP Votaitaguelj
iluclun.w.Frult Market]
PORK and BEANS .- a. . A
f. .
Cheerib. 20 4:). "Stock-:tw.. Speial :8 tins. 41.
il' • • .
.1 TULIP 1VIAI.G413,INE /;• IL i.4
IN A real money saving SPECIAL ...7 WSN, 411s Zra
i .-- v •
first plate. Jack 'TreleaverisOr i r1-1-4•1611141LANnati)it1PdREthX-ECIAli°ve7PECIEllnd. --1--1-----..79c s.
ed high for, the losers.
The Kangaroos and Wolverines
played to a •draw, The Rayner
duo scored best for the Wolver-
ines with. 1157 while the Ham-.
ilton duo Solved, high with 1254
for • the "Kangaroos. ,
On Wednesday night the Pole
Cats stayed. in contention. •by
rolling t6 a draw with tile Tigers..,
C'has. Webster'scored high for'
the Pole Cats, Lloyd • Ellenton
rolled best for the 7:ters.
Meanwhile the Cubs stopped.
the Chipmamks.dor 3 point. Jack
Caesar and 'Dick Park with 665.
and 763 respectivelY led the Cub
attack. Roy lack got into his.
old (form with a .693 total for'.the
Chippers. ‘--1 ,'-- • •
The Zebras led by E. Reed's
807 pulled tip with the rest of, fornled her of her good-frtoun
froin the. Lions.' Irvine Eedy•"I have entered many contests",
the Pack as they Won 3 points
stored h.igh for ,the losers. Mrs.' Gillespie, said, "but this is Mrs. EitPhemia (Eunice) Jane ..
• Standing , • the thriller, of. all time:I am too Purves; 68, of 195 Ethelbert St.).
Xangaroos 24, Gophers 24, excited' to think much about•it. 'WinniPeg, died Sunday.. Novern-
WOlverines 22, Pole . Cats 1:2, • --HIVIY hvsiband and I will make the bet ••25th, • in the MisericOrdia ,
quffireig-20;•-Chiprnunks-i9i-Cubs trip to Bermuda .in either Jan- Hospital,. after a brief illnesS.
18, Beavers 14, Tiger§ 14. Libn§ .4„uawoiryg.horaniF:ebrur: aarityd".mrFosntn. GIirilyesoojef 'Rirlorfuseizn'AowSbrf, and went
... . . ' have lived M Sarnia' iinCe 1953.: peg 46 years ago, She is survived '
,.. 13, Coons 12. Zebras 12. , "
1 j.ae...k christie b ,mrs. 0.1.-Ae'spie . was . formerly by. her husband James; her- son, •
. as. been Olive Farrier, daughter of Mr. Flying Officer Donald James of
ap- •
aria:Mrs. W. -R.-Farrier -of-ktaiite-- LAykner,-_aint_dattgb*ek,- Elizabeth
church. : . Jane of Strathroy; to `sisters,
The .vvuvrs: of 'Chalmers. Pres-. Maye and Sarah MacLean of
byterian Church was convened Winnipegand .'three brothers, R.
On Wednesday with Mrs. Daw- D. and .,harles R. MacLean of .,
.son '•Craig, president, in, charge. Winnipeg and \John' A MacLean .
of 'Toronto. • ,
Mrs. Purves was a member of.
.Westminster United Chtireli .and
the `:Womeri's . Auxiliary. of . the
Shriners Hospital a Winnipeg.',
FUneral services were held at
TlioniSon Chapels, 'On Wednesday
at 245, Burial was in tbe*family-.
plot Chapel Lawn,.Memorial Gr-'
the saine Members as previous.. dens.
..„.., u..,,,•-, •,•-••••,,• •-•-, --•--, •---'-', •,.. -„,, ,,,. -... ••••,. •s... •,..
.,........•• ,..,,kirefr,.1r;-4r-,' ,ri..-.4. -4,4.1..eel/r
move& right into contention for
Every time I read' one of my
bank's annual reports I am reminded of the days
--Wheru-I- was a -junior -with the Rank in a town very
much like this. The branch manager had that Painted , presidt--nt -of- the OIVLHA
wonderful knack of/seeing things from more than After serving tfor 13 years•as sec -
STRA*BiRRY JAM with Pectin flot •
• Breakfast Club. 24 °Z. Extra Specilal. jr __37C1
S ONTARIO 11-1QNEY• ijfk
Golliden No.. 2..Extra. Specia . .1 . _ 77C 7,
. Headquarters fOr Christmas Baking. SuPPliesp if •
•: Cluistmas• Cakes, Wrapped Chocola es,
Celery- Hearts, Lettuce, Tomatoes; Grapes, .
-7 We Sell For Leu Values effective
'Phone .119, LuCknow Nov. 29; 30, Dec. 1
4 •
::a4aloagor 11047 itn•slzud"peol"f7-rearaslu"in7- ""4"4":04737;rviaZy7""411
• .
one pOint olf view. He could take the Bank's annual • retary of this hockey Organia-
tkin. . •
report, and shovi .how tied in with the:day-to-day
U . Devotions were in charge of rs.
um fiat' _ TO BERM DA
Craig and she led .in prayer. Mrs.
' (WHITEC.HDRCH NEWS) 'Frank Coulter gave a paper and
Mrs.- Gibson Gillespie visited Mrs. Caswell sponsored •qttestions
with relatives in Toronto at the on missions. The election of of -
week -end. .. • ficers took place with very few
I Mrs. Walter • Lott spent the . changes. Mrs. McInnes ' is secret-
• nary and Mrs. Caslick. Mission
band leader Other officers' are
businesi.of our ownbranch and of our community. W1N FREE TRIP,
• . '
"Conditions here on.. Main Street, e ,
"are reflected in the overall picture of the country's
prosperity, because, after all's said add done, Canada
•is the sum -total of hundreds of Main Streets like this."
:. "The folks who buy and sell on Mam treet
sanie unit a people ...--. multiplied. over and•eiver • 49.ci avi.w. Carl Lott. ' • ' ..
- ' Mr. 'arid, .IVIrs...Doriald ROss. and
. ' .
. the country:4" . . .and Mrs, -Coulter of Wing -
Bert Fear of Blyt'h on •iinday
report, for he year ended Oetober'31st„ 1956 It's a :-• Mr. .W.. R. Farrier suffered
doctor's care having :a couple.
billions of dollars, refleeting conditions in the Country • • cracked ribs.. •
as a *whole, iti fignres mirror the prOgress of B of -M , ... Mts. Graydon Cox and. lilr.
branches just like niine and the . prosperity of' 'the • Malcolna:Ross of Galt.Were hcime
' owing to the ilhiess a their
towns they .serle from coast to' coa4t.
..mother. Mrs. Cox remained till
. this week to help in caring for
. ,
and. that includes ail Of us in this. bank --7-are the fWeek-end in •Wmgham with IVIr.
• - who set the patterns of our progress dear across
So it is with the Bank of Montreal's 139th animal ham visited with 1'VLr. and Mrs.
mirror of Main Street. While the • report deals with fall last week and is under the
• Douglas. Mr.. a.nd Mrs. Robert
. 10 I Mal Celina. • •
'0-0 • • •••••...•••••••'?•••••
of Ill
7.pa.„•• --evai.41sAAA•
The Facts behind the. Fig
139!11 Aomml Repo
rt •. •
DEPOSITS amount to $2,589,031,509, well over half of which is
the personal 5a4ings of Canadians in all walks of life. The.te•
o 'deposited by business firms, inatitutiOns and
. .
ti .z.•
the week.' IVIrs, Ross' has improv- 2 GIFTS FOR,ALL THE FAMILY ' .. a
• . 4
her mother,' (who had another ,i,
ce'rebral haemorrhage through • t . '
ed some this week.. . . • 11 FOR MOTHER.. . .
Heating pads
We are sorry, to learn that .1 EiLECTRic....._ . .
Laimdra-Mats &. Dryers 4
. Stovei and*Refrigtratots I •
Ironing Boards • • i
• , :awthinrgo.o:waSycacleasn openers
. Sani.Catis ' • . 4
Mrs.' Kennedy is not so well and ,la. Kettles
is Confined to bed with laryn- pry pans
gitis. . 4. Toasters
Mr, " and Mrs. Walter James,
Roy and Leonard visited vtith 117s am Irons (
Mr. and Mrs. Arthur. Moore and Al
other friends in the ' at s
the • Week -end. - .„ FOR DAD . . .
The United Church WM.& cz
c Electric Drill
Ele,etrie Saws'
ik pocket. :Knives
inamder overnmentil. The bulk of thii money' is hard at work -art the
WA. was held in the Sunday • '
form of loans to People and businesses a all types... School room. on' Wednesday af • Fishing Equipnient , 3
Guns • .
• •
' . loan; in Canada.- the highest in its histori are helping every coner, had charge Of the devot- Hunting Knives . A Complete Line----of----Tools
• LOANS at $1,38a.0.19,001, establish' a new iecord. Irtie-M's • • noon:-The-presidenti-Mr&-•
branch of the CapadianeeortorrlY to prosPer. Large and small, • ion. -Mrs. OroSkorthth
,' read el Gloves and Mitts for the "DO -It -Yourself . •
scripture • folloWed with prayer I, • Electri,c Razors ,
they hive.been made to business and industrial enterprises nf
by ;Mrs, Gillespie. Pian' *ere tr.;
all kinds,- to farrner,s, fisberMen; ininers, linnbermen
• pack.a bale aha. ship, as soon 1
and rancheq to of every: to provinet an .
possible. The report of the morn- • 1 See' the neir sensational Flying Sauc,er
TobOggans., Bicycles, Wagons, Tricycles, •Xii• •
municipal guverrturent‘ SCbOol. , . . • . ,•
• ing arid arternoon 551n -of tne t:
INNISTKENTS. in bi.gb.grade' go14.ertanent bonds amountedNort1-clitiron Sectirn Prehter.: Bows and Arrows, Gloves and Mitts.
to it 1.ta.l was 'f3
$697.652.:5.44. rnonpy helped to finance ninny irnpu given hv Olive Tc:r-
riff being the deletiete. arei•sr- SPECrArtRDERS
govtrrunent projefls.. designed for everyone's tfenefit. Other , •
b • tbe flank -- which include a diversified list • can be obtained witiiin a few ,dayS after ordering
I in Brussels 'Cnited
• •. • Mr Sohn. Mirehouse of Lvd• -
e er acIinno
rgn-quarit) shOrt.tenn Indus ssties brought fan • m%es.v.,,
den, Sask.. arrived .-on, Friday 0.
inetit. to $916,113,032.. .
- , night to visit his sister, Mrs..•
Fred Tiffin, F. 5. Lucknow.'
• , Mr;, and 1VIrs. 'Jack Gillespie of ,