HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Lucknow Sentinel, 1956-11-28, Page 1Jim- , LYPair party, inning sheot y the Mar - scores... Solo- Mac - Black; A Mrs. harige).. eguest • ng . tic • • HES 15 1,00 41'.P ibbons. other 1, .sizes $2,50 . ' • $2.50 A Year In, Advance -4,1.00 Extra To U.S.A. ' • LUCKNOW, ONTARIO WEDNESDAY, NOV. 28th, 1956 Kinloss Council Returned By AcciamatiOn. Reeve Contest, Vacancy • On Council, School Board -An :election for the- reeveship of Luoknow, is being staged be- • tween Reeve A. W. Hamilton and Councillor George W. Joyht. The electors will go to the polls next Monday, between •the 'hours ,of nine o'clock a.rn. and fiye o'clock . 'It Will'be 'Mr. Hamilton's third •consecutive 'election battle in the two years he bas held the reeve - ship. He is seeking re-election this Year with a view to centest- ing .the Bruce -County„warden-: ship in 1957. • , CPuneillor Joynt, who is com- • pleting his second year on the Board, stated a 'year agothat' he would be a/ -candidate for the reeveship.' He opened his ad - 'dress on Monday night with that • statement and qualified at the :eloae of: the-_meetizcg:. - • Reeve Hamilton -.qualified on Tuesday evening and before- the, nine o'clock deadline Councillors Alex MacLeod, W G.• Webster , and Saba 'Sherwood signed up: With onevacancyon both the Council Beard and School Board a second nomination meeting has ibeen Called for Monday, Deeern- •'ber 1.0th 'at 7.30. .., Mrs. Jessie Aliin and James .• tees. K. C.: Murdie automatically left the Board by his absence from Monday's meeting., V.. A: Mowbray, the.only other born- - inee, did not ehoose to stand. • E. Robertson was 'norninat- ed•-fOit.ithe reeveship,. arid :for a timethere_Ava.s_sorne_:_conjecture that there might be a three-way • race for the reeveship, but this • did • not develop. Nominations received by Clerk E. H'. Agnew on. Monday were •as For Reeve • George_ Joynt iby Chas. 'Web ster and G. Itathwell. George -Joynt bY. S. B. •Stoth- ers and V. A. Mowbray. Alex:Hamilton by S. SherwoOd .an,d7L'U.-G-.• Webster. • • ," • • . • Alex Macteod by Albert Gam- mie 'and Well 'Henderson. • S. • E. Robertson .by. Omar • Brooks. and Innes MaeSWeen. • . • Fir Councillors. Alex MacLeod by G. Web- ster •and-S.-Sheawood • W. G. Webster by A. W. Hain- •ilton and Well Itenclersoii. , Sam Sherwood (by A: W. Ham- ilton and W. G.' Webster. Harvey' Webster by Geerge, W. Joynt and Alex MacLeod.. • For School Trustee aVIns. Jessie Allin . by Charles • • Webster and G. Rathwell. V. A. IVIowbray by Jack Fisher and H. M. MaeLennari. • James Boyle by H. M. 'Mac- *Lenrian, and Jack Fisher:. • K. C. IVIturdie by V. A. Mow- • bray and Stuart E. Robertson. • RETURNED FROM OVERSEAS • RY-PLANE-ON FRIDAY • E. V.. Baker arrived home late •,,,; Friday night after a three-week . visit in,England 'with his moth- er, sister and other relatives. Ed 1,, made the trip both ways by air, travelling on A TCA super con-. ,stellation. ' ' ' . • -4/ The return flight was delayed by a snow . storm. He arrived at Melton about ten o'clock Friday -I, vening-where-he-was-met-by -4. .,t his `sen, Alvin. . ' • • During his stay in England, ' 4 Mr. ,Baker telephoned home •and talked with Mrs. Baker and their datightq,'Eileen. The call "was put through' in about three min:. utes arrdthe reception was quite clear. Mrs; Baker, incidentally, `1. •I• ls'novir visiting in Chicago, hay- ing accompanied, misses Annie '0/110470t. and Jessie MEteKay. ' •----„,.,-L-..,---,..n„-- • •4 CAN IT BE 'EQUALLED? President Bill Kinahan, In .his remarks at the 'West We- • wanosh Federation of Agri- culture banquet last :week; wondered if any other town- ship' coUld boast, of having had a Guineas winner and' a -reserve champion in success- ive years. : • • Murray Gaunt, Won the award a year' ago andBarry McQuillin was • ranner-7up this' year. • MACK MadiONALD WINS BRUCE. CO. SCHOLARSHIP Mack MacDonald was among the., winners 'of :University , Of Western Ontario . scholarships announced last. week.. Mack was awarded the Bruce County seller- arship which,has a value of $100. , A son of Mr. and Mrs. W. F. MacDonald, . Concession 4, Kin- loss, Mack is• •a 'graduate of Lucknow District. High ,Sehool, and is in his second yeai.phY'sics and chemistry. -course' at Western TW LV E PAGES• • ' Kinloss--TownshipCouncil __was • ieturne,c1 by acclamation .at Fri- day's -nomination. he Board is headed by Reeve Harold Percy,' Draft Church Co-operative Plan •The open -deer season in Bruce . County was .the subject that ientre_-front. On -the _,:right IS Clerk J. R. Lane and on the left. Treasurer Prank Thompson: Standing, left to right, are ConnrilleirS _A. Murray, Parish, 1Moffat, Elliott Carruthers, Wal- lace Corm•.' • ' • • --Sentinel Phofb aroused the most discussion at 'F, • •- orongregations.Consideraticin the • Kireiloss Town:ship .nomina- tion eting , in the Ilolyrood University. , H 11 F id aft' P EETIN, G FAVORS LIONS CLUB At an open meeting last.„Wed netdaS)' . evening in tee ' Town Hall, with twenty me.n in atterid- arice a unanimous vote favored the ferination-qf a. Lions Club in -LuCknow. ° The 'tote was by ballot and ,of the. total attendance, fifteen Were members of The Clansmen Club.' A meeting of The Clansmen was called for Tuesday evening Qf this week: but there was' not a sufficient number present, to proceed with the' meeting. •This meeting was held at:the theatre and it was' planned to follow up • with a showing of pertainingAo Lions ,work. • Upon -• adjournment of The Clansrnen meeting • President Harvey ;Websterstated his in- tention to .call another meeting on.,Priday evening at 7.30 when a full atteridanee' will be imper- ative., .• . SUGGESTS 'MAIL BOXES •• . AT. OUTLYING POINTS At-IVIOnday night's nomination' meeting, Mr. •S. E. Roberton drew attention to the fact that since the introduction. of service by truck the letter drop at the' CNA:, 'depet had' been re- moved. '• / • He advocated that next. year's Council -put :pressure On, the Postal DePailmerit to set up four letter boxes at. outlying points in the Village. In reply. to •the Chairrnan's query ' as , to who would bear the cog, Mr. Rob- . a' A • ",at it we, Id be a serVice for which .the Post Of- , dice depaniment would be re- sPonSible. •• CAR WRECKED B,Yr TRANSPORT.tRAILER Mr, and Mrs..Stewart Camerori and children Mary Ann and Rod- dy visited at the 'Week -end with Mr and Mrs. Kenneth Carteret), 'Their ttip here was halted for .., • a tinte0 when a transport- Tras- er jackriifed -and crushed in the side of their car, wrecking it. Fortunately the Cameron family ,escaped injury. The 'aecident' llappefied near Brantford.'Stewart's sister, Mrs, Arabelle Bushell, 'motored from Stratford to pick- them UP, and Stewart Used her ear to continue their trip to the old home' town., , •,•;:• -tg• , a ,on r ay ernopn. oor weather conditions and.slippery roads reduced- the_-. attendance somewhat to. the previous year: At one o'clock When nomiriaJ tions ,were • scheduled ta. start the attendance:1 was ;"..so few that. Clerk J. R. /Lane 'extended • the• . nomination time frOM i.a0; to 2.30 p.i.n. , • • - Kinloss. will :have the, same Reeve-an.d Ceunci), for next year.. Reeve:Harold Percy, and Coun- cillors P; A. Murray, Parish IVIof- • fat; .Elliott Carruthers and 'Wal-, lace Conn were elected' by .ac- clarn'ation. P. Murray 'stated at the meeting that if there was an election for -council .he would contest the reeyeship', but when ho.,One.seemed interested in kill- ing the Council seats; he again signed up on the council board. Harold Percy said that in event of an election for reeve he •weuld definitel3r be a'candidate.,-Parish • Mdflat the, other ..-noMinatioa , • 'for reeve, intimated his consid- eration of - the reeveship, said -that he did .not like a three-- way battle. . • • - • fter Clerk J. R, Lane- had-re--- ceiVed the. nominations, Harvey 'Houston.. was appointed eirair.. man for •the afternoon• . . Harold 'Percy 'Was the first to speak., and outlined the work of the county council -during 'the year. -He said that he had pre - 'posed an .amendment • to the drainage act at the sessions', and that a proposal .had. ben 'for- • warded to ,the. provincial gov- ernment. He had. the assurance• • that. the act: would be. revised at the first session of •parliament, The present drainage act allows repairs to be made :to each drain each year up to one-fifth of .the cuSt of the -drain -wit • . .; RepreSentatives • of the Anal- SNOW PLOW OPERATOR Can, Piesbyterian and United COULD BE UNSEATED • ' • , . ' • • Churches 'Met on .Stiday even- • . ' ing to .draw • up proposals for co- Harvey:Webster .waS'. no,minat- ' ......• ' . , .,, ,i • operative : action in.- LUeliow. ed as ,Councillor on Monday flight • Their suggestions are to be pre- and was one of ••fotir nominees • . • serited to each congregation for. :fer. the 4 -man board of :cotnicil- • • immediate consideration. A sum- lois. • . rpary. of the- proposals follows: . He: Might ,have • qualified but ' • 1. The topnatien. of ,a Lucknow''f'otind. hiniself Subjett. to be iiii- • • ,.; • Connell of ' Churches- Con-sistirtg- :eat.ecl-if -anyone-should-so-de— - of • a man and. Woman appeinted by each congregatiori together With the Ministers. . , • 2. Combined Sunday evening 'serv'iCes starting:on- January 13, 1957,' with three in the United Chur6h, then ,,three in the Pres byteria-n Church and then `three :iri the Anglican Chureh• . •• • a. On Anniversary occasion „ of one Of the Churches, the closing of evening services in the others. : 4. Formulatien :of a Plan of visitation • of people who Are nen- active in church life.. 5. Consideration of a Commun- ity Preaching Mission.. • 6. Continuation of former pro- 1&:tS ?gtieh .aS,Services..in private the plrolfgh-,'Mr. ari' infer- • . hospitals, Week .of Praye. ser- est in the contract and could be iriiCes;;GOO-Cl Fridai-ServiCeig, etc. 'unseated if proceedings taken ed in the meeting, dentonstrat- • one ..Lord r and Saviour. If all TWE4VE ing the ceritral:rconcern of our Christians in the area show • eagerness to deal with these mat- ters, thereis,no telling how great the impa.ct for good may. be 'in the community, sire to •take such stens. Highly improbable, but possible. • • A question and answer recent- ly ...appeared in the IVIuniCipal • World magazine,' in respect to •this anatter which has ' its ekact. parallel. here. , • • Harvey is einployed 'as silo* ° plow operator by Gordon , Mont, gornery who has the local' snow- plowing -contract, , • • • R.eferring:to the Municipal AU: section 56' (q) and seakin ' 172; the Municipal World •states: 'In our opinion,* if Mr, • Y: has a contract with the muniCinality • . . for snow ploughing and Council - •H.1 ler X is hired by.Mr, y to drivt • A wholesome attitude preYai - before the judge'', - • • • Dr. Wheaton Thompson has left Ripley to accept a, position at 5tratford. as animal husbandry • inspector. .• h_SKU a maximum bf .$800. One-fifth: of the ,cost of the earlier drains, which were . much• cheaper, doesn't give council much to. work on. He stated that he was on the equalization corrarlittee for the county this year and had dope Considerable traVelling., This year's assessment in, Xifiloss is 'down considerably: • Mr. Percy stated that the court. ouse-had heen .teraodelled, and Ole new registry office had been built at, a cost of $.100;000 in the county this year, and that taxes Will likely be tilf> slighty next year 'k cover this. The road from MacMillan's farm to the siXth concession. was left to the care of the tewnihip this. year, Mr. Percy took a • strong stand • (Contintiorl on Page 9) • ",..?.t.F FRACTURE IN TRUCK' CRASH Grant Wall,. 29 -year-old Kin- loss Towns,hiP trUcker,4.was seri- cuslyInjured in a truck accident on Tuesday night of fast week, but is, making a satisfactory- re- cOvery • ''' ' • ". Grant's truck struck a culever: and went out of control into th6 ditch In and his :companion; Weir Eckenswilfer,. thrown from the vehicle. 'A passing motorist took •crriint te the doctor and from there to • Wingliam.by ambulance, His in- juries were listed as a fractured Skull, broken rib's and a punetar. ad lungs, •• • Weir Eekenswiller was not hoapitalized with ' inhlriegJ but hasn't been ,able to work. BAPTIZED SUNDAY An linpreasive' baptisnial. ser-, . „ -vice: was conducted in the Un- • • ited Church on Sunday Meriting by Rev. G. A. Meiklejohn When.• twelve „children, were, received into the Church of Christ in the • sacrament of Holy baptism, .Mr. W. L. MacKenzie assisted in the •service. • Those 'baptized were' Wayne . Harold son 'of Mr., and . IVITTAlaroltrElltott; Donal don Brooks, son of Mr. and Mrs.-„.- • Gordon .Broeks; Richard Edward Irwin, son "of Mr, and &Tr's., Har- vey ,Irwin; Gail Ann, Ruth. Prit- chard, daughter of Mr, and Mrs. John Pritehard; Barbara Elyn Hamilton, daughter of Mr. and Mrs, Alvin Hamilton; Donna Marie Greer, daughter of ;NAT,. • and Mrs, • Clarence Greer; Ruth Meiklejohn, daughter of ex. and Mrs Janine Ann Glenn, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Oliver Glenn; Ian Vitilliam"Mantgarriery; on of Mr: P.nd. • Vis. Garden Montgomery; Karn Isobel. Elliott, daughter of .• Mr. and Mrs. Orville Elliott; ' Kevin Ewart ACkert, son of Mr. and Mrs. Jack Ackert; ritancy Pearl, •daughter .4z$f Mr. and Mrs. • e -r• 't • 1" • I .1 Irarry Swan. • . •