HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Lucknow Sentinel, 1956-11-14, Page 5rd • WEDNESDAY,• , 'NOV, 14th,, 1956, PAID TRIBUTE TO THE LATE MRS, RUSSELL JOHNSTONE Mrs. ' M.: Henderson presided over the November meeting .of the Sr. Auxiliary of the W.M.S. ,and ppened the meeting with prayer: Scripture was read by Mrs. H. Agnew. Miss'Mary .Mac- HALDENBY ELECTRIC .MOTOR SERVICE Armature and Field, Winding, Brushes, Bearings, Etc.... • Repairs. to fractional. and Integral Horsepower . Motors, Also. Electric. Fans, Vacuums, Clippers, Drills, Etc. • HII LDENBY ELECTRIC Kinlough Phone Ripley i ti -r -x9 . m of raker iera- /t to • nited ig' 478 OP: norial • ;even g` ES , • • ?le eciaity ,40.44,41,44 S�3 Tooled To . Repair All Makes ,Of' Tractors, Machines &/ Shop Work ACETYLENE & ARC WELDING KINLOUGH GARAGE W. BRECKLES- Phone 18-r-20, Ripley THE HOME OF QUALITY SERVICE and Genuine JONN DEERE PARTS IMPERIAL ESSO ' DEALER Esse and Esso Extra Gasoline Marvelube-: and• • _ : . Mineralube. r. MOBILOIL ATLAS 'TIRES Always look to Imperial for the best • : • , * • .• ` Modern Equipment. For Wheel Alignnyent and Wheel Balancing • THE WCKNOW SENTINEL,, I.UCKNOW. ONTARIO • Lead gave the Bible study from 1 Peter. Mrs. Henderson. spoke with regret f Mrs. Russel. John- stone's passing, and with appre- ciation of her work' in the Aux- iliary, •An invitation ;to the Aux- iliary to hold the December meeting in the "Manse was • ac- cepted with ,pleasure. The fol- lowing nominating . committee was appointed: Miss Mary Mac-' Leod,, Mrs. E, Johnston. and Mrs. 1'•I, . Agnew, to prepare a slate of officers .for 1957. • The topic, "What the . Presby- ibyterian Church is doing in this revolutionary world"; was given. .:by. Mrs Ken-nt w o told: of schools in British' Guiana, For:. mosa, India,'' Africa and in Wes- tern %Canada, which are under the church and of the . training. of pastors and hospital workers in hospitals and colleges. Mrs. C. Agnew gave the mis- sion story, "Missions more than a ,hobby", stating that missions cannot be •separated ' from , the heart of church work. Twenty- two ladies answered roll call. Mrs. M:,; Henderson : and-, ' Mrs. Johnston gave The glad tidings review and', Mrs. R. Reid closed the meeting` with prayer. 'WE'DDING 'BELLS' BIGGS--MARSHALL Sit. Peter's :Anglican 'Church, Luck -naw; -was the setting-OnSat-, urday, IN1'ovember 3rd, at eleven o'clock, for lthe wedding .cere- Many of Edith Kathleen . Marsh- a» . •land Donald Hajvey Biggs; The °bride ' is . 'the daughter of Mrs, A: E. Marshall 'of Lucknow and ,the groom is the son of 'Mr. and Mrs. Percy Biggs of. Wing!. harp. Rev. H. L. Jennings officiated at Elie senvice,and the ,wedding music -was rlayed• by Mrs- McQuillin' of Lucknow. • "" The' 'bride, .given . in ' marriage y .Edwin Finnie of Windsor,. wore a gown of Whitenylon net with appliqued lace Over tiered nylon_ Underskirt,- topped with a white satin lace jacket and . a 'fingertip • :veil. •• She :carried' a 'white prayer book .crested- with white mums. . .The. matron ofr ,honor,. Mrs.: Wm. Mullin of ' Listowel, and sis- iter of the bride, wore a powder blue nylon netover 'blue satin ,gown and carried a nosegay of yellow mums: The groom: was .: attended . by his brother, Darrell. Biggs, •of. Toronto. • The bridal dinner' was . held in the Legion Hall, Lucknow, lowing the wedding. ' For a. wedding,trip : to Hall burton, .the' bride donned' a grey• ;sheath dress, grey kid jacket and red: accessories. Mt. ,and Mrs. Biggs will reside in Wingham: ' BORN de BOOR4in .Wingham' -'General- Hospital •ion Thursday, • Nover i- ber.•, 1st, 1956, 'to Mr, and Mrs. Peter de . Boer, R. 5, ' Lucknow, a daughter. • :., J. E. MacDONALD MURNR.AY—in Winkham General Hospital on Wednesday, October ` Phone 3, 'Lucknow • ' '31st, :1956, to Mrs and 'Mrs. Lea - Murray, R. 3, Holyrood, a•i son. ivy✓+ ', V , -"' «tricaI. appfis We,• have :on hand a good supply' of: Automatic Electric' Irons Pop -Up and Turnover Toasters • Electric Kettles and Percolators Sunbeam Junior Mixers in Colors Flashlights Batteries and Bulbs INSECTICIDES Dri.Ki1 and Atomic Lice Powder Warfarin Rat Kill • Vim. 11+Iurdie Phone 10, Lucknow •.��/•�/ice%.!.�,i•%!/-/•./•i%/,-i .�'�!s✓r, *44'21 - HELD MEMORIAL SERVICE SIJNDAY . (ST. HELENS NEWS) Animpressive memorial ser- vice vice as held in the Community ',Hall on Sunday afternoon when many 'gathered to , honor the heroes of two world wars. The service planned by the Women's Ihs•titute, was in charge of Bev'.. B. F, Green. Mr, J. W. Joynt of Lucknow, whose father, the late Mr. John Joynt had the memor- ial placed on' the lawn . beside the community hall, spoke . fit YY -mss- ctd also Rev, The • choir of the United' Church. led in the signing of appropriate hymns and , also sang the anthem "Great is Thy Faithfulness". 1Vlarvin McDonald . recited "In Flander's' Fields Jim Reed. of Dungannon sounded . The Last Post_ before the ttwo minutes sil- ence and the Reveille at its close. After the singing ofthe national, anthem, the crowd proceeded. to the cenotaph where a wreath was placed by Miss Beatrice ,Me- Quillin. • . Congr.,atuiations are due Mr. and Mrs. W. J. .Humphrey who on Friday observed their 64th wedding anniversary. . . Miss: 1Vfargaret Miller w a s home from. StratLford for .the Week -end...- :. Miss 'Isabelle MacPherson and MissMar lyn Kirkpatrick, student nurses at St. Joseph's • Hosipital, London,were week -end visitors at the forrner's home . here. Mrs. W ll -Rutherford and 'John and Mr.. Gordon MacPherson spent the week -end with Mr. and Mrs.. Hugh': Rutherford at, Gan- anoque..• :Miss- Berthia. McKay of Lon- -don, who-iias--keen --v sitoi witlr. her brother, Rev. .'Angus : MoKay in India, will be'. the guestspeak= er ` •at •the Thankoffering ..of the W.M.S. of the United 'Church' bn Monday evening,: November. 26: Mrs. 'Daman. of Brucefield the ..guest of Miss Mary Murray: Mr. and "•,Mrs. Chester . Taylor and '1Vlurray were week -end guests of Mr: arid Mrs. Ed. .Tay- lor for at Guelph. Fifteen ladies were •in 'attend- ance on Thursday afternoon for. the ' November meeting of the W AVIS. • • held it the:' United Church with the, president,. Mrs.' V. I. ;Miller in ' charge. . The theme of the •worship service was :"A dwelling place of .God": Mrs. Harvey Webb and Mrs. D. Gilbb led in ,prayer: Mrs: G. Mac- Pherson read the scripture -les- son .' and :Mrs.:: W. A. .Miller, the.. comments. Mrs, E. W. Rice:gave interesting ana informative, paper. -; On Korea. The: treasurer reported that $111:24 had been. sent to the • Presbyterial ...treas y urer. Plans for. the Thankoffer- ing were 'made. It was agreed to, have the candlelighting service at the next meeting. Miss W. D. .Rutherford,' Mrs. W. A Humph- frey .and Mrs. W. A Miller were appointedas. nominating codimit.,• tee. Vies. , T. X. Todd .presided for the meeting of the W.A.. which opened 'with the theme :hymn, prayer arid creed.. The themeof the worship service, a deeper note than victory. • .Mrs. Lorne Woods read the scripture lesson. and, Mrs. 'Frank i /rcOuillin the lesson thoughts 'ori perfect: trust and perfect ;peace, The treasurer reported $6.7:01 on hand. Plans were: completed for the bazaar. and. Mrs. L. Woods, Mrs. C. Mc- Donald and Mrs. F. McQuillin were appointed as norninatirlg committee. A pleasant social Hour - was enjoyed, with. Mrs. Webb and Mrs. Rice as hostess- es. ostesses. The ladies of. the W.A.;of the -United Church held a successful bazaar at the .• Auxiliary Robins; Lucknow, on Saturday afternoon.. -Th T receipts' amounted -tis ove $100.0.0. -Mrs:, C. H. Cadman of St. Hel- ens returned home last week after ten days in, Wingham His= pital, .and is° 'still confined to ked at her home, One way for a husband to stay popular is always to give his candied opinion. d PAGE • FIVE Now's' The •Thine To Be ` Thinking ' Of A New McClary inter Air MORE ADVANTAGES ' with *CLARY HEATING! Economical! Guaranteed! Automatic! Compact! Clean! Attractive! Quickly Installed! Efficient! ' Effective! Quiet! Enjoy greater heating ef- ficiency combined • with ,compact, attractive ' de- sign- wiith, a McClary unit. , tioner FURNACE TENDING BANISHED .Enquiries ' Invited- No Obligation Plumbing, Heating, Wiring, Eavetroughipg 'PHONE 50, LUCKNOW LANGSIDE (Too Late For : Last . Week) Ladies Aid was .. held at. the lvo—ne of Mrs: • : Fare sli-MTooffa Thursday, evening. Mrs.:' Bert: Moffat readthe scripture, ' lst •Psalm. •.Meditation and :prayer' was ,giiven . by Mrs. • Frank Mjtller.: During , the business period it was decided to send a donation to the Children's Aid : Society and `also a• dhnat'iori Was given to.. produce books; .etd., • to' leaders to he in the .organiz- ing of the club .for girls. A num- ber of .girls 'were present at the meeting. Mrs: Thompson from -Bluevale . was present and gave a talk .outlining the purpose of the C.G..I.T.: and, explaining its. work and 'what can be •accotri- plished,•.:etc. Mrs. Farish Moffat was appointed leader and Mrs. Wm; •Scott as helper: A meeting is .planned ` in the near future, to organize and .appoint. officer. The report :. of the.: pot. "luck ;sup • per' was given which was a real success. • The.'next . meeting is .to be held at Mrs. • Lloyd 1Vfoffat's. the last Thursday in November to net ` interfere with Christmas concerts A 50c gift exchange : is ;planned, alsoelection of officers. an. ; ' rs. : - usse actor of •Lavornia, 1Vlicht, were week . - end visitors With Mr. and Mrs.' Russel Ritchie and other Tiffin, families: .. - Mr. ' Stan . Allan of Chatham spent a; few days 'with.' Clarence Cr'owston:at his ' hpm:e. Clarence returned to the city with him: Mr. Bob Orr received. :a nasty . cut near his elbow .on his truck. window while attending the Win :ter Fair at Walkerton •With Bob by `Young .and phis .4-H calf: ELECT ,OFFICERS OF GIRLS' . SEWING CLUIt `Officers of ; •the . Sewing Club, v'-hiCh~ has been named "Ripley; Nifty Snippere, are as follows -4: Donna Osborne, president; Carol Anger, v.ice' president; Joyce Mc- Nay, secretary; Marilyn , Finlay- son and Finlay- . son porters. • • SATURDAY .EXCURSIQNS :to' ZOWFAR I A (l=i CI" _—_ Tickets good going and returning same Saturday only., , Alienford'. Brussels Chesley Clinton Elora Fergus Georgetown Godericch Guelph EXCURSION FARES FROM:� $4.75 Hanover , $4.30 ; Palmerston $3,40 4.30 'Harriston '3,75. Soutiampton 5.90 4.75 Ingersoll 3,70 • Sarnia • • 6.55 4.75 Kincardine 5:65 . Stratford: 3.45 2.45 Kitchener • 2.-45' Strathroy ° .5.20 2.45 Listowel' • 3,60 Walkerton ' 4.60 1.20 Mitchell 4.00 Watford 5,75 106._ _.Paisley _._ _: _ .5.20.E Wingham 1.90 ' Owen Sound 4.75 Wyoming 6.20 . Brampton .65 FULL INFORIVIATiON FROM; AGENTS • Baa ' '!. .4