HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Lucknow Sentinel, 1956-11-14, Page 6Y n n + #;. r 9bi Tut L, IOW serriN ,;t3CKNO% ON'TAr3a PURPLE GROVE iIN.LOUGH HERE :ELSE 1O M.r. .'Arthur Graham retuned to Coward after renewing T e. Y'. Q V' � E , aintances her OPPORTUNi'I tEE FOR TRAVEL'. Mrs. Lyman Sutton is. spend - .AND ADVENTURER ing awhile With Mr, and Mrs. • HEALTHY OUTDOOR Aim? ? Gerald Gibsgn at London. Mr, and Mss, Elmer Armstrong •,D' GOOD: PAY? `. • and Mrs,. cliff Borthwick, of St. • EXPERT TRAINING IN NEW • Catharines were recent visitors AND USEFUL SKILLS? awith Mr.. and Mrs. James Hod- •. DEVELOPMENT. AND gins. --;RECOGNITIOII OF;- YOUR _ The W.A. met: at the church CHARACTER? n Thursday with Mrs. Howard • A CHANCE TO LEARNS HOW • :prom in charge and' 1u[rs: TO HANDLE 'MEN? Ralph Hill hostess.. ;Miss Edna i FREE MEDICAL AND DEP TAI Boyle , read. :the scripture and CARE? 1Nirs. George Haldenby gave the, i WIIRTY DAYS HOLIDAY'WIWI lineditation,. "Remember"was' the PAY A YEART ? word or accept in ths;Canadiian Armor, • If you are 17 to 40 yeas of age, rand able to , meet Array require - saints, the Canacdanod Army offers your these and other advantages Army We. You enlist lora 3 year sane. At, the end of that Aisne you Roy• retina to ci�r0ian .life %elll fit. t•a for the future,, or canine tl service of yo r country. Matthe. coupon below' telephoni arrlt r kcal recruiting station. 1IJsL • � ser- sis ,,s 1 aster ,, �!! ttec i„s ate" St. i s ; &it -1-10,7610 RbttiiitU t , ' 1set , a Sts,, term, MIL- 91e1.:. tom, t sr:u�telL mss. _44524elit& :` , t or, set.-�r�Sstd • neem • meets ' w i1i j$$ ant a lie of Mr. • , ! " Mrs, 'Ted H,aldenby on N. : ber •mrd with rein Percy, Barbara Haldenby, Karen Nicholson and 'Jack Colwell in charge of ' the program. Mr. J. Palmer eke on "Remembrance: Day". Contests were conducted' by ,May. Boy Halden- Boyle and. Betty dles and DouglasHaldenby probalmer gave lems. Lynda Norma. Haldenby' and. Palmer each sang a song, and Jack Colwell, Rae and Douglas. Haldenby- sang- in ._a bio. Hymns and prayer closed' the meeting. Rae Halde�nlby- thanked --the -host- `ess and refreshments were' serv- ed ' • f the roll. call.. An invi- tation was accepted from Luck - now Branch. 'to ' be guests ' on November .13th. A. thank •you letter was" ' also read fromn. the Church Army. The following of- ficers were • elected:. hon. presi- dents, Mrs. '.J; Pai ner, Mrs.' Jas. •godgins , Mrr`K.: J W. Colwell and Mrs. Wm, Cox; president, Mrs. ,Howard, . Thompson; vice. .:press dent, Miss Edna Boyle; secretary treasurer,- Mrs Mulford Wall; Little Helpers, Miss May' Boyle; Social Service, . Mrs., Tom, lam- ; supply conveners, Mrs. Jim Smith .and Mrs. George Halden lby +work .conveners, Mr's—J; -W - Colwell and; `Mrs;, Wm.Wall; ,pryer' •partners sec., Mrs. J. W. Colwell. A bale was :Backed for the • Bishop Horden Memorial School at Mooonee. The meeting dosed ` with the Vit:A. litany and dainty' refreshments ents were' . ser - r•Lows miiffif. elm Amil•fdla MOM 411.1 .1161...4.111.1 The ie " Grove . Inatittite was be 0, at the home of Mrs,. Helen Swan on &day with a large attendance. Congratulations to Mr. & Mrs. Frank Dore on the, arrival of a baby girl, ' • Mr. and Mrs. Burton Griffith of Bervie were 'visitors at the home of ma.. and Mrs. ' !1!'r�ank Currie.. ' Miss Edna Boyle of Orillia .is visiting, with her brother, Mr. Francis Boyle. -.- -. —Mr. Cecil Dore ispendng a few days. in Detroit. ' Mrs. Frank Stanley, , Mr'• and Leland Stanley of Millar- IiirXDNESP141r, NOV, 1: me. Milt SU fley -lon erkitlY night. Mr. and NETS.' Lefslie Bolt and. Lorna, Mr. and Mrs.John • , Mr, . and Calvin of $elgrave, Mrs. Isaac :Nixon, Ralph & bert were visitors at the !home of. Mfr. and Mrs,. Jack Emerson on Stmday. Mrs. Helen Swan and Rosalyn, Mr: Norval Stanley w isited at the home of Mr, and Mrs. Steve Ir- win of Ripley 011 :Sunday,. Mr. and Mrs. Hector Knight. And, !boys, of .Piictori, visited with• Mr. and Mrs. Donald MaCosh on. Sunday, 11RsEdna- Bayle- and Mrs., ' Aurel Armstrong and family vis- ited at. MTs. B•i11 Hughes of Lon- Mrs an +ton were visitors at the .home of don, recently, WHITECHURCH • Nirs. Gibson .,Gillespie visited. last. week -end• , in Sarnia with Mr. and'. Mrs. Jack Gillespie;: re, turning ,home on Tuesday night. The United Church'' Young: people held their. meeting Tues- day night. An• invitation to .Blue- $ vale , Y P. wap accepted and also took part in the program. . Miss Joyce Hoffman conducted . • the devotional • and Rev. • Brook led in prayer. Jack Coulees "and Ray- mond Laidlaw were in :charge o' games and contests. • A , lunch 'of hot dogs and'cookies .concluded t the meeting. • . Remember the -United -Church bazaar in the ;Legion • Rooms, Lucknow, . on Saturday; Novem- 1 bier 17th at 2.30 ,p.m. wed : . s 1 1 : The: Anglican Guild will hold w•tom so wedinb i<*s• ' °O " 1'their :annual bazaar on Thu s- 1 Some day . evening (tonight). Everyone 1 Add 1 is•co. • y •i Red; On -Tuesday evening the.Pres- ige I by `Ian congregation, held a pet Pow. supper. • Tela Rae :Halelenby presided for'the .ice... —ochYca. was held a the h ' Mr, and: Mrs. l Mrs... Albert.. Cannes. CU1�, +�5 : coRNEgs ! .' Bert is oisoom. Donna Nichol- Miss Annie Kennedy bas been t.4P il.k=SMTP— � read the s4rip . ' . and bias.. 'John ` lure and Alice home for a ten=day holiday fronx; 4 t ' i . 1denby led in Prayer followed the hospital, returning, on Thurs- �nd ' Wim.. • Wal, 1 :1 the 'hen• • prayer and day- of this week. • , 3�r. icy ' . in unison. Mrs. Willis and Bill, Garry & • ,. • the .'s , per T `t z3' F 1" a niet ` Douglas' and Rae .Haide by and John.v sited with Mrs, -Willis' >110n� at the b'om e of Jack Colwell are the Christmas another, Mrs.' Musgrove of Wrox-. Mai'.. , .and . Mrs. i2.T1 1, c' on s concert Melee.: The next.eier on.Sunday son with a vy small attendance. .AS interest in the Forum is lag- ging ift is douhtfni if # - earrY Mrs. Tom Sew .Ernie and, Harold,. 'accompanied' ` by `' l startin Nein cd .Englehatt spent+ with Mr. 'and Mrs. Ron- •old '. "family, noes' MIS ,gid firs. I-tank.Brown & itegineld Wit ,S inday eve: with Ms and Mrs `Hugh l\Tic- r1sc n'rated Harvey, Bernie. -Tie----Westfield Willing .. Work-, , ers. held :filpir fourth .meeting November Eth atze home • Mrs. • PerLY Houins with e ev wasen girls.'present Mrs, present and gaiTe the ,girls pointe t . • :on :4wtevecnent day. Mrs. Jack: Barr -showed the. grl1 how t make a collar. The ; to �-, ed lunch. Barbara `1 I c al ,mt~ ed• ..the hostess. The:. nett i trneeting will be held s l 'botrie'of Marlene, Decker' ?n No- v:, 1• ' . 1 Mrs. • Bert Breckenridge of Ripley visited with Mrs. Lott on Friday.. : _Tile East. WawanQsh Federa- tion banquet held on Thursday night, catered. to by tie Institute, ,a well !patronized, to near 150' maple ark IviacGrea-., or and. boys of Sebrinille visit ed. with! Ross and Mr: and Mrs. Small ox Sunday. ' .Mr2 and Mrs. George: Cauites visited. on Sunday :,with 'Mr. and 'FAR nand ALPNE "So yiou , don't l t'1 • d� si ''17v'eII nes ' 1 �,�r tea �' lt�.�t , sorun l 'off,tau firei you ,are • tar frOta aim''. . • • ..extra ,,t . from tai.'_(t'1 d.:1 ,r L ' . of the best l ra e'' 4do e it color .e pert§ m.Hol; ly'woo:1. It is a fast-moving 'Pic- to re 'about presstnes and proms-' .gan acted i • tura ig people grirripea the message the; y are ➢ • .putting scr s5 i "Err- ;; 4,k,d i ' is doit!'. That is all bunt. "T;o^.,ay --nowt ;.wa le i know dri+'7 its one of toe :1e-`ad.:.,i liege{ se► ,e its ,r.. time. 'Mt'4• .abstainer is 'liar L17 one' his semi.l. The pasture ,prorvades. a pante . for Christian , }si oa 'to 'the e al l busirt:es. and C' ;.Ci .• Tw ..ragges for -litort.vtla a way anti . of social ' embarrassments, atid pmts up r ads 0. Cages o rie• ? A'.. su Tb p Hz_ Agnews''JNSURANCE_ Agency Member of Ontario' Insurance 'Agents Association GENERAL INSURANCE Established Over T rimy Years Ago Tele.hoaes: HOWARD AGNEW Business 39 tice :. Bailey's ' Beauty Salon will bee `closed from ii MONDAY, NOVEMBER 12th. Residence' 138' TUESDAY, NOVEMB inclusive While taking a.hairdresshig course in Toronto Salon willre-open on Wednesday, November '21st. • BAILEYS BEAUTY SALON '. 'Phone • 115, .Lnckno W T.' E A. Meet your nk manager... He's easy:to meet --and a good man to talk things over with, Not just because he knows. a lot about. banking, but because he can be counted oa to apply that knowledge and' experience to you particular need. Tb him banking is more than dollars and cents,'inore than figures in • a ledger. 'Tobanking is te opportunity to work with peopl- through bapk services to help with your _problems, ripap`_es end plans, '= iswhat he has • been trained to' do. That is What he likes to do. You'll. good ' � V�l find he's a� man to know. CHARTERED .BAN•KS SERVING YOUR CO, tMUNITY•