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W MSDAYt NOV. 14th, 1956
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.The:, latest edition . of 'the tele-. ed by 1VIIss G
Mar aret '_:
Margaret eary,
phone 'directory now being dis-' the • work of ..Canadian artist
tributed ',here has taken on .,a• Lorne Borichard, ' A.R.C. A., and
fresh apppearance. with' a cover symbolizes < the agricultural de=
illustration`: featuring'. a, farm Velapment in,;the °area, This dir-
scene ',.typical of many.', in ;this eatery contains. sone 2,150 new
region. The drawing, as indP ;cat- and changed listings:
OBITUARY Donald Martyn, Detroit,
was •atWill'iarns' .Lake,
S 'H: COLWELL' . "`
Word*. . has; .been received bv. COMPARES 'ASSESSMENT •
Mrs: J. W:"ColwelI of Kinlough • W e wouldn't attempt to say,
of the. death ;of, Samuel H; Col- what. the assessments should be
well at Williams. Lake Hospital, in the.' towns: and', villages .of
British '.Columbi'a,. October 30th. Bruce ' • County, • •;but'. we -some
He. was the son ,of the late Mr,: times . wonder if the new • system,
and Mrs. George Colwell of 'I in- of assessment 'isas perfect as we.
..loss ..township: • • He •was born 'were led.to `.believe 'it : would :be.
there•.May 20th, 1679 -and attend For example, .; the town of` Ohes-
ed •:Kincardine • High School; go-. ley, with about' 1,640 people, has
ing west at the .tine•o•f the IKlon- an assessment orf. $1,724,000 ac
• dyke: gold : rush, He settled in 'cording to .the• latest roll. Wiar=
Klenna. ;Kleene B.C.,. where he ton •has 2,040 people and,...its' ass-
has worked_ for' the 'Canadian essment is $'1,483,000. Of course,
government and : at On'eteorologi- there may be no .conneiction .be-
cal' `woa'k for the Canadiian • A it
.T,'orcce..•.' ''
'He leavesto mourn'�his passing
" his Wife 'Gwen; ;brothers James-
T.'.* Colwell, ' North • Battleford;
George, Kincardine;. Reginald of
Scott; Sask..; Frank,, Bervie;` and
sisters, . Ada,. Mrs. '.Herbert Par -
Tell, Ripley and Florence Mrs • 1ey Enterprise
ported that :the renovation of the Recommending that the Dom-' ,
Bruce. Co. Council Court Boom: was now co ' !oleo "
and .that the work on the Re-
gistry^^Office addition will iprob- ;stored
QVem� ✓in the bay ,port- elevatoz�
r SessiAnbefore
of On-
' The County Council of the thin of the Comm the year. On ttee, Mr, l yd supply
farmers the requirements
Hehn's appointment
County of. Bruce. asseanbled at as caretaker of navigation inW1957;
Walkerton for the November ses ` of the County buildings was conn ' Petitioning the Dominion go,' -'
sign with Warden Donald 1VI. La -firmed: ern�merit to have coarse gra.'ins
mont of Saugeen in the chair, Step Up.. Salk Treatment. released or removed' from the
and all mexribers. ,present. • The report of the Director of jurisdiction of the Wheat Board �.
the County Health Unit disclos- so that fanners in. Bruce County
d that increased supplies of , the can ,purchase grain ,directly from
Salk polio vaccine will make it ; farmers in Western Canada with -
possible to' ;vaccinate all pre- out going through, the intricac e;
chool children from the age of of Wheat Board.'procedure
6 months, as well as all high. Protesting the proposed cur
and , continuation school' pupils, ; tailment of rail service by the
wi�tketwo doses of the • serum �dur C N.R, on the Park Head to. Wiar .
ng • the ensuing, year. Public ton line,
school children who have not al- ;Council adjourned on Saturday
eady received their third dose morning, to. meet for the Janu:
will receive 'it , , ary Session at Walkerton as per
• The 'County's $100,000 deben statute.
tire issue will not be sold, ow-
ing to unfavorable marketing FOR A THIRD TERM
onditions at the present time HEADS LADY 'FORESTERS
bu.t will, instead, be hypothecat- ' .• .
ed t� the bank and the money Election of officers' of Court
borrowed on the security of . the. Sepoy of the Lady Forsters was
ebentures: held ,on !Monday, evenings Mrs.
'The .follo'wing resolutions 'w&e Margaret Wasney was elected •
adopted during the session: • , president for a third 'term. Other'
'Requesting the Provincial gov-officers are: past president, Mrs.
rnment to implement compul Edna Watson; vice pres . Mrs.. ,
ry public .• liability and property •Violet • Arnold; - roc. -sec., Mrs.
damage , insurance on all. motor' . Shirley Brooks; fin. -see., Mrs.
ehicles in the' Prov' t,
an'cre of On-' Eva Black; treas., +.1VIrs.Doro�hy
ar-io; Short chaplain, •Glad. s '•
Recommending that ;'there be' Hamilton; warden;' Mrs. Mai,
o 'change in . the preseait • Legis- Hunter; . conductor, Mrs. '. Pearl
lotion concerning farm tractors Jamieson; I.G., Mrs. Ruth Math-
and trailers; ers•' •O:G Mrs. Jean Irwin.
see that sufficient.field grain i
Usually of a routine nature,
the November session .lived up
to this. expectation, hurt it Was S
enlivened throughout ' by some
interesting periods of• debate, s
To Look Into Juvenile court. •
One • of the first matters con-
sidered was the question of es- in
tablishing a Juvenile Court.and ,
Probation Officer in the county.
Mr. Dan Couglhlin, director of . r
Probation , Services in the Pro-
vince, appeared (before the coun- t
oil and explained the .advantages
of such a set -uta as well as 'the c
cost. • The Province would•bear
the total expense of. the Proba-
tion Officer, a secretary, , office i
furnishin�gs,. and travelling ex- d
penses. 'The only expense to the
Co. would-be- the judge's hon.--
orarium, the initial cost.of the
printing, and'`the cost of :supply- e
ing office space..The total cost so
to the County ;would not exceed
$2,0.00 a year, he stated. Bruce
is. one. of only three .counties _in.
the Province which .have not .as, .
.yet adopted this set-up. Council 'n
decided not'to Jake - any • hasty
action in the: matter, but direct
ed the .Warden's committee to ob-
tain ' inforinatibn from neighbor
ing counties sand. report back..at
the January , session.
Burial'' Reject Assessment Court
Another matter 'Whitt caused
Much discussion and debate 'was.!
the .question of • .establishing a
-fits .-- an Canty: Court—of IRe•
vision . which would take 'the
place 'of. the. local .courts of .re-
vision /in hearing and deciding
assessinen•t• appeals throughout
'the County: •The advantages of
'such a ,court,were said to . be that
it wou d .be :impartial . and. the
nernibers. would 'become - skilled
in the•application of the assess-
invent manual . and the - relative,
values. .of the' .properties. .in ' the
different mifnicivpalities.: Council
decided, however, not to set up
tween. elation and assess -
a body, but to: continue.. for
poP th.e present,_ at' least, with the
meets,.. or even considering the.
local Courts . of Revision' as in.
acreage sof. the : tvvoo towns, but the ast,
there rn.ust be, more houses and.P -
apartments to serve an extra 400 'The report of the Highways
•Yet' one 'wonder's, why •committee •.disclosed ; that • con -
Chesl'ey. is assessed almost $2150,- ,strucLion of a. concrete.iblock ma -
000 more :than ..Wiarton.--Ches chinery building: in Marten .is
now ,underway. 'at a ' host of
' $12;000... The committee has also
taken an option on 3 acres of
land abutting the west !boundary
of Walkerton, which is to 'be the I
site of ' theproposed new shop,
The major works • now . planned
for 1957 'are as follows:;pave
from Mildmay to Teeswater; to
reconstruct, 33/4 miles of the •El-
ora road; to reconstruct from'
Hanover boundary .north • a dis
Lance ,of 6 miles; : to construct . a.
'machine shed at Walkerton. -
County ` !Council :also ,decided
to petition' the 1Vtinister. of .High-
ways to assume the County road
No..1 from Walkerton to John-
ston's corner and from Johnston's
corner, to Paisley, as a develop'
anent road. Under such a scheme'
the County would reconstruct
and' re -gave this road and the
Province would pay 100 percent
'of the cost, The , County would
continue to be responsible for
maintaining it.
Council, at• this Session, auth-
orized the conveyance to lite• Pr. o-
vince of approximately 24' acres
of land at the Sauible ,River for-
est area which will become: a.
Provincial Park.
The Tourist .committee report-
ed that 21,000' of. the County
tourist folders were distributed
this.summer at the 'Detroit . and -
Toronto.. 'Bp•ort$men s• _ shew_s_ sand
other . "similar events. The Coni-
tnittee recommended that the
present folders be revised and
improved. and that every effort
be made to correlate the Com-
mittee's operations with 'those of
the various tourist and resort as-
sociations' new operating through-
out -the County.. .
The. Property eammittee re
•, ! .
1955 Pontiac, . fully equipped ..,..;:. $1;950.
Two 1955•Sta Bard Chev. Sedans, fully .•
equipped :...•;;1,89,5
1954 Chev. Powerglide Coach, fully equipped ...:..... .....; $1,495
,... $ 99J
... 79
..... ................................. $ 695
......... :.,$ 495
$ '595.
1952 Ford Sedan
1952 Chev. Deluxe Sedan
1951 Ford Sedan
. 1950 Plymouth '• Sedan
•.1950 Ford. Coach.
1949 Ford Sedan ....f
Two 1948 Pontiac Sedans
A . Number of Stake Trucks in 1947 and 1948 Models.
. $
1951. Mercury 1 -ton Pick'rtl`p ........ . ,. :.
,..;..,..•. . , 495
'1951 Chev, 2 -ton Stake • • ... •• $ 750
1 -ton GMC Panel 495
Two 1949 Ford:. Panels ,,,,...... ...... •. ;...r
1949 1 -toll GMC Panel converted to' a bus ...:...... $ 495
1949 Chev. i% -ton Prick Up ........;..•:; $._. 425.;
1949 Chev: 2A -ton Pick -Up
liri sSels M�t�Vs
' Huron County's Foremost Used Car Dealers .
Cash, Trade,. 'Terms --» Open Evenings Until. 10
Cities Service Dealer'
atetIoo Cattle
reeding Association
"Where Better' Bulls Are Used",
.The 'following is in part copied from the publication •put
out by Badger ;Breeders . Co-operative in Wisconsin• who re-
printed ;it from Vis Council of Ag News Letter:
No developm . y
ent in. ar:odern agriculture',has done a better
job of defying .the cost -price squeeze ; and at the same, time
brought more ,real progress • than artificial insemination.;
While 'Modern mechanized agriculture !calls for greater• and
greater cash' outlays, . artificial breeding actually lowers • cash.
outlay. In spite of rising rates in other fields,' here is a
field of price constancy --thanks to ;fanner owned and con-
trolled co-operatives and . their• records of unsurpassed ef-
ficiency. •
Whether it's a herd .of one or fifty, the:. servilceis the
same and the cost is indirect proportion•''to need. Breeding
cows to well selected' sires we : own co-operatively is one
of the ;best investments any •good cattleman' can make. The
' best blood lines With outstanding records of production
are at • the beck and call of • the' small as well as the large
;Froin the safety angle, •thereis every reason -why farm-
ers should quit the hazardous job of Maintaining a herd.
sire: We have ,bang wondered about ' the foolhardy lion
tamer defying death ; as • special entertainment at the circus.
. Yet the number of lion. !tamers in all, history who have
• lost their lives is 'trivial as !compared with farmers Who have
lost their lives handling bolls. For each fatal accident caused
by bulls there are four non, atal.'This. toll of_uffering and
death can be eliminated.
. With less bollson the farm we can get more SAFETY,
,mote PROFIT, mere ASSURANCE for the family sized
• farm. and`
:Breed your cows artificially.`'to the' hulls we have in
service. `
For service 'or more information; •write ofphone collect toy.
Between;, 7.30. and 10 • a tri.. -week days
7,30 and 9.30. a.m. Sundays and Holidays,'
A .•